Unveiling the Mystery: What Is the Meaning of Life?

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Meaning of life - Seek Reality

What Is the Meaning of Life?

Our lives have meaning and purpose. We just have to realize what they are. We came into Earth School to

  1. Learn life lessons
  2. Become more loving and compassionate
  3. Enjoy life

Technology has opened up a new realm of possibilities by allowing us to record and widely distribute messages from individuals who have passed on to the afterlife. These messages have provided us with profound insights into the meaning of life.

One of the most significant lessons we have learned is that we are all enrolled in Earth School. This unique realm offers us a diverse range of experiences, including both joy and grief, success and failure, ecstasy and misery, and cherishing and losing. We have consciously chosen to enter this realm to learn lessons, to love and be loved, and to relish in the experience of happiness.

However, if we find ourselves struggling to learn lessons, to love and be loved, or to maintain happiness, we should not feel like a failure. Each of us is learning at our own pace and level in this eternal journey. We are all A+ students at the head of our class, and there is no judgment or failure. Instead, we should focus on our individual growth and continue to learn from the challenges we face.

This blog explains the three purposes we have for being in this life: to learn lessons, to grow in love and compassion, and to enjoy the experiences.

Purpose of Life 1: To Learn Lessons

We grow from childhood to maturity by confronting challenges and learning from them. As infants, we could not care for ourselves. As children we were more capable but unable to make adult decisions. It was not until age 25 that our minds had fully matured. The 25 years it took to reach that level of maturity were filled with challenges and learning that resulted in the final state of mind in which we could make good decisions and create the life we want to have.

In the same way, we enrolled in Earth School to learn lessons that are maturing us to become wise, loving, happy individuals. We must learn to be mature. Maturity cannot be given to us. In this life, we experience challenges and overcome them to grow to have the mature, wise mind that will enable us to live in love, peace, and joy.

Examples of Life Lessons that Are Part of the Meaning of Life for Us

This is a small sampling of life lessons people might learn only by going through challenges that teach the lessons.

  • Learning to love someone who is distant and cruel
  • Learning how to be humble even when the person is gifted or financially advantaged
  • Learning how to dedicate a life to a person who is disabled
  • Learning to trust in the face of tragedy and loss
  • Learning how to help others feel strong and good about themselves
  • Learning how to find joy in a life that is impoverished
  • Learning that possessions are not as important as love and relationships
  • Learning how to be tolerant of intolerable people
  • Learning how to be attuned to other people’s feelings
  • And many thousands of other lessons

How Did My Soul Plan for Me to Fulfill My Purpose in Life?

The experiences that teach us to cooperate with others were planned by our Souls in conjunction with a pre-birth planning group. This group consisted of various beings whose composition changed over time to accommodate specific activities. It included Souls who would share our Earth School experiences, as well as guides who could offer support when needed. Our own Souls were also involved in this planning, with occasional input from higher-level Ascended Masters. However, the latter’s participation is limited, as the planning is primarily the responsibility of the Souls who will enroll us in Earth School.

In planning our lives, our Souls first determined the circumstances in which we would live. This included our families, friends, colleagues, physical and mental abilities and limitations, gender, neighborhoods, home environments, prosperity (or lack thereof), schools, careers, addictions, and other physical characteristics and conditions of life. Our Souls then arranged life events to challenge us and provide us with learning experiences that would enable us to acquire the lessons we had chosen to learn.

Our life plans include no violent actions such as murder, suicide, and violence. We enroll in Earth School to become more loving, not participate in violence. We do take on roles that may tend toward violent acts in the hope that through love, we will rise above violent tendencies.

How Did My Soul Plan for Me to Learn Lessons?  

The pre-birth planning group utilizes the method of opposites as one of the primary means for individuals to learn their desired lessons. This involves placing the person in circumstances and experiences that are characterized by the opposite of what they want to learn. By experiencing the opposite condition, they can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the missing sentiment that their Soul and Higher Self seek to comprehend more fully.

For instance, if a Soul desires to understand humility, they may plan for the individual to be born into a family that is arrogant due to their wealth and status. This circumstance allows the person to become aware of the family’s mistreatment of others, ultimately leading them to realize the importance of humility over arrogance. As a result, they may choose to live a humble life without wealth or position.

Did We Choose to Have Events in Our Lives That Are Causing Us to Suffer?

We chose events in our lives that could result in our making ourselves feel suffering, but suffering is not inevitable and the reactions to events do not have to result in a deep, lasting experience of suffering. The depth of our feeling of suffering when tragic events occur and how long we suffer depends on our progress in learning the truths about ourselves and life.

Do We Have Free Will to Decide Not to Fulfill Our Purposes?

Throughout our eternal lives, we always have free will to choose as we wish, even when the decision is not in our best interest or the best interests of people around us. The faulty choice becomes another growth opportunity.

Purpose of Life 2: To Grow in Love and Compassion

We have two complementary learning goals in life: to have love, regard, and respect for ourselves and to have love, regard, and respect for others.

The prominent motivation in our lives is to be loved. We come to Earth School in large part to learn how to love so we show love to others. They in turn reciprocate with love for us. Our Souls know how to love and Our Universal Intelligence is pure love. However, when we entered Earth School we were reared from childhood to accept the sentiments, norms, and behaviors of the society that teaches dysfunctional ways of gaining the feelings of being loved and belonging.

We have lost much of the closeness and intimacy previous cultures had with each other, especially children. A study of primitive cultures demonstrates that peaceful cultures are more likely to have body bonding or affection bonding between mothers and children than violent cultures.

When people cannot receive overt signs of love, they will find some way to receive the love they so desperately want and need. They may adopt counterproductive strategies to gain some semblance of a feeling of loving and belonging. The strategies may be violent and cruel, so they don’t seem to result from the need for love, but at their roots they are socially unacceptable ways of trying to gain the feelings of being loved and belonging.

We Must Learn who we are and to love the person we find

Part of our spiritual development in Earth School is to learn who we are and learn to love that person. The interactions in childhood in Earth School today teach most children they are not lovable as they are. They must strive to be better because they aren’t good enough. The focus is on getting good grades, being a good boy or girl, wearing the right clothes, and hanging out with the right people. Children are taught they aren’t good enough just being who they are.

Children are taught to be unempowered. They begin by being dependent on their parents and society to take care of them and provide basic needs. Most children never grow out of that stage. As adults they still expect life to take care of them. They get a job so they can receive a regular paycheck. They obediently do whatever the owners of the company tell them to do. They conform to their church, their family, and their community. They feel hopeless and powerless to be anything different. They feel life determines who they are and what will become of them, so they believe they are powerless and hopeless.

Children are taught that love is conditional. They are praised and smiled upon when they do what they’re told, and scorned, punished, and rejected when they do what they’re told not to do. We take that for granted. We would not expect to teach children to be content with whom they are without encouraging them to be something better to receive an adult’s admiration.

We Must Learn to be a loving, compassionate, other-centered person

When we know and value the person we want to be, we can examine our thoughts and behavior and compare them to the thoughts and behavior that are characteristic of the person we want to become. With that clear conception of the person we want to be, we can change thoughts and behaviors as they come to us or in a deliberate process of awakening. In that way, we learn to be loving and compassionate.

We must put ourselves into situations in which we can learn to become the person we want to be. We learn to love by loving. When we put ourselves into a position to love another, we are feeding the love flame that is growing inside us. Those feelings can only come through interacting with others and showing love, whether it is reciprocated or not.

We must perform the actions of loving without concern for whether the sentiments have caught up with the actions. If we wait for the sentiments to initiate loving acts, our growth will be retarded and we will easily become discouraged when we don’t seem to have the feelings that match the person we know we want to become.

Conversely, we must avoid situations in which we are not loving and compassionate or are being unloving and insensitive. Our lives must change. Common activities and the people involved in them may have to be removed or altered. To become loving, compassionate, other-centered people, we must be among others who are loving, compassionate, and other-centered and are themselves developing. That means we will have to change our characteristic activities and groups of friends.

The change from self-centered to other-centered will be gradual. It will come in small successes. The wonderful feeling of seeing joy and love in other people when we are joyful and loving develops more joy and love in us.

Purpose of Life 3: To Enjoy Life

Enjoying the sensual pleasures of Earth School is one of the purposes of our being in the Earth School realm. Our Souls planned for us to be happy and have pleasurable experiences.

We should be happy with no reason for it

Happiness is a state of mind we find pleasurable. We feel good when we’re happy. There is no underlying set of components for “happy,” and we can’t define it as being either matter or energy. It is a state of mind; it feels great. We use forms of “to be” to describe it: “I am happy,” “I was happy,” “I will be happy.” That means we identify our whole being with the feeling. We are the feelings of happy or unhappy.

We seek circumstances that will bring about the happy state of mind. We rearrange our thoughts so our consideration of a subject brings feelings of happiness. We avoid circumstances that take away happiness. Our happiness is one of the symptoms of success in Earth School. We are successful when we feel happy.

We must abandon much of what we were taught in childhood because the teaching is responsible for our unhappiness. We create our suffering, and we create our happiness. We keep the interpretations that cause negative emotions in our repertoire if we don’t realize we can change them. We ascribe their effects to things outside of us, but they are entirely in our minds. If we don’t use our free will and courage to take control of and change the interpretations, they will repeatedly affect us when we have experiences; we will feel like helpless victims. However, we are choosing to allow the interpretations to affect us. We are creating an unhappy reality.

We must learn what makes us happy. When we are happy, we have a surge of bliss in our body experience. The feeling is described as being endorphins activating opioid receptors in the brain that minimize discomfort and create feelings of euphoria and well-being, but the feeling is actually a state of mind, not of the body. The body experiences follow the state of mind. When we think of things that make us happy, we feel bliss. Then if we think of something that worries us or makes us unhappy, the bliss disappears. If we then think of something that makes us happy, the bliss returns. If we do that for a minute or two, alternating things that give us bliss and things that disturb us, we will learn the body experience of bliss and discomfort. We can use that to identify what we want our lives to be filled with—those things that bring us bliss. And we can learn that things that bring us discomfort must be minimized, or we must change our interpretations that cause discomfort.

We feel the same thing when we’re doing something we don’t enjoy, like taxes. At some point, we think of checking our favorite Facebook group or email. We feel a surge of bliss. We check the Facebook group or email and don’t want to return to our taxes because if we do, the bliss will stop.

We can learn what brings us bliss at every moment of our day. If you have attention-deficit disorder, you’ll find yourself shifting attention often because you’re scanning for the surge of bliss. If something you’re doing loses your interest, your mind will wander to something that gives you the surge of bliss and you’ll pursue that. Because of the nearly endless options available in email, social media, and videos on demand, the Internet is a candy store for adults with attention deficit disorder. A blissful experience is a keystroke away.

We will be happy most of the time with no reason for it when we abandon the childhood teaching that we must acquire and hold onto things, activities, and affiliations to be happy. Life in Earth School is continually changing. Things, activities, and affiliations will cease and new ones may take their place. There is a constant churn. If we are attached to the things, activities, and affiliations, we will regularly be frustrated and despondent when they go away. To be consistently happy with no reason for it, we must give up on needing anything outside of ourselves in our lives. We want to have them, and we are delighted when they’re present, but we must not need them.

One of the goals of our Earth School experience is coming to realize fully that we are sufficient within ourselves, with no need for anything outside of us. When we realize that, we can enjoy occasional surges of bliss when we have something in our life that brings us joy, but we aren’t consumed with acquiring whatever that is and despondent when we don’t have it. We do have periods of sadness when those things are no longer available, but the sadness is not consuming. We are happy and contented with no requirement that something or somebody outside of us must be present to give us happiness.

Having said that, when someone we love graduates from Earth School before us, the loss of their presence will cause great unhappiness. The depth and duration of the worst of the grieving will be lessened by an understanding of the fact that the person lives on, just in another location and is accessible. We can then realize that we cannot have the same type of relationship we had and grow into the new relationship rather than pining for what is no more.

The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is to accomplish three purposes: to learn lessons, to grow in love and compassion, and to enjoy the experiences. The more successfully we accomplish those three purposes, the happier and more fulfilled our lives will be.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Meaning of life - Seek Reality

What Is the Meaning of Life?

Our lives have meaning and purpose. We just have to realize what they are. We came into Earth School to

  1. Learn life lessons
  2. Become more loving and compassionate
  3. Enjoy life

Technology has opened up a new realm of possibilities by allowing us to record and widely distribute messages from individuals who have passed on to the afterlife. These messages have provided us with profound insights into the meaning of life.

One of the most significant lessons we have learned is that we are all enrolled in Earth School. This unique realm offers us a diverse range of experiences, including both joy and grief, success and failure, ecstasy and misery, and cherishing and losing. We have consciously chosen to enter this realm to learn lessons, to love and be loved, and to relish in the experience of happiness.

However, if we find ourselves struggling to learn lessons, to love and be loved, or to maintain happiness, we should not feel like a failure. Each of us is learning at our own pace and level in this eternal journey. We are all A+ students at the head of our class, and there is no judgment or failure. Instead, we should focus on our individual growth and continue to learn from the challenges we face.

This blog explains the three purposes we have for being in this life: to learn lessons, to grow in love and compassion, and to enjoy the experiences.

Purpose of Life 1: To Learn Lessons

We grow from childhood to maturity by confronting challenges and learning from them. As infants, we could not care for ourselves. As children we were more capable but unable to make adult decisions. It was not until age 25 that our minds had fully matured. The 25 years it took to reach that level of maturity were filled with challenges and learning that resulted in the final state of mind in which we could make good decisions and create the life we want to have.

In the same way, we enrolled in Earth School to learn lessons that are maturing us to become wise, loving, happy individuals. We must learn to be mature. Maturity cannot be given to us. In this life, we experience challenges and overcome them to grow to have the mature, wise mind that will enable us to live in love, peace, and joy.

Examples of Life Lessons that Are Part of the Meaning of Life for Us

This is a small sampling of life lessons people might learn only by going through challenges that teach the lessons.

  • Learning to love someone who is distant and cruel
  • Learning how to be humble even when the person is gifted or financially advantaged
  • Learning how to dedicate a life to a person who is disabled
  • Learning to trust in the face of tragedy and loss
  • Learning how to help others feel strong and good about themselves
  • Learning how to find joy in a life that is impoverished
  • Learning that possessions are not as important as love and relationships
  • Learning how to be tolerant of intolerable people
  • Learning how to be attuned to other people’s feelings
  • And many thousands of other lessons

How Did My Soul Plan for Me to Fulfill My Purpose in Life?

The experiences that teach us to cooperate with others were planned by our Souls in conjunction with a pre-birth planning group. This group consisted of various beings whose composition changed over time to accommodate specific activities. It included Souls who would share our Earth School experiences, as well as guides who could offer support when needed. Our own Souls were also involved in this planning, with occasional input from higher-level Ascended Masters. However, the latter’s participation is limited, as the planning is primarily the responsibility of the Souls who will enroll us in Earth School.

In planning our lives, our Souls first determined the circumstances in which we would live. This included our families, friends, colleagues, physical and mental abilities and limitations, gender, neighborhoods, home environments, prosperity (or lack thereof), schools, careers, addictions, and other physical characteristics and conditions of life. Our Souls then arranged life events to challenge us and provide us with learning experiences that would enable us to acquire the lessons we had chosen to learn.

Our life plans include no violent actions such as murder, suicide, and violence. We enroll in Earth School to become more loving, not participate in violence. We do take on roles that may tend toward violent acts in the hope that through love, we will rise above violent tendencies.

How Did My Soul Plan for Me to Learn Lessons?  

The pre-birth planning group utilizes the method of opposites as one of the primary means for individuals to learn their desired lessons. This involves placing the person in circumstances and experiences that are characterized by the opposite of what they want to learn. By experiencing the opposite condition, they can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the missing sentiment that their Soul and Higher Self seek to comprehend more fully.

For instance, if a Soul desires to understand humility, they may plan for the individual to be born into a family that is arrogant due to their wealth and status. This circumstance allows the person to become aware of the family’s mistreatment of others, ultimately leading them to realize the importance of humility over arrogance. As a result, they may choose to live a humble life without wealth or position.

Did We Choose to Have Events in Our Lives That Are Causing Us to Suffer?

We chose events in our lives that could result in our making ourselves feel suffering, but suffering is not inevitable and the reactions to events do not have to result in a deep, lasting experience of suffering. The depth of our feeling of suffering when tragic events occur and how long we suffer depends on our progress in learning the truths about ourselves and life.

Do We Have Free Will to Decide Not to Fulfill Our Purposes?

Throughout our eternal lives, we always have free will to choose as we wish, even when the decision is not in our best interest or the best interests of people around us. The faulty choice becomes another growth opportunity.

Purpose of Life 2: To Grow in Love and Compassion

We have two complementary learning goals in life: to have love, regard, and respect for ourselves and to have love, regard, and respect for others.

The prominent motivation in our lives is to be loved. We come to Earth School in large part to learn how to love so we show love to others. They in turn reciprocate with love for us. Our Souls know how to love and Our Universal Intelligence is pure love. However, when we entered Earth School we were reared from childhood to accept the sentiments, norms, and behaviors of the society that teaches dysfunctional ways of gaining the feelings of being loved and belonging.

We have lost much of the closeness and intimacy previous cultures had with each other, especially children. A study of primitive cultures demonstrates that peaceful cultures are more likely to have body bonding or affection bonding between mothers and children than violent cultures.

When people cannot receive overt signs of love, they will find some way to receive the love they so desperately want and need. They may adopt counterproductive strategies to gain some semblance of a feeling of loving and belonging. The strategies may be violent and cruel, so they don’t seem to result from the need for love, but at their roots they are socially unacceptable ways of trying to gain the feelings of being loved and belonging.

We Must Learn who we are and to love the person we find

Part of our spiritual development in Earth School is to learn who we are and learn to love that person. The interactions in childhood in Earth School today teach most children they are not lovable as they are. They must strive to be better because they aren’t good enough. The focus is on getting good grades, being a good boy or girl, wearing the right clothes, and hanging out with the right people. Children are taught they aren’t good enough just being who they are.

Children are taught to be unempowered. They begin by being dependent on their parents and society to take care of them and provide basic needs. Most children never grow out of that stage. As adults they still expect life to take care of them. They get a job so they can receive a regular paycheck. They obediently do whatever the owners of the company tell them to do. They conform to their church, their family, and their community. They feel hopeless and powerless to be anything different. They feel life determines who they are and what will become of them, so they believe they are powerless and hopeless.

Children are taught that love is conditional. They are praised and smiled upon when they do what they’re told, and scorned, punished, and rejected when they do what they’re told not to do. We take that for granted. We would not expect to teach children to be content with whom they are without encouraging them to be something better to receive an adult’s admiration.

We Must Learn to be a loving, compassionate, other-centered person

When we know and value the person we want to be, we can examine our thoughts and behavior and compare them to the thoughts and behavior that are characteristic of the person we want to become. With that clear conception of the person we want to be, we can change thoughts and behaviors as they come to us or in a deliberate process of awakening. In that way, we learn to be loving and compassionate.

We must put ourselves into situations in which we can learn to become the person we want to be. We learn to love by loving. When we put ourselves into a position to love another, we are feeding the love flame that is growing inside us. Those feelings can only come through interacting with others and showing love, whether it is reciprocated or not.

We must perform the actions of loving without concern for whether the sentiments have caught up with the actions. If we wait for the sentiments to initiate loving acts, our growth will be retarded and we will easily become discouraged when we don’t seem to have the feelings that match the person we know we want to become.

Conversely, we must avoid situations in which we are not loving and compassionate or are being unloving and insensitive. Our lives must change. Common activities and the people involved in them may have to be removed or altered. To become loving, compassionate, other-centered people, we must be among others who are loving, compassionate, and other-centered and are themselves developing. That means we will have to change our characteristic activities and groups of friends.

The change from self-centered to other-centered will be gradual. It will come in small successes. The wonderful feeling of seeing joy and love in other people when we are joyful and loving develops more joy and love in us.

Purpose of Life 3: To Enjoy Life

Enjoying the sensual pleasures of Earth School is one of the purposes of our being in the Earth School realm. Our Souls planned for us to be happy and have pleasurable experiences.

We should be happy with no reason for it

Happiness is a state of mind we find pleasurable. We feel good when we’re happy. There is no underlying set of components for “happy,” and we can’t define it as being either matter or energy. It is a state of mind; it feels great. We use forms of “to be” to describe it: “I am happy,” “I was happy,” “I will be happy.” That means we identify our whole being with the feeling. We are the feelings of happy or unhappy.

We seek circumstances that will bring about the happy state of mind. We rearrange our thoughts so our consideration of a subject brings feelings of happiness. We avoid circumstances that take away happiness. Our happiness is one of the symptoms of success in Earth School. We are successful when we feel happy.

We must abandon much of what we were taught in childhood because the teaching is responsible for our unhappiness. We create our suffering, and we create our happiness. We keep the interpretations that cause negative emotions in our repertoire if we don’t realize we can change them. We ascribe their effects to things outside of us, but they are entirely in our minds. If we don’t use our free will and courage to take control of and change the interpretations, they will repeatedly affect us when we have experiences; we will feel like helpless victims. However, we are choosing to allow the interpretations to affect us. We are creating an unhappy reality.

We must learn what makes us happy. When we are happy, we have a surge of bliss in our body experience. The feeling is described as being endorphins activating opioid receptors in the brain that minimize discomfort and create feelings of euphoria and well-being, but the feeling is actually a state of mind, not of the body. The body experiences follow the state of mind. When we think of things that make us happy, we feel bliss. Then if we think of something that worries us or makes us unhappy, the bliss disappears. If we then think of something that makes us happy, the bliss returns. If we do that for a minute or two, alternating things that give us bliss and things that disturb us, we will learn the body experience of bliss and discomfort. We can use that to identify what we want our lives to be filled with—those things that bring us bliss. And we can learn that things that bring us discomfort must be minimized, or we must change our interpretations that cause discomfort.

We feel the same thing when we’re doing something we don’t enjoy, like taxes. At some point, we think of checking our favorite Facebook group or email. We feel a surge of bliss. We check the Facebook group or email and don’t want to return to our taxes because if we do, the bliss will stop.

We can learn what brings us bliss at every moment of our day. If you have attention-deficit disorder, you’ll find yourself shifting attention often because you’re scanning for the surge of bliss. If something you’re doing loses your interest, your mind will wander to something that gives you the surge of bliss and you’ll pursue that. Because of the nearly endless options available in email, social media, and videos on demand, the Internet is a candy store for adults with attention deficit disorder. A blissful experience is a keystroke away.

We will be happy most of the time with no reason for it when we abandon the childhood teaching that we must acquire and hold onto things, activities, and affiliations to be happy. Life in Earth School is continually changing. Things, activities, and affiliations will cease and new ones may take their place. There is a constant churn. If we are attached to the things, activities, and affiliations, we will regularly be frustrated and despondent when they go away. To be consistently happy with no reason for it, we must give up on needing anything outside of ourselves in our lives. We want to have them, and we are delighted when they’re present, but we must not need them.

One of the goals of our Earth School experience is coming to realize fully that we are sufficient within ourselves, with no need for anything outside of us. When we realize that, we can enjoy occasional surges of bliss when we have something in our life that brings us joy, but we aren’t consumed with acquiring whatever that is and despondent when we don’t have it. We do have periods of sadness when those things are no longer available, but the sadness is not consuming. We are happy and contented with no requirement that something or somebody outside of us must be present to give us happiness.

Having said that, when someone we love graduates from Earth School before us, the loss of their presence will cause great unhappiness. The depth and duration of the worst of the grieving will be lessened by an understanding of the fact that the person lives on, just in another location and is accessible. We can then realize that we cannot have the same type of relationship we had and grow into the new relationship rather than pining for what is no more.

The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is to accomplish three purposes: to learn lessons, to grow in love and compassion, and to enjoy the experiences. The more successfully we accomplish those three purposes, the happier and more fulfilled our lives will be.

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