For the first time in humankind’s history, we have extensive evidence that proves without a doubt, you will never die. Great numbers of people are testifying that they have had extended conversations with their loved ones who are alive and well in the afterlife. As a result, they have become changed people. They no longer fear the end of this life and look forward to a wonderful reunion with their loved ones in the next life. I want you to have the same confidence you will live in the afterlife with your loved ones. This series of four videos contains examples of afterlife communication that will prove to you that you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.
This video is the first of the four. A transcript of the video follows the controls.
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Your loved ones now in the afterlife are alive and well. Don’t worry about the transition at the end of this life. It is painless and will end in a wonderful reunion with your loved ones.
Today we have many thousands of testimonials and verified accounts of life after death. In this series of four videos, I give you examples from each of the 15 areas of evidence. I then give you links to more extensive examples of the evidence. You can also read more of the evidence in my book, Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt You Will Never Die, available on Amazon.
A transcript of the video follows.
Evidence from Direct-Voice Mediumship
The first area of evidence of life after death is people speaking from the afterlife at length to people sitting in the room with a special type of medium, called a direct-voice medium. Today, we have thousands of the recordings of people speaking to their loved ones whose bodies have died. They confirm that it was their loved one speaking from the afterlife.
One such medium was Leslie Flint. In the recording you are about to hear, Dr. Dinshaw Nanji, a professor at Birmingham University in the United Kingdom, speaks to his deceased wife, Annie. She tells him things about what he is doing now in his daily life. They prove she is very much alive. You’ll hear her speak, but her body is not in the room, just her spirit.
In this recording, Annie remarks that Dr. Nanji still has the bedspreads she bought on the beds in his flat. But she notices one of the bedspreads is positioned wrong.
In this second visit Dr. Nanji made to Flint, Annie in spirit comments on the fact that he changed the bedspreads.
Annie could only have known about Dr. Nanji putting flowers on her grave, that the bedspreads were on wrong, and that he corrected the position of the bedspreads if she was alive, with fully functioning senses, and with Dr. Nanji unseen. The medium could not have known about any of these things, and could not speak in a female voice. Annie’s words are proof she is alive in the afterlife. We have many thousands of these recordings. For more recordings, go to the link in the description below.
Evidence from Materialization Mediumship
The second area of evidence we all live on after the body dies is from materialization mediumship. People sitting in the room with a materialization medium have their loved ones come into the room from the afterlife, speak to them, and even touch and kiss them.
In this example from materialization medium David Thompson’s recorded sessions, a man named Nick who died two months before the session materialized and spoke to his love Sarah in the room. Nick ended by putting his hands around her face and kissing her on the forehead. Eight people witnessed the conversation.
Materialization mediums are now holding sessions in which people’s loved ones come into the room, speak to their loved ones sitting there, and touch and kiss them. We have thousands of such accounts, demonstrating that people who have left their bodies behind are very much alive.
Evidence from Instrumental Transcommunication (EVP
In the third area of evidence we live on after the body dies researchers today are using standard audio and video recorders to record the images and voices of people living in the afterlife. The foremost researchers doing this work are Sonia Rinaldi in Brazil and Sonia Perl in the United States.
In these examples, you will hear the researcher ask a question while recording the session. When the recording is played back, the voice of the person in the afterlife is heard clearly answering the question.
In these examples, parents of children now in the afterlife ask questions. Their child in the afterlife answers.
Many people have learned how to make the recordings and are doing so on their own. They are further proof you will come to the end of this life but you will never die.
Evidence from Appearances by People Whose Bodies Are Dead
The fourth area of evidence we continue to live after the body dies is appearances by people after their bodies have died to people who know them.
In this example, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross describes an experience she had with a patient who had died two years before, appearing to her and speaking at length. Dr. Kübler-Ross was an internationally renowned physician, author, speaker, and expert on death and dying. She was one of Time magazine’s hundred most important thinkers of the 20th century, and her 1997 book, On Death and Dying, was one of New York Public Library’s Books of the Century. There is every reason to accept her testimony as a real event.
This is a narrator reading the text from one of Dr. Kubler-Ross’s books about hear real encounter with a woman whose body had been dead for two years.
There are many other examples of people from the afterlife materializing and speaking to people who knew them. Two others are physician Dr. Raymond Moody’s account of his grandmother materializing in his living room and talking about Dr. Moody’s childhood. And author of the Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis, appearing and speaking to bible translator J. B. Phillips. They are further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.
Evidence from Psychotherapist-Guided Afterlife Communication
The fifth area of evidence we live on after the body dies is that state-licensed psychotherapists are helping grieving people have afterlife communications with their loved ones in spirit while sitting in their offices. Many hundreds of psychotherapists are using the procedure successfully, resulting in an immediate reduction in grief for their patients.
Dr. Allan Botkin, a psychotherapist who was on the staff of the North Chicago Veterans Administration hospital, originated the Induced After-Death Communication procedure. I’m going to play for you an example of an induced after-death communication. A man had a therapy session in which he communicated with his deceased friend. His friend gave him a message for his friend’s wife that contained evidence it was the deceased man communicating in the therapy session. The account is narrated from the book I co-authored with Dr. Botkin.
Many thousands of people have had afterlife communications with their loved ones living in the afterlife as they sit in psychotherapists’ offices. The communications reduce grief dramatically because they are real encounters with the person now living in the afterlife. For more such accounts, go to the link in the description below.
These accounts from 5 of the 15 areas of evidence are proof you will continue to live after your body dies. There are many other examples in each of these areas. You can learn about more examples in the links in the description below. The description below also has links to the evidence from the other 10 areas of afterlife communication.