A Woman Who Has No Inner Voice or Monologue

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Having no inner voice or monologue

Many people have no inner voice that results in an inner monologue. They have thoughts as “sketches.” If you have little inner monologue, when someone says “imagine this,” substitute references to voicing words in conscious Awareness with the lists and visual imagery of concepts and things you have in your conscious Awareness.

You can view the video of a woman who has no inner monologue describing what that is like for her.

Having no inner voice or monologue

Many people have no inner voice that results in an inner monologue. They have thoughts as “sketches.” If you have little inner monologue, when someone says “imagine this,” substitute references to voicing words in conscious Awareness with the lists and visual imagery of concepts and things you have in your conscious Awareness.

You can view the video of a woman who has no inner monologue describing what that is like for her.

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