For the first time in humankind’s history, we have extensive evidence that proves without a doubt, we and our loved ones will live together in the afterlife. I have chosen an experience from the many we have in each of 15 areas of evidence that will prove to you that you will live on after your body dies. This is the second of the four videos containing the evidence. A transcript of the video follows the controls.
Today we have many thousands of testimonials and verified accounts in each of 15 areas of evidence of life after death. This is the second of four videos with the evidence. Links to the other videos are in the descriptions below. You can read more of the evidence in my book, Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die, available on Amazon.
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Evidence from Self-Guided Afterlife Communications
The sixth area of evidence in this series is connections people are routinely making with loved ones in the afterlife on their own. The procedure is called a Self-Guided Afterlife Connection. The training developed by Seek Reality Online in how to have these communications is free, online at
When you learn this method of afterlife communication, you will sit quietly with your eyes closed in meditation. After a while, the afterlife communication will begin. This is one of the thousands of accounts we have of wonderful, uplifting connections people have had. A woman puts herself into the state of mind to have an afterlife connection and is transported into the presence of her son, Mark, now living in the afterlife.
Anyone can have an afterlife communication with a loved one in the afterlife. Your loved ones are anxious to communicate with you. You just have to learn how. These self-guided afterlife communications are further proof you and your loved ones live on after the body dies.
Evidence from Trance Mediumship
The seventh area of evidence of the afterlife is through trance mediumship. In trance mediumship, a medium goes into a trance that allows people in the afterlife to speak through them.
In the following example, a medium named Eileen Garrett went into trance and a British flight lieutenant spoke through her saying he had died in a military aircraft disaster. He gave detailed, technical information the medium could never have known. The information was so accurate that people from the British Air Ministry came and interviewed the flight lieutenant through the medium to learn more about the accident. This is a narration of the account.
The medium couldn’t have known the military aircraft crashed and would not have understood the technical details. Only the living flight lieutenant from the afterlife could have given the information. We have records of many of such accounts that prove you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.
Evidence from Automatic Writing
The eighth area of evidence you will live on after your body dies is in automatic writing. In automatic writing, the medium goes into trance and a person living in the afterlife takes over the medium’s body, writing detailed statements the sitters who knew the person testify are characteristic of the person in the afterlife. The writings provide information the medium could never have known. In this example, a man named Frederick Myers, in the afterlife, communicated messages to several mediums throughout the world using automatic writing. The messages didn’t make sense by themselves, but put together they made a perfectly clear message. That proves that Myers was alive in the afterlife and able to communicate through a number of mediums. This is a narration of the case.
Later, other afterlife researchers died and communicated fragments of messages to mediums around the world that when put together made perfect sense. They are proof these professionals lived on after their bodies died. You can learn more about these demonstrations the communicators were alive in the afterlife in the link in the descriptions below.
Evidence from Mental Mediumship
The ninth area of evidence we live on after the body dies is called mental mediumship. That is the traditional form of mediumship when you sit with a medium who conveys to you what your loved one in the afterlife is saying or doing. A series of studies were performed at the University of Arizona to determine whether the mediums were in communication with people in the afterlife.
Mediums’ average accuracy score was 83 percent for the first person being read and 77 percent for the second person. These percentages were far above best guesses about the people’s loved ones in spirit.
During one of the sessions, medium John Edward was giving a reading for a woman in which her grandmother came through. After the reading, her grandmother wouldn’t leave John. She kept giving him messages. This is the account.
Mental mediumship is a reliable way of communicating with people living in the afterlife, and continues to be the most well-known evidence of life after death. The connections with people living in the afterlife are further proof we live on after the body dies.
Evidence from Dream Visitations
The tenth area of evidence of life after the death of the body is afterlife communications people have in dreams. It is common for people in the afterlife to enter a loved one’s dreams and convey messages. In the narration that follows, you will hear one account of a dream visitation. A man’s wife came into his dream the night she was killed and spoke to him about their family. She then visited him in other dreams. This is a narration of the account.
Dream visitations are very common. They are among the most personal and uplifting experiences of afterlife communication. They are another area of proof we live on after the body dies. You can learn more about dream visitations in the link in the description below.
These accounts from 5 of the 15 areas of evidence are proof you will continue to live after your body dies. There are many other examples in each of these areas.