Does Our Mind Create Reality? Explore Consciousness’s Impact

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In this article we are going to explore an interesting linkage between mind and reality and find out do our minds create reality? Let’s understand it with basic principles of quantam physics and other experiments.

Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. – Quantum physics pioneer Niels Bohr

Atoms or elementary particles are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts. – Quantum physics pioneer Werner Heisenberg

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. – Quantum physics pioneer Max Planck

A variety of studies in several areas have demonstrated that our minds influence the physical realm, other people’s bodies, and other people’s minds. 

1. Do Our Mind Create Reality Understand with Quantum Double-Slit Experiment

In 1801, Thomas Young conducted what came to be known as the double-slit experiment. He found that light exhibited wave-like behavior.

To illustrate, imagine projecting light onto a piece of cardboard with two parallel vertical slits. The experimenter looks at the wall behind the cardboard and sees vertical light and dark areas like a zebra’s stripes. That shows that the light going through each slit spreads out in a wave. As the waves expand from each slit, they run into each other and form high points where the high points of the waves match and low points where the low points of the waves match. That demonstrated to Thomas Young that light travels in waves.

Later, in the twentieth century, researchers set up the same experiment, but this time they measured which slit the waves of light were going through. They were amazed to see that on the back wall was only vertical lighted areas directly behind the slits. The light and dark bands showing light was a wave were gone. That indicated the light was going through the slits as particles, not waves, much like firing bullets through the slits so the bullets go directly to the back wall, without interfering with each other.

Unlocking Secret How Do Our Mind Create Reality: Consciousness Shaping Light’s Behavior

The most remarkable thing about the experiment was that when the researcher was measuring which slit the light particles were going through, the light showed on the back wall as two vertical lighted bars, indicating the light was going through the slits in particles. When the researchers stopped the measurement and allowed the light to pass through the double slits without watching the slits, the light showed the wave pattern of light and dark bars on the wall. Each time the experimenter tried to measure which slit the particles were going through, the light on the back wall turned into two lighted bars, showing the light was going through the slits as particles. Each time the experimenter stopped measuring, the light went back to being bars of light and dark areas, showing the light was a wave.

The amazing finding was that the researchers’ consciousness was influencing whether the light was going through the slits as particles or waves. The researchers’ consciousness was changing reality.

This YouTube video by the well-known, articulate physicist Jim Al-Khalili explains the phenomenon. 

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

2. Know Do Our Mind Create Reality with Government Sponsored Psychokinesis Experiments

Psychokenesis refers to the mind’s influencing matter. The most famous example is in spoon bending using the mind. The practice has been criticized, but at least one study was performed to evaluate it in controlled conditions.

In 2004, a paper titled “Teleportation Physics Study,” by Eric Davis, Ph.D., was released by a United States Air Force research project. This document revealed the extensive research and documentation of psychokinesis and other parapsychological phenomena conducted by multiple researchers and institutions.

Jack Houck and Army Colonel J.B. Alexander organized a series of PK sessions in which participants were taught to use their minds to affect metallic objects such as forks and spoons. Astonishingly, they and many others were able to contort or bend these metal specimens with no physical force being exerted.

These sessions were conducted for government science advisors and high-ranking military officials, taking place at locations including the Pentagon, the residences of officers and scientists, and various U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command facilities worldwide. Commanding generals, colonels, and other esteemed individuals consistently attended. All demonstrated that the mind can deform physical objects.

3. The Global Consciousness Experiment with Random-Number Generators

The Global Consciousness Project is a worldwide collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists, and various other contributors. It continuously gathers data from a global network of physical random number generators situated in 65 locations across the globe. This comprehensive archive contains more than a decade’s worth of random data, comprising synchronized 200-bit trials conducted every second.

The primary objective is to investigate subtle connections that could indicate the presence and impact of consciousness on a global scale. The researchers aim to identify patterns within what would typically be considered random data, particularly in relation to significant global events. Notably, when millions of individuals collectively share intentions and emotions, the data from the GCP/EGG network exhibits meaningful deviations from what is statistically expected. This observation represents a significant discovery grounded in solid scientific principles.

One example of a finding is the astonishing revelation of an event that was yet to unfold. The random-number generators showed marked non-random numbers on September 11, 2001, precisely four hours before the tragic Twin Towers attack in New York. This remarkable discovery was later documented in a renowned article by researcher Roger Nelson.

Global Consciousness and Premonition: Exploring Strange Patterns

In December 2004, the random-number generators again showed unexpected non-random sets of numbers, although there was no apparent significant event at that time. Intriguingly, a day later, the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami struck. This leaves us pondering a compelling question: can global consciousness possess the capacity to foresee forthcoming events?

Through the examination of approximately 500 formally defined events over nearly two decades of project history, the likelihood of the outcomes occurring by mere chance exceeded a trillion to one. This suggests that something significant occurred, although determining the precise nature of this phenomenon remains uncertain. The physical world is influenced by the minds of many people experiencing extraordinary moments of focused collective consciousness. 

Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences describes the global consciousness project in this video.

4. Mind Can Influence Other People's Minds and Bodies

A compelling number of studies have been done showing that people’s minds can influence other people’s minds and bodies.

Explore Does Our Mind Create Reality and Let People's Minds See What Others' Minds Are Seeing

The most renowned experiments demonstrating telepathic connections between individuals is the “ganzfeld” experiments, conducted many thousands of times by a wide range of researchers. In these experiments, a receiver reclines in a comfortable chair, wearing half ping-pong balls over each eye to eliminate visual stimuli. Earphones with white noise playing through them block out external distractions, creating a serene environment for the receiver.

Meanwhile, in a separate room, a sender randomly selects an image, which could be a painting, drawing, movie clip, film strip, or cartoon. The sender then gazes at the chosen image and endeavors to mentally transmit this image to the receiver, who is relaxing in another room. The receiver vocalizes any images or thoughts that come to their mind during this process, which are meticulously recorded by an experimenter.

Following this phase, the receiver is presented with a set of four images and asked to identify which one they believe matches the image the sender was focusing on. If the receiver selects the correct picture, it is considered a “hit.” In some variations of the ganzfeld experiments, the receiver doesn’t directly choose an image; instead, the descriptions provided by the receiver are assessed by independent judges to ascertain whether they correspond to the sender’s chosen image.

Beyond Chance: Extraordinary Results in ESP Experiments Over Three Decades

Statistically, given the presence of four images, random guessing (chance) would yield an average accuracy rate of 25 percent. Over the course of the past thirty years, these experiments have been conducted in more than 3,100 sessions, spanning numerous laboratories. The results have consistently shown that receivers typically identify the correct image at a rate ranging from 32 percent to 34 percent on average. This achievement significantly surpasses the expected chance rate of 25 percent. The likelihood of a 32 percent success rate occurring by random chance is an astonishing one trillion to one (Hamilton, n.d.).

Rhine Research Center Shows Mental Telepathy Is a Valid Phenomenon

The Rhine Research Centre has conducted extensive experiments aimed at exploring the possibility of telepathic communication between individuals. In their book titled Extra-Sensory Perception After Sixty Years, Smith, Burke, Rhine, Stuart, and Greenwood revealed that they had carried out 33 experiments to investigate whether “receivers” could receive telepathic messages from “senders.” These studies encompassed nearly one million trials and employed a diverse range of experimental setups to ensure that the phenomena manifested under various conditions. In some experiments, they placed senders and receivers at considerable distances from each other, while in others, the receivers were asked to describe the image that the sender would see before the computer had even selected it to display to the sender. Remarkably, out of the 33 studies, 27 produced statistically significant results, providing compelling evidence of a telepathic connection between the minds of senders and receivers.

To maintain rigorous control over the experimental conditions, Charles Honorton, the Director of the Division of Parapsychology and Psychophysics at Maimonides Medical Center in New York, conducted a meta-analysis of precognition experiments conducted between 1935 and 1987. A meta-analysis treats all the studies as if they were part of one comprehensive study, allowing for the identification of robust and repeatedly occurring effects. It can also discern when a few isolated results demonstrating a certain effect may not be particularly significant. Honorton’s analysis encompassed 309 studies conducted by 62 different experimenters, and it revealed that people could frequently anticipate what another individual would experience, with the odds against these results occurring by chance being an astonishing one hundred billion billion to one (Radin, 1997, p. 101).

How Does Mind Create Reality and People Mentally Influence Other People's Bodily Reactions

In a separate series of experiments, individuals demonstrated their capacity to exert influence over the thoughts and physiological responses of others, even when substantial distances separated them. These experiments were consistently reproduced with matching outcomes as demonstrated by Braud & Schlitz.

Within these investigations, one participant, designated as the “receiver,” sat comfortably in a room with electrodes affixed to two fingers to monitor skin resistance, a reliable indicator of tension or relaxation. Notably, computer systems were employed to perform these measurements, eliminating any human involvement. In a distant room, a second participant, referred to as the “influencer,” also had electrodes attached to two fingers to assess their stress levels. Once again, computer systems meticulously recorded these measurements on a second-by-second basis, documenting each person’s physiological responses.

The influencer’s objective was to induce either a state of calm or agitation in the receiver during ten 30-second intervals. The specific times and the nature of the influence (calming or agitating) were randomly determined to prevent receivers from discerning when they were being influenced or the type of influence being exerted.

During calming attempts, the influencer would intentionally relax, focus on tranquility, and mentally project the desire for the receiver to become calm, all the while visualizing the receiver immersed in a soothing and calming environment. Conversely, during agitation attempts, influencers would purposefully tense their bodies and wish for the receiver to become more active, visualizing scenarios that were stimulating and arousing. In the intervals between influencing attempts, influencers diligently diverted their thoughts away from the receivers and the experiment, concentrating on unrelated matters. In alternative experimental designs, influencers simply closed their eyes and visualized the experiment’s overall success without concentrating on a specific calming or agitating scene. Intriguingly, both strategies proved effective, as demonstrated by the skin resistance measurements.

“Mind-to-Mind Influence: Research Findings and Implications”


The researchers conducted a total of 15 of these experiments, involving pairs of influencers and receivers ranging from 10 to 40 in each experiment. In total, there were 323 sessions, encompassing 271 different subjects, 62 influencers, and 4 experimenters. The experiments unveiled that, in 57 percent of individual sessions, receivers exhibited measurable responses to the thoughts and intentions of the influencers.

The study was replicated with 32 new subjects and yielded analogous results by Schlitz and LaBerge. The researchers concluded that individuals have the ability to directly, remotely, and mentally influence another person’s physiological activity through means that transcend the conventional sensorimotor channels.

5. The Mind's Thoughts and Intentions Alter the Physical Structure of Water

Masaru Emoto shows why our minds affect reality

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the visionary Japanese scientist who transformed our understanding of how our thoughts and intentions can influence the physical world, stands as an eminent figure in the realm of water research. With an unwavering commitment spanning more than two decades, he dedicated his life to probing the scientific underpinnings of how human words, thoughts, sounds, and intentions have the power to reshape the molecular structure of water. His pioneering work continued until his passing in 2014, leaving an enduring legacy in the field.

Dr. Emoto’s remarkable life’s work is meticulously chronicled in the renowned New York Times Bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water. Within the pages of this book, Dr. Emoto vividly illustrates how water, when subjected to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intentions, undergoes a stunning transformation, manifesting itself in visually pleasing molecular configurations.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has proof our minds influence matter

 Conversely, when exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions, water responds with fragmented, distorted, and aesthetically “unpleasant” molecular structures. This revelation was achieved through the utilization of advanced Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology in conjunction with high-speed photography.

The following video explains Dr. Emoto’s work that shows minds influence matter.

6. The placebo effect shows mind influences the body

Extensive evidence shows that our minds can bring about profound changes in our biology. The placebo effect, characterized by measurable, observable, or felt improvements in health or behavior unrelated to any medication or invasive procedure, underscores the fact that our minds influence the realities of our bodies.  Numerous studies have affirmed the real and potent influence of the placebo effect, often referred to as the power of consciousness.

A Baylor School of Medicine study in 2002 published in the New England Journal of Medicine, examined patients suffering from severe knee pain. Traditionally, surgeons had assumed that surgery was immune to the placebo effect. The patients were sorted into three groups: one group underwent standard cartilage shaving, the second group had their knee joints flushed to remove inflammatory material, both typical procedures for severe arthritic knees. The third group experienced a “sham” surgery, where patients were sedated and falsely led to believe they had undergone the knee surgery. Even in the third group, the surgeons made incisions and mimicked the surgical process, concluding with sutures. Remarkably, all three groups followed identical rehabilitation protocols, and the results were astonishing. The placebo group exhibited improvements on par with the other two groups that had undergone actual surgery.

This video explains the study.

Report by United States Health & Human Services Department

Another example of the placebo effect is described in a 1999 report by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. It found that half of severely depressed patients showed improvement while taking medication, compared to only thirty-two percent of those receiving a placebo. This becomes even more significant when considering the side effects and potential dangers associated with antidepressant medications, in an industry that rakes in billions of dollars annually.

In 2002, Professor Irving Kirsch of the University of Connecticut published an article in the American Psychological Association’s journal Prevention & Treatment, titled “The Emperor’s New Drugs.” Kirsch’s research made striking revelations, indicating that a substantial 80 percent of the observed effects of antidepressants in clinical trials could be attributed to the placebo effect. His quest for this data even led him to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to gain access to the clinical trial information for the most prominent antidepressants.

Dr. Kirsch explains the research in this video.

Does Our Mind Create Reality? Explore Consciousness's Impact
Article Name
Does Our Mind Create Reality? Explore Consciousness's Impact
There is nothing but mind and experiences. Our minds can alter the physical world. This article describes areas of research proving it.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
Publisher Logo

In this article we are going to explore an interesting linkage between mind and reality and find out do our minds create reality? Let’s understand it with basic principles of quantam physics and other experiments.

Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. – Quantum physics pioneer Niels Bohr

Atoms or elementary particles are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts. – Quantum physics pioneer Werner Heisenberg

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. – Quantum physics pioneer Max Planck

A variety of studies in several areas have demonstrated that our minds influence the physical realm, other people’s bodies, and other people’s minds. 

1. Do Our Mind Create Reality Understand with Quantum Double-Slit Experiment

In 1801, Thomas Young conducted what came to be known as the double-slit experiment. He found that light exhibited wave-like behavior.

To illustrate, imagine projecting light onto a piece of cardboard with two parallel vertical slits. The experimenter looks at the wall behind the cardboard and sees vertical light and dark areas like a zebra’s stripes. That shows that the light going through each slit spreads out in a wave. As the waves expand from each slit, they run into each other and form high points where the high points of the waves match and low points where the low points of the waves match. That demonstrated to Thomas Young that light travels in waves.

Later, in the twentieth century, researchers set up the same experiment, but this time they measured which slit the waves of light were going through. They were amazed to see that on the back wall was only vertical lighted areas directly behind the slits. The light and dark bands showing light was a wave were gone. That indicated the light was going through the slits as particles, not waves, much like firing bullets through the slits so the bullets go directly to the back wall, without interfering with each other.

Unlocking Secret How Do Our Mind Create Reality: Consciousness Shaping Light’s Behavior

The most remarkable thing about the experiment was that when the researcher was measuring which slit the light particles were going through, the light showed on the back wall as two vertical lighted bars, indicating the light was going through the slits in particles. When the researchers stopped the measurement and allowed the light to pass through the double slits without watching the slits, the light showed the wave pattern of light and dark bars on the wall. Each time the experimenter tried to measure which slit the particles were going through, the light on the back wall turned into two lighted bars, showing the light was going through the slits as particles. Each time the experimenter stopped measuring, the light went back to being bars of light and dark areas, showing the light was a wave.

The amazing finding was that the researchers’ consciousness was influencing whether the light was going through the slits as particles or waves. The researchers’ consciousness was changing reality.

This YouTube video by the well-known, articulate physicist Jim Al-Khalili explains the phenomenon. 

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

2. Know Do Our Mind Create Reality with Government Sponsored Psychokinesis Experiments

Psychokenesis refers to the mind’s influencing matter. The most famous example is in spoon bending using the mind. The practice has been criticized, but at least one study was performed to evaluate it in controlled conditions.

In 2004, a paper titled “Teleportation Physics Study,” by Eric Davis, Ph.D., was released by a United States Air Force research project. This document revealed the extensive research and documentation of psychokinesis and other parapsychological phenomena conducted by multiple researchers and institutions.

Jack Houck and Army Colonel J.B. Alexander organized a series of PK sessions in which participants were taught to use their minds to affect metallic objects such as forks and spoons. Astonishingly, they and many others were able to contort or bend these metal specimens with no physical force being exerted.

These sessions were conducted for government science advisors and high-ranking military officials, taking place at locations including the Pentagon, the residences of officers and scientists, and various U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command facilities worldwide. Commanding generals, colonels, and other esteemed individuals consistently attended. All demonstrated that the mind can deform physical objects.

3. The Global Consciousness Experiment with Random-Number Generators

The Global Consciousness Project is a worldwide collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists, and various other contributors. It continuously gathers data from a global network of physical random number generators situated in 65 locations across the globe. This comprehensive archive contains more than a decade’s worth of random data, comprising synchronized 200-bit trials conducted every second.

The primary objective is to investigate subtle connections that could indicate the presence and impact of consciousness on a global scale. The researchers aim to identify patterns within what would typically be considered random data, particularly in relation to significant global events. Notably, when millions of individuals collectively share intentions and emotions, the data from the GCP/EGG network exhibits meaningful deviations from what is statistically expected. This observation represents a significant discovery grounded in solid scientific principles.

One example of a finding is the astonishing revelation of an event that was yet to unfold. The random-number generators showed marked non-random numbers on September 11, 2001, precisely four hours before the tragic Twin Towers attack in New York. This remarkable discovery was later documented in a renowned article by researcher Roger Nelson.

Global Consciousness and Premonition: Exploring Strange Patterns

In December 2004, the random-number generators again showed unexpected non-random sets of numbers, although there was no apparent significant event at that time. Intriguingly, a day later, the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami struck. This leaves us pondering a compelling question: can global consciousness possess the capacity to foresee forthcoming events?

Through the examination of approximately 500 formally defined events over nearly two decades of project history, the likelihood of the outcomes occurring by mere chance exceeded a trillion to one. This suggests that something significant occurred, although determining the precise nature of this phenomenon remains uncertain. The physical world is influenced by the minds of many people experiencing extraordinary moments of focused collective consciousness. 

Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences describes the global consciousness project in this video.

4. Mind Can Influence Other People's Minds and Bodies

A compelling number of studies have been done showing that people’s minds can influence other people’s minds and bodies.

Explore Does Our Mind Create Reality and Let People's Minds See What Others' Minds Are Seeing

The most renowned experiments demonstrating telepathic connections between individuals is the “ganzfeld” experiments, conducted many thousands of times by a wide range of researchers. In these experiments, a receiver reclines in a comfortable chair, wearing half ping-pong balls over each eye to eliminate visual stimuli. Earphones with white noise playing through them block out external distractions, creating a serene environment for the receiver.

Meanwhile, in a separate room, a sender randomly selects an image, which could be a painting, drawing, movie clip, film strip, or cartoon. The sender then gazes at the chosen image and endeavors to mentally transmit this image to the receiver, who is relaxing in another room. The receiver vocalizes any images or thoughts that come to their mind during this process, which are meticulously recorded by an experimenter.

Following this phase, the receiver is presented with a set of four images and asked to identify which one they believe matches the image the sender was focusing on. If the receiver selects the correct picture, it is considered a “hit.” In some variations of the ganzfeld experiments, the receiver doesn’t directly choose an image; instead, the descriptions provided by the receiver are assessed by independent judges to ascertain whether they correspond to the sender’s chosen image.

Beyond Chance: Extraordinary Results in ESP Experiments Over Three Decades

Statistically, given the presence of four images, random guessing (chance) would yield an average accuracy rate of 25 percent. Over the course of the past thirty years, these experiments have been conducted in more than 3,100 sessions, spanning numerous laboratories. The results have consistently shown that receivers typically identify the correct image at a rate ranging from 32 percent to 34 percent on average. This achievement significantly surpasses the expected chance rate of 25 percent. The likelihood of a 32 percent success rate occurring by random chance is an astonishing one trillion to one (Hamilton, n.d.).

Rhine Research Center Shows Mental Telepathy Is a Valid Phenomenon

The Rhine Research Centre has conducted extensive experiments aimed at exploring the possibility of telepathic communication between individuals. In their book titled Extra-Sensory Perception After Sixty Years, Smith, Burke, Rhine, Stuart, and Greenwood revealed that they had carried out 33 experiments to investigate whether “receivers” could receive telepathic messages from “senders.” These studies encompassed nearly one million trials and employed a diverse range of experimental setups to ensure that the phenomena manifested under various conditions. In some experiments, they placed senders and receivers at considerable distances from each other, while in others, the receivers were asked to describe the image that the sender would see before the computer had even selected it to display to the sender. Remarkably, out of the 33 studies, 27 produced statistically significant results, providing compelling evidence of a telepathic connection between the minds of senders and receivers.

To maintain rigorous control over the experimental conditions, Charles Honorton, the Director of the Division of Parapsychology and Psychophysics at Maimonides Medical Center in New York, conducted a meta-analysis of precognition experiments conducted between 1935 and 1987. A meta-analysis treats all the studies as if they were part of one comprehensive study, allowing for the identification of robust and repeatedly occurring effects. It can also discern when a few isolated results demonstrating a certain effect may not be particularly significant. Honorton’s analysis encompassed 309 studies conducted by 62 different experimenters, and it revealed that people could frequently anticipate what another individual would experience, with the odds against these results occurring by chance being an astonishing one hundred billion billion to one (Radin, 1997, p. 101).

How Does Mind Create Reality and People Mentally Influence Other People's Bodily Reactions

In a separate series of experiments, individuals demonstrated their capacity to exert influence over the thoughts and physiological responses of others, even when substantial distances separated them. These experiments were consistently reproduced with matching outcomes as demonstrated by Braud & Schlitz.

Within these investigations, one participant, designated as the “receiver,” sat comfortably in a room with electrodes affixed to two fingers to monitor skin resistance, a reliable indicator of tension or relaxation. Notably, computer systems were employed to perform these measurements, eliminating any human involvement. In a distant room, a second participant, referred to as the “influencer,” also had electrodes attached to two fingers to assess their stress levels. Once again, computer systems meticulously recorded these measurements on a second-by-second basis, documenting each person’s physiological responses.

The influencer’s objective was to induce either a state of calm or agitation in the receiver during ten 30-second intervals. The specific times and the nature of the influence (calming or agitating) were randomly determined to prevent receivers from discerning when they were being influenced or the type of influence being exerted.

During calming attempts, the influencer would intentionally relax, focus on tranquility, and mentally project the desire for the receiver to become calm, all the while visualizing the receiver immersed in a soothing and calming environment. Conversely, during agitation attempts, influencers would purposefully tense their bodies and wish for the receiver to become more active, visualizing scenarios that were stimulating and arousing. In the intervals between influencing attempts, influencers diligently diverted their thoughts away from the receivers and the experiment, concentrating on unrelated matters. In alternative experimental designs, influencers simply closed their eyes and visualized the experiment’s overall success without concentrating on a specific calming or agitating scene. Intriguingly, both strategies proved effective, as demonstrated by the skin resistance measurements.

“Mind-to-Mind Influence: Research Findings and Implications”


The researchers conducted a total of 15 of these experiments, involving pairs of influencers and receivers ranging from 10 to 40 in each experiment. In total, there were 323 sessions, encompassing 271 different subjects, 62 influencers, and 4 experimenters. The experiments unveiled that, in 57 percent of individual sessions, receivers exhibited measurable responses to the thoughts and intentions of the influencers.

The study was replicated with 32 new subjects and yielded analogous results by Schlitz and LaBerge. The researchers concluded that individuals have the ability to directly, remotely, and mentally influence another person’s physiological activity through means that transcend the conventional sensorimotor channels.

5. The Mind's Thoughts and Intentions Alter the Physical Structure of Water

Masaru Emoto shows why our minds affect reality

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the visionary Japanese scientist who transformed our understanding of how our thoughts and intentions can influence the physical world, stands as an eminent figure in the realm of water research. With an unwavering commitment spanning more than two decades, he dedicated his life to probing the scientific underpinnings of how human words, thoughts, sounds, and intentions have the power to reshape the molecular structure of water. His pioneering work continued until his passing in 2014, leaving an enduring legacy in the field.

Dr. Emoto’s remarkable life’s work is meticulously chronicled in the renowned New York Times Bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water. Within the pages of this book, Dr. Emoto vividly illustrates how water, when subjected to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intentions, undergoes a stunning transformation, manifesting itself in visually pleasing molecular configurations.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has proof our minds influence matter

 Conversely, when exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions, water responds with fragmented, distorted, and aesthetically “unpleasant” molecular structures. This revelation was achieved through the utilization of advanced Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology in conjunction with high-speed photography.

The following video explains Dr. Emoto’s work that shows minds influence matter.

6. The placebo effect shows mind influences the body

Extensive evidence shows that our minds can bring about profound changes in our biology. The placebo effect, characterized by measurable, observable, or felt improvements in health or behavior unrelated to any medication or invasive procedure, underscores the fact that our minds influence the realities of our bodies.  Numerous studies have affirmed the real and potent influence of the placebo effect, often referred to as the power of consciousness.

A Baylor School of Medicine study in 2002 published in the New England Journal of Medicine, examined patients suffering from severe knee pain. Traditionally, surgeons had assumed that surgery was immune to the placebo effect. The patients were sorted into three groups: one group underwent standard cartilage shaving, the second group had their knee joints flushed to remove inflammatory material, both typical procedures for severe arthritic knees. The third group experienced a “sham” surgery, where patients were sedated and falsely led to believe they had undergone the knee surgery. Even in the third group, the surgeons made incisions and mimicked the surgical process, concluding with sutures. Remarkably, all three groups followed identical rehabilitation protocols, and the results were astonishing. The placebo group exhibited improvements on par with the other two groups that had undergone actual surgery.

This video explains the study.

Report by United States Health & Human Services Department

Another example of the placebo effect is described in a 1999 report by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. It found that half of severely depressed patients showed improvement while taking medication, compared to only thirty-two percent of those receiving a placebo. This becomes even more significant when considering the side effects and potential dangers associated with antidepressant medications, in an industry that rakes in billions of dollars annually.

In 2002, Professor Irving Kirsch of the University of Connecticut published an article in the American Psychological Association’s journal Prevention & Treatment, titled “The Emperor’s New Drugs.” Kirsch’s research made striking revelations, indicating that a substantial 80 percent of the observed effects of antidepressants in clinical trials could be attributed to the placebo effect. His quest for this data even led him to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to gain access to the clinical trial information for the most prominent antidepressants.

Dr. Kirsch explains the research in this video.

Does Our Mind Create Reality? Explore Consciousness's Impact
Article Name
Does Our Mind Create Reality? Explore Consciousness's Impact
There is nothing but mind and experiences. Our minds can alter the physical world. This article describes areas of research proving it.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
Publisher Logo

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