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All speakers from the life after this life say there was no pain during the death of their bodies. People who transition because of illness have no experience of the body’s pain at the end, even though the people gathered around the deathbed see struggles or signs of pain. When the person is not conscious and not able to communicate, the person is already away from the body into the next realm of life.
The video that follows explains why we know there is no pain during the transition to the next life. The text of the video follows the controls.
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People who transition because of a horrendous accident are spared the pain of the trauma that results in their transition, although they may experience the fear and trauma leading up to the accident. But they describe being taken out of the body just before the actual trauma.
Here’s an example. A man named Mike Swain, communicating from the afterlife through a trance medium, explained that he was spared the pain at his passing to the next life.
Mike died in an auto accident. He spoke to his father Jasper Swain, a South Africa lawyer, through a medium. He said that before the accident he had been driving with his fiancée’s young sister, Heather. He described being blinded by the glare of the sun reflecting off the windshield of an oncoming truck. All of a sudden, the glare of the sun was replaced by a brilliant gold light. He felt himself being lifted up in the air, out through the top of the car. He grabbed little Heather’s hand. She too was being lifted up out of the car. When they were about 30 feet above the car, they watched the collision below them. They had suffered no pain.
In another account of someone passing from a horrendous accident, a girl in the afterlife said she felt no pain during her transition. Dr. Laurel Parnell is a well-know psychotherapist and author about the psychological procedure that can result in afterlife communications. During a counseling session, a client described a terrible airplane accident she was in. On the plane were the members of a girl’s ball team she was part of. All onboard were killed except her. During her psychotherapy session, she had an afterlife connection with all the girls. One of the girls now in spirit said they all experienced the frightening experience of the plane diving downward, but they were taken out of the plane before it crashed. None felt any pain.
The same is true of people still alive in the final stages of life who are in great pain. Talented medium Suzanne Giesemann tells of receiving messages from the Soul of a man named Jim who was alive, but in hospice dying of cancer. He explained that although his body was in hospice apparently struggling and in pain, his Soul was already at peace. He said to Suzanne, “The body may appear to be suffering, but my soul is fine.” When the transition is inevitable and the person seems not to be present, the Soul has gone on and is being spared the pain.
We have no accounts from people living in the next life of suffering pain during a traumatic transition. The person about to experience a trauma to the body is gone into the next life before the body dies. No one need fear the transition when the body ceases to function. It is a quick and painless transition.