Understanding Spiritual Growth: Moving Towards Perfect Love

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What is Spiritual Growth? | People we love are alive after death | Seek Reality

We enter these earth lives in order to grow spiritually. So it is important that you understand how spiritual growth works in order for you to make the most of the wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth that surround you every day of your life!

Very simply put, the only thing that exists is consciousness. Consciousness is like living energy, and like all forms of energy, consciousness vibrates. At the lowest and slowest end of its range, consciousness is all the fishy emotions, like fear, anger, hatred, and grief. At the highest and most rapid vibrational end of its range, consciousness is perfect love. It is pretty much that simple! So spiritual growth consists of moving the permanent setpoint of your consciousness vibratory meter away from fear and everything else that is negative, and more and more toward perfect love.

We Recommend 5 Steps for Your Spiritual Growth

 It would be wonderful if you could raise your consciousness vibration just by an act of will, but things don’t work that easily. In general, what we recommend five steps explained in the following video. You can read a transcript of the video after the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Step 1: Stop all entertainments that are violent or in any way negative.

This first step is essential! Modern western culture is steeped in negativity, and until you can remove nearly all of that from your life, you are going to find it almost impossible to grow spiritually. Eliminating violent videogames is essential, but you will find that getting rid of videogames is only the beginning. I stopped going to movies and watching TV more than twenty years ago, and I don’t even want to know what is going on in the world if it is negative. Look at it this way: if you cannot change something, how can it help for you even to know about it? There is a war somewhere, or a building collapsed? I’m sorry, but please leave me out of the news loop altogether. And I never have regretted not knowing about any of it! Instead, I have gained many hours of free time in which to read and write and walk on beaches and think about truly beautiful things.

Step 2: Peacefully eliminate from your life most of the daily situations that cause you more than minimal friction and stress.

Change jobs, if necessary. Or perhaps change neighborhoods. Even maybe change some of your friends, if you know “drain people,” people whose personal issues are sources of stress that leak over into your own life. Of course, you can’t change your relatives, but you can minimize your contact with any of them who are sources of stress for you until after you have better learned how to manage the stress that they have been causing you. Embracing such changes can provide reasons to believe in the afterlife, as they contribute to our overall well-being and peace of mind.

Step 3: Begin a more deliberately peaceful set of spiritual practices.

We assume that religions are peaceful, but many of the more than forty-two thousand versions of Christianity, and some of the other leading world religions as well, are actually deeply fear-based. If your particular religion teaches you that you face a risk of going to hell, or if it makes you in any way fearful, then for heaven’s sake, find a different religion! I used to accompany my husband to Mass on Sundays, even years after I stopped being a practicing Catholic, but then I realized how upsetting I was finding having to see that life-sized, full-color plaster Jesus bleeding on a cross above the altar. My husband and I talked about it, and now he goes to Mass and I do something else on Sunday mornings.

There are a few non-fear-based versions of Christianity, such as the Unity Movement, and you might explore those if you find that not going to church on Sundays makes you feel guilty. Or you might consult with Jesus and together invent a program of Gospel-reading and prayer and volunteer work that is all your own.

Some people find yoga or meditation to be spiritually helpful. Some people use exercise or music as alternative spiritual practices. The key is for you to feel comfortable and at peace in what you do to feed your soul and spirit.

Step 4: Learn and practice Prevenient Forgiveness.

Just eliminating all the cultural and daily stresses that we have worked on getting rid of so far will go a long way toward raising your personal consciousness vibration away from fear and toward more perfect love. Understanding that there really is no hell, and that God loves you perfectly, will raise your personal vibration even more. And there is another thing that will raise your personal consciousness vibration to an almost unbelievable extent!

If you are a Christian, you know that Jesus taught forgiveness. When His disciple, Peter, asked Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven times!” That is from the Biblical Book of Matthew, Chapter 18, Verses 21 to 23.  

But even if you have never heard of Jesus, forgiveness in the broadest sense, in the sense of never judging and always forgiving, and always being kindly and peaceful in everything you do, can rapidly raise your personal consciousness vibration.

And there is a trick to it that can make forgiveness habitual, and actually even automatic. But first let me tell you what doesn’t work. It doesn’t work very well for you to let somebody do something that upsets you, and then try to forgive it afterward. A friend who is always teasing you does it again. Or your brother who is always careless with things borrows your brand-new car and dings the door. Your husband or wife does something yet again that always has annoyed you, and then you try to forgive whatever it is, after you are already upset. That sort of trying to forgive negative behaviors that happen as part of a pattern of negative behaviors never works very well.

But what if, before anything bad even happens, you have practiced prevenient forgiveness? You know beforehand that you will need to forgive things today, so even before anything bad ever happens, you use big, wide sweeps of your arms and hands and wrap all those future situations up in a nice, tight forgiveness ball. You include all the people, too. Even yourself. And then you push that forgiveness ball away firmly with both hands as you say, “I love you. I bless you. I forgive. And I release.”

Still don’t feel completely better? Do it again! Squash it all into a nice, tight ball and then push it away as you say, “I love you. I bless you. I forgive. And I release.” You probably won’t even have to do it a third time.

This works beautifully because your mind, while on earth, is designed to form good spiritual habits. It is lazy, it is habitdriven, and it forms new habits easily. Right now, you are teaching your mind to become quickly upset whenever people do even little things that bother you. But if instead you use forgiveness balls to teach your mind never to become upset, then sure enough, your lazy mind will soon learn never to even bother to become upset about anything, ever again. This process takes just two or three weeks, if you are serious about it. And it really works!

Step 5: Learn the truth about death and the afterlife.

Fear of death is the base fear, so until you are certain that you will live forever, you are going to find it very hard to grow spiritually to the point where you can make this your last Earth lifetime. But on the other hand, once you know the facts about death and the afterlife, and you realize that your life is eternal, you will find to your amazement that you no longer fear anything! Even uncertainty about death is enough to hold you back. But seekreality.com is designed to end your uncertainty, and to replace it with the comfort of knowing that you are going to live forever! So, what happens after death is no longer a daunting mystery but a comforting certainty.

It doesn’t matter how old you are now. Even if you are in your eighties, provided that you are in reasonable health, if you will sincerely follow these five steps beginning today, and if you can live on earth for just another few years, you should be able to achieve enough spiritual growth to make this your last necessary earth-lifetime. Especially if you can interest some others in embarking on the learning process with you, you will be surprised to find how easy and comfortable each of these five steps actually is. And best of all, you are going to find that growing spiritually is really quite a lot of fun!  

What is Spiritual Growth? | People we love are alive after death | Seek Reality

We enter these earth lives in order to grow spiritually. So it is important that you understand how spiritual growth works in order for you to make the most of the wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth that surround you every day of your life!

Very simply put, the only thing that exists is consciousness. Consciousness is like living energy, and like all forms of energy, consciousness vibrates. At the lowest and slowest end of its range, consciousness is all the fishy emotions, like fear, anger, hatred, and grief. At the highest and most rapid vibrational end of its range, consciousness is perfect love. It is pretty much that simple! So spiritual growth consists of moving the permanent setpoint of your consciousness vibratory meter away from fear and everything else that is negative, and more and more toward perfect love.

We Recommend 5 Steps for Your Spiritual Growth

 It would be wonderful if you could raise your consciousness vibration just by an act of will, but things don’t work that easily. In general, what we recommend five steps explained in the following video. You can read a transcript of the video after the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Step 1: Stop all entertainments that are violent or in any way negative.

This first step is essential! Modern western culture is steeped in negativity, and until you can remove nearly all of that from your life, you are going to find it almost impossible to grow spiritually. Eliminating violent videogames is essential, but you will find that getting rid of videogames is only the beginning. I stopped going to movies and watching TV more than twenty years ago, and I don’t even want to know what is going on in the world if it is negative. Look at it this way: if you cannot change something, how can it help for you even to know about it? There is a war somewhere, or a building collapsed? I’m sorry, but please leave me out of the news loop altogether. And I never have regretted not knowing about any of it! Instead, I have gained many hours of free time in which to read and write and walk on beaches and think about truly beautiful things.

Step 2: Peacefully eliminate from your life most of the daily situations that cause you more than minimal friction and stress.

Change jobs, if necessary. Or perhaps change neighborhoods. Even maybe change some of your friends, if you know “drain people,” people whose personal issues are sources of stress that leak over into your own life. Of course, you can’t change your relatives, but you can minimize your contact with any of them who are sources of stress for you until after you have better learned how to manage the stress that they have been causing you. Embracing such changes can provide reasons to believe in the afterlife, as they contribute to our overall well-being and peace of mind.

Step 3: Begin a more deliberately peaceful set of spiritual practices.

We assume that religions are peaceful, but many of the more than forty-two thousand versions of Christianity, and some of the other leading world religions as well, are actually deeply fear-based. If your particular religion teaches you that you face a risk of going to hell, or if it makes you in any way fearful, then for heaven’s sake, find a different religion! I used to accompany my husband to Mass on Sundays, even years after I stopped being a practicing Catholic, but then I realized how upsetting I was finding having to see that life-sized, full-color plaster Jesus bleeding on a cross above the altar. My husband and I talked about it, and now he goes to Mass and I do something else on Sunday mornings.

There are a few non-fear-based versions of Christianity, such as the Unity Movement, and you might explore those if you find that not going to church on Sundays makes you feel guilty. Or you might consult with Jesus and together invent a program of Gospel-reading and prayer and volunteer work that is all your own.

Some people find yoga or meditation to be spiritually helpful. Some people use exercise or music as alternative spiritual practices. The key is for you to feel comfortable and at peace in what you do to feed your soul and spirit.

Step 4: Learn and practice Prevenient Forgiveness.

Just eliminating all the cultural and daily stresses that we have worked on getting rid of so far will go a long way toward raising your personal consciousness vibration away from fear and toward more perfect love. Understanding that there really is no hell, and that God loves you perfectly, will raise your personal vibration even more. And there is another thing that will raise your personal consciousness vibration to an almost unbelievable extent!

If you are a Christian, you know that Jesus taught forgiveness. When His disciple, Peter, asked Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven times!” That is from the Biblical Book of Matthew, Chapter 18, Verses 21 to 23.  

But even if you have never heard of Jesus, forgiveness in the broadest sense, in the sense of never judging and always forgiving, and always being kindly and peaceful in everything you do, can rapidly raise your personal consciousness vibration.

And there is a trick to it that can make forgiveness habitual, and actually even automatic. But first let me tell you what doesn’t work. It doesn’t work very well for you to let somebody do something that upsets you, and then try to forgive it afterward. A friend who is always teasing you does it again. Or your brother who is always careless with things borrows your brand-new car and dings the door. Your husband or wife does something yet again that always has annoyed you, and then you try to forgive whatever it is, after you are already upset. That sort of trying to forgive negative behaviors that happen as part of a pattern of negative behaviors never works very well.

But what if, before anything bad even happens, you have practiced prevenient forgiveness? You know beforehand that you will need to forgive things today, so even before anything bad ever happens, you use big, wide sweeps of your arms and hands and wrap all those future situations up in a nice, tight forgiveness ball. You include all the people, too. Even yourself. And then you push that forgiveness ball away firmly with both hands as you say, “I love you. I bless you. I forgive. And I release.”

Still don’t feel completely better? Do it again! Squash it all into a nice, tight ball and then push it away as you say, “I love you. I bless you. I forgive. And I release.” You probably won’t even have to do it a third time.

This works beautifully because your mind, while on earth, is designed to form good spiritual habits. It is lazy, it is habitdriven, and it forms new habits easily. Right now, you are teaching your mind to become quickly upset whenever people do even little things that bother you. But if instead you use forgiveness balls to teach your mind never to become upset, then sure enough, your lazy mind will soon learn never to even bother to become upset about anything, ever again. This process takes just two or three weeks, if you are serious about it. And it really works!

Step 5: Learn the truth about death and the afterlife.

Fear of death is the base fear, so until you are certain that you will live forever, you are going to find it very hard to grow spiritually to the point where you can make this your last Earth lifetime. But on the other hand, once you know the facts about death and the afterlife, and you realize that your life is eternal, you will find to your amazement that you no longer fear anything! Even uncertainty about death is enough to hold you back. But seekreality.com is designed to end your uncertainty, and to replace it with the comfort of knowing that you are going to live forever! So, what happens after death is no longer a daunting mystery but a comforting certainty.

It doesn’t matter how old you are now. Even if you are in your eighties, provided that you are in reasonable health, if you will sincerely follow these five steps beginning today, and if you can live on earth for just another few years, you should be able to achieve enough spiritual growth to make this your last necessary earth-lifetime. Especially if you can interest some others in embarking on the learning process with you, you will be surprised to find how easy and comfortable each of these five steps actually is. And best of all, you are going to find that growing spiritually is really quite a lot of fun!  

Seek Reality on the afterlife and afterlife communication

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