Latest Experiments & Love from the Afterlife

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Sonia Rinaldi speaking to the afterlife using technology

Join Sonia Rinaldi for this special 2-hour presentation on her work and witness her current breakthroughs capturing Images of those in the Afterlife, including her new ‘unknowns’ file, and a question & answers period with Sonia. Many bonuses included!

Sonia Rinaldi is co-founder and Research Director of IPATI – Institute of Advanced Research on Instrumental Transcommunication. Sonia is the author of 17 books and has been participating in research for over 30 years, getting the best results in the world, both in transimages and voices of the deceased. She is the subject of the documentary film RINALDI – Instrumental TransCommunication to the Other Side.  Sonia’s latest research, news and photographs of loved ones in the afterlife are available as part of a monthly Patreon Membership:

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

Sonia Rinaldi speaking to the afterlife using technology

Join Sonia Rinaldi for this special 2-hour presentation on her work and witness her current breakthroughs capturing Images of those in the Afterlife, including her new ‘unknowns’ file, and a question & answers period with Sonia. Many bonuses included!

Sonia Rinaldi is co-founder and Research Director of IPATI – Institute of Advanced Research on Instrumental Transcommunication. Sonia is the author of 17 books and has been participating in research for over 30 years, getting the best results in the world, both in transimages and voices of the deceased. She is the subject of the documentary film RINALDI – Instrumental TransCommunication to the Other Side.  Sonia’s latest research, news and photographs of loved ones in the afterlife are available as part of a monthly Patreon Membership:

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

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