A Woman Goes on Rescue Missions with Her Husband in Spirit

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People rescue souls as they leave the body

The Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure teaches people how to guide themselves into a connection with loved ones in the afterlife. The procedure is available on the Internet for free at https://selfguided.spiritualunderstanding.org.

The session that follows is one of many a woman has now had in which her husband Karl in spirit takes her on his rescue missions to the Earth plane where he ministers to people who are newly passed away. In this session, Karl is instrumental in a little girl’s near-death experience. The woman explained in an earlier session that when Karl appeared at his age when he passed and in a trench coat, that meant he was going to take her to the Earth plane on a rescue mission.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

The Woman's Account of Her Afterlife Connection

Karl was just waiting for me, 67-years -old, trench coat, quickly a kiss. I noticed that when I am going to accompany him on a mission, I immediately feel an energy flux directly into my left thigh, with little but strong current impulses, being rather painful.

Another accident, Karl? …Yes, right! ..nodding his head.

Superhighway, accident just happened. Occupants: a mother with her little daughter, 5 years old, named Carina! Mother lost control of the car and it began lurching about, finally going head over heels, slithering for another hundred meters on its top along the breakdown lane. The mother freed herself and came out suddenly, being only slightly injured. Carina was still fastened in her seat belt in the upset car.

Arriving at the scene of accident, we’re seeing the police and this time a large-capacity-ambulance. Karl said that Carina was just taken out of the car in trauma. She was in the ambulance, being resuscitated.

Then in an instant we were in the ambulance too, because Carina was flat lining! I was sorry to notice the well-known light foggy blue haze.

Craig’s note: In earlier sessions, she learned the blue haze means the spirit is separating from the body. Carina was dying.

Carina was coming out of her little body so easygoing, with amazing, wondering, wide-eyed child’s eyes, pallid blue shining, holding strongly her teddy bear in her arms. Karl was smiling at her. She responded with a delicate smile too, and then floated directly into his wide opened arms!!! A tender, heartwarming moment! How much love was in the air! Enough love for me to watch that scene teary-eyed.

Then just we three were in another place…in another world…in a world of fairies and brownies…awesome!!!!…in a World of Magic!

A beautiful, mystical place, colored in a mild- pink light, soft music sounding out of all these hundreds of so sweet smelling flowers, growing on a softy green meadow; not far away, hearing the loving whooshing of a little stream, all surrounded by big, mighty oak trees, waving with her heavy treetops. And in the middle of this magical atmosphere, there was standing the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen: MARIA!

Craig’s note: Maria had been involved in these rescues before.

She was wearing a long, white glimmering and shining dress, her wonderful golden-red hair long, falling down curly till to her hips. She was there expecting Carina, so she was kneeling down welcoming the little girl with wide-open arms. Carina, with no sign of fear, was approaching Maria trustfully… then touching her face and caressing her long hair tenderly, asking “Are you an Elvin?” “She is the Queen of the Elvins!” Karl explained smiling while Maria, blushing at Karl’s compliment, was caressing the girl daintily, smiling, full of love and compassion.

Carina, continuously gazed at Maria’s face: “Can you even perform magic?” Maria kept on smiling, and so Carina was smiling too: “How lovely you are, Queen of the Haunted Forest!”… giving a kiss to Maria…”But where is your magic wand?” curling her lips.

Maria was laughing silently: “Look, I’m doing it with my fingers!” … and so touching a blossom nearby, hundreds of little silver stars were sprinkling out immediately. Then touching some green leaves, they were becoming pink at once.

“Would you like to try it too?” Maria tenderly asked the little girl with the wondering great eyes. Carina nodded her head lightly; what she had seen has left her speechless. But Karl was just giving Maria a sign… time to return into the body!

So Maria was standing up, carrying the little girl in her arms. “And now Carina watch! Karl will perform great magic.” Karl said, “Now I’m conjuring you back to Mommy! She’s just waiting for you ever so wishfully!”

We were back again in the great ambulance. Karl and I were watching the little girl awaken with wondering great eyes, smiling greatly to her beloved Mommy, saying, “You know, I have seen the Queen of the Haunted Forest. She has conjured me back to you!”

People rescue souls as they leave the body

The Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure teaches people how to guide themselves into a connection with loved ones in the afterlife. The procedure is available on the Internet for free at https://selfguided.spiritualunderstanding.org.

The session that follows is one of many a woman has now had in which her husband Karl in spirit takes her on his rescue missions to the Earth plane where he ministers to people who are newly passed away. In this session, Karl is instrumental in a little girl’s near-death experience. The woman explained in an earlier session that when Karl appeared at his age when he passed and in a trench coat, that meant he was going to take her to the Earth plane on a rescue mission.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

The Woman's Account of Her Afterlife Connection

Karl was just waiting for me, 67-years -old, trench coat, quickly a kiss. I noticed that when I am going to accompany him on a mission, I immediately feel an energy flux directly into my left thigh, with little but strong current impulses, being rather painful.

Another accident, Karl? …Yes, right! ..nodding his head.

Superhighway, accident just happened. Occupants: a mother with her little daughter, 5 years old, named Carina! Mother lost control of the car and it began lurching about, finally going head over heels, slithering for another hundred meters on its top along the breakdown lane. The mother freed herself and came out suddenly, being only slightly injured. Carina was still fastened in her seat belt in the upset car.

Arriving at the scene of accident, we’re seeing the police and this time a large-capacity-ambulance. Karl said that Carina was just taken out of the car in trauma. She was in the ambulance, being resuscitated.

Then in an instant we were in the ambulance too, because Carina was flat lining! I was sorry to notice the well-known light foggy blue haze.

Craig’s note: In earlier sessions, she learned the blue haze means the spirit is separating from the body. Carina was dying.

Carina was coming out of her little body so easygoing, with amazing, wondering, wide-eyed child’s eyes, pallid blue shining, holding strongly her teddy bear in her arms. Karl was smiling at her. She responded with a delicate smile too, and then floated directly into his wide opened arms!!! A tender, heartwarming moment! How much love was in the air! Enough love for me to watch that scene teary-eyed.

Then just we three were in another place…in another world…in a world of fairies and brownies…awesome!!!!…in a World of Magic!

A beautiful, mystical place, colored in a mild- pink light, soft music sounding out of all these hundreds of so sweet smelling flowers, growing on a softy green meadow; not far away, hearing the loving whooshing of a little stream, all surrounded by big, mighty oak trees, waving with her heavy treetops. And in the middle of this magical atmosphere, there was standing the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen: MARIA!

Craig’s note: Maria had been involved in these rescues before.

She was wearing a long, white glimmering and shining dress, her wonderful golden-red hair long, falling down curly till to her hips. She was there expecting Carina, so she was kneeling down welcoming the little girl with wide-open arms. Carina, with no sign of fear, was approaching Maria trustfully… then touching her face and caressing her long hair tenderly, asking “Are you an Elvin?” “She is the Queen of the Elvins!” Karl explained smiling while Maria, blushing at Karl’s compliment, was caressing the girl daintily, smiling, full of love and compassion.

Carina, continuously gazed at Maria’s face: “Can you even perform magic?” Maria kept on smiling, and so Carina was smiling too: “How lovely you are, Queen of the Haunted Forest!”… giving a kiss to Maria…”But where is your magic wand?” curling her lips.

Maria was laughing silently: “Look, I’m doing it with my fingers!” … and so touching a blossom nearby, hundreds of little silver stars were sprinkling out immediately. Then touching some green leaves, they were becoming pink at once.

“Would you like to try it too?” Maria tenderly asked the little girl with the wondering great eyes. Carina nodded her head lightly; what she had seen has left her speechless. But Karl was just giving Maria a sign… time to return into the body!

So Maria was standing up, carrying the little girl in her arms. “And now Carina watch! Karl will perform great magic.” Karl said, “Now I’m conjuring you back to Mommy! She’s just waiting for you ever so wishfully!”

We were back again in the great ambulance. Karl and I were watching the little girl awaken with wondering great eyes, smiling greatly to her beloved Mommy, saying, “You know, I have seen the Queen of the Haunted Forest. She has conjured me back to you!”

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