In an audio recording dated April 29, 1963, from a Leslie Flint séance, Elizabeth Fry, a prominent figure in the eighteenth-century prison reform movement in the UK, explains what earthbound spirits and ghosts are.
“Earthbounds” are individuals who have transitioned from life but remain within the earthly realm. Devoid of physical bodies, they possess the ability to move about unnoticed.
Despite lacking corporeal form, they can engage in mundane activities like sitting on chairs, riding buses, attending gatherings, and performing tasks akin to those of the living. Their influence seldom manifests in physical disturbances but rather in the manipulation of thoughts.
Predominantly, they target vulnerable individuals, enticing them towards undesirable actions through mental persuasion. For instance, an earthbound with a history of arson might prey on individuals predisposed to such acts, planting thoughts like, “Wouldn’t setting that building ablaze create a spectacle?” There exist earthbounds with various deviant inclinations, all seeking to exert their influence on susceptible individuals.
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Transcript of Elizabeth Fry on Earthbounds
Although, of course, there are many people who are earthbound; who have never, as it were, really left the Earth, who are very much on an earthly consciousness… an earthly state of consciousness and an earthly plane.
And they are often the people, of course, who… do many things, which… cause some concern to people on your side who are aware of poltergeists, who are aware of interference. And, of course, you do get these souls who are so materialistic minded and who do rec… receive a great deal of pleasure in influencing people on your side – especially people of weak minds or people who, in themselves, open up, as it were, their consciousness to these influences.
I don’t think enough is understood about the Earth souls – I refer to them as Earth souls inasmuch that, although they’ve passed from your world, they are still very much a part of it. And these earthbound creatures are not necessarily evil – there are a few, there are some, of course, that are in themselves not doing anything that is working out their own salvation. In fact, they are receiving a great deal of pleasure by utilizing people on your side.
I’m quite sure that many of the people in mental hospitals in your world are under the influence of earthbound spirits and, um, I think it is a great tragedy that this subject, this whole subject is not better understood, uh, among those in the medical profession. Because a lot of these cases are definitely an obsession and there’s a great field, uh, for research, a great field there for discovery, a great opportunity for people to work in that particular field where people are suffering from mental disorders.
Because a lot of these so-called disorders are not illnesses, in the sense that you understand the term. They are definitely cases of obsession. And we on this side have many souls who work in groups and bands who endeavor to help and to relieve and to take away, where possible, these influences.
But you must remember that they are so close to Earth, they are so much of the Earth, but it sometimes is very difficult to do very much about it.
Elizabeth Fry’s insights into earthbound spirits shed light on the complexities of spiritual existence beyond the physical realm. Her observations underscore the need for a deeper understanding of such phenomena, particularly within medical and spiritual communities, to aid those affected and alleviate their influences on the living. Through her words, we are reminded of the intricate interplay between the earthly and spiritual planes and the importance of addressing these matters with compassion and knowledge.
What are earthbound spirits, and how do they differ from traditional concepts of ghosts?
Earthbound spirits are individuals who have passed away but remain attached to the earthly plane, often due to unresolved issues or strong emotional ties. Unlike traditional ghosts, they do not necessarily haunt specific locations but may interact with the living in various ways.
How can one identify if they are being influenced by an earthbound spirit?
Signs of influence by earthbound spirits may include sudden shifts in mood or behavior, unexplained thoughts or urges, feeling drained of energy, or experiencing unusual phenomena in one’s surroundings. However, these signs can vary greatly from person to person.
Are earthbound spirits always malevolent, or can they be benevolent?
Earthbound spirits are not inherently evil; some may be benevolent or simply lost and seeking resolution. However, those who are attached to negative emotions or unresolved issues may inadvertently cause distress or interference in the lives of the living.
How can individuals protect themselves from potential influence or interference by earthbound spirits?
Practices such as setting clear boundaries, maintaining positive energy through meditation or prayer, and seeking guidance from spiritual mentors or practitioners can help individuals shield themselves from negative influences. Additionally, addressing unresolved emotions or conflicts within oneself may lessen susceptibility to earthbound spirits’ interference.
*Audio source: The Leslie Flint Trust