Proof You Will Not Die When Your Brain and Body Die

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Proof there is life after death

A Seek Reality Online member asked this question. “You say the mind is not in the brain, but don’t split-brain experiments indicate that’s not true?” In this video, I explain why we know the mind is not affected by a split-brain or any other deformity or damage to the brain. Your mind is not in your brain. A transcript follows the video controls.

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A Seek Reality Online member asked us how we can say the mind is not in the brain when experiments seem to show that splitting the brain causes changes in mental and physical functions. A related question is, how can a mind be affected by brain problems such as Alzheimer’s or Down’s syndrome if the mind is not in the brain?

You may have read that the brain has a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere joined by the corpus callosum. Each half of the brain controls the opposite half of the body and has unique features. The left side usually is the primary source of speech and language abilities. The right specializes in visual-spatial processing and facial recognition. When the two halves are separated, bizarre things may happen. There are incidents in which a person with a split brain has one hand buttoning a shirt while the other is unbuttoning it. Another puts on his pants with one hand and is taking them off with the other. One patient grabbed his wife with his left hand and shook her violently, but his right hand came to her aid and grabbed the aggressive left hand.

Let me explain why this doesn’t indicate your mind is in your brain. Everything on Earth has a reason for it. There is a Sun for warmth and light. We eat food to nourish the body. In the next life, there is no Sun because there is always comfortable warmth. There is an ambient light without a source.  Needing a Sun and food are just part of the Earth plane with its physical nature.

On Earth, there is a source or reason for everything. In the same way, the Earth experience needs a place for the mind to be located, so the Earth experience has a brain. The brain seems to be responsible for mental activities and behaviors. But that’s just part of the Earth School play. Minds don’t need brains.

Here’s why we know that. During the play of our lives, people have brain defects of all sorts, such as Alzheimer’s and Down’s syndrome. Their minds act in ways that correspond to the defects. The person’s mind is playing the role of having a damaged or developmentally disabled brain that affects the mind. But we know that the mind of these individuals is whole and healthy. It never has defects. People with Alzheimer’s or dementia have deteriorated brains that look like Swiss cheese. But they often have terminal lucidity. In the hours before the body dies, they may become alert, clear-minded, and articulate, as though they never had Alzheimer’s or dementia causing a defective brain.  People blind from birth see during near-death experiences. Their minds are released from the role playing of the brain with blindness and they have perfect sight.

The minds of developmentally disabled people communicate clearly and intelligently through mediums. Their minds are not affected by the condition of the body. The person maintains the role of having defects in the brain while still in Earth School. But the person is not in the brain and doesn’t need the brain. When the person is released from the brain in near-death experiences or the death of the body, their mind is whole, healthy, and intelligent. It was never affected by the condition of the brain and body. The brain is just part of the scenery in the play of our lives in Earth School.

When you come to the end of this life, regardless of any physcial disabilities you may have, you will emerge into the next life healthy and whole, with no defects. You will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

Proof You Will Not Die When Your Brain and Body Die
Article Name
Proof You Will Not Die When Your Brain and Body Die
A Seek Reality Online member asked this question. “You say the mind is not in the brain, but don’t split-brain experiments indicate that’s not true?” In this video, Dr. R. Craig Hogan explains why we know the mind is not affected by a split brain or any other deformity or damage to the brain. Your mind is not in your brain, so you will continue to live in the afterlife after your brain dies.
Proof there is life after death

A Seek Reality Online member asked this question. “You say the mind is not in the brain, but don’t split-brain experiments indicate that’s not true?” In this video, I explain why we know the mind is not affected by a split-brain or any other deformity or damage to the brain. Your mind is not in your brain. A transcript follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

A Seek Reality Online member asked us how we can say the mind is not in the brain when experiments seem to show that splitting the brain causes changes in mental and physical functions. A related question is, how can a mind be affected by brain problems such as Alzheimer’s or Down’s syndrome if the mind is not in the brain?

You may have read that the brain has a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere joined by the corpus callosum. Each half of the brain controls the opposite half of the body and has unique features. The left side usually is the primary source of speech and language abilities. The right specializes in visual-spatial processing and facial recognition. When the two halves are separated, bizarre things may happen. There are incidents in which a person with a split brain has one hand buttoning a shirt while the other is unbuttoning it. Another puts on his pants with one hand and is taking them off with the other. One patient grabbed his wife with his left hand and shook her violently, but his right hand came to her aid and grabbed the aggressive left hand.

Let me explain why this doesn’t indicate your mind is in your brain. Everything on Earth has a reason for it. There is a Sun for warmth and light. We eat food to nourish the body. In the next life, there is no Sun because there is always comfortable warmth. There is an ambient light without a source.  Needing a Sun and food are just part of the Earth plane with its physical nature.

On Earth, there is a source or reason for everything. In the same way, the Earth experience needs a place for the mind to be located, so the Earth experience has a brain. The brain seems to be responsible for mental activities and behaviors. But that’s just part of the Earth School play. Minds don’t need brains.

Here’s why we know that. During the play of our lives, people have brain defects of all sorts, such as Alzheimer’s and Down’s syndrome. Their minds act in ways that correspond to the defects. The person’s mind is playing the role of having a damaged or developmentally disabled brain that affects the mind. But we know that the mind of these individuals is whole and healthy. It never has defects. People with Alzheimer’s or dementia have deteriorated brains that look like Swiss cheese. But they often have terminal lucidity. In the hours before the body dies, they may become alert, clear-minded, and articulate, as though they never had Alzheimer’s or dementia causing a defective brain.  People blind from birth see during near-death experiences. Their minds are released from the role playing of the brain with blindness and they have perfect sight.

The minds of developmentally disabled people communicate clearly and intelligently through mediums. Their minds are not affected by the condition of the body. The person maintains the role of having defects in the brain while still in Earth School. But the person is not in the brain and doesn’t need the brain. When the person is released from the brain in near-death experiences or the death of the body, their mind is whole, healthy, and intelligent. It was never affected by the condition of the brain and body. The brain is just part of the scenery in the play of our lives in Earth School.

When you come to the end of this life, regardless of any physcial disabilities you may have, you will emerge into the next life healthy and whole, with no defects. You will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

Proof You Will Not Die When Your Brain and Body Die
Article Name
Proof You Will Not Die When Your Brain and Body Die
A Seek Reality Online member asked this question. “You say the mind is not in the brain, but don’t split-brain experiments indicate that’s not true?” In this video, Dr. R. Craig Hogan explains why we know the mind is not affected by a split brain or any other deformity or damage to the brain. Your mind is not in your brain, so you will continue to live in the afterlife after your brain dies.

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