Little Girl Talks to Her Grandfather Who Died Months Before

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Little girl speaks to grandpa in the afterlife

It is very common to hear of a child who is speaking to a loved one who has recently died. At other times, the child is talking to an “imaginary friend.” We know that these are real encounters with people living in the life after this life who have come to the child because children are receptive. 

This video is an example of a two-year-old talking to her grandpa who passed away.

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Little girl speaks to grandpa in the afterlife

It is very common to hear of a child who is speaking to a loved one who has recently died. At other times, the child is talking to an “imaginary friend.” We know that these are real encounters with people living in the life after this life who have come to the child because children are receptive. 

This video is an example of a two-year-old talking to her grandpa who passed away.

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