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Carefully controlled experiments by researchers in university and institute settings have shown that mental mediums are receiving messages from people living in the next life whose bodies have died.
A Study by the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona
In an effort to run a controlled experiment to determine whether mediums do receive accurate information from the deceased, Gary Schwartz, Linda Russek, and Christopher Barentsen conducted a study for the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona testing three talented mediums: Laurie Campbell, John Edward, and Suzane Northrop.
The study revealed that the mediums identified details about the deceased loved ones at a rate much higher than chance, leading the researchers to conclude that “The findings appear to confirm the hypothesis that information and energy, and potentially consciousness itself, can continue after physical death.”[i]
A Second Study Also Concluded that Mediums Are Able to Identify Details about People Alive in the Next Life
Gary Schwartz performed a second study with three other researchers from the University of Arizona Human Energy Systems Laboratory for a video-recorded HBO documentary on the life after this life. The study used five well-known mediums: George Anderson, John Edward, Anne Gehman, Suzane Northrop, and Laurie Campbell.
The result was that the mediums’ average accuracy score was 83 percent for one subject and 77 percent for a second subject. To test whether guessing could achieve the same results by chance, 68 control people were asked to guess details about the deceased loved ones of the two subjects. Their scores averaged 36 percent hits by chance. In other words, the accuracy of the mediums’ details was far beyond chance guesses.[ii]
The Miraval Silent Sitter Experiment Showed the Same Ability to Communicate with People Alive in Spirit
The Miraval silent-sitter experiment involved mediums Suzane Northrop, John Edward, Anne Gehman, and Laurie Campbell and ten subjects. The study consisted of two parts for each reading with each subject. The first was a “silent” part in which the medium described details about the deceased without receiving any responses from the subject. In the second part, the medium was able to receive “yes” and “no” answers from the subject.
In this study, the mediums’ accuracy score was 77 percent during the silent period and 85 percent during the “yes” and “no” questioning period, showing again that the mediums were far more accurate than would be expected by chance (based on the 36 percent accuracy rating in the previous study’s control group).[iii]
More Stringent Studies at the University of Arizona Showed Mediums Are Communicating with People in the Next Life
Gary Schwartz, PhD, and Julie Beischel, PhD, of the University of Arizona, performed another study under even more stringent, triple-blind conditions with more mediums. In this study, the subjects weren’t present for the reading. Another person sat in as a “proxy sitter.” The readings were conducted by phone to eliminate even the presence of the proxy sitter with the medium. Eight mediums were involved to increase the validity of the data.
The result was that the average summary rating for the readings actually intended for the subject was 3.56 on the 6-point scale. The average summary ratings for the readings not intended for the person (that were actually readings for someone else) was 1.94. For three of the best-performing mediums, the summary scores were in the range of 5.0 to 5.5 out of 6, meaning they were dramatically accurate.[iv]
A list of recommended, legitimate mediums, some of whom do phone readings, is at
[i] Schwartz, The Afterlife Experiments.
[ii] Gary Schwartz et al., “Accuracy and Replicability of Anomalous After-Death Communication Across Highly Skilled Mediums,” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 65 (2001): 1-25.
[iii] Schwartz, The Afterlife Experiments.
[iv] Julie Beischel and Gary Schwartz, “Anomalous information reception by research mediums demonstrated using a novel triple-blind protocol,” Explore 3, no. 1 (January 2007): 23-27.