Trance Mediums Provide Proof of Life after Death

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Trance mediumship is proof of life after death

Trance mediums enter a state of trance during which people living in the life after this life use the mediums’ bodies and vocal mechanisms to move and speak to sitters. The entities coat the mediums’ vocal cords or create a separate vocal mechanism in the mediums’ throat to fit the voice characteristics of the person in spirit. The mannerisms, voice, and content of the messages are not those of the medium.

We might wonder when the voices and content are coming from those in spirit or whether they are being fabricated, perhaps unconsciously, by the medium. There are two reasons we know the communications are coming from the person in spirit:

  • Studies of brain-wave patterns show different entities are taking over the medium’s mind.
  • The contents of the messages have detail not known to the medium that could come only from the person in spirit.

Explanations of these reasons we know the communications are coming from the person in spirit follow.

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Studies Show Different Entities Are Taking Over the Medium

To test the validity of trance mediums, history professor Charles Hapgood tested medium Elwood Babbitt using an electroencephalograph (EEG). He measured changes in brain-wave patterns when Babbitt was not in a trance and when he was taken over by people in spirit during trances. If the EEG patterns were the same, it would indicate that Babbitt could be consciously or subconsciously creating the voices. Hapgood recorded Babbitt’s EEGs while three different entities were in control of him. The EEGs were found to be completely different from each other and from Babbitt’s own EEG. An expert who interpreted the EEGs stated that they were characteristic of four people of different physical ages and could not belong to one person.[i]

Proof of Life After Death: The Messages Content Could Come Only from the Person in Spirit

In each of the examples that follow, the information coming from the person in spirit is highly specific and could not be known by the medium. There are comments about current events, information inaccessible to the medium’s mind that is validated, and technical details the mediums could not know. The messages are characteristic of the person in spirit. Examples of these messages follow.

A Man in the Afterlife Tells His Son to Look Up Words in Publications as Evidence of the Afterlife

Trance medium Gladys Osborne Leonard received messages from Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas’s father referring him to text in specific parts of books and newspapers. The accuracy of his messages demonstrated that the elder Thomas was alive in spirit, communicating to his son about current activities.

Thomas’s deceased father instructed him, through Mrs. Leonard, to go to the lowest shelf in his extensive library and extract the sixth book from the left. On page 149, three-quarters of the way down, he was told, he would find a word that meant “falling back or stumbling.” Once home, Thomas located the book and on page 149, three-quarters of the way down, were these words: “… to whom a crucified Messiah was an insuperable stumbling-block.”

In eighteen months of experiments, Thomas’s father was able to cite ever more words and numbers with increasing accuracy, both in Thomas’s library and in a friend’s. All were accurate.

Thomas decided to try asking his father for information from newspapers and magazines not yet printed. On January 16, 1920, Thomas’s father in spirit told him to examine the Daily Telegraph the following day and to notice, near the top of the second column of the first page, the name of the place Thomas was born, Victoria Terrace on Victoria Street, Taunton.  When Thomas checked the paper the next day, the word “Victoria” was in that exact spot, demonstrating that his father was alive contemporaneously and capable of researching the text and conveying it through the medium.

A Man in the Afterlife Communicates Details That Were Evidence of Life After Death

Leonora Piper was a nineteenth-century trance medium who allowed communicators to speak through her vocal organs or through automatic writing. Piper was tested repeatedly by a wide range of skeptical observers. The Society for Psychical Research conducted several thousand sittings over two decades with carefully controlled environments to preclude fraud. The messages during the sittings were remarkably accurate.  The unmistakable content and detail convinced the sitters their loved ones had spoken using Piper’s vocal mechanism.

George Pelham, a lawyer, died in an accidental fall at age thirty-two. Five weeks later, Pelham’s good friend John Hart attended a séance with Leonora Piper, who announced that Pelham was there to speak. Pelham, now living in the afterlife, provided a long list of details about himself, his early life, his friends, and his family that could be verified to prove he was indeed George Pelham, still alive in the life after this life. All the details were verified as being true. For example, at the séance John Hart wore the shirt studs Pelham’s father had given him as a memento after his friend’s death. Pelham identified the studs as formerly his and explained how his mother had chosen them and his father had delivered them to Hart.[iv]

In a different sitting, a researcher from the Society of Psychical Research named Richard Hodgson witnessed Pelham coming through with messages. In this séance, Pelham said he had seen his father take a photograph of him to an artist to have it copied. After the séance, Hodgson contacted Pelham’s mother, who verified that, in fact, her husband had taken a photograph of their son to an artist to be copied.

Pelham’s father eventually wrote to Hodgson, “The letters you have written to my wife giving such extraordinary evidence of the intelligence exercised by George in some incomprehensible manner over the actions of his friends on earth have given food for constant reflection and wonder. (My) preconceived notions about the future state have received a severe shock.”[v]

The details provided by Pelham in spirit were of details unknown to the medium that occurred after his body had died. They are further evidence of life after death.

Family Members Verify Communication with Their Deceased Daughter as Evidence of the Afterlife

In another sitting, Leonora Piper was asked by the Rev. and Mrs. S.W. Sutton if she could communicate with their deceased little girl, Katherine, whose body had died six weeks before. The account of the séance is now in the archives of the Society for Psychical Research.

Piper was able to establish contact between the Suttons and their very much-loved little girl from the afterlife. The information left no doubt whatsoever that the little girl was actually communicating from the afterlife with her mother and father still living on the earth plane.

She confirmed that she used to bite buttons. She identified her Uncle Frank and a friend who had died with a tumor and made reference to her brother by his pet name. She made reference to her sore throat and paralyzed tongue and that her head used to get hot before her death. She referred to Dinah her doll, to her sister Maggie, and to her little toy horse. She also sang two songs, the same songs she had sung immediately before she died. The Suttons had no doubt that they had made contact with their little girl and were especially happy when she reassured them: “I am happy… cry for me no more.”[i]

Their daughter’s accurate communication demonstrated she was alive after her body had died.

A Flight Lieutenant Communicates Technical Details About the Airship Crash That Killed Him

Eileen J. Garrett was a twentieth-century psychic and trance medium. From 1932 to 1933 she toured the United States, holding sittings with a number of organizations, including Johns Hopkins University and the New York Psychiatric Institute. Garrett held a séance on October 7, 1939, during which a flight lieutenant killed in an airship crash came through. The sitters later learned that the airship had crashed three days before, but the government had not revealed the tragedy.

Flight Lieutenant Herbert Carmichael Irwin commanded non-rigid airships during World War I. He and forty-five other crew members were killed when Airship R101 crashed in a storm in Northern France on a flight from Britain to India.[ii] The officer described the airship’s destruction in great detail. 

One of the sitters chronicled his narrative in shorthand. The notes were presented to Air Ministry Intelligence, who were startled and impressed by the accuracy as well as by details they had not known. They were sufficiently convinced of the authenticity that Major Oliver Villiers arranged seven more séances with Garrett to hear more details from Irwin. He discussed technical subjects Garrett could not have understood, such as “useful lift of the airship,” “gross lift,” “disposable lift,” “fuel injection,” “cruising speed,” “trim,” “volume of structure,” and others.

Irwin also discussed a top-secret, classified experiment the ministry had been engaged in: attempts to use a mixture of hydrogen and oil in airships. Ministry officials agreed that the information that came from Irwin through Garrett was completely accurate, even the town the airship passed over before it crashed and the locations of hidden diaries crew members had kept that revealed their fears about the secret project.[iii]

Garrett’s lack of technical knowledge, and an account so accurate that Air Ministry Intelligence arranged to interview Irwin through her, demonstrate that Flight Lieutenant Irwin was alive, had intact memories, and was articulate and capable of explaining technical information clearly.

Evidence from Trance Mediumship Is Proof You Will Never Die

The details communicated about people’s lives and current events verify that trance mediums are communicating with people living in the life after this life whose bodies have died. The communications demonstrate that people in spirit are aware of current efforts to prove the validity of their communications. In the examples cited, the people in spirit maintained regular, consistent communication about the locations of words and gave technical specifications of an airship. All the factual details conveyed articulately and without hesitation show that mediums communicated with people in the life after this life.

Evidence from communications through trance mediums with people whose bodies have died but are recognized by those who knew them proves you will never die.

Trance Mediums Are Proof of Life after Death
Article Name
Trance Mediums Are Proof of Life after Death
Trance mediums bring through messages from deceased people that are proof of the afterlife.
Trance mediumship is proof of life after death

Trance mediums enter a state of trance during which people living in the life after this life use the mediums’ bodies and vocal mechanisms to move and speak to sitters. The entities coat the mediums’ vocal cords or create a separate vocal mechanism in the mediums’ throat to fit the voice characteristics of the person in spirit. The mannerisms, voice, and content of the messages are not those of the medium.

We might wonder when the voices and content are coming from those in spirit or whether they are being fabricated, perhaps unconsciously, by the medium. There are two reasons we know the communications are coming from the person in spirit:

  • Studies of brain-wave patterns show different entities are taking over the medium’s mind.
  • The contents of the messages have detail not known to the medium that could come only from the person in spirit.

Explanations of these reasons we know the communications are coming from the person in spirit follow.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Studies Show Different Entities Are Taking Over the Medium

To test the validity of trance mediums, history professor Charles Hapgood tested medium Elwood Babbitt using an electroencephalograph (EEG). He measured changes in brain-wave patterns when Babbitt was not in a trance and when he was taken over by people in spirit during trances. If the EEG patterns were the same, it would indicate that Babbitt could be consciously or subconsciously creating the voices. Hapgood recorded Babbitt’s EEGs while three different entities were in control of him. The EEGs were found to be completely different from each other and from Babbitt’s own EEG. An expert who interpreted the EEGs stated that they were characteristic of four people of different physical ages and could not belong to one person.[i]

Proof of Life After Death: The Messages Content Could Come Only from the Person in Spirit

In each of the examples that follow, the information coming from the person in spirit is highly specific and could not be known by the medium. There are comments about current events, information inaccessible to the medium’s mind that is validated, and technical details the mediums could not know. The messages are characteristic of the person in spirit. Examples of these messages follow.

A Man in the Afterlife Tells His Son to Look Up Words in Publications as Evidence of the Afterlife

Trance medium Gladys Osborne Leonard received messages from Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas’s father referring him to text in specific parts of books and newspapers. The accuracy of his messages demonstrated that the elder Thomas was alive in spirit, communicating to his son about current activities.

Thomas’s deceased father instructed him, through Mrs. Leonard, to go to the lowest shelf in his extensive library and extract the sixth book from the left. On page 149, three-quarters of the way down, he was told, he would find a word that meant “falling back or stumbling.” Once home, Thomas located the book and on page 149, three-quarters of the way down, were these words: “… to whom a crucified Messiah was an insuperable stumbling-block.”

In eighteen months of experiments, Thomas’s father was able to cite ever more words and numbers with increasing accuracy, both in Thomas’s library and in a friend’s. All were accurate.

Thomas decided to try asking his father for information from newspapers and magazines not yet printed. On January 16, 1920, Thomas’s father in spirit told him to examine the Daily Telegraph the following day and to notice, near the top of the second column of the first page, the name of the place Thomas was born, Victoria Terrace on Victoria Street, Taunton.  When Thomas checked the paper the next day, the word “Victoria” was in that exact spot, demonstrating that his father was alive contemporaneously and capable of researching the text and conveying it through the medium.

A Man in the Afterlife Communicates Details That Were Evidence of Life After Death

Leonora Piper was a nineteenth-century trance medium who allowed communicators to speak through her vocal organs or through automatic writing. Piper was tested repeatedly by a wide range of skeptical observers. The Society for Psychical Research conducted several thousand sittings over two decades with carefully controlled environments to preclude fraud. The messages during the sittings were remarkably accurate.  The unmistakable content and detail convinced the sitters their loved ones had spoken using Piper’s vocal mechanism.

George Pelham, a lawyer, died in an accidental fall at age thirty-two. Five weeks later, Pelham’s good friend John Hart attended a séance with Leonora Piper, who announced that Pelham was there to speak. Pelham, now living in the afterlife, provided a long list of details about himself, his early life, his friends, and his family that could be verified to prove he was indeed George Pelham, still alive in the life after this life. All the details were verified as being true. For example, at the séance John Hart wore the shirt studs Pelham’s father had given him as a memento after his friend’s death. Pelham identified the studs as formerly his and explained how his mother had chosen them and his father had delivered them to Hart.[iv]

In a different sitting, a researcher from the Society of Psychical Research named Richard Hodgson witnessed Pelham coming through with messages. In this séance, Pelham said he had seen his father take a photograph of him to an artist to have it copied. After the séance, Hodgson contacted Pelham’s mother, who verified that, in fact, her husband had taken a photograph of their son to an artist to be copied.

Pelham’s father eventually wrote to Hodgson, “The letters you have written to my wife giving such extraordinary evidence of the intelligence exercised by George in some incomprehensible manner over the actions of his friends on earth have given food for constant reflection and wonder. (My) preconceived notions about the future state have received a severe shock.”[v]

The details provided by Pelham in spirit were of details unknown to the medium that occurred after his body had died. They are further evidence of life after death.

Family Members Verify Communication with Their Deceased Daughter as Evidence of the Afterlife

In another sitting, Leonora Piper was asked by the Rev. and Mrs. S.W. Sutton if she could communicate with their deceased little girl, Katherine, whose body had died six weeks before. The account of the séance is now in the archives of the Society for Psychical Research.

Piper was able to establish contact between the Suttons and their very much-loved little girl from the afterlife. The information left no doubt whatsoever that the little girl was actually communicating from the afterlife with her mother and father still living on the earth plane.

She confirmed that she used to bite buttons. She identified her Uncle Frank and a friend who had died with a tumor and made reference to her brother by his pet name. She made reference to her sore throat and paralyzed tongue and that her head used to get hot before her death. She referred to Dinah her doll, to her sister Maggie, and to her little toy horse. She also sang two songs, the same songs she had sung immediately before she died. The Suttons had no doubt that they had made contact with their little girl and were especially happy when she reassured them: “I am happy… cry for me no more.”[i]

Their daughter’s accurate communication demonstrated she was alive after her body had died.

A Flight Lieutenant Communicates Technical Details About the Airship Crash That Killed Him

Eileen J. Garrett was a twentieth-century psychic and trance medium. From 1932 to 1933 she toured the United States, holding sittings with a number of organizations, including Johns Hopkins University and the New York Psychiatric Institute. Garrett held a séance on October 7, 1939, during which a flight lieutenant killed in an airship crash came through. The sitters later learned that the airship had crashed three days before, but the government had not revealed the tragedy.

Flight Lieutenant Herbert Carmichael Irwin commanded non-rigid airships during World War I. He and forty-five other crew members were killed when Airship R101 crashed in a storm in Northern France on a flight from Britain to India.[ii] The officer described the airship’s destruction in great detail. 

One of the sitters chronicled his narrative in shorthand. The notes were presented to Air Ministry Intelligence, who were startled and impressed by the accuracy as well as by details they had not known. They were sufficiently convinced of the authenticity that Major Oliver Villiers arranged seven more séances with Garrett to hear more details from Irwin. He discussed technical subjects Garrett could not have understood, such as “useful lift of the airship,” “gross lift,” “disposable lift,” “fuel injection,” “cruising speed,” “trim,” “volume of structure,” and others.

Irwin also discussed a top-secret, classified experiment the ministry had been engaged in: attempts to use a mixture of hydrogen and oil in airships. Ministry officials agreed that the information that came from Irwin through Garrett was completely accurate, even the town the airship passed over before it crashed and the locations of hidden diaries crew members had kept that revealed their fears about the secret project.[iii]

Garrett’s lack of technical knowledge, and an account so accurate that Air Ministry Intelligence arranged to interview Irwin through her, demonstrate that Flight Lieutenant Irwin was alive, had intact memories, and was articulate and capable of explaining technical information clearly.

Evidence from Trance Mediumship Is Proof You Will Never Die

The details communicated about people’s lives and current events verify that trance mediums are communicating with people living in the life after this life whose bodies have died. The communications demonstrate that people in spirit are aware of current efforts to prove the validity of their communications. In the examples cited, the people in spirit maintained regular, consistent communication about the locations of words and gave technical specifications of an airship. All the factual details conveyed articulately and without hesitation show that mediums communicated with people in the life after this life.

Evidence from communications through trance mediums with people whose bodies have died but are recognized by those who knew them proves you will never die.

Trance Mediums Are Proof of Life after Death
Article Name
Trance Mediums Are Proof of Life after Death
Trance mediums bring through messages from deceased people that are proof of the afterlife.

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