Devices That Connect to the Afterlife

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How to have afterlife communications

We have over 200 years of experience in communicating with people who have left their bodies behind and are living in the afterlife. Today, afterlife communication is commonplace. Anyone can communicate with people they love living in the afterlife. Some ways people communicate are using a Ouija board, using spirit boxes, and using standard voice recorders. In this video, Dr. R. Craig Hogan explain which of these methods of communicating with the afterlife are valid, how to avoid communicating with lower-level entities when using them, and how you can use them to communicate with your loved ones. A transcript follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Transcript on How to Communicate with the Afterlife

In this video, I explain why using the Ouija board or recording voices of people in the afterlife can be very useful in communicating with people in the afterlife who want to communicate with us about themselves and the afterlife. I also explain why misuse of these devices can get people in contact with lower-level entities.

The Ouija Board

The first communication method is the Ouija board. A Ouija board is a board with letters and numbers on it. People sit around the Ouija board holding their fingers lightly on a device called a planchette that easily glides around the board as people are touching it. The planchette moves from one letter to another, spelling out messages. The Ouija board has been used successfully by Spiritualists for centuries to connect with people in the afterlife.

Ouija Board for afterlife communication
Ouija Board

So what is happening when people use the Ouija board? We are regularly receiving messages from people in the afterlife and guides. We just don’t stop long enough to let the messages come from our subconscious into our conscious minds. When people sit around a Ouija board with their fingers on the planchette, they relax their minds so the messages from people in the afterlife bubble up from their subconscious, even though they are not aware of the messages. Their bodies unconsciously nudge the planchette to letters to spell out words that are in the messages without realizing they are nudging it. When several people sit around a Ouija board, the same message is coming to all their minds, so they together, unconsciously nudge the planchette to spell out the words in the message. Our loved ones in the afterlife and people interested in us who live there want to communicate. They will come into the space where people are using a Ouija board so they can get a message through to their loved ones sitting in the circle through the board.

In the past, Spiritualists have commonly used the Ouija board to communicate with loved ones and others living in the afterlife. Their use has resulted in uplifting messages from people who come unseen into the room to communicate.  A woman named Pearl Curran, used the Ouija board to channel the remarkable spirit writings of Patience Worth, a woman who said she had lived in the 17th century in England. Her language was from that time, not modern English. Curran’s connection with Patience Worth led to the creation of poems and full-length novels. Curran had only an elementary school education, but through her using the Ouija board Patience Worth wrote in clear 17th century English with remarkable writing ability that critics agreed were high-quality literary masterpieces. The works were written in an archaic style, using words and phrases from the 17th century, and included historical details that Curran, with her limited education and lack of travel, would not have known. 

The problem with the Ouija board is that people whose intentions are not on a high spiritual level connect with low-level spirits intent on doing mischief. All around us, there are people in spirit and entities who have never been human. We just don’t realize they’re here. When people are connecting with spirits as a game or for entertainment, their hearts and minds are on a lower spiritual level. Lower-level spirits can communicate to them through the Ouija board. Some of those lower-level spirits have been human on Earth, some not. All are intent on manipulating people living on Earth. They hang around bars where people lose their inhibitions and control because of drinking and influence people there to do nefarious things, such as getting in fights. Unseen entities who liked to set damaging fires while they were alive on Earth will stay around people who have an inclination to set fires. They influence them through thoughts to set fires and enjoy the vicarious experience of seeing the conflagrations. People with negative issues attract entities who try to influence them in the direction of their negative issue.

In the same way, there are lower-level negative entities who look for people opening themselves to their influence through Ouija boards and other such devices. They give participants messages through the Ouija board and work at influencing them through thoughts. As a result, we do not recommend using the Ouija board as a game or for entertainment.

But here’s the important message. If you are communicating with a loved one, these lower-level entities cannot influence you. They won’t even try because you’re on a higher spiritual level shaped by your love and good intent. You’re boring to them.

So the Ouija board is a useful way of connecting with loved ones in spirit, as long as the focus is on higher spiritual motivations.

The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

Voice Recordings for Afterlife Communication

Another way people can get in touch with loved ones in the afterlife is through voice recordings. Researchers today are highly successful in recording the voices of people living in the afterlife.
As with the Ouija board, these recordings can be of lower-level spirits. People doing voice recordings in haunted houses will get lower-level spirits because their intent isn’t on a higher spiritual level. We advise people not to go to haunted houses and provoke the unseen entities there. Doing so opens the person to receiving communications that are negative and possibly harmful. And if they get the idea you’re an easy mark for being influenced, they may decide to stick around you. Don’t open that door.
Researchers today have learned how to set up recorders so they can record the voices of people living in the afterlife. The procedures are called instrumental transcommunication.
The important message is that people who want to connect with their loved ones using recorders do get their loved ones’ voice responses. They are on a higher spiritual level because of their love and positive intent, so lower-level entities can’t cause problems for them.

Voice Recordings of People in the Afterlife

Another way people can get in touch with loved ones in the afterlife is through voice recordings. Researchers today are highly successful in recording the voices of people living in the afterlife.
As with the Ouija board, these recordings can be of lower-level spirits. People doing voice recordings in haunted houses will get lower-level spirits because their intent isn’t on a higher spiritual level. We advise people not to go to haunted houses and provoke the unseen entities there. Doing so opens the person to receiving communications that are negative and possibly harmful. And if they get the idea you’re an easy mark for being influenced, they may decide to stick around you. Don’t open that door.

Spirit Boxes or Ghost Boxes

Some people feel they are communicating with unseen entities by using “ghost boxes” or “spirit boxes.” These devices play random words and phrases, or they scan across wavelengths on a radio and pick up random words and phrases that play in spurts. The listeners who believe these are communications from people in spirit believe they fit into some narrative. They have to make them fit. That isn’t valid electronic voice recording. In valid recordings, the person on this side of life asks a question or makes a statement. The response on the recording is immediate and is relevant to the question or statement. Each time the person on this side of life asks a question or makes a statement, a relevant response follows immediately. So we know it’s a valid connection with someone in spirit.

Valid Voice Recorders for Afterlife Communication

Here are examples from researchers who have recorded the voices of people living in the afterlife. The researcher or loved one asks a question. The person in spirit answers immediately, with a response relevant to the question. That is valid afterlife communication using electronic devices.

Researcher Sheri Perl: “Say something to me in English to let me know I should use this.”

Child in Spirit: “I speak English.”

Researcher Sonia Rinaldi: “Would you like to leave a message for your mother?”

Child in Spirit: “Mommy, I can talk.”

Mother on the Phone: “Adam, it’s Mom. I want to know, are you at peace?”

Child in Spirit: “I am, Mommy.”

Researcher Sheri Perl: “Danny, can you say, ‘I love you Ma’?”

Danny in Spirit: “I love you, Ma.”

Father: “I’m sure you’re doing great. We love you and miss you.”

Daughter in Spirit: “Daddy, you know, love you. Miss my daddy.”

Mother on the Phone: “Alexandria, are you happy?”

Alexandria in Spirit: “All the time.”

Mother on the Phone: “Hi Tyler. I love you, Baby.”

Tyler in Spirit: “Always. Life is crazy.”

Use of Devices Can Result in Valid Afterlife Communication

Use of a Ouija board or voice recorder to communicate with people who are unseen but present can be valuable and can result in uplifting dialogues with loved ones in spirit. They can also attract lower-level entities when the people involved are using the devices as entertainment or games, with no higher-level intent. But you never need to worry about attracting lower-level entities when you are communicating with the people you love. Your good intent and love block lower-level entities from connecting with you.

You Can Have Afterlife Communication

You don’t need a device to communicate with your loved ones in the afterlife. You can learn how to relax, sit quietly, and have a mental dialogue with them. A link to our free training in how to connect with your loved ones in the afterlife is in the descriptions below. If you are connecting with your loved ones, you never need to worry about lower-level spirits communicating with you. They cannot.
The success of these methods of communication is further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

Devices That Connect to the Afterlife
Article Name
Devices That Connect to the Afterlife
Today, afterlife communication is commonplace. Anyone can communicate with people they love living in the afterlife. Some ways people communicate are using a Ouija board, using spirit boxes, and using standard voice recorders. In this video, I explain which of these methods of communicating with the afterlife are valid, how to avoid communicating with lower-level entities when using them, and how you can use them to communicate with your loved ones.
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Seek Reality Online
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How to have afterlife communications

We have over 200 years of experience in communicating with people who have left their bodies behind and are living in the afterlife. Today, afterlife communication is commonplace. Anyone can communicate with people they love living in the afterlife. Some ways people communicate are using a Ouija board, using spirit boxes, and using standard voice recorders. In this video, Dr. R. Craig Hogan explain which of these methods of communicating with the afterlife are valid, how to avoid communicating with lower-level entities when using them, and how you can use them to communicate with your loved ones. A transcript follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Transcript on How to Communicate with the Afterlife

In this video, I explain why using the Ouija board or recording voices of people in the afterlife can be very useful in communicating with people in the afterlife who want to communicate with us about themselves and the afterlife. I also explain why misuse of these devices can get people in contact with lower-level entities.

The Ouija Board

The first communication method is the Ouija board. A Ouija board is a board with letters and numbers on it. People sit around the Ouija board holding their fingers lightly on a device called a planchette that easily glides around the board as people are touching it. The planchette moves from one letter to another, spelling out messages. The Ouija board has been used successfully by Spiritualists for centuries to connect with people in the afterlife.

Ouija Board for afterlife communication
Ouija Board

So what is happening when people use the Ouija board? We are regularly receiving messages from people in the afterlife and guides. We just don’t stop long enough to let the messages come from our subconscious into our conscious minds. When people sit around a Ouija board with their fingers on the planchette, they relax their minds so the messages from people in the afterlife bubble up from their subconscious, even though they are not aware of the messages. Their bodies unconsciously nudge the planchette to letters to spell out words that are in the messages without realizing they are nudging it. When several people sit around a Ouija board, the same message is coming to all their minds, so they together, unconsciously nudge the planchette to spell out the words in the message. Our loved ones in the afterlife and people interested in us who live there want to communicate. They will come into the space where people are using a Ouija board so they can get a message through to their loved ones sitting in the circle through the board.

In the past, Spiritualists have commonly used the Ouija board to communicate with loved ones and others living in the afterlife. Their use has resulted in uplifting messages from people who come unseen into the room to communicate.  A woman named Pearl Curran, used the Ouija board to channel the remarkable spirit writings of Patience Worth, a woman who said she had lived in the 17th century in England. Her language was from that time, not modern English. Curran’s connection with Patience Worth led to the creation of poems and full-length novels. Curran had only an elementary school education, but through her using the Ouija board Patience Worth wrote in clear 17th century English with remarkable writing ability that critics agreed were high-quality literary masterpieces. The works were written in an archaic style, using words and phrases from the 17th century, and included historical details that Curran, with her limited education and lack of travel, would not have known. 

The problem with the Ouija board is that people whose intentions are not on a high spiritual level connect with low-level spirits intent on doing mischief. All around us, there are people in spirit and entities who have never been human. We just don’t realize they’re here. When people are connecting with spirits as a game or for entertainment, their hearts and minds are on a lower spiritual level. Lower-level spirits can communicate to them through the Ouija board. Some of those lower-level spirits have been human on Earth, some not. All are intent on manipulating people living on Earth. They hang around bars where people lose their inhibitions and control because of drinking and influence people there to do nefarious things, such as getting in fights. Unseen entities who liked to set damaging fires while they were alive on Earth will stay around people who have an inclination to set fires. They influence them through thoughts to set fires and enjoy the vicarious experience of seeing the conflagrations. People with negative issues attract entities who try to influence them in the direction of their negative issue.

In the same way, there are lower-level negative entities who look for people opening themselves to their influence through Ouija boards and other such devices. They give participants messages through the Ouija board and work at influencing them through thoughts. As a result, we do not recommend using the Ouija board as a game or for entertainment.

But here’s the important message. If you are communicating with a loved one, these lower-level entities cannot influence you. They won’t even try because you’re on a higher spiritual level shaped by your love and good intent. You’re boring to them.

So the Ouija board is a useful way of connecting with loved ones in spirit, as long as the focus is on higher spiritual motivations.

The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

Voice Recordings for Afterlife Communication

Another way people can get in touch with loved ones in the afterlife is through voice recordings. Researchers today are highly successful in recording the voices of people living in the afterlife.
As with the Ouija board, these recordings can be of lower-level spirits. People doing voice recordings in haunted houses will get lower-level spirits because their intent isn’t on a higher spiritual level. We advise people not to go to haunted houses and provoke the unseen entities there. Doing so opens the person to receiving communications that are negative and possibly harmful. And if they get the idea you’re an easy mark for being influenced, they may decide to stick around you. Don’t open that door.
Researchers today have learned how to set up recorders so they can record the voices of people living in the afterlife. The procedures are called instrumental transcommunication.
The important message is that people who want to connect with their loved ones using recorders do get their loved ones’ voice responses. They are on a higher spiritual level because of their love and positive intent, so lower-level entities can’t cause problems for them.

Voice Recordings of People in the Afterlife

Another way people can get in touch with loved ones in the afterlife is through voice recordings. Researchers today are highly successful in recording the voices of people living in the afterlife.
As with the Ouija board, these recordings can be of lower-level spirits. People doing voice recordings in haunted houses will get lower-level spirits because their intent isn’t on a higher spiritual level. We advise people not to go to haunted houses and provoke the unseen entities there. Doing so opens the person to receiving communications that are negative and possibly harmful. And if they get the idea you’re an easy mark for being influenced, they may decide to stick around you. Don’t open that door.

Spirit Boxes or Ghost Boxes

Some people feel they are communicating with unseen entities by using “ghost boxes” or “spirit boxes.” These devices play random words and phrases, or they scan across wavelengths on a radio and pick up random words and phrases that play in spurts. The listeners who believe these are communications from people in spirit believe they fit into some narrative. They have to make them fit. That isn’t valid electronic voice recording. In valid recordings, the person on this side of life asks a question or makes a statement. The response on the recording is immediate and is relevant to the question or statement. Each time the person on this side of life asks a question or makes a statement, a relevant response follows immediately. So we know it’s a valid connection with someone in spirit.

Valid Voice Recorders for Afterlife Communication

Here are examples from researchers who have recorded the voices of people living in the afterlife. The researcher or loved one asks a question. The person in spirit answers immediately, with a response relevant to the question. That is valid afterlife communication using electronic devices.

Researcher Sheri Perl: “Say something to me in English to let me know I should use this.”

Child in Spirit: “I speak English.”

Researcher Sonia Rinaldi: “Would you like to leave a message for your mother?”

Child in Spirit: “Mommy, I can talk.”

Mother on the Phone: “Adam, it’s Mom. I want to know, are you at peace?”

Child in Spirit: “I am, Mommy.”

Researcher Sheri Perl: “Danny, can you say, ‘I love you Ma’?”

Danny in Spirit: “I love you, Ma.”

Father: “I’m sure you’re doing great. We love you and miss you.”

Daughter in Spirit: “Daddy, you know, love you. Miss my daddy.”

Mother on the Phone: “Alexandria, are you happy?”

Alexandria in Spirit: “All the time.”

Mother on the Phone: “Hi Tyler. I love you, Baby.”

Tyler in Spirit: “Always. Life is crazy.”

Use of Devices Can Result in Valid Afterlife Communication

Use of a Ouija board or voice recorder to communicate with people who are unseen but present can be valuable and can result in uplifting dialogues with loved ones in spirit. They can also attract lower-level entities when the people involved are using the devices as entertainment or games, with no higher-level intent. But you never need to worry about attracting lower-level entities when you are communicating with the people you love. Your good intent and love block lower-level entities from connecting with you.

You Can Have Afterlife Communication

You don’t need a device to communicate with your loved ones in the afterlife. You can learn how to relax, sit quietly, and have a mental dialogue with them. A link to our free training in how to connect with your loved ones in the afterlife is in the descriptions below. If you are connecting with your loved ones, you never need to worry about lower-level spirits communicating with you. They cannot.
The success of these methods of communication is further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

Devices That Connect to the Afterlife
Article Name
Devices That Connect to the Afterlife
Today, afterlife communication is commonplace. Anyone can communicate with people they love living in the afterlife. Some ways people communicate are using a Ouija board, using spirit boxes, and using standard voice recorders. In this video, I explain which of these methods of communicating with the afterlife are valid, how to avoid communicating with lower-level entities when using them, and how you can use them to communicate with your loved ones.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
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