People who have made the transition to the next life are anxious to tell us about what their lives are like there. They communicate through mediums and directly to loved ones on this side of life about their transition to the next life, where they are living, who they are living with, what conditions are like there, what they do for recreation, what they do for their occupations, and a variety of other things about the afterlife. Today, we have many thousands of these communications. We now know without a doubt what everyday life is like in the afterlife or heaven. In this video, you will hear the statements from people now in the afterlife about their living conditions there.
The video that follows contains the descriptions by three people of the places where they are living in the afterlife. A transcript follows the video controls.
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Transcript of Where We Live in the Afterlife
Elizabeth Fry, who led the eighteenth-century reformation of UK prisons, explains in a Leslie Flint direct-voice session in 1963 that people coming into the life after this life find themselves in circumstances that fit their mental and spiritual status. Leslie Flint was a direct-voice medium in the twentieth century. Flint had an ectoplasmic voice box that formed on his shoulder so the person in spirit could project thoughts into it that would emerge as speaking. The voice box had all the characteristics of the vocal mechanism, including vocal cords, air going over the vocal cords as breathing to make them vibrate the air, and mouth parts.
The recording of Fly speaking follows. A transcript of her speaking follows the video controls.
Transcript of Elizabeth Fry Describing Where We Live in the Afterlife
Well I suppose that the question can be answered, in a sense, in one sentence: as a man sows, so shall he reap. And if a man in your world, by his very nature and the condition of his life, creates a condition of havoc and unhappiness, if he is, by nature, only concerned with material things, then obviously when he comes here he will find himself on a plane which is, in some respects, very similar to Earth.He will, as it were, be living, again, a very material conception, if you like, of life. Because, after all, the man has not changed. Death does not necessarily change a person immediately. A person is still, in outlook, very much the same and until such time as man himself begins to realize that he is living in a condition of life that he himself has built, then, until he changes his outlook and his attitude, until he begins to search within himself to discover the faults therein and begin to rectify them, he will be living in a condition very similar, in many respects, to the Earth. He’ll be living in a material mental state. Because, after all, that is exactly what happens to individuals when they leave your world. They live in a condition of life, created by their state of mind.
Of course there are exceptions, as there must well be, but the average person who has lived a reasonably good life will find himself in an atmosphere which is congenial and pleasant. He will find that he will have every opportunity to experience many things that perhaps were denied him on Earth.
For instance, you may have someone who, by the very circumstances of their Earthly life, were unfortunately made to live a very humdrum, unhappy, dreary existence. Well, that person, because they themselves have, by their very nature, endeavoured to be helpful and kind and considerate to others, who sacrificed, perhaps, themselves for others, will find a very happy form or condition of existence and the opportunities that were denied them on Earth, uh, those opportunities will be presented here.
Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson speaking from the life after this life through medium Anthony Borgia, explains in this excerpt from Borgia’s book Life in the World Unseen that his spiritual development affected the living circumstances in his new life. A narration of the text is in the audio controls. The transcript of the narration follows the text.
Transcript of Monsignor Benson Describing the Afterlife
What I saw was my old home that I had lived in on the earth-plane; my old home—but with a difference. It was improved in a way that I had not been able to do to its earthly counterpart. The house itself was rejuvenated, as it seemed to me from a first glance, rather than restored, but it was the gardens round it that attracted my attention more fully. They appeared to be quite extensive, and they were in a state of the most perfect order and arrangement. By this I do not mean the regular orderliness that one is accustomed to see in public gardens on the earth-plane, but that they were beautifully kept and tended. There were no wild growths or masses of tangled foliage and weeds, but the most glorious profusion of beautiful flowers so arranged as to show themselves to absolute perfection. Of the flowers themselves, when I was able to examine them more closely, I must say that I never saw either their like or their counterpart, upon the earth, of many that were there in full bloom. Numbers were to be found, of course, of the old familiar blossoms, but by far the greater number seemed to be something entirely new to my rather small knowledge of flowers. It was not merely the flowers themselves and their unbelievable range of superb colorings that caught my attention, but the vital atmosphere of eternal life that they threw out, as it were, in every direction. And as one approached any particular group of flowers, or even a single bloom, there seemed to pour out great streams of energizing power which uplifted the soul spiritually and gave it strength, while the heavenly perfumes they exhaled were such as no soul clothed in its mantle of flesh has ever experienced. All these flowers were living and breathing, and they were, so my friend informed me, incorruptible.
A man calling himself Dr. Franke said he was killed at the Dachau death camp during World War II. He spoke in a Leslie Flint session on April 6, 1964. In this recording, he explains that the world in the life after this life is created for the individual by their thoughts. As a result, people create the world they expect to have without realizing it. A transcript of his speaking follows the audio controls.
Transcript of Dr. Franke Explaining What the Afterlife Is Like
I have a very small house, but it suffice for me. I am not anxious for grand things. I am happy with simple things and simple people. When I say simple, it doesn’t mean to say that they are simple, in the sense perhaps that some people mean that word. But simple in their desire for – what I suppose you would call – material things. Which after all, though they are in a sense, spiritual, in a sense also, they are material because, for instance, my house is very real.It is solid, as solid as your house would be and it is small but quite pretty. It is what I suppose you would call pleasant. It has only four rooms. It is small like a country house. It has a very attractive garden because I love nature and the flowers and the birds which sing in the trees.
I don’t know how one can hope to make people in your world sometimes understand. When we talk about a house that is material and within the house there are things which you would expect to find in a house. To me they are all the things that would be necessary to make it comfortable, such as chairs and things of that nature. But we do not need heat to warm ourselves. There are no seasons in the same way in which you have. There is no intense cold. Neither is there intense heat. Therefore we do not need fires, for there is no winter. At the same time there is warmth and there is light and yet it is not the light of the sun, for I do not see the sun in the sense that you can look into your sky and see in the sky the sun.
But here there is illumination which is kindly and soft and beautiful. It illuminates the world in which we exist. And the flowers that grow, though to my knowledge, they are not planted, yet they are permanently there. And they have their own beauty. They do not need to be nursed or tended and they are never cut to put, as you would, into the house. All nature seems to be able to take care of itself. Man does not have to tend, although there are those who will and do, for a time, possibly because they assume it is necessary to tend their gardens.
When we transition to the life after this life, we will live in circumstances that fit our disposition as loving, compassionate people. Some who are cruel, self-centered, and hateful live in less pleasant circumstances. It isn’t a punishment, and it isn’t a hell. People who live in the lower realms are there because they are creating the environment by their dispositions. Most people coming from Earth will live in the pleasant surroundings called Summerland, where you will live in comfort and love with your family, friends, and pets.