Use Automatic Writing to Communicate with Those in the Afterlife

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Use automatic writing for afterlife communication

The gifted medium and teacher Teal Swan explains how to use automatic writing to communicate with people living in the afterlife, guides, your higher self, and others. Automatic writing is a wonderful way to communicate because it helps you get your mind out of the way as you write as quickly as things come to you. When you become adept at automatic writing, you’ll find you just scribble on the paper or move your hand around on the paper while messages are coming to you.

To learn more about Teal Swan’s work, go to

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Use automatic writing for afterlife communication

The gifted medium and teacher Teal Swan explains how to use automatic writing to communicate with people living in the afterlife, guides, your higher self, and others. Automatic writing is a wonderful way to communicate because it helps you get your mind out of the way as you write as quickly as things come to you. When you become adept at automatic writing, you’ll find you just scribble on the paper or move your hand around on the paper while messages are coming to you.

To learn more about Teal Swan’s work, go to

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