Beyond the Veil: Proof of the Afterlife through Recorded Phone Calls from the Life After Death.

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Konstantin Raudive on electronic voice phenomana EVP

Recorded Phone Calls from the Afterlife Are Proof of Life After Death

Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a Latvian writer, psychologist, and philosopher, studied psychotherapy under Carl Jung. Raudive read a book written by a researcher into electronic voice phenomena (EVP), Friedrich Jürgenson, which was recognized as a clear book about souls communicating from the afterlife. The book is titled Voices from Space, in which Jürgenson describes recording the voices of people whose bodies had been dead for years or decades. Raudive was determined to learn what happens after you die and how to record such voices. He set up his equipment following Jürgenson’s instructions. One night, he played back a recording he had made and heard distinct voices.  He continued his effort and eventually had recorded over 72,000 EVP/ITC voice recordings. Based on his findings, he wrote one of the best books about the afterlife, Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead [i] published in 1971. Raudive transitioned from earth to the next stage of his life in 1974.[ii]

Twenty years after his passing, in 1994, Raudive reportedly contacted several EVP/ITC researchers, including Sarah Estep, George Meek, Mark Macy, and Sonia Rinaldi. While the conversations with Estep and Meek were recorded, Macy was unavailable to answer the call, but Raudive left him a recorded message. Unfortunately, Rinaldi did not have a recording device on her phone at the time of Raudive’s call. During the phone calls, Raudive communicated eloquently, referenced the listeners’ personal experiences as concrete evidence of the afterlife, exhibited his distinctive Latvian accent, and engaged in a seamless exchange regarding the researchers’ EVP/ITC work. Some individuals interpret these conversations as proof of Raudive’s continued existence despite his physical demise.

Sarah Estep compiled the recordings and has made them available. You can hear her narration and Raudive’s phone conversations at

Recorded Conversations with a Scientist in the Next Life Are Proof of the Afterlife

George W. Meek, the former industrialist who had transformed the air-conditioning industry and earned several patents, attended a séance where he encountered a spirit identifying as a “discarnate scientist.” This spirit imparted the concept of creating a mechanical device that could facilitate communication with individuals living in the afterlife. This idea consumed Meek, and he became fixated on developing an electronic apparatus capable of two-way communication with those who had passed on.

Six years later, Meek crossed paths with medium Bill O’Neil, also an electronics engineer. Doc Nick, a former ham radio operator, suggested using specific audio frequencies on the radio for recording voices instead of the “white noise” employed by most EVP/ITC researchers. With technical guidance from Doc Nick, O’Neil and Meek embarked on the journey of building a groundbreaking communications device, Spiricom, in October 1977.

Another person living in the afterlife then became part of the team. Dr. George Jeffries Mueller, a NASA scientist and physics professor who transitioned in 1967, although dead, appeared in O’Neil’s living room at one of O’Neil’s sittings.

In October 1977, O’Neil and Meek built the first electronic device following the guidelines from Doc Nick. They named it Spiricom.[iii] O’Neil and Meek began listening intently to the buzzing of the device that was a medium for the voices to come through. As they listened, Dr. Mueller spoke through the buzzing. To prove his identity, he gave his social security number, the place where his death certificate could be found, and intimate details of his life and scholastic achievements. He said he had been a NASA scientist and college professor before his body died in 1967. Meek and O’Neil checked out the information and all of it was correct.

The fact that Dr. Mueller was able to communicate with Meek and O’Neil ten years after his body had died demonstrates that he survived the death of his body. He was articulate, identified himself by name and position, and spoke about current occurrences.

Those intrigued by these captivating tales of the afterlife can explore more in some of the best new books about the afterlife. These books, deemed top books about the afterlife in the genre, offer profound insights into the mysteries beyond the veil. 

You can view a video of O’Neil communicating with Dr. Mueller at

Evidence from Instrumental Transcommunication Is Proof of Life After Death

The voices that ITC researchers are recording demonstrate that the people communicating are alive and articulate, although their bodies and brains have died. The people in spirit have all the qualities they had when living on earth: fluent voice, characteristic personality, memories of past events, and acknowledgement of current events. The people to whom the statements are addressed accept these conversations as valid because they recognize the person in spirit’s voice quality, personality, references to current events, and reminiscences of past events in the people’s lives.

These individuals who speak through ITC did not die when their bodies died. The evidence from these communications proves you will never die truly and have a life after death.

[i] Konstantin Raudive, Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead, (Colin Smythe Ltd, 1971).

[ii] Carl Michael von Hausswolff, “Investigation Studio for Audioscopic Communications,” Cabinet Magazine, Winter 200-2001,

[iii] George W. Meek, et al. Spiricom: An Electronic-Etheric Systems Approach to Communications with Other Levels of Human Consciousness (Metascience Research, 1982).

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Konstantin Raudive on electronic voice phenomana EVP

Recorded Phone Calls from the Afterlife Are Proof of Life After Death

Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a Latvian writer, psychologist, and philosopher, studied psychotherapy under Carl Jung. Raudive read a book written by a researcher into electronic voice phenomena (EVP), Friedrich Jürgenson, which was recognized as a clear book about souls communicating from the afterlife. The book is titled Voices from Space, in which Jürgenson describes recording the voices of people whose bodies had been dead for years or decades. Raudive was determined to learn what happens after you die and how to record such voices. He set up his equipment following Jürgenson’s instructions. One night, he played back a recording he had made and heard distinct voices.  He continued his effort and eventually had recorded over 72,000 EVP/ITC voice recordings. Based on his findings, he wrote one of the best books about the afterlife, Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead [i] published in 1971. Raudive transitioned from earth to the next stage of his life in 1974.[ii]

Twenty years after his passing, in 1994, Raudive reportedly contacted several EVP/ITC researchers, including Sarah Estep, George Meek, Mark Macy, and Sonia Rinaldi. While the conversations with Estep and Meek were recorded, Macy was unavailable to answer the call, but Raudive left him a recorded message. Unfortunately, Rinaldi did not have a recording device on her phone at the time of Raudive’s call. During the phone calls, Raudive communicated eloquently, referenced the listeners’ personal experiences as concrete evidence of the afterlife, exhibited his distinctive Latvian accent, and engaged in a seamless exchange regarding the researchers’ EVP/ITC work. Some individuals interpret these conversations as proof of Raudive’s continued existence despite his physical demise.

Sarah Estep compiled the recordings and has made them available. You can hear her narration and Raudive’s phone conversations at

Recorded Conversations with a Scientist in the Next Life Are Proof of the Afterlife

George W. Meek, the former industrialist who had transformed the air-conditioning industry and earned several patents, attended a séance where he encountered a spirit identifying as a “discarnate scientist.” This spirit imparted the concept of creating a mechanical device that could facilitate communication with individuals living in the afterlife. This idea consumed Meek, and he became fixated on developing an electronic apparatus capable of two-way communication with those who had passed on.

Six years later, Meek crossed paths with medium Bill O’Neil, also an electronics engineer. Doc Nick, a former ham radio operator, suggested using specific audio frequencies on the radio for recording voices instead of the “white noise” employed by most EVP/ITC researchers. With technical guidance from Doc Nick, O’Neil and Meek embarked on the journey of building a groundbreaking communications device, Spiricom, in October 1977.

Another person living in the afterlife then became part of the team. Dr. George Jeffries Mueller, a NASA scientist and physics professor who transitioned in 1967, although dead, appeared in O’Neil’s living room at one of O’Neil’s sittings.

In October 1977, O’Neil and Meek built the first electronic device following the guidelines from Doc Nick. They named it Spiricom.[iii] O’Neil and Meek began listening intently to the buzzing of the device that was a medium for the voices to come through. As they listened, Dr. Mueller spoke through the buzzing. To prove his identity, he gave his social security number, the place where his death certificate could be found, and intimate details of his life and scholastic achievements. He said he had been a NASA scientist and college professor before his body died in 1967. Meek and O’Neil checked out the information and all of it was correct.

The fact that Dr. Mueller was able to communicate with Meek and O’Neil ten years after his body had died demonstrates that he survived the death of his body. He was articulate, identified himself by name and position, and spoke about current occurrences.

Those intrigued by these captivating tales of the afterlife can explore more in some of the best new books about the afterlife. These books, deemed top books about the afterlife in the genre, offer profound insights into the mysteries beyond the veil. 

You can view a video of O’Neil communicating with Dr. Mueller at

Evidence from Instrumental Transcommunication Is Proof of Life After Death

The voices that ITC researchers are recording demonstrate that the people communicating are alive and articulate, although their bodies and brains have died. The people in spirit have all the qualities they had when living on earth: fluent voice, characteristic personality, memories of past events, and acknowledgement of current events. The people to whom the statements are addressed accept these conversations as valid because they recognize the person in spirit’s voice quality, personality, references to current events, and reminiscences of past events in the people’s lives.

These individuals who speak through ITC did not die when their bodies died. The evidence from these communications proves you will never die truly and have a life after death.

[i] Konstantin Raudive, Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead, (Colin Smythe Ltd, 1971).

[ii] Carl Michael von Hausswolff, “Investigation Studio for Audioscopic Communications,” Cabinet Magazine, Winter 200-2001,

[iii] George W. Meek, et al. Spiricom: An Electronic-Etheric Systems Approach to Communications with Other Levels of Human Consciousness (Metascience Research, 1982).

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