A Psychotherapist Induces After-Death Communication

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Evidence of life after death

A Washington-state licensed psychotherapist named Rochelle Wright learned how to help clients sitting in her office have afterlife communications with people for whom they are grieving because they have gone on from life. Today, several hundred psychotherapists have learned the procedure and are using it to reduce their clients’ grief dramatically. In this video, I explain the procedure Rochelle and the other psychotherapists are using, and I share with you two real accounts of a people’s afterlife communication while sitting in the psychotherapist’s office that healed their grief in one session. A transcript of the video follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

Transcript of the After-Death Communication

Rochelle Wright, a Washington-state licensed psychotherapist, was using a psychotherapy procedure called eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR to help clients overcome traumas. The procedure has been called the breakthrough procedure of the modern age. EMDR helps clients reprocess traumatic memories so they don’t have the emotional impact they had. Clients report that their disturbance decreases dramatically after one session. In many cases, the trauma is gone completely.

Rochelle Wright afterlife communication

Rochelle had learned about a procedure being used by Dr. Allan Botkin, an Illinois-licensed psychotherapist, that used EMDR to help clients have afterlife communications with the people for whom they are grieving. She improved on his procedure by engaging the people living in the afterlife in guiding the therapy session. She called the procedure Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy. It is remarkably successful. 98% of clients have an afterlife communication in one session, and the communications reduce their grief dramatically. Today, several hundred psychotherapists are using the procedure successfully with their clients. A link to the website listing trained psychotherapists is in the description below.

In this video, I present two people’s descriptions of their successful Repair & Reattachment session connecting with their loved ones living in the afterlife. 

In this first account, a man came to Rochelle because of his grief over the transition of his mother from this life. A narrator speaks the account given by Rochelle about the session. You’ll hear the reference to “eye movements.” In EMDR therapy, the client follows the psychotherapist’s hand as the psychotherapist moves it from side to side. That helps the client enter into the state of mind in which the connection happens.

Transcript of Gary's After-Death Communication

After Gary finished talking about his mom, we began the Guided Afterlife Connections procedure.  We chose the saddest thought he had about her passing.  It was when she fell in the bathroom, cracking her ribs.  While still grieving deeply for his dad, she was in terrible pain.

After the first set of eye movements focusing on that thought and the images accompanying it, he closed his eyes.  After awhile, Gary opened his eyes and said, “I feel just a sense of her presence.”  The afterlife connection was beginning.  I said, “Drop the ‛just a’ and go with what you’re getting.”  I guided him through another set of eye movements and he closed his eyes.  When he opened them, he said, “I sense her presence.  I see a bright blue and have a nice relaxed feeling.”

After another set of eye movements, Gary continued, “Plants, I see different plants and her voice says, ‛Plants can nurture you too.’  Then I could see the plants better and they were closer to me.  Everything went away except a nice comfortable feeling.  Then what I heard was ‛A heart for healing.’”

I guided Gary through a set of eye movements and when he opened his eyes, he said, “Now, I see her sitting in the house alone in her chair, with a sense of calm.  We had a sunroom where the sun came in, making it warm.”

I said, “Ask any question you want to ask your mom.”  Gary said, “I want to ask for energy, love, and strength to manifest through me.”  I said, “OK.  You’re in the sunroom with her.  It’s warm.  Ask her the question.”  After a set of eye movements, he closed his eyes.  When he opened them, he said, “I asked for energy, love and strength to manifest through me, and the message from Mom came in two parts: One, ‛It always was, and it always will be.’  And two, ‛What’s hard for you to understand, Gary, is that there isn’t a separation between life and death.’”

Gary and I were both moved by this profoundly wise insight into life and death from his mom.  With that, he felt that she had finished, so the Guided Afterlife Connection ended.

Before the session, Gary rated several of his memories as 10s on a 10 point scale of disturbance.  By the end of the session, he said that the disturbance from most of his memories had reduced from 10 to 2 or 3.  One memory was of his mom’s life becoming full of pain after she fell and cracked her ribs. Gary rated that memory a 10. It was very saddening for him. At the end of the session, he rated the same memory as having zero disturbance for him.

It was the connection with his mother, alive and well in the afterlife, that healed his grief.

In a second account of a Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy session, a woman connects with her aunt now living in the afterlife.

Transcript of the After-Death Communication

Elizabeth said the most disturbing memory she had was when the phone rang in the middle of the night and her mother was screaming that Aunt Mary had died.  I told her to keep that image and the thoughts that go along with it in mind.  I guided her through a set of eye movements and she closed her eyes.  After a short time, she opened them and described what came to her: “I saw myself going to my aunt and uncle’s house for Aunt Mary’s funeral.  Her body is in a casket in the living room.  My uncle and cousins, Aunt Mary’s children, were there.”

After another set of eye movements, Elizabeth opened her eyes and said the scene had changed.  “I kept hearing, ‛Lizzie, Lizzie.’  That’s what Grandma called me.  I saw Grandma sitting by a tree on a white blanket.  She wanted me to come over there to her, but I couldn’t seem to get there.”

We did another set of eye movements.  Elizabeth opened her eyes and said, “I was sitting by Grandma.  I’m a little girl and my dad and uncles are there.  There seems to be a barrier.  She and my dad are crying.  They’re all close, surrounded by love.  They have healed all the hurt.  What I’m getting is, ‛It’s all a game, a drama we play out, but in the end its essence is love.  Love and connection are all that matters.  The rest is just a game.’  And I heard the words over and over, ‛Love and connections.  Over here, there’s just love and connections.’”

With that message, Elizabeth felt they had finished the connection, so we ended the session.

At the end of the session, I asked Elizabeth about the memories she had rated as being highly disturbing at the beginning.  She said they had all reduced to zeroes.

These participants in Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy sessions have their grief reduce dramatically in a single session. They have had a real communication with their loved one in the afterlife. It is another proof that you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

Psychotherapist Induces After-Death Communication
Article Name
Psychotherapist Induces After-Death Communication
A Washington-state licensed psychotherapist named Rochelle Wright learned how to help clients sitting in her office have afterlife communications with people for whom they are grieving because they have gone on from life. Today, several hundred psychotherapists have learned the procedure and are using it to reduce their clients’ grief dramatically. In this video, I explain the procedure Rochelle and the other psychotherapists are using, and I share with you two real accounts of a people’s afterlife communication while sitting in the psychotherapist’s office that healed their grief in one session.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
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Evidence of life after death

A Washington-state licensed psychotherapist named Rochelle Wright learned how to help clients sitting in her office have afterlife communications with people for whom they are grieving because they have gone on from life. Today, several hundred psychotherapists have learned the procedure and are using it to reduce their clients’ grief dramatically. In this video, I explain the procedure Rochelle and the other psychotherapists are using, and I share with you two real accounts of a people’s afterlife communication while sitting in the psychotherapist’s office that healed their grief in one session. A transcript of the video follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

Transcript of the After-Death Communication

Rochelle Wright, a Washington-state licensed psychotherapist, was using a psychotherapy procedure called eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR to help clients overcome traumas. The procedure has been called the breakthrough procedure of the modern age. EMDR helps clients reprocess traumatic memories so they don’t have the emotional impact they had. Clients report that their disturbance decreases dramatically after one session. In many cases, the trauma is gone completely.

Rochelle Wright afterlife communication

Rochelle had learned about a procedure being used by Dr. Allan Botkin, an Illinois-licensed psychotherapist, that used EMDR to help clients have afterlife communications with the people for whom they are grieving. She improved on his procedure by engaging the people living in the afterlife in guiding the therapy session. She called the procedure Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy. It is remarkably successful. 98% of clients have an afterlife communication in one session, and the communications reduce their grief dramatically. Today, several hundred psychotherapists are using the procedure successfully with their clients. A link to the website listing trained psychotherapists is in the description below.

In this video, I present two people’s descriptions of their successful Repair & Reattachment session connecting with their loved ones living in the afterlife. 

In this first account, a man came to Rochelle because of his grief over the transition of his mother from this life. A narrator speaks the account given by Rochelle about the session. You’ll hear the reference to “eye movements.” In EMDR therapy, the client follows the psychotherapist’s hand as the psychotherapist moves it from side to side. That helps the client enter into the state of mind in which the connection happens.

Transcript of Gary's After-Death Communication

After Gary finished talking about his mom, we began the Guided Afterlife Connections procedure.  We chose the saddest thought he had about her passing.  It was when she fell in the bathroom, cracking her ribs.  While still grieving deeply for his dad, she was in terrible pain.

After the first set of eye movements focusing on that thought and the images accompanying it, he closed his eyes.  After awhile, Gary opened his eyes and said, “I feel just a sense of her presence.”  The afterlife connection was beginning.  I said, “Drop the ‛just a’ and go with what you’re getting.”  I guided him through another set of eye movements and he closed his eyes.  When he opened them, he said, “I sense her presence.  I see a bright blue and have a nice relaxed feeling.”

After another set of eye movements, Gary continued, “Plants, I see different plants and her voice says, ‛Plants can nurture you too.’  Then I could see the plants better and they were closer to me.  Everything went away except a nice comfortable feeling.  Then what I heard was ‛A heart for healing.’”

I guided Gary through a set of eye movements and when he opened his eyes, he said, “Now, I see her sitting in the house alone in her chair, with a sense of calm.  We had a sunroom where the sun came in, making it warm.”

I said, “Ask any question you want to ask your mom.”  Gary said, “I want to ask for energy, love, and strength to manifest through me.”  I said, “OK.  You’re in the sunroom with her.  It’s warm.  Ask her the question.”  After a set of eye movements, he closed his eyes.  When he opened them, he said, “I asked for energy, love and strength to manifest through me, and the message from Mom came in two parts: One, ‛It always was, and it always will be.’  And two, ‛What’s hard for you to understand, Gary, is that there isn’t a separation between life and death.’”

Gary and I were both moved by this profoundly wise insight into life and death from his mom.  With that, he felt that she had finished, so the Guided Afterlife Connection ended.

Before the session, Gary rated several of his memories as 10s on a 10 point scale of disturbance.  By the end of the session, he said that the disturbance from most of his memories had reduced from 10 to 2 or 3.  One memory was of his mom’s life becoming full of pain after she fell and cracked her ribs. Gary rated that memory a 10. It was very saddening for him. At the end of the session, he rated the same memory as having zero disturbance for him.

It was the connection with his mother, alive and well in the afterlife, that healed his grief.

In a second account of a Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy session, a woman connects with her aunt now living in the afterlife.

Transcript of the After-Death Communication

Elizabeth said the most disturbing memory she had was when the phone rang in the middle of the night and her mother was screaming that Aunt Mary had died.  I told her to keep that image and the thoughts that go along with it in mind.  I guided her through a set of eye movements and she closed her eyes.  After a short time, she opened them and described what came to her: “I saw myself going to my aunt and uncle’s house for Aunt Mary’s funeral.  Her body is in a casket in the living room.  My uncle and cousins, Aunt Mary’s children, were there.”

After another set of eye movements, Elizabeth opened her eyes and said the scene had changed.  “I kept hearing, ‛Lizzie, Lizzie.’  That’s what Grandma called me.  I saw Grandma sitting by a tree on a white blanket.  She wanted me to come over there to her, but I couldn’t seem to get there.”

We did another set of eye movements.  Elizabeth opened her eyes and said, “I was sitting by Grandma.  I’m a little girl and my dad and uncles are there.  There seems to be a barrier.  She and my dad are crying.  They’re all close, surrounded by love.  They have healed all the hurt.  What I’m getting is, ‛It’s all a game, a drama we play out, but in the end its essence is love.  Love and connection are all that matters.  The rest is just a game.’  And I heard the words over and over, ‛Love and connections.  Over here, there’s just love and connections.’”

With that message, Elizabeth felt they had finished the connection, so we ended the session.

At the end of the session, I asked Elizabeth about the memories she had rated as being highly disturbing at the beginning.  She said they had all reduced to zeroes.

These participants in Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy sessions have their grief reduce dramatically in a single session. They have had a real communication with their loved one in the afterlife. It is another proof that you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

Psychotherapist Induces After-Death Communication
Article Name
Psychotherapist Induces After-Death Communication
A Washington-state licensed psychotherapist named Rochelle Wright learned how to help clients sitting in her office have afterlife communications with people for whom they are grieving because they have gone on from life. Today, several hundred psychotherapists have learned the procedure and are using it to reduce their clients’ grief dramatically. In this video, I explain the procedure Rochelle and the other psychotherapists are using, and I share with you two real accounts of a people’s afterlife communication while sitting in the psychotherapist’s office that healed their grief in one session.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
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