Afterlife Communication Answers the Question, Do Stillborn Children Go to Heaven?

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How to have afterlife communication

Many people learn to have afterlife communications with their loved ones on their own, without a medium, by going through the free, online training Seek Reality Online provides at Some now meet regularly with their loved ones to have extended conversations.

The training is in eight stages that progress from learning about how to have an afterlife connection through learning to allow the subtle messages from the afterlife to come into awareness and ending with having afterlife communications in any setting, at any time.

Two women who went through the stages provided the following descriptions of what happened at each stage. They have given us permission to share them. 

A Woman Has an Afterlife Communication at Stage 7 with No Guided Narration or Music

I was able to follow the process for getting very relaxed without music and experienced a sparkly or shimmering squeezing visual sensation as I went deeper into my relaxation. I met my daughter in spirit in the back of a cabin that is in the woods and near the coast. She took me to a wildflower and pollinator garden that she planted nearby. I objectively saw an outline of two butterfly shapes (these looked like cloud outlines and I could only see the butterflies vaguely and from interesting angles). The butterflies fluttered about while my daughter and I talk. 

I ask her why she showed me Robin Williams in my morning meditation and she explained the importance of being like him – being kind to everyone and having a sense of humor. I expressed my concern about how he passed and she explained that his deep pain, that most people were not aware of, shows us the importance of being compassionate towards everyone. I asked her what she is doing where she is and she tells me she is helping children, doing art, and playing sports and games for fun. She tells me she is proud that I am able to do my best to be there for our family. We talk about how our love for each other helps the other one where they are. I apologize for my deep grief and sorrow and she tells me it is OK and normal, we will be together fully again. She shows me a nest of bunnies hidden in tall growth. I ask her for a sign to validate our time together.

Towards the end of the connection, I experienced some pulsing in my visual field. At one point, I was a bit startled when my entire visual field shifted to a completely consistent purple that looked like sand, almost like I was suddenly standing inside a purple sandbox with the sand gently pulsing. This lasted a short time and then shifted to a green/yellow and then disappeared altogether.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Do Stillborn Children Go to Heaven? A Woman Meets Her Unborn Daughter, Alive and Well in the Afterlife

This series of three connections happened for a woman going through the Self-Guided Afterlife Connections training. The first is at Stage 3, where the participant is learning to allow free unfoldment. Some people have an afterlife communication during this exercise. This is her description of the experience in which she meets her granddaughter in a forest. It is the first time she met her because she had been stillborn.

What happens to unborn children in the afterlife

The Woman's Stage 3 Meeting with Her Child Not Carried to Term

With the meditation instructions, what a profound experience! I was in a forest. I heard the breeze through the leaves in the trees, I heard bird songs, I heard squirrels chattering. I heard pine straw under foot as I stepped. I saw a little child unfold as soon as the narration said to allow a child to appear.  I didn’t recognize the child until butterflies appeared and she asked me if I wanted to chase the butterflies with her. I said, “No, may I just stand here and watch you?” She said yes. Then I knew who she was. It was my unborn granddaughter who became unviable at the end of my daughter’s first trimester. I burst into physical tears. I said, “I love you so much.” She said, “I love you too Birdie.” That’s my grandmother name my grandson uses, who is a year old. She just told me she protected Oscar when he fell three days ago. I said, “Thank you, Baby girl.” I asked her what I should call her and she said, “They [my daughter who miscarried] did not name me, but you can call me Baby Girl.” Do you have a message for your mother? “Yes,” she said. “Tell her I’m with her every day and I love her so much. Say those words, I love you so much.” I said, “I will. I may not be able to tell her today, but when the time is right, I will tell her. Thank you, Baby Girl.” “You’re welcome, Birdie,” she said. I said, “Can we talk again?” “Of course,” she said. “Just think about me and I’ll be there.”

This is such a profound experience. I can’t seem to stop crying. I need to take a break and process. Thank you, Craig. Thank you Spirit.

The Woman's Stage 5 Afterlife Communication with Her Cousin

Before I even got started, I got the impression that Billyboy, my cousin, was here and ready to talk. In my mind, I said, “I’m excited!” And heard him say, “Me too!” I got shivers, my indication of truth. Then I listened to the recording and followed the instructions.

After deeply relaxing, it wasn’t Billyboy I saw, it was Mama. On Mother’s Day, this is so incredible! I told her I loved her and she responded that she loved me too. The tears started flowing freely at that point because I felt her. I asked her what’s her favorite thing about heaven and she said it was the love and light of God that is always there. She said it’s more beautiful than I could imagine. The colors, the music, the flowers, the palpable joy that never ends. What else do I need to know? Follow the same path on you are on now, spiritually. I was wrong about the faith. But I know the truth now. “Thank you, mama.” 

You know I need proof that this is really you. I need the sign of… An old-fashioned cotton mop. What? A mop? OK. Billyboy, you brought Mama to me. Thank you so so much! Is there anyone else here who wants to talk? I heard, “Everyone wants to talk with you.” Jim came forward. I said, “Jim! I’m so glad to see you.” He’s my cousin who passed 24 years ago. “I love you so much.” He said, “I love you too.” I said, “Did you send me those four nickels in the Walgreens parking lot yesterday?” He said, “I did! I couldn’t find dimes at the time.” (He has shown my daughters and me dimes at various times over the past 2-3 years.) 

I said, “What is your favorite thing about heaven?” He said, “I can play golf anytime I want! I get to see and hold all the Civil War memorabilia that I want.” (Two of his favorite hobbies.) “I get to visit the battle sites while the battles are happening. I send love to all the souls fighting one another and ease their suffering. This is how I’ve chosen to serve God.” I said, “That sounds just like you. I need a sign for you too. How about… More nickels?” He said, “That’s great.” I said, “I’ll be looking for them.” He said, “Look for them today.” “Today? I said. OK, I will. Is there anyone else who wants to talk?” He said, “Lots of people, but this is enough for now.” I said, “Thank you so much! Thank you Billyboy for bringing family to me! We’ll talk again soon. Thank you!”

Oh my gosh. How wonderful!

Two Women Have Self-Induced Afterlife Communications
Article Name
Two Women Have Self-Induced Afterlife Communications
Two women who went through the free, online Self-Guided Afterlife Communications training describe their wonderful, uplifting afterlife communications with their daughters, one of who was not born alive.
How to have afterlife communication

Many people learn to have afterlife communications with their loved ones on their own, without a medium, by going through the free, online training Seek Reality Online provides at Some now meet regularly with their loved ones to have extended conversations.

The training is in eight stages that progress from learning about how to have an afterlife connection through learning to allow the subtle messages from the afterlife to come into awareness and ending with having afterlife communications in any setting, at any time.

Two women who went through the stages provided the following descriptions of what happened at each stage. They have given us permission to share them. 

A Woman Has an Afterlife Communication at Stage 7 with No Guided Narration or Music

I was able to follow the process for getting very relaxed without music and experienced a sparkly or shimmering squeezing visual sensation as I went deeper into my relaxation. I met my daughter in spirit in the back of a cabin that is in the woods and near the coast. She took me to a wildflower and pollinator garden that she planted nearby. I objectively saw an outline of two butterfly shapes (these looked like cloud outlines and I could only see the butterflies vaguely and from interesting angles). The butterflies fluttered about while my daughter and I talk. 

I ask her why she showed me Robin Williams in my morning meditation and she explained the importance of being like him – being kind to everyone and having a sense of humor. I expressed my concern about how he passed and she explained that his deep pain, that most people were not aware of, shows us the importance of being compassionate towards everyone. I asked her what she is doing where she is and she tells me she is helping children, doing art, and playing sports and games for fun. She tells me she is proud that I am able to do my best to be there for our family. We talk about how our love for each other helps the other one where they are. I apologize for my deep grief and sorrow and she tells me it is OK and normal, we will be together fully again. She shows me a nest of bunnies hidden in tall growth. I ask her for a sign to validate our time together.

Towards the end of the connection, I experienced some pulsing in my visual field. At one point, I was a bit startled when my entire visual field shifted to a completely consistent purple that looked like sand, almost like I was suddenly standing inside a purple sandbox with the sand gently pulsing. This lasted a short time and then shifted to a green/yellow and then disappeared altogether.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Do Stillborn Children Go to Heaven? A Woman Meets Her Unborn Daughter, Alive and Well in the Afterlife

This series of three connections happened for a woman going through the Self-Guided Afterlife Connections training. The first is at Stage 3, where the participant is learning to allow free unfoldment. Some people have an afterlife communication during this exercise. This is her description of the experience in which she meets her granddaughter in a forest. It is the first time she met her because she had been stillborn.

What happens to unborn children in the afterlife

The Woman's Stage 3 Meeting with Her Child Not Carried to Term

With the meditation instructions, what a profound experience! I was in a forest. I heard the breeze through the leaves in the trees, I heard bird songs, I heard squirrels chattering. I heard pine straw under foot as I stepped. I saw a little child unfold as soon as the narration said to allow a child to appear.  I didn’t recognize the child until butterflies appeared and she asked me if I wanted to chase the butterflies with her. I said, “No, may I just stand here and watch you?” She said yes. Then I knew who she was. It was my unborn granddaughter who became unviable at the end of my daughter’s first trimester. I burst into physical tears. I said, “I love you so much.” She said, “I love you too Birdie.” That’s my grandmother name my grandson uses, who is a year old. She just told me she protected Oscar when he fell three days ago. I said, “Thank you, Baby girl.” I asked her what I should call her and she said, “They [my daughter who miscarried] did not name me, but you can call me Baby Girl.” Do you have a message for your mother? “Yes,” she said. “Tell her I’m with her every day and I love her so much. Say those words, I love you so much.” I said, “I will. I may not be able to tell her today, but when the time is right, I will tell her. Thank you, Baby Girl.” “You’re welcome, Birdie,” she said. I said, “Can we talk again?” “Of course,” she said. “Just think about me and I’ll be there.”

This is such a profound experience. I can’t seem to stop crying. I need to take a break and process. Thank you, Craig. Thank you Spirit.

The Woman's Stage 5 Afterlife Communication with Her Cousin

Before I even got started, I got the impression that Billyboy, my cousin, was here and ready to talk. In my mind, I said, “I’m excited!” And heard him say, “Me too!” I got shivers, my indication of truth. Then I listened to the recording and followed the instructions.

After deeply relaxing, it wasn’t Billyboy I saw, it was Mama. On Mother’s Day, this is so incredible! I told her I loved her and she responded that she loved me too. The tears started flowing freely at that point because I felt her. I asked her what’s her favorite thing about heaven and she said it was the love and light of God that is always there. She said it’s more beautiful than I could imagine. The colors, the music, the flowers, the palpable joy that never ends. What else do I need to know? Follow the same path on you are on now, spiritually. I was wrong about the faith. But I know the truth now. “Thank you, mama.” 

You know I need proof that this is really you. I need the sign of… An old-fashioned cotton mop. What? A mop? OK. Billyboy, you brought Mama to me. Thank you so so much! Is there anyone else here who wants to talk? I heard, “Everyone wants to talk with you.” Jim came forward. I said, “Jim! I’m so glad to see you.” He’s my cousin who passed 24 years ago. “I love you so much.” He said, “I love you too.” I said, “Did you send me those four nickels in the Walgreens parking lot yesterday?” He said, “I did! I couldn’t find dimes at the time.” (He has shown my daughters and me dimes at various times over the past 2-3 years.) 

I said, “What is your favorite thing about heaven?” He said, “I can play golf anytime I want! I get to see and hold all the Civil War memorabilia that I want.” (Two of his favorite hobbies.) “I get to visit the battle sites while the battles are happening. I send love to all the souls fighting one another and ease their suffering. This is how I’ve chosen to serve God.” I said, “That sounds just like you. I need a sign for you too. How about… More nickels?” He said, “That’s great.” I said, “I’ll be looking for them.” He said, “Look for them today.” “Today? I said. OK, I will. Is there anyone else who wants to talk?” He said, “Lots of people, but this is enough for now.” I said, “Thank you so much! Thank you Billyboy for bringing family to me! We’ll talk again soon. Thank you!”

Oh my gosh. How wonderful!

Two Women Have Self-Induced Afterlife Communications
Article Name
Two Women Have Self-Induced Afterlife Communications
Two women who went through the free, online Self-Guided Afterlife Communications training describe their wonderful, uplifting afterlife communications with their daughters, one of who was not born alive.

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