Seek Reality Online

The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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Check out our Seminars about the Afterlife and Afterlife Communication.

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Eight Experimental Findings Materialist Science Can’t Explain

Materialist science accepts only evidence the experimenter’s senses provide, following Cartesian dualism established by René Descartes in the 17th century. Descartes separated…

Unexplained Spirit Communications Through Technology

People in the life after this life are continually seeking ways to demonstrate to us that the afterlife and the greater reality…

A Woman Communicates Telepathically with a Paralyzed Patient

Olivia had been a vibrant person who enjoyed every minute of her life until she realized she had a dreadful hereditary disease…

Tesla and Edison Both Created Devices to Talk to the Afterlife

THE SPIRIT RADIO and THE GHOST PHONE This video created by The Why Files explains that despite disagreements over electricity between Nikola…

What Are the Conditions That Make a Medium?

Dr. Sylvia Hart-Wright writes that two out of five Americans report sensing meaningful contacts with lost loved ones. Such contacts are usually comforting…

How to Have Dream Visits with Loved Ones in the Afterlife

In this YouTube video, talented medium Susanne Wilson explains how to arrange to have a dream visitation with a loved one. A…

Communication through Automatic Writing Is Evidence You Will Never Die

Mediums receive messages from people living in the next life through automatic writing and planchette writing. They are called “automatists” and their…

How to Communicate with the Afterlife Using a Pendulum

Carol Morgan learned how to communicate with her son, Mikey, in spirit. Mikey told her things about his life in the afterlife.…

Love Language of the Afterlife: Children in the Afterlife and Finding a Soulmate

True accounts from renowned evidential medium Susanne Wilson are presented. One is about children in the afterlife and a second about finding…

Healing through Direct Afterlife Connections

Mark Ireland, one of the founders of Helping Parents Heal, explains the experiences he had in connecting with his son Brandon in…

People in Spirit Materialize to Speak

Materialization mediums are able to have people from the afterlife materialize and speak to sitters. This article by one of the experts…

There Can Be Communication After Death

By Steve Taylor, PhD* KEY POINTS Up to three-quarters of bereaved people report some form of communication with a deceased loved one.…