What Jesus Really Taught Is Not Taught in Churches Today

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What Jesus taught

A great teacher has revealed to humanity the truths about this life and the next. He astounded those who heard him speak, and he changed their lives. He taught that we live on after the body dies and that to live happy, fulfilled lives, we just need to have a change of heart and mind about who we are, the purpose of our lives, and our relationship to other people. He taught that when all of humanity learns the truths, we will live together in love, peace, and joy.

In this video, I explain who this man was and what his uplifting, wonderful message for humankind is that would change our world if people understood it.

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Transcript of the What Jesus Really Taught Video

An enlightened teacher’s message for humankind was so life-changing that some insisted he must be a god. Others believed he was a normal man sent by God with a message for humankind. His name was Yeshua. His name has changed in pronunciation over two thousand years from Yeshua to Jesus.

Today, people are rediscovering what Yeshua actually taught. He taught that the meaning and purpose of life are within us, not in any sacred texts, authorities, or religious organizations. He taught that to live happy, fulfilled lives, we need only realize the truths he taught and live lives guided by what we learn.

He saw himself as a guide illuminating the path to love, peace, and joy in this world. He taught that we will enter a heavenly realm after leaving this life, but we can have a heaven on Earth now if we just learn and live by the wisdom he taught.

In the early days after Yeshua’ death in the first century CE, there were many interpretations of who Yeshua was. There was no Christian church and no New Testament Bible. Over the next three hundred years, the one interpretation that became prominent was that he was like a lamb sacrificed to atone to God for humankind’s sins and people must accept him as a savior god if they want to live in heaven after this life. That is not what he taught. His real teaching is in books written by people called Gnostics, meaning the knowing ones. What the Gnostics taught is the same knowledge we are receiving about this life and the next from people communicating to us from the afterlife.

The Gnostics taught that the physical world is like a play we are performing in. We act our parts as though the play was reality and as though the scenery and play were all there is to life. The scenery and play are so realistic that most people never learn we are just in a play, that the real world is outside of the play where our real home is. And that we eventually the play will end and we will walk out of the playhouse of this world into the daylight of our eternal lives. That is the gnosis, meaning knowledge, the Gnostics say Yeshua taught.

The Gnostics taught that within each of us is a divine spark that can kindle into a flame that will transform us to realize this life is just a play. And when we realize that truth, we will live our lives in harmony, love, and joy with all others because what we regard as reality in the play that separates people from one another is not real. Our lives together and our love for one another are the only realities. That is what the Gnostics say Yeshua’s real message was. It isn’t that he was a sacrificial lamb atoning for the sins of the world and that we must believe he is a god to live in Heaven after our bodies die. His message was that we must become transformed by realizing we are in a play and that we are really eternal beings playing parts in a finite world. The reward for having this understanding is that we will live happy lives together here and have assurance we will continue our lives together in the afterlife.

Some of the most revealing teachings by the Gnostics are in the Gospel of Thomas written by the early followers of Yeshua, which was discovered at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945. It contains no story of Yeshua’s life. Instead, it has 114 of his teachings. We are finding today that the teachings are very much in line with what people in the afterlife are communicating to us about the realities of this life and the next.

For example, in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Yeshua said “The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the face of the Earth, and men do not see it.” And in another place, his disciples asked when the resurrection of the dead would take place and the new world would come into being. Yeshua said “That resurrection which you are awaiting has already come, but you do not recognize it.” In both passages, he was saying that we can live together in love, peace, and joy now. We just have to realize our divine nature and regard others as having the same divinity in them. The Kingdom of Heaven is here now. We just need to live knowing that truth.

Yeshua had a message for humanity that had nothing to do with believing he was a savior or redeemer. He taught that we save ourselves by realizing we are divine by nature. He taught that the physical world is a world of illusion that seduces us into believing it is the only reality so we should grab everything we can from it. That is a falsehood created by the illusion of the physical world.  Yeshua’s understanding is much the same as the Buddhist teaching that this world is Maya, an illusion, and that we must awaken from the illusion to live blissful lives. What the Buddhists describe as awakening through understanding to end suffering is what the Gnostics said was gnosis or knowledge that will awaken us to our eternal nature.

The Gnostics saw Yeshua as a beacon of illumination in the darkness of the world who guides into lives that will be filled with love, joy, and peace. That is our true nature, Yeshua was saying. We must break free of the shackles of the material world to be free to love others as ourselves. That breaking free is not an unusual event that happens to some who gain power over life. It is the goal we all came to Earth to attain. We are all at some stage of learning how to live together in love, joy, and peace.

The Gnostics say the Last Supper is a call to accept Yeshua’s teaching and be nourished by it. He was saying that ingesting the bread and wine symbolized our awakening to the truths he was giving. The disciples were to consume the truths and when they understood its message, they would become changed people. The Last Supper had nothing to do with a sacrifice of his body, the Gnostics assert.

The gospel records describe Yeshua’s appearance to people after he died. That understanding is in keeping with the many accounts we have today about people’s appearances to loved ones after their bodies have died. Yeshua appeared to help his followers understand that life continues after the death of the body. His bodily death and resurrection were symbolic of the Gnostic teaching that we all have the divine spark within us that can never die and that we must die to the old person we were and be reborn into our new lives with this realization.

The rebirth is echoed in the gospels included in the New Testament. In the Gospel of John, Yeshua said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” His message was that we must leave behind the old person we were and live as a transformed person. In Luke, he said “Have a change of heart and mind, for the Kingdom of God is here now.” He was saying the Kingdom of God is within us, and it will come to be in the world also if we only change our hearts and minds to realize we are living in the Kingdom of God now.

The church that evolved in the first centuries after Yeshua’s death changed this message, insisting that Yeshua was sacrificed to atone for humankind’s sinful nature and only those who swore allegiance to Yeshua as a god would live in Heaven after their bodies die. It asserted that the church is God’s representative on Earth and people are required by God to obey the church and give money to it to live in Heaven after this life. They destroyed the Gnostic gospels, and declared them heretical. The church kept the four gospels containing Yeshua’s messages in Latin, a language common people couldn’t understand. They insisted that only church officials could interpret Yeshua’s message for the masses. People’s obligations were to be obedient to the church, not to grow in understanding about life and the afterlife from Yeshua’s teachings. These church teachings are all false. Yeshua did not expect people to worship him or give money to an organization that would spend it on lavish cathedrals and opulent lifestyles of its clergy.

The Gnostics’ central message was that Yeshua taught we are living in a physical realm that has us trapped. It is deceiving us. We break out of the trap by understanding the gnosis, or knowledge, that we are divine beings playing roles in an illusory physical realm, and that we can enter the Kingdom of God now, living in love, peace, and joy together, if we awaken to the truth. The Gnostics taught that we are our own saviors and redeemers. We don’t need a church or a redeemer to save us.

The Gnostic story of Yeshua then is a call to all of humankind to awaken to our divine essence. We are not the physical bodies we seem to be. We are divine beings on a spiritual journey together. The Gnostic message is to awaken to the Heaven on Earth that is available to us now if we just learn the truth about this life and the next.


What Jesus Really Taught Is Not Taught in Churches
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What Jesus Really Taught Is Not Taught in Churches
In this video, Dr. R. Craig Hogan, president of the Afterlife Research and Education Institute describes the gospels written by people called Gnostics who describe Jesus as a teacher who taught we all have a spark of the divine in us, and we must allow that to emerge through "gnosis" or knowledge. With that change of heart and mind, we will live together in love, peace, and joy. The church is in error in teaching that Jesus is a god who was sacrificed for the sins of the world.
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Seek Reality Online
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What Jesus taught

A great teacher has revealed to humanity the truths about this life and the next. He astounded those who heard him speak, and he changed their lives. He taught that we live on after the body dies and that to live happy, fulfilled lives, we just need to have a change of heart and mind about who we are, the purpose of our lives, and our relationship to other people. He taught that when all of humanity learns the truths, we will live together in love, peace, and joy.

In this video, I explain who this man was and what his uplifting, wonderful message for humankind is that would change our world if people understood it.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Transcript of the What Jesus Really Taught Video

An enlightened teacher’s message for humankind was so life-changing that some insisted he must be a god. Others believed he was a normal man sent by God with a message for humankind. His name was Yeshua. His name has changed in pronunciation over two thousand years from Yeshua to Jesus.

Today, people are rediscovering what Yeshua actually taught. He taught that the meaning and purpose of life are within us, not in any sacred texts, authorities, or religious organizations. He taught that to live happy, fulfilled lives, we need only realize the truths he taught and live lives guided by what we learn.

He saw himself as a guide illuminating the path to love, peace, and joy in this world. He taught that we will enter a heavenly realm after leaving this life, but we can have a heaven on Earth now if we just learn and live by the wisdom he taught.

In the early days after Yeshua’ death in the first century CE, there were many interpretations of who Yeshua was. There was no Christian church and no New Testament Bible. Over the next three hundred years, the one interpretation that became prominent was that he was like a lamb sacrificed to atone to God for humankind’s sins and people must accept him as a savior god if they want to live in heaven after this life. That is not what he taught. His real teaching is in books written by people called Gnostics, meaning the knowing ones. What the Gnostics taught is the same knowledge we are receiving about this life and the next from people communicating to us from the afterlife.

The Gnostics taught that the physical world is like a play we are performing in. We act our parts as though the play was reality and as though the scenery and play were all there is to life. The scenery and play are so realistic that most people never learn we are just in a play, that the real world is outside of the play where our real home is. And that we eventually the play will end and we will walk out of the playhouse of this world into the daylight of our eternal lives. That is the gnosis, meaning knowledge, the Gnostics say Yeshua taught.

The Gnostics taught that within each of us is a divine spark that can kindle into a flame that will transform us to realize this life is just a play. And when we realize that truth, we will live our lives in harmony, love, and joy with all others because what we regard as reality in the play that separates people from one another is not real. Our lives together and our love for one another are the only realities. That is what the Gnostics say Yeshua’s real message was. It isn’t that he was a sacrificial lamb atoning for the sins of the world and that we must believe he is a god to live in Heaven after our bodies die. His message was that we must become transformed by realizing we are in a play and that we are really eternal beings playing parts in a finite world. The reward for having this understanding is that we will live happy lives together here and have assurance we will continue our lives together in the afterlife.

Some of the most revealing teachings by the Gnostics are in the Gospel of Thomas written by the early followers of Yeshua, which was discovered at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945. It contains no story of Yeshua’s life. Instead, it has 114 of his teachings. We are finding today that the teachings are very much in line with what people in the afterlife are communicating to us about the realities of this life and the next.

For example, in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Yeshua said “The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the face of the Earth, and men do not see it.” And in another place, his disciples asked when the resurrection of the dead would take place and the new world would come into being. Yeshua said “That resurrection which you are awaiting has already come, but you do not recognize it.” In both passages, he was saying that we can live together in love, peace, and joy now. We just have to realize our divine nature and regard others as having the same divinity in them. The Kingdom of Heaven is here now. We just need to live knowing that truth.

Yeshua had a message for humanity that had nothing to do with believing he was a savior or redeemer. He taught that we save ourselves by realizing we are divine by nature. He taught that the physical world is a world of illusion that seduces us into believing it is the only reality so we should grab everything we can from it. That is a falsehood created by the illusion of the physical world.  Yeshua’s understanding is much the same as the Buddhist teaching that this world is Maya, an illusion, and that we must awaken from the illusion to live blissful lives. What the Buddhists describe as awakening through understanding to end suffering is what the Gnostics said was gnosis or knowledge that will awaken us to our eternal nature.

The Gnostics saw Yeshua as a beacon of illumination in the darkness of the world who guides into lives that will be filled with love, joy, and peace. That is our true nature, Yeshua was saying. We must break free of the shackles of the material world to be free to love others as ourselves. That breaking free is not an unusual event that happens to some who gain power over life. It is the goal we all came to Earth to attain. We are all at some stage of learning how to live together in love, joy, and peace.

The Gnostics say the Last Supper is a call to accept Yeshua’s teaching and be nourished by it. He was saying that ingesting the bread and wine symbolized our awakening to the truths he was giving. The disciples were to consume the truths and when they understood its message, they would become changed people. The Last Supper had nothing to do with a sacrifice of his body, the Gnostics assert.

The gospel records describe Yeshua’s appearance to people after he died. That understanding is in keeping with the many accounts we have today about people’s appearances to loved ones after their bodies have died. Yeshua appeared to help his followers understand that life continues after the death of the body. His bodily death and resurrection were symbolic of the Gnostic teaching that we all have the divine spark within us that can never die and that we must die to the old person we were and be reborn into our new lives with this realization.

The rebirth is echoed in the gospels included in the New Testament. In the Gospel of John, Yeshua said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” His message was that we must leave behind the old person we were and live as a transformed person. In Luke, he said “Have a change of heart and mind, for the Kingdom of God is here now.” He was saying the Kingdom of God is within us, and it will come to be in the world also if we only change our hearts and minds to realize we are living in the Kingdom of God now.

The church that evolved in the first centuries after Yeshua’s death changed this message, insisting that Yeshua was sacrificed to atone for humankind’s sinful nature and only those who swore allegiance to Yeshua as a god would live in Heaven after their bodies die. It asserted that the church is God’s representative on Earth and people are required by God to obey the church and give money to it to live in Heaven after this life. They destroyed the Gnostic gospels, and declared them heretical. The church kept the four gospels containing Yeshua’s messages in Latin, a language common people couldn’t understand. They insisted that only church officials could interpret Yeshua’s message for the masses. People’s obligations were to be obedient to the church, not to grow in understanding about life and the afterlife from Yeshua’s teachings. These church teachings are all false. Yeshua did not expect people to worship him or give money to an organization that would spend it on lavish cathedrals and opulent lifestyles of its clergy.

The Gnostics’ central message was that Yeshua taught we are living in a physical realm that has us trapped. It is deceiving us. We break out of the trap by understanding the gnosis, or knowledge, that we are divine beings playing roles in an illusory physical realm, and that we can enter the Kingdom of God now, living in love, peace, and joy together, if we awaken to the truth. The Gnostics taught that we are our own saviors and redeemers. We don’t need a church or a redeemer to save us.

The Gnostic story of Yeshua then is a call to all of humankind to awaken to our divine essence. We are not the physical bodies we seem to be. We are divine beings on a spiritual journey together. The Gnostic message is to awaken to the Heaven on Earth that is available to us now if we just learn the truth about this life and the next.


What Jesus Really Taught Is Not Taught in Churches
Article Name
What Jesus Really Taught Is Not Taught in Churches
In this video, Dr. R. Craig Hogan, president of the Afterlife Research and Education Institute describes the gospels written by people called Gnostics who describe Jesus as a teacher who taught we all have a spark of the divine in us, and we must allow that to emerge through "gnosis" or knowledge. With that change of heart and mind, we will live together in love, peace, and joy. The church is in error in teaching that Jesus is a god who was sacrificed for the sins of the world.
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Seek Reality Online
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