A Physician in the Afterlife Gives Arriving People Special Treatment

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A man known as Dr. Franke came through in a Leslie Flint session, describing what happens in these recovery areas. Dr. Franke was killed at the Dachau death camp during World War II because he would not do the work the Nazis wanted him to do. In the life after this life, he counsels people who are having a difficult time adjusting. He begins this selection by explaining that two friends took him to a variety of places after he arrived in the life after this life realm. At one point, they took him to a recovery facility. He then decided he would base his life’s work on counseling people in the facility.

The audio of the session with Dr. Franke follows. Betty Greene is a sitter who worked the tape recorder for Leslie Flint.

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Transcript of Dr. Franke Describing His Work Counseling People in the Afterlife

Dr. Franke:

They take me to a place where we look after people who have come here from Earth, whose minds are in terrible condition. For they have not been able to rid themselves of the old thoughts, the old ideas. So they are housed in a large place, like a hospital or infirmary, and there they are looked after, but it is an education of the mind. It is the transforming of the individual from the old material unhappy self into a new being full of light, full of joy, full of happiness.

In this, I base my work. So, my real work is now in these large places to which sometimes certain people are brought whose minds are in a state of unhappiness and turmoil. And I help, like many other souls here, to reinstate or to rehabilitate them into this new way of thinking, so that they can rid themselves of all the old ideas and horrible things which still cling to them.

You know, it is very difficult to make people change immediately. It is sometimes impossible because the moment a person is free of the body, it does not mean that they are immediately free of the old ideas and the thoughts which have constituted all their lives themselves. A man is the same man after death as he was before: in his outlook, in his ideas, in his ideology or in his politics even. In every mental way, he is the same person because though the body is dead and has no more being for him, his self, his reality, his soul, his whole conception of life is what he has become through his experiences in a mental way.

So the mentality of the individual is what lives in an astral [unintelligible] or spiritual or psychic form or shape, similar in outward appearance to the old body, once which was important when on Earth. It is the counterpart in which we inhabit the Earth, the body. But it is much more sensitive, and once we begin to think on the lines of spiritual things, then the lightness comes and the heaviness goes. Thoughts change, and we change in consequence.

In this hospital, I call it that, though it is more than that, and you would not even first realize it was a hospital, but even so, it is a form of hospital. And it is a hospital for curing the sickness of the mind or the thoughts, which must be changed to help people to forget many things which it is better they should not remember, which hold them back, which still make them materially minded, and, in consequence, retard their progress.

So, we have to work very much perhaps like some of your psychologists or perhaps those whose task it is on Earth to try to trace back the causes which create the unpleasant effect. We have to know individuals, we have to understand them, we have to talk with them. We have to learn exactly what it is that is holding them back in their progress. And there are many different reasons and different things why a person does not adapt immediately or even after some time, into the fuller life here.

They must first learn to undo; they must first learn to free themselves of all these preconceived ideas or phobias. And even religious things which are perhaps very strong in them. Indeed, sometimes the religious type of individual is more difficult to deal with because, as you know, that often they think they are right and they’re so sure. They are so adamant that they cannot be wrong, that only they are right. They are often the most difficult people to deal with.

But of course, I am talking here about special cases for which we work and serve and help. But the average person, the average person who has an average outlook, who has no strong prejudices and whose life is fairly blameless, whose life is reasonable; they have not been unduly cruel or have not committed any great crime which could affect their progress. 

Normal people, ordinary people, don’t usually find much difficulty in quickly adjusting themselves to their new vibration and new condition of life here. But there are many people of course, who come here so suddenly that it is a great shock and in consequence, they often need special treatment.

Sometimes suicide cases or cases of murder or some who have died – like many of us did in the Camps – where, throughout the whole of the time we were there, there was nothing but sadness and depression and horror and all the horrible things that man can do one to another.

All this was so strong, the whole atmosphere in the place itself, very, very difficult for some to quickly adjust themselves. It is very difficult to explain all this, but if people would realize that thoughts in themselves are powerful and that as a man thinks, so he is, no more, no less and he creates for himself his own heaven and hell by his thoughts, very important to remember.

Betty Greene:

Dr. Franke, what is the hospital you work in, what is it like inside? Can you describe it?

Dr. Franke:

Oh, it is like a vast house, this one. Like a very vast house in the country, with many rooms beautifully decorated in many different colors, different rooms in different shades. There are, in some cases of course, people who are in beds like in a ward. But these are invariably the new arrivals, who need to be tended to and they perhaps have not even yet awakened to their new life. 

They are still in a kind of slumber. They are still, as it were, not fully conscious. Then of course, there are many rooms where there are lectures and there are many people who teach. There are many rooms where people may sit in comfortable chairs, as if they were in a lounge, and they can read – and they do read too. There are books for them and even replicas of magazines that you have on Earth too. This may sound so strange that people will laugh in your world.

But there are, on these mental planes, mental reproductions created by thought force, which in themselves become apparent and become, to the extent of the individual who is receptive, a reality. When people can realize that nothing is impossible where thought is, then thought can recreate or create all manner of things. 

After all, in your world, before you create something, it is in the mind. It has to be put into operation. It has to be created from substance. It has to be made by various people, contributing towards the common good or to whatever the article is, in this case for people’s benefit or pleasure.

Here, these things can be created by thought force. This is a world where thought is predominant and more powerful and in consequence by the very thoughts of the individuals. And where, you must remember, where there is cohesion or where there is, how you say, where there is complete harmony, as there are on the more advanced spheres, then everything that is brought into being is created in a harmonious way and therefore, nothing jars and nothing is out of keeping. 

Everything is in tune, everything is right. There is nothing there that will irritate or cause concern. Everything is conducive to joy and happiness and has its being in reality. Because the thought force, being so powerful, can create out of thought the reality of the objective or whatever it may be. I wish I could explain this but it is difficult.

Betty Greene:

You say the rooms of the hospital are different colors. Therefore, I take it that the patients are put into the room in a color that is conducive to them, that they will be in harmony with. Is that right?

Dr. Franke:

Well, color, color, color, plays a very important part. Color can be used to help to quieten, perhaps, a patient who mentally is very disturbed. Of course also we use music [unintelligible] and we have wonderful music here. And in all the various wards or rooms, there is harmonious pleasing music, which is conducive to quieting and helping the individual and helping them to adjust their thoughts. Color and music, we have all manner of color, many colors which you do not have in your world. There are strange colors, some perhaps even which, if I could describe, you would not understand. And of course, we don’t necessarily just have any color. There may be perhaps dozens of colors all blending, one into the other even in one room, which may sound to you rather strange. But if you could visualize a rainbow, you have some idea of the beauty of a room. But it is so harmonious, nothing clashes. I don’t know [unintelligible].

We have a lot of beautiful material. People have the most beautiful wearing apparel – robes, I suppose would be the best way to describe them. Of course, there again, in certain spheres, on the initial early spheres of coming, often there people wear clothes very similar to what they would have worn on Earth. But this is due to their thoughts; they would not be happy if they were to suddenly be put into some beautiful robe. They would feel out of place. They would think, ‘oh dear, this is not right for me. I do look so stupid’. So they wear costumes or clothes that are common or natural to them. That helps them to feel normal.

You see what we have to do? We have to be artful; I told you. Sometimes we have to try to make them think in a… what is to them a normal way, before we can change their outlook and thoughts to accept things which are much more advanced. We have to look upon them as children. We have to undo all the bad things that often the teachers on your side have taught them. That is one of our biggest difficulties; undoing what others have done on your side, which have created – well, which have created all manner of complication and difficulty for them. The worst people of course, are those who have strong, decided ideas. It’s very difficult sometimes for them.


In conclusion, the transcript of Dr. Franke’s description provides a fascinating insight into the afterlife and the work undertaken to aid souls in their transition. Dr. Franke’s compassionate approach to counseling individuals struggling with their past experiences and preconceived notions highlights the importance of understanding and guiding them towards a new understanding. Through the use of color, music, and thoughtful consideration of each individual’s needs, the hospital-like setting described becomes a place of healing and transformation. This glimpse into the afterlife offers a profound reflection on the power of thought and the journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.


What is the purpose of the recovery areas described by Dr. Franke in the afterlife?

The recovery areas serve to aid souls who have transitioned from Earth but are struggling with unresolved issues and negative thought patterns. They provide a supportive environment for individuals to undergo mental transformation and find peace.


How does Dr. Franke describe the role of counselors in the afterlife?

According to Dr. Franke, counselors like himself work to rehabilitate individuals by helping them shed old beliefs and negative emotions. They aim to guide souls towards a new understanding and acceptance, facilitating their adjustment to the afterlife realm.


What methods are employed in the recovery facilities to assist individuals in their spiritual journey?

Dr. Franke mentions the use of various tools such as color therapy, music, and tailored environments to aid in calming disturbed minds and fostering mental healing. These methods aim to create a harmonious atmosphere conducive to introspection and personal growth.


Are there specific challenges faced by souls in the afterlife, as described by Dr. Franke?

Yes, Dr. Franke highlights that individuals may struggle to let go of deeply ingrained beliefs, religious ideologies, or traumatic experiences from their Earthly lives. These challenges can hinder their transition and require personalized care and guidance to overcome.

A man known as Dr. Franke came through in a Leslie Flint session, describing what happens in these recovery areas. Dr. Franke was killed at the Dachau death camp during World War II because he would not do the work the Nazis wanted him to do. In the life after this life, he counsels people who are having a difficult time adjusting. He begins this selection by explaining that two friends took him to a variety of places after he arrived in the life after this life realm. At one point, they took him to a recovery facility. He then decided he would base his life’s work on counseling people in the facility.

The audio of the session with Dr. Franke follows. Betty Greene is a sitter who worked the tape recorder for Leslie Flint.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Transcript of Dr. Franke Describing His Work Counseling People in the Afterlife

Dr. Franke:

They take me to a place where we look after people who have come here from Earth, whose minds are in terrible condition. For they have not been able to rid themselves of the old thoughts, the old ideas. So they are housed in a large place, like a hospital or infirmary, and there they are looked after, but it is an education of the mind. It is the transforming of the individual from the old material unhappy self into a new being full of light, full of joy, full of happiness.

In this, I base my work. So, my real work is now in these large places to which sometimes certain people are brought whose minds are in a state of unhappiness and turmoil. And I help, like many other souls here, to reinstate or to rehabilitate them into this new way of thinking, so that they can rid themselves of all the old ideas and horrible things which still cling to them.

You know, it is very difficult to make people change immediately. It is sometimes impossible because the moment a person is free of the body, it does not mean that they are immediately free of the old ideas and the thoughts which have constituted all their lives themselves. A man is the same man after death as he was before: in his outlook, in his ideas, in his ideology or in his politics even. In every mental way, he is the same person because though the body is dead and has no more being for him, his self, his reality, his soul, his whole conception of life is what he has become through his experiences in a mental way.

So the mentality of the individual is what lives in an astral [unintelligible] or spiritual or psychic form or shape, similar in outward appearance to the old body, once which was important when on Earth. It is the counterpart in which we inhabit the Earth, the body. But it is much more sensitive, and once we begin to think on the lines of spiritual things, then the lightness comes and the heaviness goes. Thoughts change, and we change in consequence.

In this hospital, I call it that, though it is more than that, and you would not even first realize it was a hospital, but even so, it is a form of hospital. And it is a hospital for curing the sickness of the mind or the thoughts, which must be changed to help people to forget many things which it is better they should not remember, which hold them back, which still make them materially minded, and, in consequence, retard their progress.

So, we have to work very much perhaps like some of your psychologists or perhaps those whose task it is on Earth to try to trace back the causes which create the unpleasant effect. We have to know individuals, we have to understand them, we have to talk with them. We have to learn exactly what it is that is holding them back in their progress. And there are many different reasons and different things why a person does not adapt immediately or even after some time, into the fuller life here.

They must first learn to undo; they must first learn to free themselves of all these preconceived ideas or phobias. And even religious things which are perhaps very strong in them. Indeed, sometimes the religious type of individual is more difficult to deal with because, as you know, that often they think they are right and they’re so sure. They are so adamant that they cannot be wrong, that only they are right. They are often the most difficult people to deal with.

But of course, I am talking here about special cases for which we work and serve and help. But the average person, the average person who has an average outlook, who has no strong prejudices and whose life is fairly blameless, whose life is reasonable; they have not been unduly cruel or have not committed any great crime which could affect their progress. 

Normal people, ordinary people, don’t usually find much difficulty in quickly adjusting themselves to their new vibration and new condition of life here. But there are many people of course, who come here so suddenly that it is a great shock and in consequence, they often need special treatment.

Sometimes suicide cases or cases of murder or some who have died – like many of us did in the Camps – where, throughout the whole of the time we were there, there was nothing but sadness and depression and horror and all the horrible things that man can do one to another.

All this was so strong, the whole atmosphere in the place itself, very, very difficult for some to quickly adjust themselves. It is very difficult to explain all this, but if people would realize that thoughts in themselves are powerful and that as a man thinks, so he is, no more, no less and he creates for himself his own heaven and hell by his thoughts, very important to remember.

Betty Greene:

Dr. Franke, what is the hospital you work in, what is it like inside? Can you describe it?

Dr. Franke:

Oh, it is like a vast house, this one. Like a very vast house in the country, with many rooms beautifully decorated in many different colors, different rooms in different shades. There are, in some cases of course, people who are in beds like in a ward. But these are invariably the new arrivals, who need to be tended to and they perhaps have not even yet awakened to their new life. 

They are still in a kind of slumber. They are still, as it were, not fully conscious. Then of course, there are many rooms where there are lectures and there are many people who teach. There are many rooms where people may sit in comfortable chairs, as if they were in a lounge, and they can read – and they do read too. There are books for them and even replicas of magazines that you have on Earth too. This may sound so strange that people will laugh in your world.

But there are, on these mental planes, mental reproductions created by thought force, which in themselves become apparent and become, to the extent of the individual who is receptive, a reality. When people can realize that nothing is impossible where thought is, then thought can recreate or create all manner of things. 

After all, in your world, before you create something, it is in the mind. It has to be put into operation. It has to be created from substance. It has to be made by various people, contributing towards the common good or to whatever the article is, in this case for people’s benefit or pleasure.

Here, these things can be created by thought force. This is a world where thought is predominant and more powerful and in consequence by the very thoughts of the individuals. And where, you must remember, where there is cohesion or where there is, how you say, where there is complete harmony, as there are on the more advanced spheres, then everything that is brought into being is created in a harmonious way and therefore, nothing jars and nothing is out of keeping. 

Everything is in tune, everything is right. There is nothing there that will irritate or cause concern. Everything is conducive to joy and happiness and has its being in reality. Because the thought force, being so powerful, can create out of thought the reality of the objective or whatever it may be. I wish I could explain this but it is difficult.

Betty Greene:

You say the rooms of the hospital are different colors. Therefore, I take it that the patients are put into the room in a color that is conducive to them, that they will be in harmony with. Is that right?

Dr. Franke:

Well, color, color, color, plays a very important part. Color can be used to help to quieten, perhaps, a patient who mentally is very disturbed. Of course also we use music [unintelligible] and we have wonderful music here. And in all the various wards or rooms, there is harmonious pleasing music, which is conducive to quieting and helping the individual and helping them to adjust their thoughts. Color and music, we have all manner of color, many colors which you do not have in your world. There are strange colors, some perhaps even which, if I could describe, you would not understand. And of course, we don’t necessarily just have any color. There may be perhaps dozens of colors all blending, one into the other even in one room, which may sound to you rather strange. But if you could visualize a rainbow, you have some idea of the beauty of a room. But it is so harmonious, nothing clashes. I don’t know [unintelligible].

We have a lot of beautiful material. People have the most beautiful wearing apparel – robes, I suppose would be the best way to describe them. Of course, there again, in certain spheres, on the initial early spheres of coming, often there people wear clothes very similar to what they would have worn on Earth. But this is due to their thoughts; they would not be happy if they were to suddenly be put into some beautiful robe. They would feel out of place. They would think, ‘oh dear, this is not right for me. I do look so stupid’. So they wear costumes or clothes that are common or natural to them. That helps them to feel normal.

You see what we have to do? We have to be artful; I told you. Sometimes we have to try to make them think in a… what is to them a normal way, before we can change their outlook and thoughts to accept things which are much more advanced. We have to look upon them as children. We have to undo all the bad things that often the teachers on your side have taught them. That is one of our biggest difficulties; undoing what others have done on your side, which have created – well, which have created all manner of complication and difficulty for them. The worst people of course, are those who have strong, decided ideas. It’s very difficult sometimes for them.


In conclusion, the transcript of Dr. Franke’s description provides a fascinating insight into the afterlife and the work undertaken to aid souls in their transition. Dr. Franke’s compassionate approach to counseling individuals struggling with their past experiences and preconceived notions highlights the importance of understanding and guiding them towards a new understanding. Through the use of color, music, and thoughtful consideration of each individual’s needs, the hospital-like setting described becomes a place of healing and transformation. This glimpse into the afterlife offers a profound reflection on the power of thought and the journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.


What is the purpose of the recovery areas described by Dr. Franke in the afterlife?

The recovery areas serve to aid souls who have transitioned from Earth but are struggling with unresolved issues and negative thought patterns. They provide a supportive environment for individuals to undergo mental transformation and find peace.


How does Dr. Franke describe the role of counselors in the afterlife?

According to Dr. Franke, counselors like himself work to rehabilitate individuals by helping them shed old beliefs and negative emotions. They aim to guide souls towards a new understanding and acceptance, facilitating their adjustment to the afterlife realm.


What methods are employed in the recovery facilities to assist individuals in their spiritual journey?

Dr. Franke mentions the use of various tools such as color therapy, music, and tailored environments to aid in calming disturbed minds and fostering mental healing. These methods aim to create a harmonious atmosphere conducive to introspection and personal growth.


Are there specific challenges faced by souls in the afterlife, as described by Dr. Franke?

Yes, Dr. Franke highlights that individuals may struggle to let go of deeply ingrained beliefs, religious ideologies, or traumatic experiences from their Earthly lives. These challenges can hinder their transition and require personalized care and guidance to overcome.

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