As a being, you are a Soul that has assumed a temporary Earth School mind. Your Soul constitutes an essential component of your Higher Self, and this Higher Self encompasses several Souls that have had encounters with Earth School minds, some of which are experiencing similar situations as you currently are. All of these, including you, your Soul, and your Higher Self, are manifestations of Our Universal Intelligence – the force that creates and sustains everything. This video explains who you really are and what is the meaning of life for you and do you life has a purpose?
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What Is the Meaning of My Life?
We are brought up to believe we are the temporary characteristics of our Earth School stories: our bodies, personalities, and activities. When someone describes who they are, it sounds like an ad on a dating site: “I am a single 25-year-old dental assistant who likes to travel and lives in the city with my cat and a goldfish.” She was none of those things 10 years ago and will not be some of those things in another 10 years. They can’t be who she is.
She might describe her physical characteristics: height, weight, color of eyes and hair, and racial characteristics. But we know they aren’t her either. When she graduates from Earth School and leaves those things behind, she will still be the same person. And even while she is in Earth School, when we talk with her we aren’t talking to her skin, nose, eyes, hair, or ears. We’re talking to the inner person who is apart from her body.
At her core as a spiritual being, she also isn’t just the person she seems to be now in the Earth School environment. The primary, permanent characteristics of who she is are her Soul, Higher Self, and individual membership in Our Universal Intelligence. Describing herself using only Earth School characteristics confuses the role she has temporarily taken on with who she is in her eternal life.
This identification with our bodies as who we are is one of the principal reasons for all the discord in the world. Identifying with the body gives us the feeling we’re separate from each other, in private worlds other people can’t enter. We feel we must look out for ourselves over others, be self-absorbed, and acquire things for ourselves at the expense of others. The first lesson we must learn in Earth School is that we are not our bodies. We are spiritual beings who are one with each other in Our Universal Intelligence. We will be happiest when we make each other happy.
What Is My Purpose in Life?
Our Souls, guides, and others who planned our lives decided to put us into Earth School to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the life experience. They then planned what our lives must have to give us the environment in which we could learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the experience. These include gender, family, abilities, deficits, circumstances, events, a number of potential exit points, and everything else that makes us unique and defines the circumstances of our lives. Our souls knew about the family we would be born into before a conception even happened.
Embarking on Earth School: Our Pre-Conception Journey
And so we were born into Earth School. At the moment we had our first experience, we can say we entered Earth School. It is a state of Mind. It has nothing to do with a fetus. Life doesn’t begin at conception or after three months gestation or after six months gestation or even at birth. Our Souls had been involved even before the conception. Then we start our Earth School lives with the first experience we have in Earth School.
Unlocking the Mystery: Exploring ‘What Is the Meaning of Life?’ in Earth School
We start as Earth School Minds that are tabula rasas, blank slates, and grow to learn how to function in Earth School. It isn’t that we have forgotten who we are. There was no veil laid over our memories of who we are. We had no memories until we began our Earth School experiences. A large part of what we are to do in Earth School is to discover who we really are, spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience. We make that discovery after we have learned to function in Earth School.
Discovering Eternal Wisdom: Using Earth School Lessons for Spiritual Growth
When we realize we are eternal spiritual beings, we can use all the knowledge, skills, and life strategies we gained as we grew up in Earth School to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and be joyful. Starting with our naivete and ignorance was necessary to have the background that would allow the most profound learning in Earth School when we discovered to our delight that we are really spiritual beings, not the mundane, frail creatures we were taught we are. That perspective makes all the difference.
Understanding What is Meaning of Life: Transforming into Our Best Self
Our Earth School mind comprises all the knowledge, memories, abilities, personality, attitudes, fears, loves, and all the rest of what we recognize as “me.” They all developed while we were in Earth School to prepare us to be able to transform ourselves. When we grew to the level of maturity to value being a kinder, wiser, more loving person than we were raised to be, and at the same time had grown to have the maturity to be able to look critically at ourselves and make the changes that must be made, then we started to actively transform ourselves into the individual our Souls and the others who planned our lives fervently hoped we would become.
The answer to “What is the purpose of my life” is to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life’s experiences.
How Can I Be Happy?
With this clear purpose for our lives, we can answer the question, “How can I be happy?” We can be happy by changing our interpretations of experiences and reactions to life events. We have seven parts to our mind:
(1) free choice,
(2) intention,
(3) attention,
(4) a repertoire of experiences we have that are now available in memory, including skills and knowledge,
(5) our interpretations of experiences,
(6) our emotional reactions to the interpretations, and
(7) our strategies for making ourselves feel good during the experiences.
We use all of these features of our mind each time we have an experience. We go through life making free-will choices. We intend to act or think and attend to what we are focused on.
Understanding Feelings: Interpreting Experiences in Earth School
We draw from the experience memories we have to make choices. As experiences come to us from memory or during our activities in Earth School, we interpret the experiences uniquely. For example, two people experience the breakup of a relationship. One interprets it as regretful, but it provides opportunities for cultivating new relationships. The other is devastated and grief stricken (“I’ll never love again.”) and is in depression for weeks. The difference is in the interpretation of the experience, not what has happened. That interpretation results in emotions. The person who bounces back will feel disappointed for a while, but will go on to new relationships in happiness.
The person who is devastated feels grief, anger, self-loathing, and all the other emotions that accompany making them feel the world is ending. Both had the same experience, but their interpretations were very different. The emotions then result from the interpretations. The interpretations and emotions are not inherent in the experiences. Experiences do not make us feel the emotions we feel. We make ourselves feel the emotions based on our interpretations of experiences.
Discovering What is True Meaning of Life: Embracing Love and Compassion
We go through our time in Earth School learning lessons that will change our interpretations of experiences. Principal among the lessons is how to feel greater love, compassion, and other-centeredness. We must learn to interpret experiences with love and compassion, not disdain, aloofness, and dislike. When we interpret experiences with love and compassion, we feel the emotions of love, happiness, and hope. When we interpret experiences with self-absorption and little love and compassion, we feel fear, anger, disdain, jealousy, depression, and other negative emotions. Changing our interpretations of experiences results in a change of who we are and how fruitful and happy our lives are.
Embracing Growth: Finding Meaning and Happiness in Earth School
As we go through our daily lives in Earth School, experiences enter our awareness and leave instant by instant. The experiences are not who we are. What is permanent is the aware individual temporarily immersed in Earth School, having experiences that change us so we grow to be more loving, compassionate, and wise. Nothing in Earth School defines who we are. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, capable of making ourselves into the wonderful being we want to be, and able to live life in love, peace, and joy. The answers to “What is my purpose in life” and “How can I be happy?” is that we can fulfill out purpose and be happy by transforming ourselves into the person we came to Earth School to become.