What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? The Lower Realm

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According to people who reside in the afterlife, there exist “thought regions” where individuals with a low moral compass and a tendency toward cruelty on Earth gather. These individuals are still determined to obstruct humanity’s progression toward love and compassion. Though these regions may be referred to as “hell,” those in the afterlife do not suggest that they are places of fire, brimstone, and torture. The concept of a fiery hell is a myth. So, what happens to bad people in the afterlife? Lets delve deeper into the article and explore. 

Understanding Afterlife Realms: Choices, Challenges, and Growth

Medium Wellesley Tudor Pole shared an account relayed by Private Thomas Dowding, a 37-year-old British soldier who died during World War I. Initially confused and disoriented due to the different way time operates on the other side, Dowding eventually met his brother William and started to acclimate to the new environment. According to Dowding, some degenerate people choose to remain in a thought region where evil pervades and malevolent deeds are pursued. Although not a physical place, this thought region is home to entities that aim to keep humanity in ignorance.

This thought region exists because of human thoughts and feelings, and people are there because they choose to be. However, release will come from within someday, and when any person chooses to mature out of this condition, they rise from it immediately.

 What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? Exploring Beyond

Upon entering the afterlife, people find themselves in surroundings and living conditions that suit their state of mind, attitudes, and level of love and compassion. People who were self-absorbed, cruel, and malevolent in Earth School find themselves on a sphere or plane with others who share similar attitudes. This is not punishment nor a hell; rather, it is a condition they create based on their own expectations for life. These thought regions are created by the negative thoughts and attitudes of the inhabitants, who expect life to be dog-eat-dog, full of greed and selfishness.

How Dark Realms for bad people appear in the Afterlife? 

These lower regions are described as being dark, dank, and unpleasant, with unpleasant sounds such as mad, raucous laughter and shrieks. The beauties of the higher realm are not present there. James M. Peebles, considered the father of the Spiritualist movement, received this communication through a medium from a resident of the afterlife.This is a summary:

In the lower realms of darkness, I have witnessed the formation of clusters, societies, and cities that embody moral degradation. In the streets of these places, immature spirits are found engaged in disputes, quarrels, enmities, and pitiful rantings. They take pleasure in harassing and tormenting one another, as if they enjoy reliving their earthly lives and exerting influence on gamblers in their dens, alcoholics in their miserable hideouts, and immoral individuals in their crime-infested havens.

Journeying into Dark Realms: Monsignor Benson’s Description

Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson describes through Anthony Borgia descending into the lower realms. This is a summary:

As we approach the dark lands, the once lush countryside gradually deteriorates. The flowers become scarce and malnourished, struggling to survive. The grass withers away, leaving behind barren rocks. The light fades, leaving behind a gray and eventually pitch-black darkness, impenetrable to those who lack spiritual sight. However, visitors from higher realms can see without being seen, unless it is necessary to reveal their presence.

The residents remain on that lower plane of life until they grow out of it. No one put them there; no one demands they change; no one punishes them. They remain there until they choose to grow into a higher spiritual level. Then they simply evolve into a higher level naturally.

What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? Message From Bettie’s Spirit

Residents of the lower realms are continually urged to rise out of the unpleasant region by loved ones and guides. Alice Stringfellow received messages from her cousin Bettie in spirit about these darker regions. This is a summary:

This is a description of a place where those who have lived their lives in vice and crime reside. There is only one such place, but its vastness and population are beyond comprehension. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, with a leaden fog that lingers constantly. The inhabitants live in misery and disharmony, with no light or hope to guide them.

Despite the bleakness of this place, good spirits who have friends there visit often and do what they can to inspire them to seek a better life. However, these efforts are often in vain as many are deeply entrenched in their destructive ways and resist change. Some do recognize the error of their ways and seek redemption, but sadly, others continue to revel in their vices.

These individuals have no meaningful occupation, and their idleness only contributes to their despair. It is disheartening to think that by their actions on Earth, they are sentencing themselves to a life in this dreadful place.

Empowering Awakening: Reverend Thomas’ Mission in the Afterlife

Reverend Charles Drayton Thomas spoke from the afterlife with direct-voice medium Leslie Flint, describing going to people living in the lower levels to help them rise out of their circumstances. You can listen to this and more of Rev. Thomas speaking about going to the lower levels to counsel people at this link: www.earthschoolanswers.com/thomas1/.

Many individuals remain stuck in a peculiar level of consciousness that is not far from that of Earth, yet they exist in a dreamlike state and require assistance to awaken from it. We aim to provide that aid by entering their homes and lives, encouraging them to recognize the power they possess and how to use it to manifest change even if they cannot yet envision a higher purpose. Our goal is to infuse them with a revitalizing energy that will stimulate introspection and a desire for self-improvement. Many of these individuals are content to remain in their current state of consciousness, and some have not encountered kindred spirits with whom they had a connection during their time on Earth.

Tymn, “A Glimpse of Hell.”

Tymn, “A Glimpse of Hell.”

James M. Peebles, Immortality and Our Employments Hereafter: With What a Hundred Spirits, Good and Evil, Say of Their Dwelling Places (London: Forgotten Books, 2015; originally published in 1907), 91.

Borgia, Life in the World Unseen, 120-123.

Betty, The Afterlife Unveiled, 30-31 (citing Stringfellow, Leslie’s letters to his mother).

“The Charles Drayton Thomas séance.”

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? The Lower Realm
Article Name
What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? The Lower Realm
Delve into the mysteries of the afterlife with questions about hell, the fate of bad individuals, and the nature of dark realms. Explore what awaits beyond life.
life in heaven like - Seek Reality

According to people who reside in the afterlife, there exist “thought regions” where individuals with a low moral compass and a tendency toward cruelty on Earth gather. These individuals are still determined to obstruct humanity’s progression toward love and compassion. Though these regions may be referred to as “hell,” those in the afterlife do not suggest that they are places of fire, brimstone, and torture. The concept of a fiery hell is a myth. So, what happens to bad people in the afterlife? Lets delve deeper into the article and explore. 

Understanding Afterlife Realms: Choices, Challenges, and Growth

Medium Wellesley Tudor Pole shared an account relayed by Private Thomas Dowding, a 37-year-old British soldier who died during World War I. Initially confused and disoriented due to the different way time operates on the other side, Dowding eventually met his brother William and started to acclimate to the new environment. According to Dowding, some degenerate people choose to remain in a thought region where evil pervades and malevolent deeds are pursued. Although not a physical place, this thought region is home to entities that aim to keep humanity in ignorance.

This thought region exists because of human thoughts and feelings, and people are there because they choose to be. However, release will come from within someday, and when any person chooses to mature out of this condition, they rise from it immediately.

 What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? Exploring Beyond

Upon entering the afterlife, people find themselves in surroundings and living conditions that suit their state of mind, attitudes, and level of love and compassion. People who were self-absorbed, cruel, and malevolent in Earth School find themselves on a sphere or plane with others who share similar attitudes. This is not punishment nor a hell; rather, it is a condition they create based on their own expectations for life. These thought regions are created by the negative thoughts and attitudes of the inhabitants, who expect life to be dog-eat-dog, full of greed and selfishness.

How Dark Realms for bad people appear in the Afterlife? 

These lower regions are described as being dark, dank, and unpleasant, with unpleasant sounds such as mad, raucous laughter and shrieks. The beauties of the higher realm are not present there. James M. Peebles, considered the father of the Spiritualist movement, received this communication through a medium from a resident of the afterlife.This is a summary:

In the lower realms of darkness, I have witnessed the formation of clusters, societies, and cities that embody moral degradation. In the streets of these places, immature spirits are found engaged in disputes, quarrels, enmities, and pitiful rantings. They take pleasure in harassing and tormenting one another, as if they enjoy reliving their earthly lives and exerting influence on gamblers in their dens, alcoholics in their miserable hideouts, and immoral individuals in their crime-infested havens.

Journeying into Dark Realms: Monsignor Benson’s Description

Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson describes through Anthony Borgia descending into the lower realms. This is a summary:

As we approach the dark lands, the once lush countryside gradually deteriorates. The flowers become scarce and malnourished, struggling to survive. The grass withers away, leaving behind barren rocks. The light fades, leaving behind a gray and eventually pitch-black darkness, impenetrable to those who lack spiritual sight. However, visitors from higher realms can see without being seen, unless it is necessary to reveal their presence.

The residents remain on that lower plane of life until they grow out of it. No one put them there; no one demands they change; no one punishes them. They remain there until they choose to grow into a higher spiritual level. Then they simply evolve into a higher level naturally.

What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? Message From Bettie’s Spirit

Residents of the lower realms are continually urged to rise out of the unpleasant region by loved ones and guides. Alice Stringfellow received messages from her cousin Bettie in spirit about these darker regions. This is a summary:

This is a description of a place where those who have lived their lives in vice and crime reside. There is only one such place, but its vastness and population are beyond comprehension. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, with a leaden fog that lingers constantly. The inhabitants live in misery and disharmony, with no light or hope to guide them.

Despite the bleakness of this place, good spirits who have friends there visit often and do what they can to inspire them to seek a better life. However, these efforts are often in vain as many are deeply entrenched in their destructive ways and resist change. Some do recognize the error of their ways and seek redemption, but sadly, others continue to revel in their vices.

These individuals have no meaningful occupation, and their idleness only contributes to their despair. It is disheartening to think that by their actions on Earth, they are sentencing themselves to a life in this dreadful place.

Empowering Awakening: Reverend Thomas’ Mission in the Afterlife

Reverend Charles Drayton Thomas spoke from the afterlife with direct-voice medium Leslie Flint, describing going to people living in the lower levels to help them rise out of their circumstances. You can listen to this and more of Rev. Thomas speaking about going to the lower levels to counsel people at this link: www.earthschoolanswers.com/thomas1/.

Many individuals remain stuck in a peculiar level of consciousness that is not far from that of Earth, yet they exist in a dreamlike state and require assistance to awaken from it. We aim to provide that aid by entering their homes and lives, encouraging them to recognize the power they possess and how to use it to manifest change even if they cannot yet envision a higher purpose. Our goal is to infuse them with a revitalizing energy that will stimulate introspection and a desire for self-improvement. Many of these individuals are content to remain in their current state of consciousness, and some have not encountered kindred spirits with whom they had a connection during their time on Earth.

Tymn, “A Glimpse of Hell.”

Tymn, “A Glimpse of Hell.”

James M. Peebles, Immortality and Our Employments Hereafter: With What a Hundred Spirits, Good and Evil, Say of Their Dwelling Places (London: Forgotten Books, 2015; originally published in 1907), 91.

Borgia, Life in the World Unseen, 120-123.

Betty, The Afterlife Unveiled, 30-31 (citing Stringfellow, Leslie’s letters to his mother).

“The Charles Drayton Thomas séance.”

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donate $100 or more and we will send you a receipt so you can deduct it from your taxes as a nonprofit donation.

What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? The Lower Realm
Article Name
What Happens to Bad People in the Afterlife? The Lower Realm
Delve into the mysteries of the afterlife with questions about hell, the fate of bad individuals, and the nature of dark realms. Explore what awaits beyond life.
Seek Reality on the afterlife and afterlife communication

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