What Do People Do in the Afterlife? Unveiling Heavenly Realms

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What Is Life in the Afterlife Like?

Overall, life in the afterlife is believed to be a rich and fulfilling experience, where people can continue to learn, grow, and explore in a loving and supportive environment. It is a place of peace, harmony, and unity, where all souls are interconnected and working towards a common goal of spiritual evolution.

People in the Afterlife Have Bodies

Those in the afterlife have physical bodies that resemble their earthly forms, allowing them to walk to their intended destinations. Nevertheless, they also possess the power to instantly transport themselves to any location they desire by focusing their attention on it. However, one cannot enter another’s presence unless the individual is willing to receive the visitor. As such, people still retain their privacy and freedom of choice to decide with whom they wish to interact. Arthur Ford, communicating through medium Ruth Montgomery, elaborated on this concept.

It is true that we are able to think ourselves into any locale to see almost anyone, but … if no one wants to see you, you are not able to intrude on his solitude or other activities. It must be a two-way street. 

However, in the early periods after the transition, people prefer to walk unless the destination is far or in another realm.

The Afterlife Has Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

People have the same thrill in driving cars, motorcycles, and boats, but machinery doesn’t power them. The boats sail without difficulty and the motorcycles speed down the road with ease because of the person controlling the effort intends to have the boat or motorcycle speed forward. 

There are automobiles, but they do not burn petroleum products and emit noxious gasses. In some communities, hobby groups of people interested in automobiles have created replicas of particular models of automobiles. They ride in them for sport and pleasure.

People in the Afterlife Play Sports and Have Races

There are races and other contests, but those engaged in them have only a friendly rivalry. There is no reward involved. The participants enjoy becoming more capable and accomplished, not being better than someone else. People play sports such as baseball and football in areas designed for the sports. 

People May Speak or Communicate Telepathically

Everyone may communicate by making vocal sounds or through telepathy. The longer someone is a resident of the life after this life, the more interested the person is in foregoing the ponderous action of stringing words together to convey thoughts. Minds are more open to each other so thoughts are accessible by anyone through telepathy.

Henry Thibault conveys the messages of a speaker coming through a medium known as A. B. using automatic writing. The speaker describes a remarkable blending of minds between people. This is a summary:

When I encountered my beloved wife on the other side, something remarkable occurred. She and I became one, with all of her knowledge and emotions becoming a part of my consciousness. Everything that I had tried and failed to accomplish, as well as my successes, were known to her without the need for words or thoughts in the way that they are understood on Earth. Although we were one, we remained unique and separate individuals, with a complete understanding of each other to the fullest extent of our capacity.

However, it is possible to use our free will to deliberately keep our thoughts to ourselves. That requires more effort, so if someone is freely, spontaneously speaking, the thoughts will simply pour out into the discourse.

There is a “universal spirit language,” so that people who came from various language backgrounds are all able to understand conversations and discourses. They explain that people in groups with similar customs from earth keep their languages as long as they want to, but in communicating with people who speak other languages, the communication is through telepathy of messages so language is not a barrier. 

In the Afterlife, People Can Do Anything of Interest to Them

In the afterlife, individuals have the unique opportunity to access a vast and profound reservoir of knowledge, allowing them to explore any subject that piques their interest. They can engage in discussions with other souls and delve into various philosophies and perspectives, actively participating in their own learning and growth. The afterlife is a realm of endless possibilities, where souls are free to expand their understanding of the universe and their place within it.

Additionally, people in the afterlife can engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and energy work to further their spiritual growth and development. They can also connect with their spirit guides and receive guidance and support in their journey.

Performances are given of historical events in which the actual people involved in the activities perform as they did in the events.

When someone wants to engage in a pleasurable activity, the circumstances are available. The desire for the activity among people interested in it makes the equipment or circumstances available, without request. Mary Ann Ross, speaking in a Leslie Flint session, said she always wanted to play the piano when she was on the earth. After her transition, when she entered the house in which she was to live, she was amazed to see a piano there. The man accompanying her was a piano teacher. When she sat to play the piano, she received mental guidance from her teacher so she played well very quickly. You can listen to the recording of Mary Ann Ross describing from spirit when she first saw the piano and played it at www.earthschoolanswers.com/ross4/.

There Is No Hunting or Other Activity That Terrorizes Animals

There is no hunting or other activity that would terrorize or injure animals. There is no slaughter allowed, under whatever cloak it masquerades, such as sport. In this realm, animals cannot die, but they can be subject to terror. Therefore that constitutes injury and is not allowed. 

People Attend Concerts and Plays

Monsignor Benson explains that there are beautiful theaters for concerts and plays, and vast libraries that contain every work produced by humankind both in this stage of life and the next. There are halls devoted to painting, sculpture, literature, fabrics, tapestries, and many other subjects, filled with people practicing their skills and enjoying the camaraderie of people with the same interests. Every art object and discovery is represented there. None is lost.

Lester Kolterman in spirit, giving messages through Miss Lillian Walbrook, his aunt, describes his recreation activities. In the afterlife, people can create their own environments that reflect their tastes and preferences. This includes creating music rooms, art galleries, and other spaces for recreation and relaxation. 

What Do People Do in the Afterlife? Unveiling Heavenly Realms
Article Name
What Do People Do in the Afterlife? Unveiling Heavenly Realms
Explore what people do in the afterlife: Bodies like Earth, with telepathy. No hunting; sports, concerts, and art flourish harmoniously.
What Is Life in the Afterlife Like?

Overall, life in the afterlife is believed to be a rich and fulfilling experience, where people can continue to learn, grow, and explore in a loving and supportive environment. It is a place of peace, harmony, and unity, where all souls are interconnected and working towards a common goal of spiritual evolution.

People in the Afterlife Have Bodies

Those in the afterlife have physical bodies that resemble their earthly forms, allowing them to walk to their intended destinations. Nevertheless, they also possess the power to instantly transport themselves to any location they desire by focusing their attention on it. However, one cannot enter another’s presence unless the individual is willing to receive the visitor. As such, people still retain their privacy and freedom of choice to decide with whom they wish to interact. Arthur Ford, communicating through medium Ruth Montgomery, elaborated on this concept.

It is true that we are able to think ourselves into any locale to see almost anyone, but … if no one wants to see you, you are not able to intrude on his solitude or other activities. It must be a two-way street. 

However, in the early periods after the transition, people prefer to walk unless the destination is far or in another realm.

The Afterlife Has Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

People have the same thrill in driving cars, motorcycles, and boats, but machinery doesn’t power them. The boats sail without difficulty and the motorcycles speed down the road with ease because of the person controlling the effort intends to have the boat or motorcycle speed forward. 

There are automobiles, but they do not burn petroleum products and emit noxious gasses. In some communities, hobby groups of people interested in automobiles have created replicas of particular models of automobiles. They ride in them for sport and pleasure.

People in the Afterlife Play Sports and Have Races

There are races and other contests, but those engaged in them have only a friendly rivalry. There is no reward involved. The participants enjoy becoming more capable and accomplished, not being better than someone else. People play sports such as baseball and football in areas designed for the sports. 

People May Speak or Communicate Telepathically

Everyone may communicate by making vocal sounds or through telepathy. The longer someone is a resident of the life after this life, the more interested the person is in foregoing the ponderous action of stringing words together to convey thoughts. Minds are more open to each other so thoughts are accessible by anyone through telepathy.

Henry Thibault conveys the messages of a speaker coming through a medium known as A. B. using automatic writing. The speaker describes a remarkable blending of minds between people. This is a summary:

When I encountered my beloved wife on the other side, something remarkable occurred. She and I became one, with all of her knowledge and emotions becoming a part of my consciousness. Everything that I had tried and failed to accomplish, as well as my successes, were known to her without the need for words or thoughts in the way that they are understood on Earth. Although we were one, we remained unique and separate individuals, with a complete understanding of each other to the fullest extent of our capacity.

However, it is possible to use our free will to deliberately keep our thoughts to ourselves. That requires more effort, so if someone is freely, spontaneously speaking, the thoughts will simply pour out into the discourse.

There is a “universal spirit language,” so that people who came from various language backgrounds are all able to understand conversations and discourses. They explain that people in groups with similar customs from earth keep their languages as long as they want to, but in communicating with people who speak other languages, the communication is through telepathy of messages so language is not a barrier. 

In the Afterlife, People Can Do Anything of Interest to Them

In the afterlife, individuals have the unique opportunity to access a vast and profound reservoir of knowledge, allowing them to explore any subject that piques their interest. They can engage in discussions with other souls and delve into various philosophies and perspectives, actively participating in their own learning and growth. The afterlife is a realm of endless possibilities, where souls are free to expand their understanding of the universe and their place within it.

Additionally, people in the afterlife can engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and energy work to further their spiritual growth and development. They can also connect with their spirit guides and receive guidance and support in their journey.

Performances are given of historical events in which the actual people involved in the activities perform as they did in the events.

When someone wants to engage in a pleasurable activity, the circumstances are available. The desire for the activity among people interested in it makes the equipment or circumstances available, without request. Mary Ann Ross, speaking in a Leslie Flint session, said she always wanted to play the piano when she was on the earth. After her transition, when she entered the house in which she was to live, she was amazed to see a piano there. The man accompanying her was a piano teacher. When she sat to play the piano, she received mental guidance from her teacher so she played well very quickly. You can listen to the recording of Mary Ann Ross describing from spirit when she first saw the piano and played it at www.earthschoolanswers.com/ross4/.

There Is No Hunting or Other Activity That Terrorizes Animals

There is no hunting or other activity that would terrorize or injure animals. There is no slaughter allowed, under whatever cloak it masquerades, such as sport. In this realm, animals cannot die, but they can be subject to terror. Therefore that constitutes injury and is not allowed. 

People Attend Concerts and Plays

Monsignor Benson explains that there are beautiful theaters for concerts and plays, and vast libraries that contain every work produced by humankind both in this stage of life and the next. There are halls devoted to painting, sculpture, literature, fabrics, tapestries, and many other subjects, filled with people practicing their skills and enjoying the camaraderie of people with the same interests. Every art object and discovery is represented there. None is lost.

Lester Kolterman in spirit, giving messages through Miss Lillian Walbrook, his aunt, describes his recreation activities. In the afterlife, people can create their own environments that reflect their tastes and preferences. This includes creating music rooms, art galleries, and other spaces for recreation and relaxation. 

What Do People Do in the Afterlife? Unveiling Heavenly Realms
Article Name
What Do People Do in the Afterlife? Unveiling Heavenly Realms
Explore what people do in the afterlife: Bodies like Earth, with telepathy. No hunting; sports, concerts, and art flourish harmoniously.
Seek Reality on the afterlife and afterlife communication

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