Roberta Grimes interviewed Dr. R. Craig Hogan on the role of consciousness in reality. The interview follows. An article based on the interview is below the interview controls.
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Why is there such a problem with materialists accepting the reality we know about life after this life?
The church in Western Society pretty well had all of society in its hold. All of society then was ecclesiastical. It was all Church oriented and as a result of that, to maintain their control and maintain their power, they refused to allow anybody to have anything having to do with spirituality or the internal person. Descartes was wise enough to say OK, Church, you can handle the inner person, the mental stuff, and we’ll take care of all the physical stuff. And the church said “OK, let’s do it.” And so ever since then science has insisted upon controlling the understanding of what we experience in the world around us and the church was left with the spiritual or the mental. The Church of course had this theological notion that everything was based upon the canon of the New Testament and some fragments of the Old Testament and as a result, the church maintained control over spirituality, over the mind, over consciousness, and it of course would not allow control to pass from the church to ordinary people, so spirituality and understanding the life after this life were stuck in the ecclesiastical raiment the church had put around all things mental and spiritual. It had a shroud around it of ecclesiastical dogma.
Now we’re just beginning to break out of that. We are exploring the nature of reality, and science is now the entity that is most involved in trying to impede us from what we’re doing. But now we are now overcoming science as well as we overcame the church. That’s the period we’re in now. It’s an exciting period in which we’re discovering for the first time in humankind’s history the real nature of consciousness and reality.
Why doesn’t science today want to explore the truth about consciousness?
Materialist scientists want to believe that the mind is created by the brain, is housed in the brain, and that memories are stored in the brain, and because of that limited point of view then, they won’t allow themselves to consider anything else. And so they ignore all of the rest of what we know to be true today because we have the data; we have the data to show that the mind is not in the brain. The mind is doing things outside of the brain. In remote viewing, for instance, we can sit someplace and view things that are thousands of miles away. That can’t happen if the three to five pounds of tofu-like mush inside of our skulls is all there is to Consciousness.
So conscious is outside of the skull. It’s outside of the brain. And because we know consciousness is outside of the brain, we have to explain where is consciousness and what it is. We have a whole new set of questions. The scientists won’t look through the telescope in the same way Galileo kept saying to the scientists of his time, “Look through my telescope. You’ll see that Venus has phases and Jupiter has moons and there are craters on the moon. You’ll see that the Earth is not the center of the universe, that in fact we are in a heliocentric system: the sun is at the center of the system and there’s a much vaster system than that. They wouldn’t look through the telescope. The same thing’s happening now they just won’t look at the data. They say “No, we won’t look at the new data that upsets our worldview.” They all come together and agree that they’re not going to look at it and that it is pseudo-science and that there’s nothing to it.
They still can’t find the mind in the brain. It’s called the hard problem of consciousness by David Chalmers. So what they’re trying to do is to come up with alternatives to put the mind into the brain somehow. They come up with explanations they believe are going to eventually put the mind in the brain. There’s the whole-brain hypothesis that the whole brain is involved and because the whole brain is involved that’s why you can’t find where your consciousness is. And they believe memories are stored the brain.
Why we know the mind cannot be in the brain
We know the mind can’t be in the brain because in remote viewing we can view things that are thousands of miles away. We have psychic abilities where people can know things about other people that they couldn’t possibly know, and Ganzfeld experiments in which people are able to predict the cards that are going to be shown. We have Dean Raiden’s experiments with the computer in which the computer brings up images at random. But the person is reacting to the images that are coming up at random on the computer six to seven seconds before they’re chosen by the computer. So we have all kinds of information right to demonstrate the fact that the mind couldn’t possibly be in the brain. It has to be outside of the brain. So now we’re looking at it differently.
Now we’re saying, well, if the mind isn’t in the brain, where in the world is it? Then we realize it’s not in the world, and that’s part of the reason that we know that the mind is much greater than that. In fact, we are all part of one Universal Consciousness, our Universal Intelligence. We are one with it. There is nothing but Our Universal Intelligence and we then are having experiences within it in our minds. But our minds are not limited to what’s inside of the brain, so we can conceivably bring anything into our minds that we want to bring in. We don’t have to have eyes to see. We don’t have to have ears to hear. We can get hearing experiences and sight experiences that are entirely separate from the body; the body doesn’t have to be involved. It doesn’t have to be there to see something or it doesn’t have to be there to hear something.
As a result of that, people are doing experiments now in which they are proving that the mind is doing things outside of the body when the body is not involved. In near-death experiences, people’s bodies are comatose, they are completely lifeless, and they are, for all intents and purposes, dead in the clinical sense. But during that period of time when the body is dead, they are having experiences. They’re out there in the world doing things. They’re walking around, they’re seeing things in other rooms other than the operating room where their body is lying, and they’re describing these to doctors afterward. The doctors are just amazed at what they’re describing, so we know that their minds are active the more that the body shuts down.
So the body is limiting the mind, but when we’re freed from the mind as in a near-death experience, then we can have all kinds of experiences of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures–all of these things we would expect that would involve the brain. Then they come back after the body has died, and they say, “Now I’m healthier than I’ve ever been. I’m lighter than a feather. I’m living well. All my senses are active, but my body’s been dead for two years.” And so we know that the mind is not in the brain, not in the body.
How do we know the people we love are still alive in the afterlife?
That person you love is beside you now and is giving you a hug. They’re joyful. They say live your life and know that that person is going to come to your bedside when you make your transition. That’s just how it happens. They’re anxious to communicate with us, so they’re coming back, and they’re saying, “I want to prove to you, I want to show you that I’m alive, I’m fine. I don’t want you to worry about me. And all you have to do is settle down and listen to me. Hear the words I’m speaking, get the feelings I’m giving you.
I had a woman who sent an email yesterday about her self-guided afterlife communication experience. It’s a free online program anybody can go through that we produced to teach people how to have their own afterlife communications. It’s at The woman went through the procedure and learned how to have afterlife communications with her loved ones. In one session, she said to her loved one on the other side, “I wish I could give you a hug.” Suddenly, she felt tingling all over her body; the person on the other side was giving her a hug.
We have another instance in an induced after-death communication (where a psychotherapist puts a person into a state of mind in which they have an afterlife communication). It was done by Dr. Allan Botkin of Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. Botkin put the person into this experience of induced after-death communication, and the person was sitting with his eyes closed, having an experience of talking with his brother. All of a sudden, he jolted, and his eyes opened. He said, “Oh my gosh, I don’t know what just happened. It felt like a big claw was around me.” Dr. Botkin said, “Well go back in and let’s see what happened.” So he closed his eyes and when he opened them he said, “My brother said ‘I was giving you a hug’”
People are having these experiences without using sensations coming into the brain. It’s people coming to them and speaking to them. They are having experiences with them without the body doing something. All these things are showing us they’re proving to us the fact that the mind is not in the body. That means the mind lives on after the body dies, and that means other people whom we love who are not in bodies right now are still alive and well and anxious to communicate with us.”
The phone is ringing. They’re trying to communicate. Your loved ones are trying to communicate with you. They love us so much that they hate to see us suffer. They hate to see us in grief. They feel so bad about it. They want to say, “Listen, I’m fine, don’t worry about me, live your life and we’re going to get together again. We’re going to have this wonderful reunion in just a few years, so live your life. Don’t cry. Especially children say that to their parents. We actually have a recording of a child from the afterlife in an instrumental transcommunication done by Sonia Rinaldi in which Sonia says to the child in spirit, “Would you like to say something to your mother,” and the child answers “Don’t cry!”
What they’re saying to us is don’t worry about me. I’m fine and we’re going to have a wonderful time when we get back together again and we share stories about what’s been going on with us. We can look forward to it. It’s not going to be very much time. Our lives are very brief. And the transition just happens instantly, in the blink of an eye, and we’ll be together with them again. that’s what they want us to know.
We have assembled the truth about our place in eternity at
The truth is on We’re sharing what we’ve learned is true. We’re learning new things every day. We’re having people come through from life after this life, and they’re telling us what life is like there. What we’re trying to do is just share this with people. Every day, we learn new things, and we’re putting them online at The purpose of it is to help people understand that we are eternal beings having a brief physical experience. We’re going to go on after this experience is done. All our loved ones are waiting for us on the other side. We just want people to understand the truth about who we are in eternity and where our loved ones are right now.
Findings in science today are unveiling the truth about our eternal lives
Science is helping us to spread the word without realizing it. What they’re finding out is that the basis of reality is energy. It’s in a different form when it’s matter but it’s all energy. And what that tells us is that what we believe to be solid bodies and solid space and solid tables and chairs and all of this is actually energy in different forms. That explains the fact that consciousness is the basis of reality. Consciousness is the precipitating force that makes the energy possible. So if you think “I can’t believe that consciousness is the basis of reality because things are solid. We have tables and they’re not conscious.” But science is telling us that at the basis of reality, the only energy that we know now is consciousness. We know that science is helping us understand that. We know that in this energy world, there are no colors; in this energy world, there are no sounds. Our minds are what give it color; our minds are what give it sound; and our minds give it meaning. So our experiences are coming from consciousness. And at the basis of it all is Our Universal intelligence, the mind of God. Amit Goswami, the quantum physicist, came to the epiphany after despairing over the meaning of life and what he was doing by saying, “There is nothing but God. There is nothing but God.”
People need to realize that God is Our Universal intelligence. It’s our consciousness. We are all members of it. We are sharing it. We are part of it. There is one mind and we’re all part of that mind. We’re having the same dream together, and in the same way that when we have a dream we create characters, we create scenery, we have sights, we have feelings of touch, we have feelings of smell, and even erotic experiences–all of these things that happen in dreams but there is no world in the dreams. There is no physical world in the dreams and yet we’re having those experiences. The reason for that is that experiences are entirely in the mind, and as a result, we know that even when we’re moving around in this world, even when we’re doing things in this world, it’s actually happening in Our Universal intelligence. It’s happening in the mind of God and we are participants in it. We are having the same dream together.
When we all understand this, we can’t have a war with ourselves. There’s no hatred, there’s no anger, it’s all love. Love is really the only emotion and to the extent we ever deviate from it, we’re at war with ourselves. The beauty of it is that the more you get this the freer you are. You’re really making peace with yourself: that’s the beauty of it.
Jesus taught us these truths, but people didn’t listen
The greatest teacher was Jesus. This is really what Jesus taught. We just didn’t understand It. We’re beginning to understand it now after 2000 years. The second coming of Jesus is actually going to be his being understood for the first time. We see now that people are understanding what he said because of the advancements that we’re making in spirituality and understanding the mind and understanding reality. Now we’re looking back at it and saying, “Oh, that’s what he meant! That’s what he was trying to tell us. The Jews at the time couldn’t understand. He was a Jew, and he was trying to just tell his fellow Jews what the truth was, and they didn’t understand it. Then, the church took over anything having to do with Jesus and with what he was trying to teach people, and they cloaked it in ecclesiastical robes. So the truth was hidden, and finally, today, for the first time, we’re really first understanding what Jesus was really trying to say to humankind because the church is getting out of the way, too. They didn’t understand it either.
The Self-Guided Afterlife Connections course teaches people how to have their own afterlife communications
We developed the Self-Guided Afterlife Connections course, which teaches people how to communicate with their loved ones in eight stages. It begins by helping people to understand what happens when we communicate: how we can communicate, where’s that voice coming from in my mind, and how we know that it’s the voice of my loved one. The third stage teaches them how to relax and allow unfoldment, meaning things come into their mind that they don’t intend to come. They’re not coming from their imagination. We’re just allowing them to come. In Stage 4, they’re listening to music as I narrate it and they’re going into the experience of having an afterlife communication with their loved one. Then, in Stage 5, they have a daydream in which they have a communication. The daydream morphs into a communication. Stages 6 and 7 teach them how to do all of this with no narration or music. They can have a communication while sitting in a doctor’s office or sitting anywhere. Stage 8 teaches them how to notice the signs their loved one is with them and is trying to communicate with them.
Thousands of people have gone through it. Some people sit down every day and have a conversation with their loved ones. It’s wonderful to see people realize that they can communicate with their loved ones. They don’t need a medium. We know this is true because 86% of the people who go through the training will have the experience of communicating with their loved ones.
Psychotherapists are helping people have afterlife communications
And we have psychotherapists who are taking people into the same sort of a state of mind. They’re up to 98% successful. It’s just hard for people to understand these truths because we’ve been reared in a world dominated first by the church and then by science. Both of them told us we can’t communicate with our loved ones living in the life after this life. We’re just growing out of that, but it’s difficult for people to let go of the prejudice that somehow they can’t communicate with their loved ones. But if they let go of the falsehood, then the communication will happen automatically. Communication will simply happen naturally. It’s a part of life.
People learn we are eternal beings when they look at the truth
The more people delve into the reality of who they are, the more they discover the fact that they are Eternal beings having a physical experience. Then they will realize that they are going to go on to the end of their life and look forward to their next life when they graduate from Earth school and that their loved ones are alive and well and anxious to communicate. All they have to do is learn how to communicate and the communication will help them realize their loved ones are fine and we don’t need to worry about them. People can feel less grief as a result and can be assured they will continue to live after their body dies.