Joe Higgins is an Amazon bestselling author and Intuitive Medium and has had the ability to communicate with those who have passed on since an early age. Joe has completed and taught classes in mediumship and advanced mediumship as well as becoming a Certified Reiki Master. He has completed the Morris Pratt Institute training and a residential course in Pastoral Skills in Lily Dale, NY. He has published three books: Hello…Anyone Home? A Guide on How our Deceased Loved Ones Try to Contact Us through the Use of Signs, I Got Your Message: Understanding Signs from Deceased Loved Ones, The Everything Guide to Evidence of the Afterlife: A scientific approach to proving the existence of life after death (Everything Series) and Always Connected for Veterans: Deceased Vets Give Guidance From The Other Side.
Joe’s website is at An article from his book Hello . . . Anyone Home? follows.
Joe Higgins: After loved ones have passed, they often wish to send a sign to their loved ones on the physical plane that they are truly still in existence and can connect to them. By talking directly to the deceased about how you miss them, love them and wish they were still around you open up the channel for communicating with our side. You have set the intention by your thoughts and your actions to open a line of communication with your deceased loved one. Our reaction is to go through the necessary protocol in order to teach your past loved one the dynamics of interacting with your side. This puts into motion a whole series of actions and investigations on how to best contact you. Sometimes, the signs go unseen, as they might be confusing, mixed too well into the background of your daily lives; or, maybe just because you’re preoccupied with other things on your mind.
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It seems you all have a tendency to be very protective about your space and any energy around it. It is because you are truly a spiritual being that you are quite aware of your surroundings and how you feel in certain situations. You all have had experiences, such as knowing when someone is standing behind you or, perhaps, you feel uneasy about entering a certain location. You might not have any proof to base this feeling on, as it’s just a gut feeling. This is the sense that you are tapping into, this part of your divine makeup, which helps with communications.
So the first thing to learn is how to tap into this protective field that you have around you and to begin to look and listen for the signs that you have asked for. When we mentioned a protective field, we meant this in the sense that it is used on your physical plane – to give you extra information concerning your environment. In the past, it was used, to a higher degree, in order for survival. Today, it might be used to tap into in order to make specific decisions or when seeking guidance.
Another main theme is to let go of the everyday worries and responsibilities that seem to occupy your mind at all times. It is difficult to look or listen for signs from us when you are preoccupied by the activities of your daily living. This is one reason we make contact while you sleep, as you have relaxed and it is easier to make the connection. So put aside all the thoughts and questions that your mind tries to process in what seems like every minute of the day. Pursuing techniques such as meditation will help you to relax your mind and to make it much easier for us to tap into, to place a thought, a physical object, or to create the sign that you have been looking for.
The following stories were reported to me by people who have had these real experiences.
Story 1: A Man Receives a Message from the Afterlife
This is the story as someone reported it to me.
Today, I was reading one of my aunt’s pocket calendars, as she kept detailed notes of her ongoing schedules throughout most of her life. Some might call them journals; but, for someone who had a busy work schedule all her life, the daily pocket planners were the way to go.
Looking at some of her final months was interesting; because she tried to keep a schedule, even though her physical body was starting to give out. “Today I went to Stop and Shop; in the afternoon, called a friend.” As she started to feel more run down and the weather became colder and more unpredictable, many of the notations would show her staying in most of the day.
Frequently, it would say “doctor appointment in morning,” “stayed in the balance of the day.” “Had my hair done,” “Stayed in the balance of the day.” “Went food shopping in morning but returned due to weather, stayed in the balance of the day.”
I found that expression odd, since I have never heard of any expression like that in my 50 years. So, whether she went to the market or the doctor’s, she would very often end her entry “stayed in balance of the day.”
That night, before I went to bed, I said, “Gee, you have not contacted me in a while, I wonder why.
The very next morning, as I was driving to work, I began to think about her notes in her daily calendar; and, within two minutes, as the weather man on the radio was wrapping up his report, he said that it would be partly cloudy and humid for “the balance of the day.”
I began to smile and a warm feeling come over me, knowing that I had received another sign from my loving aunt. We use various methods to connect with your side, including sounds, smells, and electrical manipulation. They will vary from the simple sounds of someone’s voice to the more complex meetings within a dream.
Comments on this Communication with the Afterlife
Many times, people have a close relationship with the natural surroundings of the physical plane. Within these boundaries are methods of contact that can be arranged to show a sign. We have the ability to intercede in the action of the animal world as well as with plants and the weather. If someone would recognize a sign more easily through the action of an animal, or a significant flower or breeze, then this would be implemented in the choice of contact.
We are not limited as to the methods of contact and we have vast, interacting abilities within the physical plane.
But the most important thing to remember is that you’re not losing your grip on reality, that these events and signs that are appearing around you are actual communications from your loved ones on the other side.
This use of sign communication has been used since the beginning of human time. You are not the first to experience these types of contact, nor will you be the last. You see, as spiritual beings, you are always in contact with the other side, as this is where you originally came from; and, this is where you’ll return to. After you leave the physical plane through the transition called death, you will be able to connect with your loved ones who remain on the physical plane. As spiritual entities, you are connected to all those who are here with you and to others on the other side.
You only think that you are limited by your physical being to be able to connect with others. Once you are free from limitations of your physical body, your consciousness and spirit are free to interact with many others at any time or place.
We just happen to choose a particular method that we think might gain your attention in the easiest and most efficient way. If you’re thinking of a loved one and a favorite song of theirs comes on the radio, and it makes you think, “That was strange,” then the message, the sign, was successful. The most important thing is not to doubt the sign when it comes across your path, as it has been intended for you to receive that communication at that particular time in that particular place. The fact that you pick it up and wonder about it is evidence that the communication was clear enough to stop you in your daily thoughts and to concentrate on what has just happened. We’ve grabbed your attention.
Story 2: How People in the Afterlife Do Communicate with Us
This story also was reported to me.
After being widowed for about two years, I had recently met a man I really liked. We talked on the phone for a while and went out together a couple of times, so the relationship was very new. While on the phone one day, he asked me if I wanted to go see Fleetwood Mac in concert; and, I, in turn, asked him if he would accompany me to a friend’s wedding. These events were not to happen for at least another month; so, although the relationship was new, we were making “long term” plans.
While driving later in the day, I began to panic, asking myself, “What did you just do?” I thought I had to be crazy for making plans for a month away, when we really did not know each other. Although I felt ready to move on with my life, the thought of a new relationship after being married for twenty-five years, was downright scary.
Doubt and confusion began to creep into my brain. Although it sounds crazy, I began “talking” to my deceased husband, asking him for help with all of the questions I had running through my brain. “Is he really a nice guy?” “Is he good for me?” “Is this the right thing to do?” “What do you suggest?” I remember thinking, “I wish you could tell me what to do; I’m scared.”
The radio was on in the car; and, at that moment, my husband’s favorite song by Matchbox Twenty came on the radio. I remember thinking, “There you are.” He loved all kinds of music, and was always listening to something. Hearing his favorite song at that moment, made me smile to myself; and, I felt somewhat comforted. However, it was the song that played right after the first one, which absolutely let me know he was there, listening and answering my questions. It was a Fleetwood Mac song! I knew without a doubt that he had heard me and was using music, a medium that he loved so much, to answer my questions. He was letting me know that everything was alright, that it was OK to move on with this relationship and my life.
Just in case I thought that the two songs were a coincidence, after running my errands, I returned to my car about an hour later.
Playing on the radio was a Fleetwood Mac song and right after that, a Matchbox Twenty song. He was making sure that I definitely got his answers to my questions. It could not have been any more obvious.
As I thanked him for answering me, I had tears in my eyes. Getting that sign made me feel so much better, less confused, and at peace with all of the changes happening in my life.
Comments on Story 2
Sometimes the sign can be quite obvious. Very often, we will have to repeat a sign multiple times before someone finally believes what they had thought in the first place, that it is a true contact with their loved one. We understand this and that is why we continue to give you a sign, even if you are having difficulty accepting it because of your doubts or fears.
This is the way that we try to communicate with you; and, at times, it can be subtle, while at other times, it can be quite obvious. Once you start to connect the dots, you’ll begin to see a pattern of how this all works: Your thoughts about a past loved one, the sign coming through, how appropriate it might be for that time, how it relates to a current situation in your life or, perhaps, some insight that is needed to help resolve or deal with a particular problem .These are all reasons why we come to you and at times we will use a friend or loved one to make the connection due to the surrounding events that are happing at that time.
Story 3: Proof of the Afterlife: A Revealing Message
A good example of how a loved one can come through a friend or family member in order to pass on a message is related in the following incident that happened to me. One evening, while I was preparing to meditate, I encountered a personality coming into my thoughts; and, as a medium, I identified it as someone who wanted to come through and pass along some information. I immediately recognized who the person was, because I had met this woman the year before. Jane was the aunt of a close friend of mine and had passed about six months prior to this event. Since I was trying to be very disciplined with my meditation training, I accepted her into my consciousness, I said hello and welcomed her. I told her that I would be able to connect with her at another time but that I was in the midst of meditating and training myself and that I did not want to be disturbed. When you are a medium, you have to set guide lines as to when anyone can come through or your mind will be cluttered with conversational thoughts all day long. However, if someone comes through who I immediately recognize out of the blue, then it usually means something very important and I need to pay attention.
She was persistent, just as she had been in her life on our physical plane. Therefore, I stopped my meditation, and then allowed Jane to come through with the information that needed to be passed on to her niece.
She immediately told me that she was doing fine, that she was no longer in pain and she was smiling broadly and moving about. Now, the strange part: As she was telling me that she was in good spirits, no pun intended, she reached up to her head and removed a wig. She began to remove the wig and then place it back on her head. She did this repeatedly. Then, she removed the wig and shook it in her right hand, while smiling broadly and laughing out loud. Next, she grasped the wig and held it with two hands to her heart and placed it back on her head. Jane then mentioned that she did not want to keep me from my scheduled meditation, but she only wanted to come through so I could pass the message along that she was happy and healthy and to say “hi ”to her niece. When I asked her about the wig, she just looked at me and smiled with the widest grin imaginable; but, she did not comment.
At that point, I wished her much love and peace; I thanked her for coming and told her that I would convey the message to her family. Then, her energy pulled away, and I continued with my meditation.
After my meditation, the force of the message that had been brought through to me was so strong that I felt as though I needed to connect with the family to let them know that their aunt had come to me, telling me that she was fine and no longer in pain. I immediately went to my computer and started to compose an e-mail message. I had not spoken to or been in any contact with her family in over three months. As I prepared the e-mail message, Jane’s face kept appearing in my mind as being happy, joyful and actually laughing. As a result, I was looking forward to passing on this message to her family. I completed the e-mail message and sent it off to her niece. I closed out of my computer and turned it off for the evening.
In less than ten minutes, my phone began to ring; and, I had a strange sensation that it had something to do with the e-mail I had just sent. When I answered the phone, I recognized the voice immediately. It was Jane’s niece. She was happy to hear from me, since it had been a long time since we had chatted. She said that she just received the e-mail message and had to call me right away because of the events that had occurred at her house that same afternoon. It seems that Jane’s husband, who lived next door, had been in quite an emotional state while talking to the niece and her other aunt. He was looking for a specific wig that his wife loved to wear when she went out in public, because he wanted to give it to his new girlfriend. When I say new girlfriend,” I am being kind; because, as I found out, he was quite friendly with her before his wife had passed. As he stood in the niece’s living room demanding to know where Jane’s wig was stored, the niece and the other aunt were astonished at his request.
They just couldn’t believe that he was so petty and thoughtless as to demand a wig that had been used by his wife while she was battling cancer, just so that it could be given to this other woman. Throughout that afternoon, they looked through the two houses in every closet, every box, and everywhere imaginable for the wig that was so coveted by the husband of the deceased.
When the niece told me this story, I found it very curious that the message had come through that evening concerning events that happened during that same afternoon. She could not believe how strange it was and I couldn’t understand the meaning of the message until the niece explained to me what happened next.
After thoroughly searching both homes and not finding a clue to the whereabouts of the wig, the niece came up with an idea and picked up the phone. She thought that there might be a slight chance that someone else would know the location of this so valued wig. An older gentleman answered the phone, remembered meeting the niece and, of course meeting Jane. He remembered these details, because Jane had only recently passed away and he was of the owner of the funeral home. When the niece asked if perhaps the wig was stored somewhere at the home, the owner explained exactly where the wig was located.
It seems that while setting up and organizing her own funeral, Jane had requested that one particular wig be buried with her, since it had brought her so much comfort and peace during the last few months of her life.
Now, it all came together. Now, I understood why Jane had come through that evening to show me that she actually had the wig with her, and it was not going to get into the hands of her husband’s lover. That is why she was dancing joyfully and holding the wig close to her heart. She knew that she had gotten the last laugh!
Jane’s niece and sister were so overjoyed with the message that had come through that they laughed and cried, knowing that their loved one had truly come through with an appropriate sign for that exact situation at just the right time.
Comments on Story 3: Knowing the Signs of Afterlife Communication
This is a perfect example of when a loved one needs to come through with a specific sign at a specific time and cannot get through directly to his/her loved ones. At such a time, they may come through to a friend.
In order to try to get that sign through, Jane probably tried to get through directly to the niece but was not successful. Therefore, going through me, a medium, was the perfect second choice. She knew I would relate the message as soon as I received it and she was correct.
If a love one needs to come through, they will find a way, just be open to any possibilities.
Accepting a sign can be very simple for some people; and, to others, it can create a complex maze of emotional and physical turmoil. What we mean by this is that someone might say, “Oh I just received a sign from Uncle John.” Others may become confused and think that something out of the ordinary just happened but that it might not be an actual connection from their uncle.
To accept a sign, first you must be in the right emotional and physical state to be aware that an actual sign has been presented to you. One of the main ingredients is your willingness and openness to receiving a sign. This is simple in its explanation, but, at times, it is difficult to practice. Just be open to the possibility, remember to say “thank you” when you realize that communication has been made, and we will know that you truly have accepted this invitation to communicate.
Story 4: Experiencing the Signs from the Deceased
I have actually seen this in person from a woman who attended a local charitable fair while I was donating mediumistic readings. She came to me about two family members who had passed and I mentioned that they had been trying to send her signs that they were around her. She finally admitted to me that, yes she had seen the signs, but she still doubted them. She kept asking for more signs without accepting any of the others. Her relatives informed me that they would send one more sign to her; and, if she did not accept it, there would be no more. They told me it would be large and obvious.
One month later, when I ran into the woman, she smiled and told me they had come through and that, this time, she finally accepted the sign. I was happy for her and asked how they did it. She said that she had been thinking of her father as she pulled up to an intersection on a busy road and wondering if she would be given the opportunity again to witness a sign from him and to be able to say “yes” and thank him for it. As the light turned green and before she could pull out, a tractor-trailer passed through the intersection. She began to cry as she noticed that the advertisement on the side of that huge truck had the same childhood nickname her father used to call her throughout her life.
Comments on How to Experience Signs of the Afterlife
Sometimes, after receiving a sign, the person will confide in friends and family and tell them what has happened. Others will keep this information to themselves, as they’re afraid of being ridiculed and called crazy. But, what people don’t realize is that many, many people have had the same type of experience and were made to feel exactly as you do when you try to figure out what is happening, what has happened and if it will happen again. Don’t think that you are alone in these circumstances, because millions of other people have experienced the same thing as you. The bottom line is to be happy and joyous that you have had the ability to pick up the communication that has been specifically prepared just for you. You are the main part of a successful contact attempt. Without your understanding and acceptance, that communication from your loved one will simply go by your consciousness and will never have the impact that it was intended to make.
Story 5: Experiencing a Sign While Reading
I can remember that about one month after my aunt’s death, I was reading the Boston Globe on a Sunday afternoon and decided to look at the obituaries. Sometimes they are of famous people; or, perhaps, someone’s parent from work or school might be listed. I started to read one on the death of a woman forty-five years old, and I thought howyoung she was to pass over. Then, I wondered why I was doing this. It was unfortunate, but I didn’t know her. I then proceeded to read the next page of news.
Something made me turn the page back to the woman’s obituary; but, when I did, I continued to read the obituary but on a different column. It was not about the forty-five-year-old woman. Instead, I was reading about a ninety-five-year-old man. Right there, as I was reading, my aunt’s name appeared; because, the man’s sister had the same first and last name as my aunt. Also, his mother had the same name as my aunt’s mother. I knew that this was not a coincidence but clearly a sign.
Comments on Experiencing a Sign While Reading
The reason these specific methods of contact were chosen was to give you an idea on the variety of ways that we can go about trying to communicate with you. We have noticed that a majority of people possess the ability to recognize signs once they have understood these explanations. It is not our intention to try to make the connections more difficult than they can be. We like to use familiar things that you interact with in your daily lives. It is also our intention to relate to the vast majority of people who have witnessed contact from these methods. Depending on the individual, specific methods may be used.
When I have talked to people about the subject matter for my research and listened to their stories, there seemed to be a common thread. Initially, most of them thought that they might be imagining what was happing. I, too, have had this reaction and I should know better. We all experience doubt, because this is just a natural self-checking mechanism we all share. Knowing that millions of others believe in the concept of connecting to our departed loved ones brings some solace by recognizing that we are not alone in our experiences; many others have actually received a sign.
Remember to ask for a sign.
Put no conditions on the time or method.
- Believe and be open to receiving the sign.
- Accepting the sign will create more signs.
- Keep a dream journal next to your bed.
- Don’t forget emotions, highs and lows, and a chaotic lifestyle can be disruptive to the sign process.
Learning to meditate will help in receiving and understanding a sign.