Man Recalls Details of Another Life and Learns Who the Other Man Was

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In a startling past-life regression, Captain Robert Snow, of the Indianapolis Police Department, vividly described experiences of individuals who had lived in the past. He recounted these memories with such astonishing clarity that they seemed more vivid than his daily existence.

Among these past-life recollections, one narrative stood out—the life of a painter from the nineteenth century who specialized in crafting portraits. Captain Snow vividly experienced details of the life of this artist, cataloging no less than 30 distinct details from the artist’s life. After his startling past-life regression, The details about this person’s life were so exquisitely precise that Captain Snow felt compelled to find out whether a real-life counterpart to this artist had indeed existed in the nineteenth century.

Perhaps the most striking revelation was an image in specific detail—the portrayal of a hunchbacked woman in one of the artist’s works. Not knowing if his efforts would really lead to identifying the painter or the painting of the hunchback woman, Captain Snow did extensive research into painters who lived in the early twentieth century. He thought he might have read about the painter in the past and recalled the details without remembering having read about this artist. He was unable to find the painter. He found nothing. Then, on a pleasure trip to New Orleans, Captain Snow chanced upon a shop with old paintings. Much to his surprise, he found the very portrait of the hunchbacked woman he had seen so vividly during his past-life regression.


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Upon further investigation, Captain Snow found that the artist behind this masterpiece was Carroll Beckwith, a portrait artist of the early twentieth century. Astonishingly, every detail that Captain Snow had experienced during his past-life regression was substantiated:
  1. Beckwith had indeed painted a portrait of a hunchbacked woman.
  2. He pursued portrait painting primarily for financial reasons but harbored a distinct aversion to the craft.
  3. Beckwith went by the moniker “Jack.”
  4. He relied on a walking stick.
  5. Both Beckwith and his wife had spent considerable time in France.
  6. Regrettably, they faced infertility, leading to financial strife and disagreements.
  7. Despite their fiscal woes and childlessness, their marital bond remained strong.
  8. Beckwith maintained an art studio adorned with skylights and an array of windows.
  9. At one point, he resided in an estate adorned with extensive gardens.
  10. A female relative in his family succumbed to a fatal blood clot.
  11. Beckwith’s earthly journey concluded in a bustling metropolis, surrounded by towering skyscrapers, during the autumn of 1917.
Captain Snow’s extraordinary quest to validate his past-life memories brought forth a profound testament to the mysteries of human consciousness and the timeless connection that can transcend the boundaries of mortal existence.

Explanation of the Experiences from What We Have Been Told about Reincarnation

We have been told by people now living in the life after this life that the Eastern view of reincarnation as a wheel on which we return again and again until we have reached a level of enlightenment at which we are released is not an accurate picture of what happens. This is what they tell us repeatedly:

  • We remain the individual we have become on Earth through the rest of eternity.
  • We do not reincarnate onto Earth.
  • What happens is that our Higher Self is made up of many individuals who have lived on Earth. When our lives were being planned by our Soul, guides, and others, pieces of these other people’s lives were incorporated into our life. In some extreme cases, our life may have been based on the framework of another person’s life. That person didn’t have experiences and growth the planners felt needed to be experienced by our Higher Self.
  • We are intertwined with that other person because of our close relationship.
  • When someone has a past-life regression, they are experiencing things that person intertwined with them had experienced during their life, in much the same way as a psychic can relate experiences another person has had that were unknown to the psychic.

Captain Snow was recalling experiences Carroll Beckwith had, but he was not a reincarnation of Carroll Beckwith.


Captain Robert Snow’s startling past-life regression, vividly recounting the experiences of nineteenth-century painter Carroll Beckwith, offers a compelling testament to the intricate mysteries of human consciousness. Despite not adhering to traditional notions of reincarnation, the shared experiences suggest a profound interconnection between individuals transcending mortal boundaries. Through his quest, Snow’s journey underscores the timeless nature of human existence and the intricate tapestry of lives woven together across time and space.

FAQs on Reincarnation

Is reincarnation true?

Reincarnation, the belief in the soul’s rebirth into a new body after death, remains a topic of philosophical and spiritual debate. While some cultures and religions uphold reincarnation as a fundamental tenet, others may view it differently.

Do we reincarnate?

The concept of reincarnation posits that individuals may experience multiple lifetimes, each contributing to spiritual growth and evolution. However, whether or not one believes in reincarnation depends on personal beliefs and cultural influences.

Can reincarnation happen?

According to various spiritual beliefs, reincarnation is considered a possibility, wherein the soul undergoes a cycle of rebirth until it achieves enlightenment or fulfills its karmic obligations. Yet, the veracity of reincarnation remains subjective and open to interpretation.

What happens after we die?

Views on the afterlife vary widely across different cultures and religious traditions. Some believe in reincarnation, where the soul transitions to a new body, while others hold beliefs in heaven, hell, or other forms of spiritual existence.

How does reincarnation work?

According to some interpretations, reincarnation involves the soul’s journey through various lifetimes, where it accumulates experiences and learns lessons. These experiences are believed to shape the soul’s evolution and spiritual development over time.


In a startling past-life regression, Captain Robert Snow, of the Indianapolis Police Department, vividly described experiences of individuals who had lived in the past. He recounted these memories with such astonishing clarity that they seemed more vivid than his daily existence.

Among these past-life recollections, one narrative stood out—the life of a painter from the nineteenth century who specialized in crafting portraits. Captain Snow vividly experienced details of the life of this artist, cataloging no less than 30 distinct details from the artist’s life. After his startling past-life regression, The details about this person’s life were so exquisitely precise that Captain Snow felt compelled to find out whether a real-life counterpart to this artist had indeed existed in the nineteenth century.

Perhaps the most striking revelation was an image in specific detail—the portrayal of a hunchbacked woman in one of the artist’s works. Not knowing if his efforts would really lead to identifying the painter or the painting of the hunchback woman, Captain Snow did extensive research into painters who lived in the early twentieth century. He thought he might have read about the painter in the past and recalled the details without remembering having read about this artist. He was unable to find the painter. He found nothing. Then, on a pleasure trip to New Orleans, Captain Snow chanced upon a shop with old paintings. Much to his surprise, he found the very portrait of the hunchbacked woman he had seen so vividly during his past-life regression.


Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Upon further investigation, Captain Snow found that the artist behind this masterpiece was Carroll Beckwith, a portrait artist of the early twentieth century. Astonishingly, every detail that Captain Snow had experienced during his past-life regression was substantiated:
  1. Beckwith had indeed painted a portrait of a hunchbacked woman.
  2. He pursued portrait painting primarily for financial reasons but harbored a distinct aversion to the craft.
  3. Beckwith went by the moniker “Jack.”
  4. He relied on a walking stick.
  5. Both Beckwith and his wife had spent considerable time in France.
  6. Regrettably, they faced infertility, leading to financial strife and disagreements.
  7. Despite their fiscal woes and childlessness, their marital bond remained strong.
  8. Beckwith maintained an art studio adorned with skylights and an array of windows.
  9. At one point, he resided in an estate adorned with extensive gardens.
  10. A female relative in his family succumbed to a fatal blood clot.
  11. Beckwith’s earthly journey concluded in a bustling metropolis, surrounded by towering skyscrapers, during the autumn of 1917.
Captain Snow’s extraordinary quest to validate his past-life memories brought forth a profound testament to the mysteries of human consciousness and the timeless connection that can transcend the boundaries of mortal existence.

Explanation of the Experiences from What We Have Been Told about Reincarnation

We have been told by people now living in the life after this life that the Eastern view of reincarnation as a wheel on which we return again and again until we have reached a level of enlightenment at which we are released is not an accurate picture of what happens. This is what they tell us repeatedly:

  • We remain the individual we have become on Earth through the rest of eternity.
  • We do not reincarnate onto Earth.
  • What happens is that our Higher Self is made up of many individuals who have lived on Earth. When our lives were being planned by our Soul, guides, and others, pieces of these other people’s lives were incorporated into our life. In some extreme cases, our life may have been based on the framework of another person’s life. That person didn’t have experiences and growth the planners felt needed to be experienced by our Higher Self.
  • We are intertwined with that other person because of our close relationship.
  • When someone has a past-life regression, they are experiencing things that person intertwined with them had experienced during their life, in much the same way as a psychic can relate experiences another person has had that were unknown to the psychic.

Captain Snow was recalling experiences Carroll Beckwith had, but he was not a reincarnation of Carroll Beckwith.


Captain Robert Snow’s startling past-life regression, vividly recounting the experiences of nineteenth-century painter Carroll Beckwith, offers a compelling testament to the intricate mysteries of human consciousness. Despite not adhering to traditional notions of reincarnation, the shared experiences suggest a profound interconnection between individuals transcending mortal boundaries. Through his quest, Snow’s journey underscores the timeless nature of human existence and the intricate tapestry of lives woven together across time and space.

FAQs on Reincarnation

Is reincarnation true?

Reincarnation, the belief in the soul’s rebirth into a new body after death, remains a topic of philosophical and spiritual debate. While some cultures and religions uphold reincarnation as a fundamental tenet, others may view it differently.

Do we reincarnate?

The concept of reincarnation posits that individuals may experience multiple lifetimes, each contributing to spiritual growth and evolution. However, whether or not one believes in reincarnation depends on personal beliefs and cultural influences.

Can reincarnation happen?

According to various spiritual beliefs, reincarnation is considered a possibility, wherein the soul undergoes a cycle of rebirth until it achieves enlightenment or fulfills its karmic obligations. Yet, the veracity of reincarnation remains subjective and open to interpretation.

What happens after we die?

Views on the afterlife vary widely across different cultures and religious traditions. Some believe in reincarnation, where the soul transitions to a new body, while others hold beliefs in heaven, hell, or other forms of spiritual existence.

How does reincarnation work?

According to some interpretations, reincarnation involves the soul’s journey through various lifetimes, where it accumulates experiences and learns lessons. These experiences are believed to shape the soul’s evolution and spiritual development over time.

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