An article in Scientific American explains, that as scientists look into the basis of reality, deeper than subatomic particles, they are discovering there is something more basic that undergirds all that exists. The author of the article writes,
A growing number of physicists, working in different areas of the discipline with different approaches, are increasingly converging on a profound idea: space—and perhaps even time—is not fundamental. Instead space and time may be emergent: they could arise from the structure and behavior of more basic components of nature. At the deepest level of reality, questions like “Where?” and “When?” simply may not have answers at all. “We have a lot of hints from physics that spacetime as we understand it isn’t the fundamental thing . . .”
Where Does the Reality We Experience Come From?
The underlying theory from which space and time emerge is still a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community. The idea that space and time may not be fundamental entities but rather derived from a deeper reality is regarded by scientists as a promising direction for understanding the nature of the universe.
New research suggests space and time may not be the fundamental backdrop to the universe. Instead, they could be emergent properties of a more basic reality, “the true backdrop to the cosmos.”
Space and Time Come from Entanglement
But where do space and time come from? The solution lies in entanglement, a profound linkage between entities, synchronizing their actions over vast distances in improbable manners instantaneously. Einstein famously grappled with entanglement, dubbing it “spooky action at a distance.”
The Scientific American article explains that in the realm of quantum mechanics, when two entities interact, they become entangled, maintaining this connection as long as they remain isolated from external influences, regardless of the distance between them. Physicists have demonstrated entanglement over vast spans, spanning more than 1,000 kilometers, and even between particles stationed on Earth and those aboard orbiting satellites. Theoretically, entangled particles could uphold their correlation across immense cosmic distances, transcending galaxies or even the entire universe. The persistence of entanglement regardless of distance has puzzled physicists for decades.
However, if space emerges as a phenomenon, the seemingly mysterious endurance of entanglement across vast expanses may find explanation—after all, distance is a conceptual construct. The degree of entanglement dictates the proximity of these spatial regions. Entanglement seems to undergird space itself. Without it, space would fall apart.
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The Nature of Reality as One Ocean of Consciousness
The implications of this are that this fundamental nature of existence is what has been called the ocean of consciousness. Explanations for this essence of space and time have persisted for millennia. “What exists ‘is now all together, one, continuous,’” asserted the philosopher Parmenides 2,500 years ago, emphasizing unity and continuity. Parmenides posited that time and change were mere illusions, advocating for a worldview where everything is interconnected and homogeneous.
Today, Dr. John Hagelin, a professor of physics who has focused on developing a grand unified field theory, describes this fundamental basis of reality:
Modern quantum physics and molecular biology, neuroimmunology all say that we create our own realities and that we have a lot of responsibility over the world in which we live; at least in the way we experience the world and the way the world behaves toward us. Ultimately what we’d like to see is what is the physics of consciousness. We can ask that question today. What is consciousness? Where did we come from? What are the origins of consciousness? What are the limits of human potential? We are in a position to answer that now I believe, though we certainly are not at consensus yet in a scientific community about that yet, but the real cutting edge knowledge, the discovery of the unified field, the so called Superstring Field. We now understand that life is fundamentally ONE. At the basis of all life diversity is unity. At our basis, you and I are one. And that unity at the basis of mind and matter is consciousness. Universal consciousness.
So with that deep understanding that consciousness isn’t created by the brain, it’s not purely an outcome of a process of molecular chemical processes in the brain but is fundamental in nature. It’s the very core of nature and we call it the Unified Field. Now that we have that foundational understanding of what consciousness really is we solve the mind body problem. We can see how consciousness percolates up through our physiology to become the consciousness that we experience and see through sensory perception and all of that. There is a foundation now to really link rigorously neuroscience with quantum physics.”
What Is Reality? Our One Universal Intelligence
At the basis of reality is Our Universal Intelligence, the source of all that is. We are elements of that Universal intelligence, conscious agents who have experiences in the world to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life’s experiences. The more science delves into the nature of existence, the more it discovers that we are the actors on the stage created by consciousness. As Sir James Jeans, physicist, astronomer, and mathematician wrote,
The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter…we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.2
John Archibald Wheeler, Nobel-prize winning physicist and philosopher, introduced the concept of a “participatory universe.” According to him, the universe is not a passive, objective reality, but rather an active, participatory system where we play a crucial role in shaping the outcome of physical events. In this participatory universe, the act of observation is not just a passive process of gathering information, but an active process of participation, where the observer’s consciousness and intention influence the outcome of the measurement. This idea is often referred to as the “participatory anthropic principle” or PAP.
Wheeler said in an interview, “we are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.”3
2Sir James Hopwood Jeans (2017). The Mysterious Universe [New Revised Edition], p.125, Pickle Partners Publishing
3 Radio interview with Martin Redfern,