People commonly have experiences of visitations by loved ones when they are in a dream state. The reason is that when the body and conscious mind are relaxed, people living in the life after this life can project images and conversations into the person’s open, receptive mind. The experiencer’s preoccupied, guarded conscious awareness is asleep, so the images and conversations provided by the person in the next life register and are remembered. The phenomena are called “dream visitations.”
Edgar Cayce and Dream Visitations
Edgar Cayce, the renowned “sleeping prophet,” described the fact that dream appearances of loved ones are intended to teach the dreamer something valuable about the person’s life.
Dreams, visions, impressions, to the entity in the normal sleeping state are the presentations of the experiences necessary for the development, if the entity would apply them in the physical life. These may be taken as warnings, as advice, as conditions to be met, conditions to be viewed in a way and manner as lessons, as truths, as they are presented in the various ways and manners.[1] In this way, Cayce’s teachings hint as a proof there is an afterlife, where connections between the living and the departed continue to exist beyond the physical world.
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Example Dream Visitation with Proof of the Afterlife Source
The following account of a dream after-death communication as a proof of the afterlife came from a patient of a former psychotherapist with a large Chicago area VA hospital, Dr. Allan Botkin, with whom I co-authored the book Induced After-Death Communication: A New Therapy for Grief and Trauma.[2] It illustrates the striking reality of the communication for the experiencer, and the fact that those communicating with people living in the life after this life often learn things they could not have known.
Jerry had come to see me for psychotherapy about an unrelated matter, but after developing some trust in me, felt he could tell me his spontaneous ADC story “without being labeled a nutcase.” Jerry was living in the Midwest and his ex-wife was living on the East Coast with their three children. One night, he experienced the clear image of his ex-wife while he was asleep. “She looked beautiful, peaceful and happy,” he said, “and she wanted to tell me about something of great concern to her.” Jerry said she told him that he needed to start playing a more important role in rearing their children and even offered very specific suggestions about each child. Jerry said his experience was much clearer than a dream.
Jerry awoke right after his experience, baffled by its remarkable clarity. He could remember the entire experience, and for him it felt like a real conversation with his ex-wife. After lying awake awhile trying to make sense of his experience, he managed to get back to sleep.
The next morning as he was making coffee, the phone rang. It was his ex-wife’s sister. Tearfully, she told Jerry his ex-wife had been killed in a car accident during the night.
Suddenly, the meaning of his experience became clear. Since then, Jerry’s ex-wife has appeared to him five times in spontaneous ADCs, each time offering further advice about their children. “Every time,” he said, “she did all the talking.” And after each experience, Jerry followed her advice closely. In all instances, the advice turned out to be very helpful.
As he told me [Dr. Botkin] the story, Jerry laughed at one point and said “She hasn’t changed much. She was always hyper-verbal and bossy.” When I asked him if he thought that his wife had really visited him after she died, he said defiantly, “I am sure of it. I am as sure of it as I am that I’m looking at you right now. Nobody can ever tell me that it wasn’t real, not you or anyone else. I don’t care what other people think about this because they really don’t know. I didn’t believe in this stuff before it happened, but now I have no doubt whatsoever.”[3]
A Dream Researcher Describes Dreams as Evidence of the Afterlife
Claudia Carlton Lambright wrote the book Just a Dream Away: Afterlife Communication through Dreams,[4] in which she describes dream visitations that are clear, are recalled in vivid detail, and contain messages the visitor would characteristically have given to the dreamer. Lambright described the quality of such a vivid dream experience.
I hope I’m adequately expressing how amazing this dream experience was—it was as if there were a play in progress, and I stepped onto the stage and asked one of the actors to hug me in the middle of the play! My family was going about their day as if nothing was unusual…but, it was a dream, and I was the only one who knew it.
The vivid, natural quality of the dream and the fact that it is recalled in detail after the experience are the characteristics of a dream visitation.
A Dream Visitation Providing Evidence of the Afterlife
The dreams also contain statements the dreamer would not have originated. Lambright describes such evidence of the afterlife dream a visitation.
Exactly a year after Rusty’s death, he came to me in a very special dream. I dreamed I was at a business meeting. After getting checked in and moving into my hotel room, I went down to the lobby. There were lots of people there but they all seemed to be engaged in conversation, so I stayed in the fringes. Suddenly, I looked slightly to the right and there was Rusty, standing very close to me and smiling. I knew immediately that it was a “visit.” Surprised and elated as usual, I cried, “Rusty, you’re here!” “Yes,” he said, “I felt you really needed me, so I came.” I think he asked me what’s wrong, why was I pulling on him so hard. I told him I missed him and wanted to see him. He said, “Do you need help with the questions? If they ask you what’s the most important thing, tell them ‘kindness,’ because it’s not at all forthcoming.” I hoped I would be able to remember everything he was saying. Then our son was there with us and the three of us were standing close together, holding hands. Then my consciousness faded and I opened my eyes, back in bed. [4]
People’s Afterlife Dreams Are Evidence You Will Never Die
The fact that people have dreams they describe as clear, unmistakable encounters with people whose bodies have died and during the dream they learn things they could not have known or have experiences not characteristic of them is evidence people live on after their bodies die. This shows as evidence you will never die.
[1] Kevin Williams, “Edgar Cayce on Dreams,” June 28, 2020, online post.
[2] Allan Botkin and R. Craig Hogan, Induced After-Death Communication: A New Therapy for Grief and Trauma. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2005.
[3] Botkin and Hogan.
[4] Claudia Carlton Lambright, Just a Dream Away: After-Death Communication through Dreams, Self-published, December 7, 2020, cited in Dr. Raymond Moody, “Dreams as Communication from the Afterlife,” April 27, 2021.