The Nature of Reality

Seek Reality Online regularly posts blogs with valuable, insightful information that will help you expand your knowledge of this life, the end of this life, and the afterlife. Below are some of the blogs available to members.

What is Reality? Exploring Consciousness, Creation, & Existence

The Earth was created for us to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the experiences. Since it was created, it may be much younger than…

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Foreign Accent Syndrome Shows the Mind Retrieves Skills from Outside the Brain

The act of speaking a language comes from recalled experiences with the words, syntax, intonations, and pronunciations. These complex, extensive experiences are coming from the subconscious, which is…

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There Is Nothing but God ~ The Universe Is All One

Dr. Amit Goswami ~ “There is nothing but God.” Dr. Amit Goswami Amit Goswami, Ph.D., formerly a professor of physics at the University of Oregon, is renowned for…

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The Universe is Conscious ~ Don Hoffman

The selection of experiences is determined by what cognitive psychologist Donald Hoffman calls “fitness” to our lives: Snakes and trains, like the particles of physics, have no objective,…

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Frédéric Chopin Explains that the Spirit Is Not in the Body

Frédéric Chopin Explains that the Spirit Is Not in the Body We do not enroll in Earth School or inhabit a physical body. Rather, we commence experiencing the…

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People Spontaneously Speak New Languages

Speaking a language also results from access by the subconscious Awareness to a language’s words, pronunciations, and syntax to adeptly speak or write a language. Strings of individual…

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Blind Woman Sees in Her NDE

Vicki Noratuk had a near-death experience after a car accident. She had been blind since birth, but had clear sight of the emergency room and rose out of…

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Physicist Amit Goswami Explains Why Consciousness Is the Basic of Reality, without a Material Realm

Dr. Amit Goswami, Physicist An approach to reality called the dualist approach suggests that Mind is separate from matter and influences our brains and the world of matter…

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