Aviator Amy Johnson in the Afterlife Describes Mentally Disabled People There

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Amy Johnson was the first British woman to earn a ground engineer’s license to work with planes. In 1930, she became the first woman to fly from England to Australia, an 11,000-mile flight. She went on to set more flying records. In 1940, during World War II, she joined the Air Transport Auxiliary, flying Royal Air Force Planes around the country. She died in a flight-related accident in 1941. She came through in a Leslie Flint seance in 1971.

When a person who has been mentally disabled, such as a person with Downs Syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, brain injury, hydrocephalus, or other issue that results in little mental development beyond an infant’s or young child’s mind, the person loses the physical limitations upon transition to the life after this life and is able to begin developing as a child does. Aviator Amy Johnson, speaking from spirit in a Leslie Flint session, explains in the recording that follows. Betty Greene, who sat often with Leslie Flint to interview people who came through and ran the tape recorder asks questions. A transcript is below the audio controls.

This recording is from the Leslie Flint Trust.

You can support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife with your $6 contribution.

Amy John Speaks about What Happens to Mentally Disabled People in the Afterlife

Amy Johnson: We do get people come over here who were very retarded on Earth, and mentally sort of – well not compos mentis. You know, I mean who really are like children. I, I . . . we have vast places here like lecture halls and places where people can go and be helped. And I suppose you call them kind of clinics, cum hotel, cum schools, cum colleges, you know. I mean…vast places, so vast and there’s so much that one can do and learn oneself, even when one’s helping others.

It’s amazing how even sometimes people who you wouldn’t think could teach you very much, can teach you a great deal. One learns about life all the time from people. Sometimes people are on a much higher plane or state of being and sometimes from people that, quite frankly, in some respects of course haven’t progressed at all. You see that is the joy and beauty of it, that one can meet all sorts of people and all walks of stratas of being, you know, and learn all the time and teach all the time too…it – one sort of feels all the time there’s something fresh and new and exciting. Every second, if one can use time you know.

Sitter Betty Greene:  Oh, you made a very interesting point there Amy. You talk about mentally retarded people coming over, like children. Now does a person, a mongol – you know someone with mongolism – come over as they are, as a mongol?

Amy Johnson:  Yes, yes – well no they don’t in a sense. I mean they don’t suddenly become very bright but um…they are more shall we say…er how do I put it…?

Sitter Betty Greene:  Not quite so much as they were on this side?

Amy Johnson:  Well no, it’s very difficult to explain this because . . . the physical side is purely physical anyway, and that no longer applies so therefore they are not under the same condition with the same handicap. But of course there has been a retarded condition, a mental condition and it is this mental aspect that we have to work on.

But usually of course they are quite bright in themselves even when on Earth, it’s just that they cannot express themselves or their brain doesn’t function properly. But it doesn’t alter the fact that there is the ability there, there is the possibility and of course here it is all ability and possibility to achieve, er, and of course under the different conditions they are different and they’re much more able to assimilate knowledge and experience, they’re much more teachable you know.

And we don’t have the same sort of problems obviously that you would on Earth because that isn’t the same physical, material body. It’s a rarified body and it is a perfect body. And whereas the person may have had an imperfect body, physically, here they have a perfect body which immediately brings about certain changes anyway.

And then of course it is a matter of adjustment with the mind and the spirit, as it were, as one, in tune with the, as you call it, etheric body. It’s a combination of harmony you see. Whereas there is disharmony in your world, not only with er, deformed children and so on, but with every human being practically, in the sense, there is disharmony. So this is the thing that you have to do, you have to start to create harmony. You have to become as it were tuned in and this is the hardest part for most people when they first come here. And much harder sometimes for people who have got very strong fixed, firm views and ideas because they create stumbling blocks.

Amy Johnson was the first British woman to earn a ground engineer’s license to work with planes. In 1930, she became the first woman to fly from England to Australia, an 11,000-mile flight. She went on to set more flying records. In 1940, during World War II, she joined the Air Transport Auxiliary, flying Royal Air Force Planes around the country. She died in a flight-related accident in 1941. She came through in a Leslie Flint seance in 1971.

When a person who has been mentally disabled, such as a person with Downs Syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, brain injury, hydrocephalus, or other issue that results in little mental development beyond an infant’s or young child’s mind, the person loses the physical limitations upon transition to the life after this life and is able to begin developing as a child does. Aviator Amy Johnson, speaking from spirit in a Leslie Flint session, explains in the recording that follows. Betty Greene, who sat often with Leslie Flint to interview people who came through and ran the tape recorder asks questions. A transcript is below the audio controls.

This recording is from the Leslie Flint Trust.

You can support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife with your $6 contribution.

Amy John Speaks about What Happens to Mentally Disabled People in the Afterlife

Amy Johnson: We do get people come over here who were very retarded on Earth, and mentally sort of – well not compos mentis. You know, I mean who really are like children. I, I . . . we have vast places here like lecture halls and places where people can go and be helped. And I suppose you call them kind of clinics, cum hotel, cum schools, cum colleges, you know. I mean…vast places, so vast and there’s so much that one can do and learn oneself, even when one’s helping others.

It’s amazing how even sometimes people who you wouldn’t think could teach you very much, can teach you a great deal. One learns about life all the time from people. Sometimes people are on a much higher plane or state of being and sometimes from people that, quite frankly, in some respects of course haven’t progressed at all. You see that is the joy and beauty of it, that one can meet all sorts of people and all walks of stratas of being, you know, and learn all the time and teach all the time too…it – one sort of feels all the time there’s something fresh and new and exciting. Every second, if one can use time you know.

Sitter Betty Greene:  Oh, you made a very interesting point there Amy. You talk about mentally retarded people coming over, like children. Now does a person, a mongol – you know someone with mongolism – come over as they are, as a mongol?

Amy Johnson:  Yes, yes – well no they don’t in a sense. I mean they don’t suddenly become very bright but um…they are more shall we say…er how do I put it…?

Sitter Betty Greene:  Not quite so much as they were on this side?

Amy Johnson:  Well no, it’s very difficult to explain this because . . . the physical side is purely physical anyway, and that no longer applies so therefore they are not under the same condition with the same handicap. But of course there has been a retarded condition, a mental condition and it is this mental aspect that we have to work on.

But usually of course they are quite bright in themselves even when on Earth, it’s just that they cannot express themselves or their brain doesn’t function properly. But it doesn’t alter the fact that there is the ability there, there is the possibility and of course here it is all ability and possibility to achieve, er, and of course under the different conditions they are different and they’re much more able to assimilate knowledge and experience, they’re much more teachable you know.

And we don’t have the same sort of problems obviously that you would on Earth because that isn’t the same physical, material body. It’s a rarified body and it is a perfect body. And whereas the person may have had an imperfect body, physically, here they have a perfect body which immediately brings about certain changes anyway.

And then of course it is a matter of adjustment with the mind and the spirit, as it were, as one, in tune with the, as you call it, etheric body. It’s a combination of harmony you see. Whereas there is disharmony in your world, not only with er, deformed children and so on, but with every human being practically, in the sense, there is disharmony. So this is the thing that you have to do, you have to start to create harmony. You have to become as it were tuned in and this is the hardest part for most people when they first come here. And much harder sometimes for people who have got very strong fixed, firm views and ideas because they create stumbling blocks.

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