Rochelle Wright, a Washington-state licensed mental health counselor and certified therapist in eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), originated the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy procedure.
In Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy, the psychotherapist stimulates the two sides of the body alternately to induce the client to reprocess memories. Most psychotherapists using the method move their hands before the client from left to right and back repeatedly to stimulate the two sides of the mind.
The EMDR procedure is called a “breakthrough” psychotherapy method that quickly reduces the impact of traumatic memories. Psychotherapists like Rochelle also found that the procedure stimulates an afterlife communication.
Participants in the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy Guided Afterlife Connections procedure describe a wide variety of afterlife-communication experiences. They are nearly always unexpected.
The experiences range from having the impressions of messages or presence to having lengthy conversations, walking mentally along walkways or beaches, hugging, and even kissing.
Craig Hogan, co-founder of Seek Reality Online, co-authored a book with Rochelle about the Repair & Reattachment procedure. Accounts experiencers have given us permission to print follow.
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Tina's Grandmother Speakers to Her in German in Her Afterlife Communication
Tina had a successful Guided Afterlife Connection with her husband, Joe, and came back for a second session to connect with her grandmother. This is Tina’s description she reported to Rochelle during the Guided Afterlife Connection:
I was in a room, but it faded to black. Someone grabbed my hand from the right side. I think it was my husband, Joe. He was taking me to a room where my grandma may be.
We went through a door and emerged into a garden room. I saw Grandma to my left, saying “Mein Kind.” That means “My kid.” My grandma and I walked a short distance and sat together on a bench. I said, “Can I ask you questions in English?”
She said, “Natuerlich. Naturally, naturally.” I asked her if my grandfather was there. She said he was, in the distance. I asked if he knew I was there, and she said, “Yes!”
Grandma began stroking my hair, and I burst out crying. Grandma said, “Don’t be sad. We will all be together again.” She then gestured to show me that Joe was standing in the background.
I went to him and we kissed and hugged. The three of us sat down together. Grandma said, “Be happy we are all together. It’s nice to sit together. It’s been a long time, and wonderful to have Joe sit with us, Mein Kind,” meaning “my kid.”
She said to me, “You are doing okay, but you must go forward. She then spoke in German, starting with “Mein liebling,” meaning “My love.”
The translation of the rest was,”My life was mine. Joe had his. You have your life. We have to all move forward.” She was showing me my people in the distance, saying “See. They are all doing something!”
My Grandmother then said that her mother and father were there, and added, “We are all moving forward. We do everything together, like we did before. We have our jobs to do. There is always work to do.”
“Mein Kind,” she said, continuing in German as I translated for Rochelle, “You have to live every day to the fullest.” I asked her, “What about the work I’m doing with Rochelle in afterlife connections?”
She said in German, “You can only go so far with the afterlife. Everything is not to be seen. It’s good to do this work, but you can’t go as far as you’d like. Otherwise, you would be in the afterlife. The work does help people, but when you go too far, you end up there.”
Joe was sitting close by. I acknowledgeed him for a minute.
Then my grandma said, “All is good. All is clear. It’s nice we could get together.” Grandma and I were hugging. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything,” she said in German.
“Das war schoen,” she said, meaning “This was nice!” Then she said, “I love you and Joe loves you. We look out for each other.” She ended with “Bis dann,” meaning until later.
A Registered Nurse Connects with Her Mother
Connie, an RN, had a Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy session to connect with her mother, Fern, who passed into spirit in 1995 at the age of 79. Connie began by explaining her relationship to her mother.
My mother was a strong woman, the leader of our family. She was a perfectionist; everything in the house had to be perfect.
I could never do anything good enough. Mother was a big, scary person to me as I grew up. My thoughts didn’t matter, so I could never talk her out of anything. She ended up divorcing Dad after 41 years of marriage.
When I was 13 and she was in her fifties, she was going through menopause and had episodes of severe depression. She eventually went into the hospital for the depression, where they gave her electric shock treatments that did her some damage.
When she came home, she was a changed person. She couldn’t even cut her own meat. She lay on the couch for several years, severely depressed. With Mom incapacitated, my sister and I had to take over the family and keep it going.
Then, one day while she was in a manic period, she fell asleep while driving, crashed into a tree, and broke both her ankles. Following that, she had abdominal surgery and then broke her hip. Eventually, she died in a rehabilitation center.
I didn’t go to my mom’s funeral. I didn’t have the money to travel the long distance from where I was living then, but I really didn’t want to go. I had mixed feelings about my mom. She was harsh, mean, and manipulative sometimes.
I had no doubt that she loved me, but I didn’t get expressions of love. I was criticized and attacked a lot. I didn’t like her constant yelling at me. To this day, when I get upset I can’t hear what people are saying because it was so traumatic being yelled at and criticized all the time. In fact, I was nervous about coming to the session today.
The thought of encountering my mother was frightening. I kept thinking, will she attack me? Will she criticize me? I hope I have a good encounter with her and not a frightening one.
Intellectually, I have forgiven her, but emotionally, I have resentments about the constant criticism she gave out. But all the good things I have—my character, drive, motivation, ability to feel for people and get along with people—all the good life skills, I learned from my mother.
Rochelle began the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy procedure with Connie. She had Connie recall the most traumatic memories about her mother and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10.
Connie said the memory that she had to take over everything when her mom came home from the hospital was a 10+++++ in severity of disturbance.
She also said the memory of being yelled at and criticized all the time was a 10+++. Rochelle knew those ratings would come down after Connie’s successful afterlife communication with her mother.
Rochelle had Connie watch her hand movements back and forth as the procedure began. After a set of eye movements, Connie closed her eyes for a moment, then said, “I am irritated. I am mad.
I didn’t have any control over what happened to me with my mother. Now my roof is leaking, my furnace doesn’t work. I’m angry.” Connie was sighing and breathing deeply, releasing pent up energy that she had been carrying. “I am mad. I don’t know what to do. I have no control. There’s nothing I can do about it.”
Then, with another set of eye movements, the afterlife connection began. When Connie opened her eyes, she said, “I saw Dennis, my boyfriend who died in February, waving at me.“
She was sighing and releasing energy. “Everyone I love vanishes. They just leave me. You know, I don’t think I ever remember missing my mother, but right now, I miss my mother!” she said emphatically.”
Rochelle administered another set of eye movements and the afterlife connection continued. “I saw an image of a young woman with long, brown hair.
It was my mother, but she was more like my friend now. She was saying, ‘Come on, let’s go play. Let’s go do something fun.’” Connie was crying, releasing old negative energy. “She wanted me to come. ‘Come on, come on,’ she was saying, being playful and daring. I said to her, ‘I can’t go over there.’”
After another set of eye movements, Connie said, “My mother is the girl that was there. She was saying ‘Come on.’ I went with her. We were the same age, young, running toward a lake.
We jumped into the lake, laughing. I said, ‘What is your name? Is that really you?’ She said, ‘I’m Eula.’ That was her real name. She went by Fern. ‘I’m Eula. See, we’re like playful, fun sisters.’
“The water of the lake we were in was different. It wasn’t cold. It was just the right temperature. Everything is different where she is. I said to her, ‘I want to go back and be with you.’
She said, ‘Not yet,’ and she splashed me playfully. I asked her, ‘What do I do with the rest of my life?’ Mom said, ‘Do anything you want to.’ I was like in an altered state. I asked, ‘What do I do?’ Mom said to me, ‘You can’t control it beforehand. You just have to do it.'”
Rochelle said to Connie, “Go back to the memory that you had to take over everything when your mom came home from the hospital. It was a 10+++++ in severity of disturbance for you. Where is it now?”
Connie said, “It’s a 3.” Rochelle asked, “What about the memory that It was traumatic being yelled at and criticized all the time.” It had been a 10+++ at the beginning of the session. Connie answered, “I don’t feel anything in this state. It’s a 5.”
Rochelle took Connie through another set of eye movements and the afterlife connection resumed. “I asked Mom about our childhood. She apologized, then said ‘It’s nothing.
It’s in your head. It’s the bigger picture that’s important. Drop the old thoughts in that water. It is special water. And they will disintegrate those thoughts.’
“Mom said to me, ‘See what you can do here,’ and she jumped and grabbed onto a beam of light and climbed over it onto a star like she was in the Cirque du Soleil, laughing. She was jumping around stars and onto moonbeams. ‘See what I can do,’ she said. Everything is petty down on the Earth.”
I said, ‘That doesn’t help me deal with the petty things on Earth.’ Mom said, ‘Do what you want. Make more of an effort to do what you want to do. Don’t be bound by “should’s.” Cling to your spiritual practice, and that will help you. Take risks. Go for what you want. You’re taking things too serious. The Earthly life is not worth that.’
“I said, ‘But I don’t know what I want.’ She said, ‘Try things until you find out what you want.’ I asked her, ‘Will you help me if I ask for your help?’ ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘I will help you.’
She was on an elevated ring, doing tricks, like in the Cirque du Soleil. It looked like so much fun. I said, ‘I would love to do that, but I can’t.’ She said, ‘Throw those thoughts in the lake.’”
The fact that Connie didn’t go to her mother’s funeral really bothered her, so Rochelle said, “Ask your mom, ‘Do you forgive me for not going to the funeral?’
After a set of eye movements she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she said, “I asked for her forgiveness. She said she was OK with it. She forgave me. Then she said to me, ‘I love you. I’m here for you.
This life is insignificant. You can do what you want, and if you do, you’re going to have more fun. You can’t really make a wrong decision.’ Rochelle, I agonize over making the right decision. Mom just said, ‘Why, why do you worry about decisions? They’re so insignificant.’”
After another set of eye movements, Connie closed her eyes and asked Dennis, “Do you have anything to say to me today?”
She described his response: “He said, ‘My passing was preplanned. We arranged it before we came into this life. It was all meant to be.’
Then he said to me, ‘I miss you, and I’m sorry it was so hard for you. I love you. It was all prearranged, but my body knew. Do you remember my heart palpitations and fainting three days before I passed away? I knew something was going to happen.’”
When Connie opened her eyes after a final set of eye movements, she said, “I asked Mom and Dennis, ‘Is it over for today, our session?
Dennis kissed me. He held me for a little bit. When it was time to go, it was like a big vacuum sucking him back. And my mother was still doing the Cirque du Soleil thing. ‘I’ll save a ring for you,’ she said. ‘See you later.'”
With that, the session ended.
A Woman Is Referred to Have an Afterlife Communication by Someone Living in the Afterlife
A state-licensed psychotherapist named Jennie who does grief therapy but knew nothing about Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy was having a reading by a medium to connect with her loved ones who had passed.
During the session, Jennie’s nephew, Brian, who had passed away at age 42, came through. Brian said to her through the medium, “People are having grief after their loved ones’ passing because they don’t think the deceased still loves them. You can help them connect with their loved ones so they find out they do still love them.”
Jennie had no background in afterlife connections, so she wasn’t sure what to make of his message. Brian continued through the medium: “You can help them connect with the deceased with that eye thing.”
Jennie couldn’t make sense of that. She said, “Do you mean deep breathing and that sort of thing?” Brian said, “No, no, the eye thing.” Jennie said, “You mean through medication or relaxation?” Brian said through the medium, “No, no.“
Jennie said, “Do you mean EMDR?” [EMDR is eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, using the same eye movements used in Guided Afterlife Connections to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain.] He said, “Yes! Yes!” and became very excited.
Jennie said, “I’m not good at that.” Her nephew said, “That will help them connect with their deceased loved ones.” Jennie said, “I have to get better at that.
Where do I find out about this?” Brian said, “Go to the Internet. Look on there and you will find out. I will work with you. But you have to ask me.”
That evening, Jennie went onto Google to search for “afterlife grief therapy.” Rochelle’s website came up on the first page. The next day, Jennie called Rochelle with great excitement.
She told Rochelle she was elated that her nephew had helped her find Rochelle and that she wanted to be trained immediately! Two weeks later, she went through the Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy training and now is qualified to use the procedure.
Soon after she was trained, she described what had happened in a discussion group. She also had another session with the medium.
Her nephew came through and said he was very pleased with what had happened. He liked that she had the training and that she spoke about it in the discussion group.
He knew about both. It was clear that he was, in fact, going to be present as she helped people to connect with their deceased loved ones to be reassured that they still love them. But she knows she has to ask him for the help.
A Psychotherapist-Guided Afterlife Communication Relieves a Psychotherapist's Grief Over Two People
A psychotherapist named Leslie had learned about Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy and came to Rochelle to connect with her mother in the afterlife. Leslie had a successful afterlife communication session with her mother. Her grief was greatly reduced as a result of the session.
The day after Leslie’s session, she called Rochelle to tell her that she was delighted to have realized that her grief from the passing of her life partner, Tom, two months before the session, had also decreased dramatically, even though he was not the target of her Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy session. She wrote this to Rochelle:
My sadness was huge when Tom died. I was totally devastated, grieving and intensely sad. Today, the trauma around his illness and death has dissipated. Prior to today, I’ve been having deep, deep primal crying spells, coming from my very core.
I was just devastated. Today, when I think of Tom’s passing two months ago, it doesn’t have the same charge. The Repair & Reattachment session with my mother has diminished the sadness over Tom. Now I realize that the deaths and grief are all clustered and locked together.
Mary Has a Life-Changing Afterlife Communication
My name is Mary. My sweet husband has been in the afterlife for almost five years. I have been devastated and unable to move through my healing process. I saw my grief counselor, Rochelle, on July 18, three days before our 25th year wedding anniversary. Coming up to our anniversary, I was very depressed, hiding in my room and of course tearful.
My afterlife communication experience with Rochelle was so intense, amazing!!! What a blessing!!!!! The message I received from my husband was affirming. He was here with me, alive and still loving me!!!!!
An incredible burden was lifted that is hard to put into words. Two days after the afterlife connection, on our anniversary, I woke up that morning feeling surrounded in his love, at peace and happy!!! I had the best day, no tears, sadness or grieving. The day of our anniversary will always be as special as the day we married.
I miss my sweetie, but the sadness has lifted, and I feel his love for me every day. My afterlife communication experience with Rochelle truly has changed my life.