People today see others dying all around them, but they have been raised with faulty conceptions and assumptions about what happens after the body dies. As a result, people live in fear of the end of life. They see themselves as ephemeral beings, living a moment in time, separated from others, and dependent solely on their own resources to be happy. So they must be self-serving and take as much as they can from life without regard for others.
The video that follows describes what life will be like when all people believe the evidence of the afterlife. A transcript of the video follows the video controls.
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People Today Are Taught to Doubt the Abundant Proof of the Afterlife
People today are taught we’re not 100 percent sure we live on after the body dies. We cannot know about or communicate with the place people go after the body dies. If there’s a life after this life, what it’s like is a mystery. Religions suggest we’ll spend all day, every day throughout eternity, worshipping God or strumming harps on clouds. That’s the only vision of the afterlife people have.
People are taught there’s a veil between this life and the next that cannot be penetrated. A recent poll found that 67 percent of those studied believe there is a place of torment called Hell.
Children Learn to Fear Death of the Body
Children learn by watching adults reacting in deep grief. When a body dies, they learn the death of the body is a terrible thing to be feared. People might say grandma’s watching over us, but they don’t act like they really believe it. They fear death strongly. Children learn that.
People Today Are Taught We Cannot Contact Those Whose Bodies Have Died
People today are taught that those who leave the earth are inaccessible. If they’re out there, we can’t reach them. They go to cemeteries to visit their loved ones, thinking they must be in the ground or in a mausoleum.
People believe we must have a medium to contact people in the life after this life, and only then we might have contact during one or two brief 60-minute sessions with a medium. Ordinary people cannot contact loved ones living in the next life.
The Teachings about the End of This Life Are Primitive Superstitions
These teachings are primitive superstitions. We are technologically advanced, but in our understanding of death and the afterlife, we are living in the Stone Age. We who are immersed in the study of the life after this life, know that those mistaken beliefs are not true. They are mistaken beliefs that come from ignorance.
We Know With Certainty There Is Life after Death
Since we now know the truth without doubt, we can say with certainty we live on after the body dies. We’re 100 percent sure what life in the next life is like. It is not a mystery. We know in great detail about there, and we know for sure we don’t worship God all day or sit on clouds strumming harps. We live in a world much the same as the Earth plane, but without the negatives and with more glorious environments. We know people don’t go somewhere else when the body dies. They just stop using the body and focus on another reality.
The life after this life coexists with us. It isn’t far away. We have a transition with a change of focus, just as though we were looking at a sunset one moment and turn to look at a mountain the next. The sunset is still there when we look at the mountain. The mountain is still there when we’re looking at the sunset. We’ve just changed focus. There is only here.
We know the cemetery is a place where we toss off the old tattered bodies we no longer want. People don’t need to visit a cemetery. Our loved ones are here now embracing us as we think about them. They are just a thought away. The people who leave the earth are very accessible. They want to communicate with us. All we have to do is turn our focus to them. They will respond by filling our awareness with their messages.
We Know How to Have Afterlife Communication
We don’t need to have a medium to communicate with people living in the next life. We can connect ourselves sometimes with help. Forms of communication are 98 percent successful in helping ordinary people have their own afterlife communication. That is reality.
We live on after the body dies in an environment filled with new, exciting, wonderful experiences. And now we have complete access to people living in the life after this life. They want to be involved in our lives, communicating with us and helping us as part of their continuing growth in love and compassion. They’re still growing spiritually, and we are helping them grow. In turn, they can help us as we learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy our lives.
We Can Envision What Life Will Be Like When All Know the Truth
Nearly all people today don’t know these truths, but we can envision what life would be like when everyone knows these truths with conviction. I want to share with you what life will be like.
Children Will Be Taught the Evidence for the Afterlife
People will learn from childhood about the life after this life and how to communicate with those living there. Children will learn through instruction and their parents’ example that when someone’s body dies, that person is still alive, just taking on a different focus. It will be common knowledge. There will be sadness at the cessation of interactions with the person’s familiar body. But there will be no funerals, only celebrations of the person’s graduation to the next life and shared expectations for the wonderful reunion that will soon come for everyone.
Today, schools and universities teach about the stages of life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, and old age. They don’t teach about the transition resulting from the death of the body. They certainly don’t talk about the life after this life. When death of the body and the change of focus to the next life are accepted as just another stage of life, schools and universities will openly teach about it. The sociology and psychology courses will carry teaching the stages of life into what happens with the death of the body and what life is like in the life after this life.
Families Will Openly Talk with Loved Ones in the Afterlife
Families will openly talk about the end of this life and the life in the next life. Everyone will take it for granted that the family will be together after all come to the end of this life. The media will have truthful, realistic portrayals of the next life as part of the environment for dramas. The audience will accept all of it as true, just as they accept that young people graduate from college in festive ceremonies. The life after this life will be an “Of course, it’s true” reality, commonly known.
Many People Will Be Mediums
We can imagine what life will be like when all people share those convictions. What we regard now as a special ability to speak to those who have transitioned will be a common ability. Many people will have advanced abilities to communicate because all will have been raised as children to accept the communication and will be encouraged to develop any special abilities they have. There will be many people in the neighborhood who are especially adept at communicating. They will help others to learn how to connect themselves.
All people can communicate with loved ones who have made the transition. We have the data to show that’s true even today, with a success rate of 98 percent for some methods of afterlife communication. When communication becomes a common fact of daily life, everyone will be raised to experience uplifting afterlife communications with people living in the next life, with messages, extended dialogues, and senses of being touched, embraced and kissed.
People with unique medium abilities will have their abilities nurtured from a young age so they will become even more capable. Family members will be known for the clarity of their connections and consulted by other family members openly.
Our Daily Lives Will Change When We All Are Certain of the Proof of the Afterlife
When all people know these truths, our daily lives will change. It will be common for someone to come into the office and before the meeting starts remark, “I had a conversation with Dad last night. He congratulated us on what we’ve done with the company since his transition.” Everyone responds to his dad, Simon in Spirit. They’ll say “Thanks Simon for the vote of confidence” and “Yes, thanks,” knowing Simon is in the room, unseen at that moment. It will not be unusual or unacceptable when someone describes having conversations with people in the next life, even during such meetings. Others will listen attentively and expectantly.
People Will Invite Their Loved Ones in the Afterlife to Events
People living in the life after this life will be invited to events such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and baby showers. People now attend them to enjoy each other’s company and experience the joy of being together. When all people know the reality of life after this life, the people at the gatherings will refer to their loved ones living in the next life, who are there, even to leaving chairs for them. The conversation will casually turn to references to the people in spirit, such as a recently transitioned man named George might experience at a wedding reception. Someone says, “George, I always remember the way you loved wedding cake. I’m sure you’re having your fill of it now.” Someone in the party remarks, “George just said, ‘I get the cake now but I don’t have to scrape off the frosting.’” Everyone laughs someone else says, “Yes, I got the same message.”
Acknowledgment of the presence of the person living in the next life will be common in gatherings. Schools and community colleges will have courses in how to improve a person’s afterlife communication skills. A student in any class might share a message from someone in the next life, a guide, or even a renowned author or scientist in the life after this life.
People Will Learn How to Be a Medium
Some people may have a rudimentary knowledge of how to communicate with people other than their own family, so when that person describes what a person in Spirit has communicated, others will validate it or will say they’re not getting the same message. The ability to communicate successfully will be so common that people can help those who are off track to improve their senses of communication.
Religions Will be Replaced with Gatherings Where People Talk about their Afterlife Experiences
The old-time religions will be replaced by gatherings where people share what they have been learning from those in the next plane of life and involve those people in the discussions. There will be no liturgies, just singing, lively discussions, and an abundance of love among the participants, seen and unseen. There will be no talk of judgment or condemnation in this life or the next, just sharing the wonderful truths about the life after this life.
People Will Casually Talk about Their Afterlives to Come
There will be casual comments about the reunions that will happen when people transition to the next life, such as “I’m really looking forward to talking with mom about what happened to her when she was a child” or “I’ll ask Uncle John when I get there, what his reaction was when his daughter Joan left school to become an actor.” These will be common, and all listeners will know the truth of the reunion that is coming.
Humankind Will Be More Loving and Compassionate When All Know the Evidence of the Afterlife
Humankind’s evolution toward becoming loving and compassionate will accelerate because of the counsel all people receive from guides and loved ones. Our scientists will be given insights to make discoveries that will make people’s lives more enjoyable and comfortable. Monsignor Hugh Benson, speaking from the next life through the medium Anthony Borja said
“Neither was it intended that the two worlds, ours and yours should be as they are now, so far apart in thought and contact. The day will assuredly come when our two worlds will be closely interrelated, when communication between the two will be a commonplace of life. And then the great wealth of resources of the spirit world will be open to the earth world to draw upon for the benefit of the whole human race.”
Humankind will become more loving, compassionate, and tolerant as masses of people commonly have afterlife communications. All of humanity will realize we are spiritual beings on Earth to grow in love and compassion. People will be more concerned about others’ needs more than their own. We will live in a heaven on Earth. Seem impossible? It’s only that the horizon where that life on Earth exists is a long way away. But we can see that horizon. And eventually humanity will travel to it.
In conclusion, the narrative vividly imagines a future where the acceptance of an afterlife transforms societal attitudes towards death, shifting from fear and grief to celebration and continuity. This widespread belief in and communication with the afterlife would fundamentally alter personal behaviors, educational systems, and familial interactions, fostering a more compassionate and interconnected human society. By embracing the possibilities of afterlife communication, humanity would not only alleviate the fear of death but also enrich the quality of life, promoting a culture of mutual understanding and enduring connections across the boundaries of life and death.
What evidence exists that supports the existence of an afterlife?
The content suggests that people are increasingly recognizing evidence of the afterlife through personal experiences and communications. It is claimed that with improved understanding and acceptance, nearly everyone can learn to communicate with loved ones who have transitioned, with a high success rate in afterlife communication methods.
How would a universal belief in the afterlife change our view of death?
If universally accepted, the belief in an afterlife would transform the perception of death from a feared and tragic end to a mere transition or a change of focus. Funerals would be replaced by celebrations of a person’s “graduation” to the next life, and grief would be mitigated by the continued presence and interaction with the departed.
Can everyone learn to communicate with the afterlife, and how successful is it?
According to the narrative, forms of afterlife communication have been 98 percent successful in helping ordinary people connect with those in the next life. It is suggested that nearly all people could develop the ability to communicate directly without the need for mediums.
What changes in daily life would occur if communication with the afterlife were commonplace?
Daily life would see significant changes where conversations with departed loved ones become normal and expected. People would routinely invite and interact with spirits at social events, share messages from the afterlife in professional settings, and even incorporate spiritual guidance into academic and personal development.
How would educational systems adapt to a universal belief in the afterlife?
Educational institutions would begin teaching about the afterlife as a normal stage of life. Sociology and psychology courses would discuss transitions through death as part of life’s natural progression, equipping students with both the knowledge and the skills to communicate with the afterlife.
What societal changes would arise from widespread afterlife communication?
Societal norms would shift towards more loving and compassionate behaviors, influenced by continual guidance from spiritual entities. Traditional religious practices might evolve into gatherings focused on sharing afterlife experiences, fostering a global culture centered on understanding and cooperation rather than judgment and division.