The concept of reincarnation is frequently misunderstood. People are left wondering “Is reincarnation true?” Reincarnation does not mean a specific person returns to the “Earth School” to acquire knowledge. This video explains the truth about reincarnation.
Seek Reality Online’s various videos, articles, and blog posts are all grounded in the information conveyed to us by validated sources from the afterlife, and these declarations are supported by multiple speakers. They speak often of reincarnation, but emphasize that we stay the individuals we are throughout eternity. Other individuals part of our Higher Self incarnate into Earth School. We may be intertwined with one of these individuals because their new life has been patterned after our own to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the Earth experiences. That intertwining is where past-life regressions come from.
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We Stay Individuals throughout Eternity
According to sources from the afterlife, we maintain our distinct individuality upon graduating from Earth School. Our experiences form an integral part of our Higher Selves development, and we continue to evolve in knowledge, love, and empathy for others post-graduation. Other members of the Higher Self attune themselves to Earth School for their learning purposes. The Higher Self and we learn from the experiences of these individuals, and we can re-experience them to further our own education. Contemplating what happens in the afterlife often leads to profound introspection and spiritual exploration.
In pre-birth planning, we may base our lives on another life within the Higher Self. We may wish to learn something not entirely acquired in our previous existence or counterbalance some behaviours from that life during our current life. Alternatively, we may want our life to complement or extend a theme from the previous life in some other manner. Even though we enter Earth School as our unique selves and retain that individuality post-graduation, our lives are intertwined due to the desire among Higher Self members to have experiences stemming from that other life.
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The Group-Soul in Reincarnation
The clearest explanation of the concept of reincarnation is in Mike Tymn’s The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens after We Die, Appendix B.
Mike cites the afterlife researcher Frederick Myers, speaking in the life after this life through Geraldine Cummins, who explains about the individuals in the “group soul.” This is a summary of his statements:
During my time on Earth, I was a part of a group-soul, with branches on Earth and a spirit that exists invisibly. To comprehend psychic evolution, it’s essential to study and understand this group-soul. This idea explains many of the obstacles that people may claim can only be resolved through reincarnation. Though it may seem frivolous, the fact is that we appear to be paying for the sins of another life, which is our life but not truly our own. Essentially, a soul that belongs to the same group as me lived the previous life that laid the groundwork for my current earthly existence. In other words, the group-soul may contain 20, 100, or 1000 souls, with each person’s karma deriving from a soul that came before them. As Myers explains, during our time on Earth, we also weave a pattern for another soul in our group.
Myers also notes that the Buddhist concept of rebirth, where people continually return to Earth, is only partially true. A half-truth can be more inaccurate than a complete misstatement. While I won’t return to Earth, a new soul will join our group and take on the karma pattern that I’ve created during my time on Earth.1 Exploring what happens in the afterlife if you commit suicide requires sensitivity and understanding towards those struggling with despair and hopelessness.
How Can Someone Have a Past-Life Regression?
This affiliation between an individual and other individuals in the group soul or Higher Self is where past life accounts come from. Someone in this life is re-experiencing another life that is affiliated with the person. Aspects of that other person are part of the individual currently in Earth School. Myers explains this as a “pattern” a person has that is influenced by another individual’s life.
This “pattern” is described by a woman named Doris in Rob Schwartz’s Your Soul’s Plan as being a “plan” for a person’s life constructed from parts of other lives, like a collage. This is her response about the individuals in the Oversoul. Rob begins with a question:
“You’ve used the word we several times,” I said. “Who is “we?”
“We are an Oversoul. We encompass all personalities. The personalities do not die. They are a part of the great chorus. We leaf through them together with our guides as we plan a life as a painting in three dimensions, a collage.”2
Doris’s Oversoul later refers to Doris as a “soul fragment,” meaning that this Earth School individual is part of the larger Oversoul. During pre-birth planning, the planning group “leafs” through the various individuals who are part of the Oversoul or Higher Self to decide whether to learn new lessons based on previous learning or bring previous learning into the new Earth School experience. That is how an individual who has a past-life regression experiences a link with other individuals who have lived in Earth School. Exploring what happens in the afterlife to people who commit suicide helps people understand there is no judgment and no condemnation.
What Happens to the Individual’s Personality in the Next Life?
“What happens after Doris’s life is over?” I asked. “is it correct to say that her energy will be reunited with you, and yet at the same time she will retain her individuality?” Based upon other conversations with spirit, this was my understanding.
“Yes. Certain aspects of the personality do dissolve upon transition, but the closer one comes [while in the body] to one’s true Soul the more easily the personality is retrained.”
“Then is it ever correct to say that one person was another person in a previous life?”
“There are fragments of the Soul which moved from one personality to another. For instance, in [Doris’s] body, there is a substantial fragment of that Soul spark which was placed in the body of a male German soldier 90 years ago.”3
That “Soul spark” is the affiliation of another Soul with the person now in Earth School that is experienced as a past life.Can More than One Individual in the Higher Self Be on Earth at One Time?
How many physical incarnations do you have at this time?”
“On this plane, there are two.”
This revelation made me wonder how many lives her Soul was living on non-physical dimensions. “How many are on other planes?” I asked.
“An infinite number. They are born and die, grow and fade, as nexus points are reached.”
“How much of your time, if I may use the word, is devoted to overseeing the two personalities on earth and guiding them?”
“There is always contact. The thread is always there with love and compassion, but the personality is there to better its own information and bring it back.”4
The Overself Is the Real You
Medium Craig Hamilton-Parker had the same response when he asked his guide, Taratha, about what he calls the “overself,” that I have been referring to as the “Higher Self” or “Oversoul.” This is his account:
My own spirit guide, Taratha, has spoken about the primal form, which we attain once we have become fully integrated into the afterlife. As far as I understand, this is what others have called the “overself” the highest aspect of our consciousness. Taratha has also told my circle that only a fraction of our self incarnates on the earth at any one time. We are like a many-fascinated diamond of which only one surface is in this world at any one time. The primal self is the core personality that has lived many times before and who is fully aware of the purpose of its existence in past lives, this life, and the lives to come.
It is the real you.5
The real you is the Higher Self, Oversoul, or Overself. However, once your Soul has decided to come into Earth School, your Earth School Mind develops. You as the individual Mind have your own, distinct identity along with your Soul that are together part of the Higher Self. You continue to live your individual life and grow in love, wisdom, and compassion as you enjoy the next periods of your next stage of life. And it’s important to understand what happens after death as our consciousness evolves beyond earthly constraints, especially considering what happens in the afterlife in Christianity and the various beliefs about it.
1 Michael Tymn, The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens after We Die. White Crow Books, 2011, Appendix B.
2 Cummins, Geraldine, The Road to Immortality, The Aquarian Press, London, 1955, pp. 62- 63 , cited in Michael Tymn, The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens after We Die. White Crow Books, 2011, p. 166.
3 Rob Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, 2009, Frog Books, p 71-72.
4 Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan, p 73.
5 Hamilton-Parker, C. (2001). What to Do When You Are Dead: Exploring Life After Death. Sterling Publishing Co.: New York. p. 114.