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Psychologists and psychotherapists, drawing upon their deep understanding of the inner workings of the human mind, have scrutinized accounts of communication with individuals in the afterlife. Through meticulous examination of mediums and their own encounters with post-mortem communication in therapeutic settings, they have reached a consensus: the mind endures beyond the cessation of the physical body.
Dr. William James – A preeminent American psychologist, renowned for his extensive contributions to psychology, philosophy, and religion during his 35-year tenure at Harvard, he authored the seminal work Principles of Psychology (1890) and the classic Varieties of Religious Experience. Following his inquiry into the concept of life after death, achieved through sittings with medium Leonora Piper, James arrived at a conclusion: “One who takes part in a good sitting has usually a far livelier sense, both of the reality and of the importance of the communication, than one who merely reads the records.”[i]
Dr. Allan Botkin – A clinical psychologist who pioneered induced after-death communication (IADC) in 1995, a therapeutic approach now widely adopted by hundreds of psychotherapists. This excerpt is taken from the book co-authored by Botkin and R. Craig Hogan, co-founder of Seek Reality Online: “I cannot imagine that if the afterlife is a reality, IADCs, ADCs, and NDEs are hallucinatory aberrations produced by our brains that lead us into misunderstanding.”[ii]
Dr. Cesare Lombroso – A distinguished professor of psychology at the University of Turin, an Inspector of Asylums for the Insane in Italy, and a pioneering criminologist renowned worldwide for his work “The Criminal Man.” His exploration of psychic phenomena, commencing in 1891, led him to a significant conclusion as a result of his research: “There can be no doubt that genuine psychical phenomena are produced by intelligences totally independent of the psychic and the parties present at the sittings.”[iv]
Dr. Bruce Greyson – A distinguished figure in the field of psychiatry, holding positions such as Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Connecticut and Chester F. Carlson Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia, Greyson has dedicated over 25 years to researching near-death experiences. His extensive body of work includes numerous articles published in reputable scientific and medical journals, including the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Journal of the American Medical Association, and American Journal of Psychiatry. Based on his comprehensive research, Greyson reached a conclusion: “the survival hypothesis is the most parsimonious explanation for the growing database of near-death experiences.”[v]
Dr. Julian Ochorowicz – A professor holding positions in both psychology and philosophy at the University of Warsaw, Ochorowicz played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Polish Psychological Institute in Warsaw. Additionally, he served as the director of the International Institute of Psychology in Paris. Dr. Ochorowicz agreed with the conclusion that the mind lives on after bodily death.[vi]
Baron (Dr.) Albert Von Schrenck-Notzing – A forensic psychiatrist and a member of the German aristocracy, Schrenck-Notzing was a dedicated collaborator who worked alongside Richet, Lombroso, Lodge, and various others in numerous investigations of the survival of the mind after death of the body spanning over 30 years.[vii]
Dr. Carl A. Wickland – A member of both the Chicago Medical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Wickland served as the director of the National Psychological Institute of Los Angeles. His professional focus encompassed areas such as schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, addiction, manic-depression, criminal behavior, and various phobias. Through his direct experiences, Wickland arrived at the conclusion that spirits from the realms beyond communicate with and exert influence upon individuals on the Earth plane.[viii]
Dr. Gardner Murphy – A recipient of the Hodgson Memorial Fund research grant at Harvard, who also served as the president of the American Society for Psychical Research for two decades. Additionally, Murphy held positions as an assistant professor of psychology at Columbia University and as the chairman of the Psychology Department at City College of New York. His examination of medium session records led Murphy to pen his findings: “It is the autonomy, the purposiveness, the cogency, above all the individuality, of the [séance] sources of the messages, that cannot be by-passed. . . . The case looks like communication with the deceased.”[ix]
Dr. Gary Schwartz – A Harvard University Ph.D. graduate, who held positions as a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University and served as the director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. Schwartz devoted significant efforts to researching mediums, a subject he extensively explored in his book, The Afterlife Experiments. His extensive research led him to a conclusion: “I can no longer ignore the data [on research into the survival of consciousness] and dismiss the words [coming through mediums]. They are as real as the sun, the trees, and our television sets, which seem to pull pictures out of the air.”[xi]
Dr. Jon Klimo – An esteemed psychology professor with over 30 years of experience, including his recent tenure at the American School of Professional Psychology, Argosy University. Klimo has dedicated himself to extensive research, writing, teaching, and delivering presentations in various fields, including psychology, parapsychology, consciousness studies, new paradigm thought, metaphysics, and the transpersonal domain. His accumulated knowledge and investigations have led him to reach a conclusion: “I personally choose to believe that we do meaningfully survive death and can communicate back through mediums and channels.”[xii]
Dr. David Fontana – A distinguished professor of transpersonal psychology in the United Kingdom, who has also served as the past president of the Society for Psychical Research and is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Dr. Fontana has conducted comprehensive research into the topic of survival and has authored numerous books, including the notable work titled Is There an Afterlife? [xiii] He wrote, “If your answer [to questions of our existence] is that you are more than a biological accident whose ultimately meaningless life is bounded by the cradle and the grave, then I have to say I agree with you.”[xiv]
Dr. Brendan Rooney – As the Director of the Institute of Psychology in Dublin, Rooney embarked on an investigation centered around electronic voice recordings capturing the voices of the deceased communicating with the living. Following his research, Rooney arrived at this conclusion: “I have apparently succeeded in reproducing the phenomena. Voices have appeared on a tape which did not come from any known source.”[xv]
Carl G. Jung – A prominent psychoanalyst who was a contemporary of Freud and a foundational figure in the development of Jungian psychology. Jung penned his thoughts after experiencing his own near-death experience (NDE): “What happens after death is so unspeakably glorious, that our imagination and feelings do not suffice to form even an approximate conception of it.”[xvi]
A Large Contingent of Well-Known Scientists – One hundred renowned scientists, many of whom were initially profoundly skeptical and some even openly hostile, unanimously declared themselves to be completely convinced after participating in research conducted under the guidance of Dr. Schrenck-Notzing, alongside the medium Willy Schneider.[xvii]
[i] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[ii] Botkin, Induced After-Death Communication, 168.
[iii] Cesare Lombroso, Criminal Man (Durham, NC: Duke University Press Books, 2006).
[iv] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[v] B. Greyson, “Near death experiences as evidence for survival of bodily death,” Survival of Bodily Death: An Esalen Invitational Conference, February 11-16, 2000.
[vi] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[vii] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[viii] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[ix] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[x] Gary Schwartz and W. L. Simon, The Afterlife Experiments (New York: Atria Books, 2003).
[xi] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[xii] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[xiii] David Fontana, Is There an Afterlife? A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence (Washington, D.C.: O Books, 2005).
[xiv] Tymn, “Distinguished researchers.”
[xv] Bander, Voices from the Tapes, 132.
[xvi] C. G. Jung, Letters, Volume 1 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973).
[xvii] Gustave Geley, Clairvoyance and Materialization: A Record of Experiments (London: T. Fisher Unwin Limited, 1927).