The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

Welcome to Seek Reality Online, your gateway to understanding the evidence for the afterlife, what life is like in the afterlife, and groundbreaking research in after-death communication. Discover profound insights from our extensive research and begin a journey of understanding and enlightenment.

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Check out our Seminars about the Afterlife and Afterlife Communication.

For those in pursuit of solace, validation, or a profound comprehension of the spiritual realm, this seminar offers a transformative experience with enlightening insights and soul-stirring discussions.
Noah St. John

Four Focus Factors for More Wealth and Happiness

In the video that follows, Roberta Grimes’ guest is someone who spends his career and his life helping people to make the…

Tami Hendrix

Signs Your Pet in the Afterlife Is Connecting with You

Do our pets visit us after they’ve passed? How would we know if they did? Do they come in dreams, messages, songs,…

Hamlin Garland

Remarkable Evidence of the Afterlife

This informative article was posted on the White Crow website on 27 January 27, 2025, by the prolific, talented author Mike Tymn.…

Proof of afterlife communication

You Can Get Messages from Love Ones in the Afterlife

Great numbers of people are now having regular, successful afterlife communications with their loved ones now living in the afterlife. More than…

Evidence of life after death

A Psychotherapist Induces After-Death Communication

A Washington-state licensed psychotherapist named Rochelle Wright learned how to help clients sitting in her office have afterlife communications with people for…

Proof of life after death

A Celestial Being Explains What Happens After You Die

For the first time in humankind’s history, we have vast libraries of communication from people living in the afterlife speaking about this…

Pets in the afterlife

The Pet in the Afterlife You Just Can’t Forget

Where we are going after this life is going to be in fact our real life, to join our loved ones who…

How to heal

A Woman Describes How She Learned to Heal Herself and Others

In this Seek Reality Online video, Roberta Grimes interviews Sanar Alixandyr. Sanar is an Empowerment Coach with a degree in education and…

Proof of life after death

A Man in the Afterlife Describes a Cat Speaking to Him

Today, we have a great number of recordings of people in the afterlife speaking through various types of mediums. Their communication is…

Course in the nature of reality

Toward a New Paradigm: Postmaterialism, Consciousness, and Spiritual Self-Transformation

A new graduate program is being offered online, in English, for twenty Saturdays in 2025. The title is “Toward a New Paradigm:…

Mona Sobhami

A Neuroscientist Describes Scientists’ Personal Struggle in Dealing with Psychic and Afterlife Evidence

Mona Sobhani is a cognitive neuroscientist. She recently opened up to spirituality and launched a personal investigation into some of the things…

Happy Ali

Happy Ali Talks About The Intuition Bible

Roberta Grimes’ guest in the video below is Happy Ali, who has made a thorough study of the whole field of what…