What People Learn from Self-Guided Afterlife Connections

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How to have afterlife communications

The Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure is a free training program provided by Seek Reality Online in our dedication to helping people relieve their grief by connecting with loved ones we know without a doubt are available and anxious to communicate. They’re ringing the phone. You just have to learn how to pick it up and listen.

The training will help you learn how to connect with someone you love. You will learn how to be more open to messages from your loved ones now living on another plane of life. To achieve this result, you must go through all the training stages, in the order in which they are presented, to learn the skills.

This training is not a one-time meditation you go through. It will teach you how to enter a state of mind in which afterlife connections can and do occur. They happen in 86% of the people who go through the training.

This Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure is given freely to humanity. If you are successful in making a connection or just want to support our efforts, please consider making a donation to Afterlife Research and Education, Inc., and Seek Reality Online.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

How the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication Procedure Was Developed

Induced After-Death Communication

The Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) procedure was developed by psychotherapist Dr. Allan Botkin. I co-authored a book with him explaining the procedure and presenting accounts of successful IADC sessions.

The procedure uses a breakthrough therapy method called Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). It causes the participant to re-experience traumatic memories, seeing them from a unique perspective, resulting in healing from the traumas. Dr. Botkin found that his patients were having afterlife communications with the people for whom they were grieving when he used the EMDR procedure. He then refined the procedure and began using it routinely with patients. 

You can learn more about the IADC procedure at https://induced-adc.com.

Dr. Allan Botkin
Dr. Allan Botkin
Induced After-Death Communication (IADC)

Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy

The Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy method was developed by psychotherapist Rochelle Wright. I co-authored a book with her about the procedure.

Rochelle read the book I co-authored with Dr. Botkin about the IADC procedure and tried it on her patients who were grieving over the passing of a loved one. Her attempts were successful. Her patients had afterlife communications that healed their grief. She refined the therapy into the Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy procedure. 

A significant difference is that her therapy method allows the person in the afterlife to guide the procedure. As a result, her procedure is 98% successful in helping people have afterlife communications with the people for whom they are grieving, and the communications may last for hours.

You can learn more about the Repair and Reattachment procedure at https://repairandreattachment.com.

Rochelle Wright afterlife communication
Rochelle Wright, LMHC
Grief therapy has grief therapists heal grief

How the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication Procedure Was Developed

I am a certified hypnotist. I understood the Induced After-Death Communication and Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy procedures and knew I could create an induction using self-hypnosis that would allow people to have afterlife communications on their own, without a psychotherapist. I developed the free, online Self-Guided Afterlife Connection procedure. Thousands of people have gone through the training and are now having regular afterlife connections with their loved ones.

In one study of the procedure, 86% of participants who went through the training had afterlife communication experiences.

The Goal for the Training

The goal of the training is for you to learn how to enter the state of mind to connect with your loved one at any time, in any place. You won’t need the meditation music or guidance provided during the training. When you sense your loved one’s presence, you can quiet yourself and have a dialogue with them. When you need to feel they’re near or you need help, you can ask them to come to you and you can know their messages for you. You will listen to meditation music and a narration guiding you at first, but by Stage 7 in the training program, you will be able to enter the state of mind by yourself, with no help.

What You Can Expect from the Training

You will establish a new relationship or enhance an existing relationship with your loved one living in the realm next door. Your new relationship will stay strong until you are both again living in the same realm. You will connect often. Some people connect every day. Through the connections, you will live a fuller, richer life, and your loved ones will help you learn during your time in earth school. This is what one person wrote in her journal about her Self-Guided Afterlife Connection experiences:

It is like I am learning soul stuff and what I need to realize as a soul so that I can make the most of my time here. It is like my family on the other side is helping me as much or more then when they were here. It is amazing. It really felt like my sister only much more loving and I feel like I know who she is more then I did when she was here.

Participants' Reports of the Results

Testimony 1

Prior to this exercise, thoughts of my husband mostly brought me sadness. This was extremely healing, simply because thoughts of my husband now can make me smile, and I can go there on my own now. It is truly bizarre that I could not do this before without breaking down. Now I can spend time with him, his mother and my father (who passed two months before my husband), while feeling love instead of the sadness I feel at their physical loss.

Testimony 2

This is so pleasant. I relish my time doing this. I make sure I will get to enjoy it totally. It seems like being able to feel this love has allowed me to pause in my everyday life and contact “It” when I need it. With my husband, I don’t waste our precious relationship on petty stuff. I am not perfect about it, that’s okay. So, I believe the techniques have allowed me to experience life more completely. I don’t see the dregs of sorrow as something to avoid or need hyper joy constantly. I wish I knew this stuff years ago 🙂 Gives me a more secure sense that things happen in their own time.

Thanks so much. This has been a fantastic experience. I feel transformed and I hope it helps others who witness the tiny transformation in me. I hope they see it’s possible to let go of hate and judgement in the face of what is every parent’s nightmare.

Stage 3 Experiences

Example 1

This was amazing!!!!!!!!! I met with my Mom and my Aunt Janet!!! There was a lot of laughing and silent understanding and communication. They were so happy and wanted me to be the same. My Mom kept telling me she knew I would make it. She knew I would get it. She has come to me several times before and she has told me we can still communicate but that I just have to adjust and do it differently. I asked if this was where I was supposed to be headed because I have always had a deep fascination and desire to understand more and be able to communicate and she said Yes!!!!!! I knew that though on some level. She guided me here, no doubt about it!!!! I love this and have such a profound sense of love, joy and gratitude!!!!! My Mom also thanked me for being there for my dad 🙂

EXTREMELY valuable!!!!!!!!!! I had huge success. It has stayed with me also and I know that I have had communication in the past but may have had doubt.

Stage 3 Example 2

While I was just standing and looking towards the ocean, I felt the need to look to my right. I saw my son walking towards me, his beach towel thrown over his right shoulder, his long hair been blown by the wind. He looked calm and confident. He walked right up to me, put his arm around me and also stared at the ocean. Then he said, but not in words, that I know this is our meeting place and that he will always be there for me. Suddenly I saw my brother approaching us from the left. Tall and tanned. He just walked up to us in silence, put his arm around me and the three of us stood there, looking at the ocean.


Validations Example 1

Then, I saw a young girl. She had familiar features. The name Brenda came to me and I realized it’s a friend of mine’s daughter. She died in a roll over crash where she was pinned and asphyxiated. The kids with her were allegedly responsible for her being abandoned at the wreck. The feelings I got from her had nothing to do with that wreck or the people around her then. She hovered with me, morphing a bit so I saw her in different stages, ages. I saw her exploring. I heard her say, “I love Mom. I miss Mom.”

I saw some food item, rolled. It looked like a lobster roll but with jalapenos. I was focused on it too much and it disappeared, I looked to the side and saw her as a little girl, rolling out dough, working on a red checked table cloth, working so hard. She was darling! Then, I realized, Oh, she misses doing this stuff with her mom. At least that’s what I got from it.


Well, how Dee doo. I wrote Lauren, mother of the little girl in the afterlife connection, and told her the first part of it and how confused I was with the roll ups that had jalapeño in them. I kept thinking, what on earth. So, I wrote Lauren unsure of how much to tell her. I can never remember who is a believer and who isn’t. Guess what? She writes back and says it makes sense to her. Yes, they made jalapeño roll ups. WHAT…. I’ve NEVER heard of such a thing. Look, if I ever thought I was making this stuff up, well, I completely believe now. Where the hell did jalapeño roll ups come from?

Validations Example 2

Next, I saw an Aunt on my dad’s side that I’ve always felt very close to even though we didn’t really have a chance to know one another in life. I was named after her. However, she died when she was 18 years old – and I was only 3 at the time. She was not talking to me – but showing me scenes from her lifetime. I saw her at her wedding, and then I saw her sitting at a table, somewhat bored looking….and then I watched her make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich…and before she ate it she smashed it all down really flat. I have no idea if she liked her sandwiches that way…but hope to find out. In any case, the next thing I know I’m at my Grandmother’s house (her mother) and I’m seeing this giant portrait of my aunt (that’s really there!) and I see it being taken down, and being moved around…but then I became aware that this was difficult for someone, that they wanted to move the portrait but couldn’t bring themselves to do it. I wasn’t sure what that meant.

I was talking with my mother the next day and I told her about what I had seen. As it turns out, my sister’s daughter was visiting….she and my sister live in my grandmother’s old house and my niece and my sister had talked about moving my aunt’s portrait because they had something else they wanted to hang but my sister just couldn’t bring herself to do it. My niece said that when her mother wasn’t home, she took down the portrait of my aunt….and so the portrait has been removed and this picture from Italy is now in it’s place. My niece felt horrible when my mother told her what I had seen, but my mother reassured her that it was not that my aunt was unhappy about the move of her picture, but that this was something that would be validated for me. I was very excited! I mean, how cool!

Validations Example 3

Grandma had asked me to try and meet her mother next time I did this. So once I was connected with my grandpa again I said that grandma wanted me to do this. Nothing happened except that I saw in my minds eye an old photograph of a woman. Then I heard Mabel, Mabel, Mabel. This went on about five times. I was thinking that maybe that was my grandma’s mother’s name. So I asked my grandpa, “Who’s Mabel?” He suddenly had his arm around a teenage girl and he said that this was my grandma’s sister who died when they were girls. Mabel was nice and the three of us talked for quite awhile. I imagined a tree and it appeared. We all sat and laid under it for awhile. They answered many of my questions…. Mostly pertaining to spiritual topics.

Once back I went and talked to my grandma. I said I was with grandpa and was going to try and meet her mother but then heard the name, Mabel, several times. As soon as I said that name my grandma said, “Oh , my sister, she died when she was 16.”

Validations Example 4

Again, fairly easy to let go. The first image was of my beloved little terrier, whom I lost in ’09! He brought me to my great-grandmother again, who was still a young woman. He jumped onto her lap and settled himself in. She was mouthing something I couldn’t quiet understand, so I relaxed and “gazed” at her more intently. Suddenly she came sharply into focus and said, “YOU’RE PREGNANT!” Everything then faded. I am shocked.


I’d like you to know that I found out today that I am actually pregnant. I can’t believe it. I received that message days before I could verify that it was true; I had no idea.

Validations Example 5

I went to the same garden (my own) and again found what I did not expect. My Uncle Jim (who died about the same time as my father) was sitting in the seat my brother John had been in. Bob was my favorite uncle when I grew up. He used to take me for rides in his truck when he was working. I have not thought of him for some time. He began talking to me about the farm where I grew up. We walked out from the farm house and he began sharing about how it was when he grew up there. I had not thought of that much; both he and my Dad spent their childhood there.

I turned to look at the ridge where I used to walk and daydream. Immediately he took both of us to the ridge. He said it was one of his favorite places too. Then he talked about how they dug out the white chalk rock there to make my Grandma’s flower beds. It was a revelation to me: I had always loved the raised round flower beds in the front yard and I always loved the broken up place on the ridge but I had never put two and two together. Then Bob took me up high to look down on the farm. He asked me if I would like to take care of a farm for my remaining years. I said I was a bit old to do that. He waited for me to answer. I said “Sure.” It seemed and still seems a strange idea. We left it there, said goodbye and separated.

Not what I expected. Just a chatty visit with someone I had not seen for some time. I still don’t know what to think of his question. Different members of my family have been showing up. We were never an overtly affectionate bunch. All three sessions have seemed to convey a rather amused and affectionate attitude towards me. I have felt very much at home with them, always felt surprised at what transpires and left wondering at them in a good way.

Validation Example 6

I did a session the other night, clearly saw a friend’s son, his music and some other things. I heard him playing a song. Later that day, I asked my friend about something her son had shown me and she confirmed that was something of significance. That made me smile. She told me about his YouTube he recorded before his passing. When I watched the online songs her son left on YouTube, one of his songs was the same song I heard in my afterlife connection!

Validation Example 7

Last night in an induction, I saw a woman with a scarf around her head. Well it was more than a scarf. As I saw her in different angles, the word, “hajib” came to me. I asked who she is. I didn’t think that was her name. I looked up “hajib” and found it is a head covering for Muslim women. That’s not a word I knew, although I’ve intended to learn the words since I’ve been exposed to more and more Arabic and Muslim culture.

Effects of the Self-Guided Afterlife Connections

Reduction of Grief

The participant explains that her self-guided afterlife connections had a profound effect on her sadness. In this account, she refers to the “loved-filled place,” a place the narration asks them to imagine during the induction.

Prior to this exercise, thoughts of my husband mostly brought me sadness. I did this exercise twice. The first time was a trial run, and I ended the exercise at the count of five. The second time, I found it to be so wonderful that I continued the exercise for an extra fifteen minutes, enjoying the soothing guitar music. This was truly the first time that I found my sacred, quiet, love filled place. I had been looking for this during prior meditations, but it all came together for me just now. I found the room in my parents’ house where my husband, his mother and my parents and sons would gather for holidays, to be the warm, loved-filled room where my loved ones who had passed were gathered. I hugged each one and smiled a lot. Then I opened the screen door and sat on the concrete steps with my husband, holding his hand and putting it up to my face. He did not say anything, and no one else did. I did all the talking, but I felt a tremendous love and warmth.

This was extremely healing, simply because thoughts of my husband now can make me smile, and I can go there on my own now. It is truly bizarre that I could not do this before without breaking down. Now I can spend time with him, his mother and my father (who passed two months before my husband), while feeling love instead of the sadness I feel at their physical loss.

I believe that my feelings of love represent clairsentience.

I truly appreciate this meditation and find it of tremendous value.

Insights About the Afterlife

Participants learn about the afterlife during their communications. In this example, the participant learns about the afterlife and the unique view of reincarnation we are coming to understand now. She also learns how a person in the afterlife can influence people still on Earth. These connections often bring profound insights into the afterlife and nature of our lives in Earth School.

When I went through into the white light, it was blank for a while as I decided what image or setting I was going to create. I thought about the ‘loving’ place I had just come from and thought about inviting my Grandma for a quiet ‘beer’, but I didn’t need to worry as the Garden scene from the previous session unfolded in front of me, and there was my Gran, looking in her late 30’s, looking radiant.

The garden was mainly an impression of one, but was very vibrant with lots of colours, and Gran was picking big bunches of flowers and then she placed them gently on the ground and invited me to sit on the grass with her.

I got a deep sense of the spaciousness of the afterlife, the vastness, the feeling that it’s more real that here. I could see why people who cross over just want to get on with things, because that is the more ‘real’ aspect to their life.

I asked Gran if she had reincarnated yet and how it worked. I got the impression of a yellow daisy. Within that image I unpacked the information which translated to, “each petal is a life experience yet it’s still part of the whole flower. That is how I can communicate with her, while she has incarnated again. “

She also ‘showed’ me how she sends energy to her two daughters who are still alive who very much need some good energy. She waves sparkles of energy across their consciousness while they’re asleep. This is also to help them remember faster when they do eventually cross over.

Insights About the Nature of Reality

In this second example of learning about the afterlife and nature of reality, the participant is shown things about life in the afterlife and the Source of existence.

Marsha and I are back there. The estate is filled with white light….so much light …from within the building and from sky that comes through the open ceiling. The room we enter is large. People are in white, lightweight robes. Their faces are serene and many are smiling. There are inner gardens and so much water…clear fountains of light and water. This is a higher plane. I receive information and understanding but not through words.

The Source is love and comes in all forms. It is purest here. The Source penetrates all forms in the afterlife but some planes are more dense, so there are more filters to penetrate. The meaning of the afterlife is to come to know the Source. These beings are the spiritual guides that teach – that is their purpose. They are here to inspire, and communicate the truth. They are not guides who help transition people from the earth plane, but guides who lead others into this place…the place of great awareness and understanding.

Some came immediately after their earthly transition because they understood, others eventually came here from other planes. It doesn’t matter where one goes after the earthly plane. The ultimate purpose is to exist in love, the source of all. I am told that they (the beings) are part of the “Mind.” They also write books and are musicians. They inspire through these as well. Marsha does not reside here. She visits. She spends most of her time in the beautiful place with the waterfall….continues to work through issues from earth in that place. She knows that she will be among these beings one day. I do not know where I will begin in the next life right now. It doesn’t matter. I say goodbye to Marsha and return to this place. I feel a longing to remain on the other side.

Insights About Life Planning

Participants also learn about their life plan and why their lives are unfolding as they are. In this example, the participant’s brother explained why the end of his life could not have been changed. He explains the roles people play. And he gave her insights about her relationship to him while he was struggling on Earth.

I saw my father, my brother, and my son as a group together. I then asked if I can first just talk to Andre. George, my brother replied that they understand. I started having a conversation with Andre regarding very painful circumstances surrounding his death. Especially the last 4 months. I asked him if he would still have been here with me, if I used another approach. If I didn’t fight for his life, but just been loving and supportive and not anxious and desperate and in the process just added to his desolation. He replied that if that did not happen, something else would have. That we had an arrangement to play these roles in each other’s’ lives. That he is learning and exploring with me. 

He reminded me that he chose me and again he said: “Always remember, I chose YOU!” He said that my brother George needs to have time with me. He came over and I started crying. I was so angry with him before he died. I gave him an ultimatum: Stop using drugs or you are out of my life. I revisited those words again and again the last 6 months. I missed the George who was my brother. I asked him the same question: “Would things have been different if I used another approach?” He commented that he would have manipulated it anyway and it would have been no use. He just hugged me and said that he, my father and my son are all three exploring life’s possibilities with me now.

Seeing the Person in Spirit at Different Ages

During the self-guided afterlife communication experiences, people project images they want the participant to experience. One such image is of them as they were when on Earth and as they are now after years in the afterlife. People who pass at a young age grow up in the afterlife. In some of the self-guided afterlife connection experiences, the person in the afterlife show themselves as the child the participant knew and then as the young person or adult the person is now. This is an example. In this example, the participant refers to the place of love. In the self-guided afterlife connections training, the participant chooses a place full of love to meet loved ones.

I like this stage the best. I relaxed while listening to the guided relaxation and went to my place of love. I can go there easily, it is a very familiar place to me now. Sometimes there are more people than others. This time when I went my son was a little boy and he was playing with his Saint Bernard rolling around and laughing. We didn’t have dogs in our house but he has dogs he cares for now. He ran up and jumped into my arms and nuzzled his head in my neck and just held on tight. I could feel the love and familiarity.

He reached out and my mother came to us. I told her how much I wished she had been with me when I was a mom and could have been with my kids and been there grandmother. How much I would have like to have her to learn from. She said she was always around and I did a wonderful job as a mother, she guided me even though I did not know it.

Then Jimmy was grown up and my boyfriend came over and hugged me and wanted me to just feel the love and to always know they are with me and to feel the love they are always surrounding me with. Jimmy went back and forth between a child and a grown up. He said to remember how happy he is now and at peace, learning and feeling the love he never could completely hold onto here except when he was with me and as an adult he couldn’t always be with me, he had to learn on his own. When it got too painful and he couldn’t go on anymore he was allowed to come back “home.” He wanted me to come visit him whenever I wanted now that I knew how to reach him. To try to feel the love and peace that I am always surrounded with.

People in Spirit Make the Best Psychotherapists

In the self-guided connections, the people in spirit often say things that help the participant heal. They are most often not anticipated but have the positive effect. In this example, a grandmother 

I was sitting on a tree stump, my grandma came dressed like I remember her before she got sick. And she was grinning from ear to ear. There was thought exchanges of love and acknowledgement and then I asked the question “Why did you have to spend the last 2 years of your life in bed with diapers and all that suffering?” She answered, “It’s just part of life and it’s okay. It’s something I had to go through and some lessons your mother had to go through. It’s just all part of the journey and you don’t have to understand. I know what you were feeling Lenny, sadness and guilt because you didn’t visit me because you couldn’t stand to watch. I know what you feel but I want you to know, it’s all okay. Don’t feel sadness. I know you loved and still love me. Maybe this was a lesson for you, for me, for her, for anyone….. We’re all on our own path. But I love you and that’s what I know”

With that I just felt an overwhelming sense of love, acceptance and contentment from her. And I said “you can come visit me anytime Grandma, I’m here for you.”

Receiving Messages Counter to What They Expected

Participants often receive messages that are counter to what they expected to hear. In this example, the participant heard a response that brushed off her concerns.  The participant also sees her father as he is now in the afterlife as a young man.

I was ahead of the process, as soon as I arrived at the very beautiful garden scene my Dad and Fallon, my dog that had passed, were already there. Well before the door. Things just started playing out and I was trying to listen to and follow the instructions on the audio and at the same time participate with what was playing out in front of me. There was a flash of brilliant light that shot across. Very interesting, I am not sure what that was.

My Dad looked young and handsome and bursting with excitement about seeing me, as was Fallon. It seemed that they wanted to just celebrate our being together while I wanted to apologize for not being the best daughter and caretaker, apologizing because I felt they deserved more and better from me while they were here. I guess I expected a different response from them. I expected them to reminisce with me my shortcomings and accept my heartfelt apologies but they were like “forget that, be here in this grand moment, right now and be joyful with us”.

Invaluable…. another amazing experience that I had not expected.

What made the whole thing real for me is that it was not what I expected. I would have, and tried to, script the entire thing differently. I wanted to use the opportunity to apologize and for them to recognize my sorrow and accept my apology, but they would have none of that! They were all about the BOUNDLESS JOY!

Continuous Series of Afterlife Connections with Teaching

Many people who have learned the self-guided afterlife connections procedure have sessions with loved ones in the afterlife regularly. The connections become deeper, with more new experiences and teaching about this life and the next. In this series, a woman describes her experiences over several sessions. She has had dozens of such experiences when she regularly meets with her loved ones in the afterlife.

Example Session 1

I was with Mark almost immediately. I could only see glimpses of his face but I would know it was Mark even if I did not see anything. He asked me if I was feeling better which I am and he was glad.

I have not done the connection for several days and I was worried I would not get a connection but was relieved to do so. I wanted to go into eternity again so we held hands and went through the door. When we got to the other side, I saw a lovely staircase surrounded by fluffy clouds and glorious vibrant energy. Mark laughed and said, “Yes Momma, it’s the Stairway to Heaven .” Just like the song. He then said to me that he knows sometimes I wonder if it’s just my imagination. But it is all real. Everything. Not my imagination and to just trust it.

Mark was only able to take me part of the way up as I can’t go all the way up yet. It’s not the time for that yet. So we stayed there and looked at the stairs going further and further into Heaven hidden from my view. But pure Light, love and peaceful energy poured down on us. Mark told me it comes from the Source. All that is. It felt amazing. He then told me to look around and we were surrounded by flowers of the most intense color and fragrance. Blue sky filled with sparkling lights that Mark explained were others in Spirit. So many we can’t count that high. All filled with love for everyone and everything.

Mark wanted to show me something else so he took me by both hands and we floated above the flowers. It felt almost like it would be sacrilegious to step on them and destroy their perfection.

Mark pointed to a small but perfect building where he says he works. His job is helping newly transitioned souls to acclimate to being in Spirit. I said the building looks so small. But Mark told me to go inside with him and watch. When he entered the building expanded greatly. Mark says his loving energy makes it do that. He just needs to think it and it enlarges. He told me so many, many young people keep coming. He helps them by showing them love and peace. He shows them that there is nothing to fear and that no matter who or what they are or have done they are loved perfectly. And they will have the chance to right any wrongs that they might have done. He explained although not physical he projects smiling love and acceptance to all. He is like a big brother or uncle to all there. And I could tell there were numerous souls. It felt like a classroom. But not exactly. Hard to find words for it. But I could tell Mark was happy being with them and they with him.

He told me he was picked for this job because of his loving and smiling nature. That that was not due to him being Mark but his Markness came from who he is in spirit. We then left the building and as we moved away it looked small again. Mark told me that is just one of the miracles of the other side. That it’s more incredible than I can imagine even though I have been there many times. Like most in body I have forgotten what Heaven is like. But that inside all souls long to return there.

Soon Mark said we should go back since I’m just starting to feel better he did not want to keep me for long. So we went through to my place. He left the door open so love and light and peace would follow me back. We hugged and said we would meet later soon. Then I watched Mark go through the door again.

Example Session 2 with the Same Participant

Another incredible experience today. I saw Mark immediately smiling down at me. Visuals of his face flickered in my consciousness. Faint but real. We hugged hello and when I asked Mark what he wanted to do this visit he laughed and said he was fine with just being together but he knows I want more. So through the door we went hand in hand. But not really physical. We just were on one side of the door then the other. When I looked around I saw a beautiful arched trellis covered with roses. A cobblestone path led through it to a bench. We walked to the bench. Sat down and began to talk. Mark did most of the talking today. As we sat and saw the loveliness around us I could see the path went on farther than the eye could see. But I’m not able to go all the way yet. Mark let me see him sitting next to me wearing one of my favorite outfits he used to wear. In a pose I recognized very well.

Mark tried to explain many things to me. About the Oneness shared by all. That in Spirit we are all one. Even in the physical we are one but we can’t easily feel it. That he in Spirit is in me in everyone and all are in him too. Including me. My physical self can’t quite feel it. That’s part of the beauty of leaving the physical plane behind.

He told me that he hears me say at times that I could barely handle him living on campus not at home how can I ever handle this? But he is always with me and he knows I do know this. Even when I seem to forget. Living away from home was to help prepare me for his transitioning.

He went on to tell me to look again at how beautiful the path we just walked on and stretches into Infinity so perfect. That it’s the exact same path I walk here in the physical. Here I see it as sad and lonely so very very painful and difficult. But in reality the very things that make it hard here are what makes it glorious on the other side. He asked me to look at my path as beautiful. Because what seems impossible to bear at times is what gives me the growth I seek. My path is perfect on both sides. It’s all a matter of perspective. To try to hold onto the reality that though Mark had s short path and mine is much longer they are exactly as they were meant to be. To remember we chose this life to experience great spiritual growth. Again and again he asked me to keep the reality of my life in perspective. And to see it as it really is not just the way my physical self experiences it. This Mark impressed upon me over and over.

We sat a bit longer then Mark felt I had enough to absorb for now so we went back. I could see the path coming through the door looked beautiful as it did on the other side. I told Mark I will do my best to hold on to that truth. Then we hugged again a huge hug and I saw him smile turn and go back. All this time the door stayed open, letting divine love and peace fall into my beautiful place. I smiled to myself, then brought myself back.

Example Session 3 with the Same Participant

I counted and relaxed myself quickly to meet with Mark. It’s faster and easier than ever. We hugged then following our usual routine we went into Eternity. I did not see but knew we were where the path my path was. Surrounded by flowers and the bench we sat on before. When I say I didn’t see it is not quite correct. There were fleeting glimpses of the beauty that was there. But it was once again more of a knowing. I looked at my path extending farther than the eye could see. I remarked that I wished I could go to the end but Mark told me once again that it’s not the time for that.

This connection was different from any of the others in that I did have faint quickly changing visuals of Mark as he looked in the Physical but more than that. It was as if I could not tell which thoughts were mine and which were Mark’s. It was as though our minds were merged into one. Thoughts were both those of Mark and of me. It’s hard to describe but our minds were one in a way never before experienced.

Mark told me that is how it is when we are fully in Spirit. We no longer feel separate but have total connectedness with each other. And with All That Is. As difficult as it is to grasp we become one at the same time retaining that which makes us uniquely ourselves. Although I know many things intuitively when I connect this went beyond that to a merging. A fusing of selves. It was incredible to not feel where I ended and Mark began. We talked about this for a bit. Mark told me how happy it makes him to be able to share this knowledge he has been sharing with me during our connections. He told me not everyone on the other side get the chance to show someone still physical these realities. Not everyone in the physical is able to have these experiences. Not that I am more special than others. But that beginning these connections has opened the possibilities for us both.

Mark went on to explaining the fusing of selves yet retaining our uniqueness. I was asked to envision a rose bush in bloom. That the flowers are individual but part of the same Bush thus being one and not one.

I then asked Mark for us to go back so I could process more fully what I just experienced. We then went back hugged for several moments then parted. Mark to Eternity and me back to my room here in the Physical.

Example Session 4 with the Same Participant

It’s so easy for me to slip into feeling connected. I can usually do it before the relaxation portion is finished. I wanted to repeat these to make sure I had a good understanding of the development towards the recognition of connection. Again, I read something new in these instructions, or so I thought until I listened.

I use the sunlight to help me connect. For me, different loved ones seem to be different colors or hues of light. Some are just blips of contact. I feel and see and smell many people, some I don’t recognize. I got a few inspirations of insight into something I’ve struggled with mainly with my mother. I had a clear message, “What she thinks of you doesn’t matter.” Very strong and clear. First it was revealed to me in regards to a stranger, then I realized it with my mother in mind.

Then, my husband was in the picture. I can see that as a big ‘ahah’ in a struggle to be authentic. Another clear message had to do with my husband and his constantly jumping legs. That was tied in with his enormous consumption of diet coke. Strangely enough, I had the insight that I could best influence my husband by competition. He is very protective of ego, surprisingly. If I give up diet drinks, it may become a challenge to him to do better than I do. I was giggling when I SAW this, clearly. I told Peter thank you for the help, encouragement with my health. I’ve made changes and I feel him helping me. I could see him in bits and pieces.

Then, we travelled a bit. I felt the same experiences I had years ago when I had a near death experience and felt my heaven. I felt how Peter was sharing that with me. Such wonderful peace. Then, we travelled some more. I saw his version of the Grand Canyon except it was in technicolor, miss colored colors. Things were rich colors that didn’t match the item, substance. The Grand Canyon was reddish orange brown but not like dirt. Then, it became deep blues and contrasting blacks. I saw that Peter could go anywhere and did. I felt that he could and did read and absorb anything he wanted to know. I kept seeing other people like still talking heads. I didn’t ask them anything just went back to the light with Peter.

Oh, initially, I greeted my beloved grandmother and hugged my grandfather. Like walking in their house or calling on the phone! So easy. I saw a dog that had gone missing years ago and asked her what had happened. The picture I had of her being picked up for a lab was correct. No wonder I had a clear image of the labs in my mind!

I have a fairly settled feeling with Peter. I teared up but it’s about me missing him. So, I get the message to talk with him just like at any time I did before. Also, part of the happy images that flashed for me included the short time we were with his father. That was pleasant.

Example Session 5 with the Same Participant

I got snapshots of people I knew as well as my maternal grandfather who died 8 years before I was born. Mostly, I talked with Peter. My grandmother was with me and showed me all these loving moments we had together. I realized it truly was how I was able to parent Peter with so much affection. All of this was very comforting. I started getting these HUGE “Aha’s.” I kept thinking, this is a book of life. I realized everything I needed to know was right here. So, I asked Peter to tell me something I don’t know. He kind of sent me this un-worded understanding.

As I continued, I came out slightly and went back easily. I keep getting this intense desire to come out of this. It’s almost like free floating anxiety or high anxiety. It goes away as I just relax and let it wash over me.

My paternal aunt appeared and my maternal father came into it again. I asked him why he came back from the Army early. He had been in the landing at D-Day. What I understood from him was he had what we call a nervous breakdown. I know the story is that he started drinking then.

I didn’t have any real questions established before I went into this. The next time I’ll make the intent to know what I want to ask. I kept asking Peter to tell me something I didn’t know.

At the very end, when I was looking at my maternal grandfather, revealing that he had been overcome during his duties, I turned back to ask Peter, “Why so violent?” Why choose to die like this? I got the very quick insight that Peter was telling me it was the easiest way. Boom, done, gone, poof. Then I saw someone lingering, the energy that goes into long term illness, grief, etc. That fits with something I keep counting as a gratitude. I feel I had it easy. There was no wondering where my son was, trial, emotional drag out of a lingering illness. With my son, it was one and done!

So, then that led into seeing someone who is not dead a young man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia right after Peter was killed. The boy who was Peter’s age went downhill so fast. He’s just living in limbo right now. His mom and I used to be friends. Now, I can’t really tolerate being around her. And I saw her son, her beloved son my husband adored, dying slowly from the disease he has. I have not seen him since he attempted suicide a couple of years ago. I’ve been afraid to look at him and see no aura. That’s what happened the last time I laid eyes on my son, he had no aura.

Then I realized, Peter was showing me another example of long-term suffering before death. Peter’s death was quick. Awful as it was, But Peter and we were spared long-term suffering. This I went back and counted 5 and felt better. So, I know if something interrupts me, it’s not all lost and I can control how I respond to that.

This is surprisingly easy.

What People Learn from Self-Guided Afterlife Connections
Article Name
What People Learn from Self-Guided Afterlife Connections
Thousands of people have learned to have their own afterlife communications by going through the free online training in Self-Guided Afterlife Connections. This article contains examples from the diaries of people who have had uplifting connections during their self-guided afterlife connections procedures. The examples are narrated.
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Seek Reality Online
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How to have afterlife communications

The Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure is a free training program provided by Seek Reality Online in our dedication to helping people relieve their grief by connecting with loved ones we know without a doubt are available and anxious to communicate. They’re ringing the phone. You just have to learn how to pick it up and listen.

The training will help you learn how to connect with someone you love. You will learn how to be more open to messages from your loved ones now living on another plane of life. To achieve this result, you must go through all the training stages, in the order in which they are presented, to learn the skills.

This training is not a one-time meditation you go through. It will teach you how to enter a state of mind in which afterlife connections can and do occur. They happen in 86% of the people who go through the training.

This Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure is given freely to humanity. If you are successful in making a connection or just want to support our efforts, please consider making a donation to Afterlife Research and Education, Inc., and Seek Reality Online.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

How the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication Procedure Was Developed

Induced After-Death Communication

The Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) procedure was developed by psychotherapist Dr. Allan Botkin. I co-authored a book with him explaining the procedure and presenting accounts of successful IADC sessions.

The procedure uses a breakthrough therapy method called Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). It causes the participant to re-experience traumatic memories, seeing them from a unique perspective, resulting in healing from the traumas. Dr. Botkin found that his patients were having afterlife communications with the people for whom they were grieving when he used the EMDR procedure. He then refined the procedure and began using it routinely with patients. 

You can learn more about the IADC procedure at https://induced-adc.com.

Dr. Allan Botkin
Dr. Allan Botkin
Induced After-Death Communication (IADC)

Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy

The Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy method was developed by psychotherapist Rochelle Wright. I co-authored a book with her about the procedure.

Rochelle read the book I co-authored with Dr. Botkin about the IADC procedure and tried it on her patients who were grieving over the passing of a loved one. Her attempts were successful. Her patients had afterlife communications that healed their grief. She refined the therapy into the Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy procedure. 

A significant difference is that her therapy method allows the person in the afterlife to guide the procedure. As a result, her procedure is 98% successful in helping people have afterlife communications with the people for whom they are grieving, and the communications may last for hours.

You can learn more about the Repair and Reattachment procedure at https://repairandreattachment.com.

Rochelle Wright afterlife communication
Rochelle Wright, LMHC
Grief therapy has grief therapists heal grief

How the Self-Guided Afterlife Communication Procedure Was Developed

I am a certified hypnotist. I understood the Induced After-Death Communication and Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy procedures and knew I could create an induction using self-hypnosis that would allow people to have afterlife communications on their own, without a psychotherapist. I developed the free, online Self-Guided Afterlife Connection procedure. Thousands of people have gone through the training and are now having regular afterlife connections with their loved ones.

In one study of the procedure, 86% of participants who went through the training had afterlife communication experiences.

The Goal for the Training

The goal of the training is for you to learn how to enter the state of mind to connect with your loved one at any time, in any place. You won’t need the meditation music or guidance provided during the training. When you sense your loved one’s presence, you can quiet yourself and have a dialogue with them. When you need to feel they’re near or you need help, you can ask them to come to you and you can know their messages for you. You will listen to meditation music and a narration guiding you at first, but by Stage 7 in the training program, you will be able to enter the state of mind by yourself, with no help.

What You Can Expect from the Training

You will establish a new relationship or enhance an existing relationship with your loved one living in the realm next door. Your new relationship will stay strong until you are both again living in the same realm. You will connect often. Some people connect every day. Through the connections, you will live a fuller, richer life, and your loved ones will help you learn during your time in earth school. This is what one person wrote in her journal about her Self-Guided Afterlife Connection experiences:

It is like I am learning soul stuff and what I need to realize as a soul so that I can make the most of my time here. It is like my family on the other side is helping me as much or more then when they were here. It is amazing. It really felt like my sister only much more loving and I feel like I know who she is more then I did when she was here.

Participants' Reports of the Results

Testimony 1

Prior to this exercise, thoughts of my husband mostly brought me sadness. This was extremely healing, simply because thoughts of my husband now can make me smile, and I can go there on my own now. It is truly bizarre that I could not do this before without breaking down. Now I can spend time with him, his mother and my father (who passed two months before my husband), while feeling love instead of the sadness I feel at their physical loss.

Testimony 2

This is so pleasant. I relish my time doing this. I make sure I will get to enjoy it totally. It seems like being able to feel this love has allowed me to pause in my everyday life and contact “It” when I need it. With my husband, I don’t waste our precious relationship on petty stuff. I am not perfect about it, that’s okay. So, I believe the techniques have allowed me to experience life more completely. I don’t see the dregs of sorrow as something to avoid or need hyper joy constantly. I wish I knew this stuff years ago 🙂 Gives me a more secure sense that things happen in their own time.

Thanks so much. This has been a fantastic experience. I feel transformed and I hope it helps others who witness the tiny transformation in me. I hope they see it’s possible to let go of hate and judgement in the face of what is every parent’s nightmare.

Stage 3 Experiences

Example 1

This was amazing!!!!!!!!! I met with my Mom and my Aunt Janet!!! There was a lot of laughing and silent understanding and communication. They were so happy and wanted me to be the same. My Mom kept telling me she knew I would make it. She knew I would get it. She has come to me several times before and she has told me we can still communicate but that I just have to adjust and do it differently. I asked if this was where I was supposed to be headed because I have always had a deep fascination and desire to understand more and be able to communicate and she said Yes!!!!!! I knew that though on some level. She guided me here, no doubt about it!!!! I love this and have such a profound sense of love, joy and gratitude!!!!! My Mom also thanked me for being there for my dad 🙂

EXTREMELY valuable!!!!!!!!!! I had huge success. It has stayed with me also and I know that I have had communication in the past but may have had doubt.

Stage 3 Example 2

While I was just standing and looking towards the ocean, I felt the need to look to my right. I saw my son walking towards me, his beach towel thrown over his right shoulder, his long hair been blown by the wind. He looked calm and confident. He walked right up to me, put his arm around me and also stared at the ocean. Then he said, but not in words, that I know this is our meeting place and that he will always be there for me. Suddenly I saw my brother approaching us from the left. Tall and tanned. He just walked up to us in silence, put his arm around me and the three of us stood there, looking at the ocean.


Validations Example 1

Then, I saw a young girl. She had familiar features. The name Brenda came to me and I realized it’s a friend of mine’s daughter. She died in a roll over crash where she was pinned and asphyxiated. The kids with her were allegedly responsible for her being abandoned at the wreck. The feelings I got from her had nothing to do with that wreck or the people around her then. She hovered with me, morphing a bit so I saw her in different stages, ages. I saw her exploring. I heard her say, “I love Mom. I miss Mom.”

I saw some food item, rolled. It looked like a lobster roll but with jalapenos. I was focused on it too much and it disappeared, I looked to the side and saw her as a little girl, rolling out dough, working on a red checked table cloth, working so hard. She was darling! Then, I realized, Oh, she misses doing this stuff with her mom. At least that’s what I got from it.


Well, how Dee doo. I wrote Lauren, mother of the little girl in the afterlife connection, and told her the first part of it and how confused I was with the roll ups that had jalapeño in them. I kept thinking, what on earth. So, I wrote Lauren unsure of how much to tell her. I can never remember who is a believer and who isn’t. Guess what? She writes back and says it makes sense to her. Yes, they made jalapeño roll ups. WHAT…. I’ve NEVER heard of such a thing. Look, if I ever thought I was making this stuff up, well, I completely believe now. Where the hell did jalapeño roll ups come from?

Validations Example 2

Next, I saw an Aunt on my dad’s side that I’ve always felt very close to even though we didn’t really have a chance to know one another in life. I was named after her. However, she died when she was 18 years old – and I was only 3 at the time. She was not talking to me – but showing me scenes from her lifetime. I saw her at her wedding, and then I saw her sitting at a table, somewhat bored looking….and then I watched her make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich…and before she ate it she smashed it all down really flat. I have no idea if she liked her sandwiches that way…but hope to find out. In any case, the next thing I know I’m at my Grandmother’s house (her mother) and I’m seeing this giant portrait of my aunt (that’s really there!) and I see it being taken down, and being moved around…but then I became aware that this was difficult for someone, that they wanted to move the portrait but couldn’t bring themselves to do it. I wasn’t sure what that meant.

I was talking with my mother the next day and I told her about what I had seen. As it turns out, my sister’s daughter was visiting….she and my sister live in my grandmother’s old house and my niece and my sister had talked about moving my aunt’s portrait because they had something else they wanted to hang but my sister just couldn’t bring herself to do it. My niece said that when her mother wasn’t home, she took down the portrait of my aunt….and so the portrait has been removed and this picture from Italy is now in it’s place. My niece felt horrible when my mother told her what I had seen, but my mother reassured her that it was not that my aunt was unhappy about the move of her picture, but that this was something that would be validated for me. I was very excited! I mean, how cool!

Validations Example 3

Grandma had asked me to try and meet her mother next time I did this. So once I was connected with my grandpa again I said that grandma wanted me to do this. Nothing happened except that I saw in my minds eye an old photograph of a woman. Then I heard Mabel, Mabel, Mabel. This went on about five times. I was thinking that maybe that was my grandma’s mother’s name. So I asked my grandpa, “Who’s Mabel?” He suddenly had his arm around a teenage girl and he said that this was my grandma’s sister who died when they were girls. Mabel was nice and the three of us talked for quite awhile. I imagined a tree and it appeared. We all sat and laid under it for awhile. They answered many of my questions…. Mostly pertaining to spiritual topics.

Once back I went and talked to my grandma. I said I was with grandpa and was going to try and meet her mother but then heard the name, Mabel, several times. As soon as I said that name my grandma said, “Oh , my sister, she died when she was 16.”

Validations Example 4

Again, fairly easy to let go. The first image was of my beloved little terrier, whom I lost in ’09! He brought me to my great-grandmother again, who was still a young woman. He jumped onto her lap and settled himself in. She was mouthing something I couldn’t quiet understand, so I relaxed and “gazed” at her more intently. Suddenly she came sharply into focus and said, “YOU’RE PREGNANT!” Everything then faded. I am shocked.


I’d like you to know that I found out today that I am actually pregnant. I can’t believe it. I received that message days before I could verify that it was true; I had no idea.

Validations Example 5

I went to the same garden (my own) and again found what I did not expect. My Uncle Jim (who died about the same time as my father) was sitting in the seat my brother John had been in. Bob was my favorite uncle when I grew up. He used to take me for rides in his truck when he was working. I have not thought of him for some time. He began talking to me about the farm where I grew up. We walked out from the farm house and he began sharing about how it was when he grew up there. I had not thought of that much; both he and my Dad spent their childhood there.

I turned to look at the ridge where I used to walk and daydream. Immediately he took both of us to the ridge. He said it was one of his favorite places too. Then he talked about how they dug out the white chalk rock there to make my Grandma’s flower beds. It was a revelation to me: I had always loved the raised round flower beds in the front yard and I always loved the broken up place on the ridge but I had never put two and two together. Then Bob took me up high to look down on the farm. He asked me if I would like to take care of a farm for my remaining years. I said I was a bit old to do that. He waited for me to answer. I said “Sure.” It seemed and still seems a strange idea. We left it there, said goodbye and separated.

Not what I expected. Just a chatty visit with someone I had not seen for some time. I still don’t know what to think of his question. Different members of my family have been showing up. We were never an overtly affectionate bunch. All three sessions have seemed to convey a rather amused and affectionate attitude towards me. I have felt very much at home with them, always felt surprised at what transpires and left wondering at them in a good way.

Validation Example 6

I did a session the other night, clearly saw a friend’s son, his music and some other things. I heard him playing a song. Later that day, I asked my friend about something her son had shown me and she confirmed that was something of significance. That made me smile. She told me about his YouTube he recorded before his passing. When I watched the online songs her son left on YouTube, one of his songs was the same song I heard in my afterlife connection!

Validation Example 7

Last night in an induction, I saw a woman with a scarf around her head. Well it was more than a scarf. As I saw her in different angles, the word, “hajib” came to me. I asked who she is. I didn’t think that was her name. I looked up “hajib” and found it is a head covering for Muslim women. That’s not a word I knew, although I’ve intended to learn the words since I’ve been exposed to more and more Arabic and Muslim culture.

Effects of the Self-Guided Afterlife Connections

Reduction of Grief

The participant explains that her self-guided afterlife connections had a profound effect on her sadness. In this account, she refers to the “loved-filled place,” a place the narration asks them to imagine during the induction.

Prior to this exercise, thoughts of my husband mostly brought me sadness. I did this exercise twice. The first time was a trial run, and I ended the exercise at the count of five. The second time, I found it to be so wonderful that I continued the exercise for an extra fifteen minutes, enjoying the soothing guitar music. This was truly the first time that I found my sacred, quiet, love filled place. I had been looking for this during prior meditations, but it all came together for me just now. I found the room in my parents’ house where my husband, his mother and my parents and sons would gather for holidays, to be the warm, loved-filled room where my loved ones who had passed were gathered. I hugged each one and smiled a lot. Then I opened the screen door and sat on the concrete steps with my husband, holding his hand and putting it up to my face. He did not say anything, and no one else did. I did all the talking, but I felt a tremendous love and warmth.

This was extremely healing, simply because thoughts of my husband now can make me smile, and I can go there on my own now. It is truly bizarre that I could not do this before without breaking down. Now I can spend time with him, his mother and my father (who passed two months before my husband), while feeling love instead of the sadness I feel at their physical loss.

I believe that my feelings of love represent clairsentience.

I truly appreciate this meditation and find it of tremendous value.

Insights About the Afterlife

Participants learn about the afterlife during their communications. In this example, the participant learns about the afterlife and the unique view of reincarnation we are coming to understand now. She also learns how a person in the afterlife can influence people still on Earth. These connections often bring profound insights into the afterlife and nature of our lives in Earth School.

When I went through into the white light, it was blank for a while as I decided what image or setting I was going to create. I thought about the ‘loving’ place I had just come from and thought about inviting my Grandma for a quiet ‘beer’, but I didn’t need to worry as the Garden scene from the previous session unfolded in front of me, and there was my Gran, looking in her late 30’s, looking radiant.

The garden was mainly an impression of one, but was very vibrant with lots of colours, and Gran was picking big bunches of flowers and then she placed them gently on the ground and invited me to sit on the grass with her.

I got a deep sense of the spaciousness of the afterlife, the vastness, the feeling that it’s more real that here. I could see why people who cross over just want to get on with things, because that is the more ‘real’ aspect to their life.

I asked Gran if she had reincarnated yet and how it worked. I got the impression of a yellow daisy. Within that image I unpacked the information which translated to, “each petal is a life experience yet it’s still part of the whole flower. That is how I can communicate with her, while she has incarnated again. “

She also ‘showed’ me how she sends energy to her two daughters who are still alive who very much need some good energy. She waves sparkles of energy across their consciousness while they’re asleep. This is also to help them remember faster when they do eventually cross over.

Insights About the Nature of Reality

In this second example of learning about the afterlife and nature of reality, the participant is shown things about life in the afterlife and the Source of existence.

Marsha and I are back there. The estate is filled with white light….so much light …from within the building and from sky that comes through the open ceiling. The room we enter is large. People are in white, lightweight robes. Their faces are serene and many are smiling. There are inner gardens and so much water…clear fountains of light and water. This is a higher plane. I receive information and understanding but not through words.

The Source is love and comes in all forms. It is purest here. The Source penetrates all forms in the afterlife but some planes are more dense, so there are more filters to penetrate. The meaning of the afterlife is to come to know the Source. These beings are the spiritual guides that teach – that is their purpose. They are here to inspire, and communicate the truth. They are not guides who help transition people from the earth plane, but guides who lead others into this place…the place of great awareness and understanding.

Some came immediately after their earthly transition because they understood, others eventually came here from other planes. It doesn’t matter where one goes after the earthly plane. The ultimate purpose is to exist in love, the source of all. I am told that they (the beings) are part of the “Mind.” They also write books and are musicians. They inspire through these as well. Marsha does not reside here. She visits. She spends most of her time in the beautiful place with the waterfall….continues to work through issues from earth in that place. She knows that she will be among these beings one day. I do not know where I will begin in the next life right now. It doesn’t matter. I say goodbye to Marsha and return to this place. I feel a longing to remain on the other side.

Insights About Life Planning

Participants also learn about their life plan and why their lives are unfolding as they are. In this example, the participant’s brother explained why the end of his life could not have been changed. He explains the roles people play. And he gave her insights about her relationship to him while he was struggling on Earth.

I saw my father, my brother, and my son as a group together. I then asked if I can first just talk to Andre. George, my brother replied that they understand. I started having a conversation with Andre regarding very painful circumstances surrounding his death. Especially the last 4 months. I asked him if he would still have been here with me, if I used another approach. If I didn’t fight for his life, but just been loving and supportive and not anxious and desperate and in the process just added to his desolation. He replied that if that did not happen, something else would have. That we had an arrangement to play these roles in each other’s’ lives. That he is learning and exploring with me. 

He reminded me that he chose me and again he said: “Always remember, I chose YOU!” He said that my brother George needs to have time with me. He came over and I started crying. I was so angry with him before he died. I gave him an ultimatum: Stop using drugs or you are out of my life. I revisited those words again and again the last 6 months. I missed the George who was my brother. I asked him the same question: “Would things have been different if I used another approach?” He commented that he would have manipulated it anyway and it would have been no use. He just hugged me and said that he, my father and my son are all three exploring life’s possibilities with me now.

Seeing the Person in Spirit at Different Ages

During the self-guided afterlife communication experiences, people project images they want the participant to experience. One such image is of them as they were when on Earth and as they are now after years in the afterlife. People who pass at a young age grow up in the afterlife. In some of the self-guided afterlife connection experiences, the person in the afterlife show themselves as the child the participant knew and then as the young person or adult the person is now. This is an example. In this example, the participant refers to the place of love. In the self-guided afterlife connections training, the participant chooses a place full of love to meet loved ones.

I like this stage the best. I relaxed while listening to the guided relaxation and went to my place of love. I can go there easily, it is a very familiar place to me now. Sometimes there are more people than others. This time when I went my son was a little boy and he was playing with his Saint Bernard rolling around and laughing. We didn’t have dogs in our house but he has dogs he cares for now. He ran up and jumped into my arms and nuzzled his head in my neck and just held on tight. I could feel the love and familiarity.

He reached out and my mother came to us. I told her how much I wished she had been with me when I was a mom and could have been with my kids and been there grandmother. How much I would have like to have her to learn from. She said she was always around and I did a wonderful job as a mother, she guided me even though I did not know it.

Then Jimmy was grown up and my boyfriend came over and hugged me and wanted me to just feel the love and to always know they are with me and to feel the love they are always surrounding me with. Jimmy went back and forth between a child and a grown up. He said to remember how happy he is now and at peace, learning and feeling the love he never could completely hold onto here except when he was with me and as an adult he couldn’t always be with me, he had to learn on his own. When it got too painful and he couldn’t go on anymore he was allowed to come back “home.” He wanted me to come visit him whenever I wanted now that I knew how to reach him. To try to feel the love and peace that I am always surrounded with.

People in Spirit Make the Best Psychotherapists

In the self-guided connections, the people in spirit often say things that help the participant heal. They are most often not anticipated but have the positive effect. In this example, a grandmother 

I was sitting on a tree stump, my grandma came dressed like I remember her before she got sick. And she was grinning from ear to ear. There was thought exchanges of love and acknowledgement and then I asked the question “Why did you have to spend the last 2 years of your life in bed with diapers and all that suffering?” She answered, “It’s just part of life and it’s okay. It’s something I had to go through and some lessons your mother had to go through. It’s just all part of the journey and you don’t have to understand. I know what you were feeling Lenny, sadness and guilt because you didn’t visit me because you couldn’t stand to watch. I know what you feel but I want you to know, it’s all okay. Don’t feel sadness. I know you loved and still love me. Maybe this was a lesson for you, for me, for her, for anyone….. We’re all on our own path. But I love you and that’s what I know”

With that I just felt an overwhelming sense of love, acceptance and contentment from her. And I said “you can come visit me anytime Grandma, I’m here for you.”

Receiving Messages Counter to What They Expected

Participants often receive messages that are counter to what they expected to hear. In this example, the participant heard a response that brushed off her concerns.  The participant also sees her father as he is now in the afterlife as a young man.

I was ahead of the process, as soon as I arrived at the very beautiful garden scene my Dad and Fallon, my dog that had passed, were already there. Well before the door. Things just started playing out and I was trying to listen to and follow the instructions on the audio and at the same time participate with what was playing out in front of me. There was a flash of brilliant light that shot across. Very interesting, I am not sure what that was.

My Dad looked young and handsome and bursting with excitement about seeing me, as was Fallon. It seemed that they wanted to just celebrate our being together while I wanted to apologize for not being the best daughter and caretaker, apologizing because I felt they deserved more and better from me while they were here. I guess I expected a different response from them. I expected them to reminisce with me my shortcomings and accept my heartfelt apologies but they were like “forget that, be here in this grand moment, right now and be joyful with us”.

Invaluable…. another amazing experience that I had not expected.

What made the whole thing real for me is that it was not what I expected. I would have, and tried to, script the entire thing differently. I wanted to use the opportunity to apologize and for them to recognize my sorrow and accept my apology, but they would have none of that! They were all about the BOUNDLESS JOY!

Continuous Series of Afterlife Connections with Teaching

Many people who have learned the self-guided afterlife connections procedure have sessions with loved ones in the afterlife regularly. The connections become deeper, with more new experiences and teaching about this life and the next. In this series, a woman describes her experiences over several sessions. She has had dozens of such experiences when she regularly meets with her loved ones in the afterlife.

Example Session 1

I was with Mark almost immediately. I could only see glimpses of his face but I would know it was Mark even if I did not see anything. He asked me if I was feeling better which I am and he was glad.

I have not done the connection for several days and I was worried I would not get a connection but was relieved to do so. I wanted to go into eternity again so we held hands and went through the door. When we got to the other side, I saw a lovely staircase surrounded by fluffy clouds and glorious vibrant energy. Mark laughed and said, “Yes Momma, it’s the Stairway to Heaven .” Just like the song. He then said to me that he knows sometimes I wonder if it’s just my imagination. But it is all real. Everything. Not my imagination and to just trust it.

Mark was only able to take me part of the way up as I can’t go all the way up yet. It’s not the time for that yet. So we stayed there and looked at the stairs going further and further into Heaven hidden from my view. But pure Light, love and peaceful energy poured down on us. Mark told me it comes from the Source. All that is. It felt amazing. He then told me to look around and we were surrounded by flowers of the most intense color and fragrance. Blue sky filled with sparkling lights that Mark explained were others in Spirit. So many we can’t count that high. All filled with love for everyone and everything.

Mark wanted to show me something else so he took me by both hands and we floated above the flowers. It felt almost like it would be sacrilegious to step on them and destroy their perfection.

Mark pointed to a small but perfect building where he says he works. His job is helping newly transitioned souls to acclimate to being in Spirit. I said the building looks so small. But Mark told me to go inside with him and watch. When he entered the building expanded greatly. Mark says his loving energy makes it do that. He just needs to think it and it enlarges. He told me so many, many young people keep coming. He helps them by showing them love and peace. He shows them that there is nothing to fear and that no matter who or what they are or have done they are loved perfectly. And they will have the chance to right any wrongs that they might have done. He explained although not physical he projects smiling love and acceptance to all. He is like a big brother or uncle to all there. And I could tell there were numerous souls. It felt like a classroom. But not exactly. Hard to find words for it. But I could tell Mark was happy being with them and they with him.

He told me he was picked for this job because of his loving and smiling nature. That that was not due to him being Mark but his Markness came from who he is in spirit. We then left the building and as we moved away it looked small again. Mark told me that is just one of the miracles of the other side. That it’s more incredible than I can imagine even though I have been there many times. Like most in body I have forgotten what Heaven is like. But that inside all souls long to return there.

Soon Mark said we should go back since I’m just starting to feel better he did not want to keep me for long. So we went through to my place. He left the door open so love and light and peace would follow me back. We hugged and said we would meet later soon. Then I watched Mark go through the door again.

Example Session 2 with the Same Participant

Another incredible experience today. I saw Mark immediately smiling down at me. Visuals of his face flickered in my consciousness. Faint but real. We hugged hello and when I asked Mark what he wanted to do this visit he laughed and said he was fine with just being together but he knows I want more. So through the door we went hand in hand. But not really physical. We just were on one side of the door then the other. When I looked around I saw a beautiful arched trellis covered with roses. A cobblestone path led through it to a bench. We walked to the bench. Sat down and began to talk. Mark did most of the talking today. As we sat and saw the loveliness around us I could see the path went on farther than the eye could see. But I’m not able to go all the way yet. Mark let me see him sitting next to me wearing one of my favorite outfits he used to wear. In a pose I recognized very well.

Mark tried to explain many things to me. About the Oneness shared by all. That in Spirit we are all one. Even in the physical we are one but we can’t easily feel it. That he in Spirit is in me in everyone and all are in him too. Including me. My physical self can’t quite feel it. That’s part of the beauty of leaving the physical plane behind.

He told me that he hears me say at times that I could barely handle him living on campus not at home how can I ever handle this? But he is always with me and he knows I do know this. Even when I seem to forget. Living away from home was to help prepare me for his transitioning.

He went on to tell me to look again at how beautiful the path we just walked on and stretches into Infinity so perfect. That it’s the exact same path I walk here in the physical. Here I see it as sad and lonely so very very painful and difficult. But in reality the very things that make it hard here are what makes it glorious on the other side. He asked me to look at my path as beautiful. Because what seems impossible to bear at times is what gives me the growth I seek. My path is perfect on both sides. It’s all a matter of perspective. To try to hold onto the reality that though Mark had s short path and mine is much longer they are exactly as they were meant to be. To remember we chose this life to experience great spiritual growth. Again and again he asked me to keep the reality of my life in perspective. And to see it as it really is not just the way my physical self experiences it. This Mark impressed upon me over and over.

We sat a bit longer then Mark felt I had enough to absorb for now so we went back. I could see the path coming through the door looked beautiful as it did on the other side. I told Mark I will do my best to hold on to that truth. Then we hugged again a huge hug and I saw him smile turn and go back. All this time the door stayed open, letting divine love and peace fall into my beautiful place. I smiled to myself, then brought myself back.

Example Session 3 with the Same Participant

I counted and relaxed myself quickly to meet with Mark. It’s faster and easier than ever. We hugged then following our usual routine we went into Eternity. I did not see but knew we were where the path my path was. Surrounded by flowers and the bench we sat on before. When I say I didn’t see it is not quite correct. There were fleeting glimpses of the beauty that was there. But it was once again more of a knowing. I looked at my path extending farther than the eye could see. I remarked that I wished I could go to the end but Mark told me once again that it’s not the time for that.

This connection was different from any of the others in that I did have faint quickly changing visuals of Mark as he looked in the Physical but more than that. It was as if I could not tell which thoughts were mine and which were Mark’s. It was as though our minds were merged into one. Thoughts were both those of Mark and of me. It’s hard to describe but our minds were one in a way never before experienced.

Mark told me that is how it is when we are fully in Spirit. We no longer feel separate but have total connectedness with each other. And with All That Is. As difficult as it is to grasp we become one at the same time retaining that which makes us uniquely ourselves. Although I know many things intuitively when I connect this went beyond that to a merging. A fusing of selves. It was incredible to not feel where I ended and Mark began. We talked about this for a bit. Mark told me how happy it makes him to be able to share this knowledge he has been sharing with me during our connections. He told me not everyone on the other side get the chance to show someone still physical these realities. Not everyone in the physical is able to have these experiences. Not that I am more special than others. But that beginning these connections has opened the possibilities for us both.

Mark went on to explaining the fusing of selves yet retaining our uniqueness. I was asked to envision a rose bush in bloom. That the flowers are individual but part of the same Bush thus being one and not one.

I then asked Mark for us to go back so I could process more fully what I just experienced. We then went back hugged for several moments then parted. Mark to Eternity and me back to my room here in the Physical.

Example Session 4 with the Same Participant

It’s so easy for me to slip into feeling connected. I can usually do it before the relaxation portion is finished. I wanted to repeat these to make sure I had a good understanding of the development towards the recognition of connection. Again, I read something new in these instructions, or so I thought until I listened.

I use the sunlight to help me connect. For me, different loved ones seem to be different colors or hues of light. Some are just blips of contact. I feel and see and smell many people, some I don’t recognize. I got a few inspirations of insight into something I’ve struggled with mainly with my mother. I had a clear message, “What she thinks of you doesn’t matter.” Very strong and clear. First it was revealed to me in regards to a stranger, then I realized it with my mother in mind.

Then, my husband was in the picture. I can see that as a big ‘ahah’ in a struggle to be authentic. Another clear message had to do with my husband and his constantly jumping legs. That was tied in with his enormous consumption of diet coke. Strangely enough, I had the insight that I could best influence my husband by competition. He is very protective of ego, surprisingly. If I give up diet drinks, it may become a challenge to him to do better than I do. I was giggling when I SAW this, clearly. I told Peter thank you for the help, encouragement with my health. I’ve made changes and I feel him helping me. I could see him in bits and pieces.

Then, we travelled a bit. I felt the same experiences I had years ago when I had a near death experience and felt my heaven. I felt how Peter was sharing that with me. Such wonderful peace. Then, we travelled some more. I saw his version of the Grand Canyon except it was in technicolor, miss colored colors. Things were rich colors that didn’t match the item, substance. The Grand Canyon was reddish orange brown but not like dirt. Then, it became deep blues and contrasting blacks. I saw that Peter could go anywhere and did. I felt that he could and did read and absorb anything he wanted to know. I kept seeing other people like still talking heads. I didn’t ask them anything just went back to the light with Peter.

Oh, initially, I greeted my beloved grandmother and hugged my grandfather. Like walking in their house or calling on the phone! So easy. I saw a dog that had gone missing years ago and asked her what had happened. The picture I had of her being picked up for a lab was correct. No wonder I had a clear image of the labs in my mind!

I have a fairly settled feeling with Peter. I teared up but it’s about me missing him. So, I get the message to talk with him just like at any time I did before. Also, part of the happy images that flashed for me included the short time we were with his father. That was pleasant.

Example Session 5 with the Same Participant

I got snapshots of people I knew as well as my maternal grandfather who died 8 years before I was born. Mostly, I talked with Peter. My grandmother was with me and showed me all these loving moments we had together. I realized it truly was how I was able to parent Peter with so much affection. All of this was very comforting. I started getting these HUGE “Aha’s.” I kept thinking, this is a book of life. I realized everything I needed to know was right here. So, I asked Peter to tell me something I don’t know. He kind of sent me this un-worded understanding.

As I continued, I came out slightly and went back easily. I keep getting this intense desire to come out of this. It’s almost like free floating anxiety or high anxiety. It goes away as I just relax and let it wash over me.

My paternal aunt appeared and my maternal father came into it again. I asked him why he came back from the Army early. He had been in the landing at D-Day. What I understood from him was he had what we call a nervous breakdown. I know the story is that he started drinking then.

I didn’t have any real questions established before I went into this. The next time I’ll make the intent to know what I want to ask. I kept asking Peter to tell me something I didn’t know.

At the very end, when I was looking at my maternal grandfather, revealing that he had been overcome during his duties, I turned back to ask Peter, “Why so violent?” Why choose to die like this? I got the very quick insight that Peter was telling me it was the easiest way. Boom, done, gone, poof. Then I saw someone lingering, the energy that goes into long term illness, grief, etc. That fits with something I keep counting as a gratitude. I feel I had it easy. There was no wondering where my son was, trial, emotional drag out of a lingering illness. With my son, it was one and done!

So, then that led into seeing someone who is not dead a young man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia right after Peter was killed. The boy who was Peter’s age went downhill so fast. He’s just living in limbo right now. His mom and I used to be friends. Now, I can’t really tolerate being around her. And I saw her son, her beloved son my husband adored, dying slowly from the disease he has. I have not seen him since he attempted suicide a couple of years ago. I’ve been afraid to look at him and see no aura. That’s what happened the last time I laid eyes on my son, he had no aura.

Then I realized, Peter was showing me another example of long-term suffering before death. Peter’s death was quick. Awful as it was, But Peter and we were spared long-term suffering. This I went back and counted 5 and felt better. So, I know if something interrupts me, it’s not all lost and I can control how I respond to that.

This is surprisingly easy.

What People Learn from Self-Guided Afterlife Connections
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What People Learn from Self-Guided Afterlife Connections
Thousands of people have learned to have their own afterlife communications by going through the free online training in Self-Guided Afterlife Connections. This article contains examples from the diaries of people who have had uplifting connections during their self-guided afterlife connections procedures. The examples are narrated.
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