In the clip that follows, a man named Alfred Higgins wants to visit a bar, called in the UK a “pub,” to see his old friends still on Earth. A guide tells him to hold the guide’s hand and they will be taken to the bar by their intention to be there. Higgins does so and is immediately in the bar. Three of his old friends are sitting there having beers. Higgins had learned earlier that he could communicate with his wife by concentrating at her. So he tries the same thing with his friends.
The recording that follows1 is Higgins describing what happened. A transcript follows the audio controls.
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Transcript of the Recording
Alfred Higgins:
The next thing I knew I was standing in the bar of this pub, see, and there were three of my old mates there. I went and stood up beside one and I remembered what I’d been told to do about the wife – to concentrate, think hard, you see. And he’d got this mug of beer up to his mouth and I was thinking to myself his name, see, and all of a sudden he plonked that down on the counter, you know. And he looked quite bewildered. He looked round, and then he said to his mates, my other two friends, he says, “That’s funny. I felt sure I heard… I felt sure I heard …”
So the others said, “Heard what?”
So he says, “Didn’t you hear nothing?”
And they said, ”No, we didn’t hear nothing.”
And I thought “Well I’ve made him…”… He thought, I suppose, he was making a bit of a fool of himself.
So he says, “Oh. It’s nothing.”
So they sort of laughed and said, “What’s up with you mate? You got the jitters?” You know, and they had a bit of a lark about it.
But he heard me alright. But it was done by my thoughts. One of the first things I realized was that you don’t have to talk to be heard. You’ve got to concentrate hard. It’s a matter of thinking all the time that you want to get into touch or you want to do something, and then it’s possible. You just can’t do it by sort of speaking out in the old way, you know. It was my first sort of lesson in this sort of thing.