Why Does a Person Die at a Specific Time?
In your transition to the afterlife, your soul, spirit guides, and perhaps higher-order beings have planned exit points to the life after death, perhaps two or three, that the planners of your life can choose from when you have gained enough spiritual growth from the challenges you have faced in this lifetime. One of these exit points is typically in youth, another in middle age, and the last one in old age, after mastering significant life-lessons. The exact timing of your death is chosen approximately a year before the event, though you won’t be consciously aware of this decision. However, subconsciously, you may begin to reconcile any personal disputes, create a will, and generally tidy up your life. At celebrations of a person’s life, you might hear about these final efforts made in the year before death. Even “accidental” deaths are usually planned.
While it’s possible to have an unplanned death, it’s rare. If you find yourself outside your body and alone, calling for help is advised. People who have experienced such situations say that a tall, glowing being arrived promptly and escorted them home, apologizing for the inconvenience. It’s possible to deviate from the planned course at death, with as many as a quarter of dying people experiencing some deviation, though most are quickly rescued. This is why it’s vital to understand what happens at death. Every suicide is an unplanned death, and since it’s impossible to kill or reduce your mind’s awareness, taking your own life will only exacerbate your problems. This is a fair warning.
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What Happens After Death?
The Presence of Loved Ones in the Transition to the Afterlife
At the onset of the dying process, the bodily condition may improve noticeably. The individual may appear to rally and may even ingest a small amount of food or drink. Doctors often interpret this as a sign that death is imminent, and loved ones may be called upon to say their goodbyes. At this time, deathbed visitors begin to appear. Although those who are about to pass are unaware of what comes next, fortunately, help is available to them. In the upper corners of the room, several of their most beloved and trusted deceased relatives or pets will appear, looking young and happy. The deathbed visitors play a crucial role in persuading the dying person to leave the gathering around the bed and enter the next dimension once they are free of their physical body. What is it like when you die? This transition, guided by loving spirits, brings peace and understanding to the departing soul. It is common for people who have experienced brain damage, coma, or senile dementia to have a period of terminal lucidity within the last 24 hours of life. During this time, they may briefly regain mental clarity and even sit up and converse with those around them. While science cannot explain this phenomenon, it is thought to occur because the inner energy body, which is departing, is separating from the physical body, including the dying brain. Once the energy body is free of the damaged brain, the individual who is passing can function normally again.Exploring What Happens at Death
As the dying process continues, the remaining energy body begins to separate from the physical body. The separation begins with the toes and fingers and gradually moves up the limbs and body. It feels like small threads are breaking, although there is no pain associated with this process. The departing energy collects in the chest area and exits the body through either the chest wall or the top of the head. Sometimes, it can be seen as a gray mist rising quickly from the body before seemingly disappearing. In reality, the energy simply rises to a higher vibration that most living people cannot perceive, taking on a human shape in the air. Reunions occur next, as those deathbed visitors who had first appeared in the upper corners of the room come down to embrace the dying person in some fantastic reunions. Meanwhile, the silver energy cord that links the energy body to the physical body and has kept it alive begins to fray and eventually breaks, marking the moment of physical death. The loved ones present will react to this.Exploring Life After Death and the Beauty of Summerland
You, your loved ones, and your childhood dog soon enter a grayish fog. Your vibration is rising rapidly now, with a feeling of comfort, warmth, and love. You see others with you now: spirit guides, and perhaps more loved ones. And as you look at the place where your body lies, you see that the room and the people in it are looking vague and vapory. Then the earth world fades away. What happens when you die in good health, you will find yourself in one of the beautiful arrival gardens on the third level of the afterlife, called by some Summerland.
Heaven’s Beauty and Serenity After Death
The first thing that will strike you is how amazingly solid and earthlike it is. And how beautiful it is! There are gorgeous flowers taller than a man in colors never seen on earth because they are beyond the visible light spectrum. There are magnificent trees, splashing fountains, majestic buildings beyond, and in the distance are snow-capped mountains. Birds sing and squirrels frolic, and for the first time in many years you can hear no traffic at all, no ringing in your ears. You can hear no earth-sounds at all. You are in heaven! As you sink onto a comfortable bench with your spouse at last by your side, your childhood cat jumps into your lap. You are home. You are safe. And you are at peace.