Some of what you learned in science classes in school is wrong. Your teachers, the science textbooks, and the scientists who wrote the books simply have not caught up with what humankind now knows is true about life, about our minds, and about what happens to us after this life ends. I am going to share with you eight truths we know without doubt today that will prove to you your mind is not in your brain, so when your brain stops functioning at the end of your life, you will continue to live blissfully in the next life.
There are eight areas of evidence you will never die that most materialist scientists are reluctant to consider:
- People sit quietly with their eyes closed and can see far-distant objects or scenes without using their senses or their brain.
- Researchers cannot explain how the mind is produced by or located in the brain.
- Researchers cannot explain how memories are produced by, retrieved from, or located in the brain.
- People with little or no brain tissue lead normal lives because their minds are not in their brains.
- People with deteriorated brains often revive just before their deaths and have lucid conversations.
- In near-death experiences, people leave their bodies and describe accurately things in other places.
- Psychics know information their brains and bodies couldn’t possibly experience.
- A great variety of controlled experiments prove minds are linked.
This article explains these eight areas of evidence you are an eternal being having a physical experience. Your mind is not in your brain, so you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.
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People sit quietly with their eyes closed and can see far-distant objects and scenes without using a brain
The first area of evidence you will never die is from a common ability called remote viewing.
Many people are able to see objects or scenes far distant from them without using their eyes through a common ability called “remote viewing.” The remote viewers sit quietly with their eyes closed and focus on an object or scene hundreds or thousands of miles away. The remote viewers see in their mind’s eye what is there and send sketches to the person at that remote location. The remote viewers’ sketches match what is at the remote location, in great detail. Not only that, but the remote viewer can hear, smell, touch, sense movement in, and have emotional responses to the remote object or scene. The remote viewer is having a variety of sensory experiences while their body is sitting quietly with its eyes closed far removed from what is being viewed. The eyes and ears are not involved in the experience.
Here’s an example. A remote viewer named Joe McMoneagle sat quietly focusing on a picture far away from him. He drew the sketch in the image to the left below of towers with something spinning at the top that had to do with electricity. Later, he saw the photograph he was attempting to remote view that is to the right. It was a wind farm. McMoneagle’s mind saw the picture without using his eyes or his brain. His mind was not in his brain.
You might wonder if there’s any proof remote viewers can see, hear, and sense things far removed from them. Carefully designed studies of remote viewers have shown beyond a reasonable doubt they are able to have experiences of seeing and hearing things far removed from them. The studies were done by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory, the Science Applications International Corporation, the CIA, and the Stanford Research Institute. All concluded that remote viewers see, hear, and otherwise experience things far removed from them. The remote viewers’ minds are not in their brains, just as your mind is not in your brain. When your brain stops working, your mind will go on blissfully in the life after this life.
Researchers cannot explain how the mind is produced by or located in the brain
The second area of evidence your mind is not in your brain is that brain researchers cannot explain how the mind is produced by the brain or where the mind is located in the brain. Researcher Dr. David Chalmers refers to this puzzle as the “hard problem of consciousness.” Today, neuroscience has carefully mapped the brain and can located areas of speech, hearing, and emotion, but in spite of that, no researcher can find the location of the mind in the brain.
Brain surgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield spent his whole life looking for the mind in the brains he was operating on. As he was probing the brain during brain surgery, he could never find a mind in the brain. He ended up at the end of his life saying the mind makes its impact on the brain but is not in the brain.
Sir John Maddox, former editor-in-chief of the renowned journal Nature, described scientists’ knowledge of consciousness in the December 1999 issue of Scientific American. He wrote, “Nobody understands how decisions are made or how imagination is set free. What consciousness consists of, or how it should be defined, is equally puzzling. Despite the marvelous success of neuroscience in the past century, we seem as far from understanding cognitive processes as we were a century ago.”
There are no validated neuroscience explanations for how the brain could create a mind. But the brain researchers aren’t willing to consider other explanations for where the mind is located. The fact is that your mind is not in your brain. You will continue to live after your brain stops functioning.
Researchers cannot explain how memories are produced by, retrieved from, or located in the brain
The third area of research science can’t explain is how memories are produced by the brain, recalled from the brain, or located in the brain. The human brain has been carefully mapped to reveal the areas responsible for human activities. In spite of the extensive brain mapping, no brain researcher has discovered how memories are stored in the brain and where memories are stored. Simon Berkovich, Professor of Engineering and Applied Science in the Department of Computer Science of George Washington University, and Dutch brain researcher Herms Romijn, working independently of each other, studied the brain’s capabilities and concluded that it is impossible for the brain to store everything you think and experience in your life. An hour of television would overwhelm the brain’s capacity. In spite of that, we can recall a great number of memories from our childhoods.
And the amount of brain storage that would be necessary to remember all of your life’s memories would be far more than the 3 pounds of fat and protein in your skull could hold. One proof memories could not be stored in the brain is that some people remember details of every day of their lives, an ability called hyperthymesia or superior autobiographical memory. And some savants recall from memory thousands of pages of books they have read once. Kim Peek, portrayed in the movie Rain Man, memorized the entire Bible before his seventh birthday and remembered perfectly every word of 12,000 other books.
Another proof the brain couldn’t hold a lifetime of memories is that the brain’s cells are shed and replaced 10,000 times in a lifetime. They are not like a hard drive that always keeps its electromagnetic tracks unless they are erased. A life of memories could not be stored in the brain.
No materialist researcher has identified where or how memories could be stored in the brain. The reason is that memories are not stored in the brain. They are in our minds, which are outside of the brain.
People with little or no brain tissue lead normal lives because their minds are not in their brains
The fourth reason we know your mind is not in your brain so your mind is not affected at the end of this life is that people with little or no brain tissue lead perfectly normal lives without a brain.
People who have had half their brains removed in hemispherectomies to correct disorders resistant to other treatments live normal lives. A study of hemispherectomies showed patients had no loss of personality, mental functions, or memory. Children who undergo hemispherectomies often improve academically once their seizures stop.
Other patients with a condition called hydrocephalus, in which the cranial cavity is filled with cerebral-spinal fluid, leaving little brain tissue, have normal or above-average IQs and normal personalities, mental functions, and memory. One 44-year-old man’s brain showed fluid occupying most of his skull, with a thin sheet of brain tissue, but he was a married father with two children who worked successfully as a civil servant.
Materialist science looking for the mind in the brain has no explanation for how people could have normal or above-normal life functions with little or no brain.
People with deteriorated brains often revive just before their deaths and have lucid conversations
The fifth reason we know your mind is not in your brain is that people with deteriorated brains often revive just before their bodies die and have lucid conversations. Dying patients with brain abscesses, tumors, strokes, meningitis, Alzheimer‘s disease, dementia, schizophrenia, and mood disorders, cannot have normal, lucid mental functioning. Their brains are deteriorated, like a car engine that has most of its pieces broken and rusted away. In spite of having brains that cannot work, these patients often revive just before death and have normal, clear conversations with loved ones at length, for hours or days. The phenomenon is called “terminal lucidity.” It’s as though the dying person was a television set hammered into pieces that suddenly come together before our eyes with a perfect picture and sound just before death.
The materialists cannot explain how someone with a brain that is deteriorated, like a brick of Swiss cheese, could suddenly be lucid, with perfectly functioning mental capacities. The fact is, these people’s minds and memories were never in the deteriorated brain.
In near-death experiences, people leave their bodies and describe accurately things in other places
The sixth reason we know your mind is not in your brain is that when people leave their bodies during near-death experiences, they describe accurately things going on in other places and remember them clearly.
Many verified near-death experiences on record provide convincing evidence the brain is not involved during the near-death experience. A migrant worker near death in a cardiac-care unit revived and described how she felt herself floating upward, above the hospital, where she saw a man’s dark-blue tennis shoe on a window ledge, well-worn, scuffed on the left side where the toe would go. Workers searched the windows of the hospital and found the dark-blue tennis shoe exactly as she described it, with the scuff where the toe would go.
In another incident, a woman near death described floating above the hospital, where she saw a red tennis shoe on the roof. Workers searched for it and found the red tennis shoe just as she had described it.
In a famous near-death account, a woman named Pam Reynolds was put into a controlled coma to treat a deadly brain aneurysm, rendering her clinically dead. After she revived, she described perfectly all the activities in the surgery suite, including a special saw used to open her skull. Five eminent cardiac specialists supported the accuracy of her descriptions. But she was brain-dead at the time.
The fact that during some near-death experiences people have out-of-body experiences in which they clearly describe things they could not have seen or heard because they were completely comatose and remembered show their brains were not in their unconscious bodies.
Psychics know information their brains and bodies couldn’t possibly experience
The seventh reason we know your mind is not in your brain is that psychics know information their brain and body have not experienced. They could not know what their minds see, hear, and feel.
Psychic detectives are used routinely by police departments to solve difficult crime cases. The psychics describe events so accurately that the police locate a missing person, demonstrating that the psychics were getting information without using their senses or brains. In one case, psychics Debbie Malone and Scott Russel-Hill helped solve a murder by telling detectives 22 facts about the victim and killers that were shown to be true, including the nicknames of the perpetrators and where and how the murder took place.
In another case, a psychic detective named Phil Jordan was brought in to find two men who disappeared along a fast-moving stream. Jordan pinpointed on a map where the two bodies were and even that there were flowers in the stream, although it was mid-winter with snow on the ground. The two bodies were found where he said they would be, and the flowers were found to be flowers mourners had cast into the water where the two men had disappeared.
The evidence for the accuracy of psychic detectives is attested to by police departments. Materialist science has no explanation for how psychics could know things their brains had no way of experiencing.
A great variety of controlled experiments prove minds are linked
The eighth reason we know your mind is not in your brain is that a great number of controlled experiences prove that minds are linked. That couldn’t happen if people’s minds were in separate brains, encased in the darkness of separate skulls.
In Ganzfeld’s experiments, senders in a soundproof room receive a random picture or short video and concentrate using telepathy to communicate it to the receiver. Receivers are in another soundproof room far from the senders’ rooms. The receiver records what they are seeing or feeling. In large numbers of these experiments, receivers successfully describe what the sender is sending with odds of ten billion to one against the suggestion the receivers were guessing.
In other studies, senders in sealed, electrically shielded chambers were exposed to random bright flashes of light, sounds, or electric shocks. Receivers in other rooms fitted with electroencephalograph (EEG) devices registered brain-wave patterns consistent with the senders’ experiences. Their minds were linked.
In still another study, two groups of meditators 200 km apart without contact focused their minds on the other group and EEGs of their brain waves showed their brain waves synchronized between the two groups.
These and many other such experiments show that people’s minds are linked. That couldn’t happen if the mind were confined to the skull. Materialist scientists are unable to explain these phenomena using their materialist paradigm.
What Is the Truth about Where the Mind Is?
These and many other such experiments show that people’s minds are linked. That couldn’t happen if the mind were confined to the skull. Materialist scientists are unable to explain these phenomena using their materialist paradigm.
Materialist scientists have no explanations for these experimental findings. So what is the truth about where your mind is if it’s not in your brain? Here’s what we know to be true today, from carefully controlled research.
Remote viewers are able to see and hear things thousands of miles away because the reality is that we are not limited by space. Our minds, not confined to our brains, can experience anything we can cue up by focusing on a location.
Researchers cannot explain how the brain could create a mind or store memories because the mind and memories are not in the brain. Instead, the brain is in the mind we are all part of. We can cue up memories from that greater mind when we just intend to experience them.
People with little or no brain tissue live perfectly normal lives because the mind is not in the brain and does not use the brain to see, hear, or have other senses.
People with deteriorated brains often become lucid before the body dies because the person’s mind is not in the brain. Our minds use the body to communicate and may return to the body when the end of this life is near. But what happens to the brain doesn’t affect the mind.
Near-death experiencers have experiences apart from the body because their minds were never confined to their bodies. When they are released from the body temporarily, their minds can freely range anywhere to have experiences while the brain is flat-lined.
Psychics know information the brain and body haven’t experienced because the mind has access to information and other people’s minds when the psychic relaxes away from the focus on the Earth plane to allow information to flow from any source.
Experiments show minds are linked because our minds are not confined to our brains inside a cramped cranium. We are one mind in Our Universal Intelligence. We can communicate with one another apart from the body and brain.
The evidence is undeniable. Our minds are not in our brains. We are eternal beings having a physical experience. We will come to the end of this life and leave the body and brain behind, but we will never die.