If We Are One with God, Why Do People in Near-Death Experiences See God?

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People having near-death experiences have the profound experience of being in the presence of the Divine, feeling unconditional love. How can we then say we are one with God?

This video explains why we know we are part of the Mind of God. A transcript follows the video.

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A Seek Reality Online member asked, “Many spiritual texts say God or the Source is within us. But many who have had NDEs experience a source or God that is outside of them. How could we be one with God and have the feeling of God outside of us?” In this video, I answer the reader’s question.

Hello, I’m Dr. R. Craig Hogan, president of the Afterlife Research and Education Institute and Seek Reality Online. How can we be one with the source or God and still refer to the source as outside of us?

There is nothing but God. There is only Our Universal Intelligence. We are manifestations of that Source of all being. We’re just taking on different roles to have our Earth School experiences. Our minds are still wholly the Mind of God. So God is more than within us. All we are is God.

Having said that, we have individual experiences in the roles we play in Earth School so we can learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life. We experience ourselves as separate from others, even though we are all one. We are taking on different roles. I am the individual, Craig, and I will remain that individual throughout my eternal life. But I am just Our Universal Intelligence accepting the role of an individual. If people could realize that, humankind would have more love and compassion for one another. We are more than just brothers and sisters; we are one mind taking on different roles.

As a result, when in a near-death experience, we experience God’s love without the limiting filter of our Earth-School personalities, it is overwhelming; we are experiencing the pure love we don’t feel from others in our limited Earth-School roles. People in NDEs who experience the love of God have the shroud of their Earth-School role removed so they can experience the depths of the unconditional love that is at the core of our being as individuated members of the Mind of God.

So it isn’t that God is outside of us as we experience the love of God in a near-death experience. It’s that the limitations of our role as Earth School minds are removed and our oneness with the Source of all being that is entirely loving and compassionate overwhelms us. We feel our own nature as members of Our Universal Intelligence that is pure love.

That also shows us the magnitude of love we all could have for one another if humankind learned to relax the part of our roles that tells us we’re separate from one another. We would then feel the genuine Divine love for others and from others that would naturally envelop us. Our nature is to love. Only the mindset we learned as children that we are separate from one another keeps us from feeling that love from others and expressing the love to others all the time. In a near-death experience, that mindset is temporarily removed so we feel the unconditional love of God that is at the basis of our nature that we all could feel for one another if we lived knowing we are all one in Our Universal Intelligence.


If We Are One with God, Why Do People in Near-Death Experiences See God?
Article Name
If We Are One with God, Why Do People in Near-Death Experiences See God?
People having near-death experiences have the profound experience of being in the presence of the Divine, feeling unconditional love. How can we then say we are one with God?

People having near-death experiences have the profound experience of being in the presence of the Divine, feeling unconditional love. How can we then say we are one with God?

This video explains why we know we are part of the Mind of God. A transcript follows the video.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

A Seek Reality Online member asked, “Many spiritual texts say God or the Source is within us. But many who have had NDEs experience a source or God that is outside of them. How could we be one with God and have the feeling of God outside of us?” In this video, I answer the reader’s question.

Hello, I’m Dr. R. Craig Hogan, president of the Afterlife Research and Education Institute and Seek Reality Online. How can we be one with the source or God and still refer to the source as outside of us?

There is nothing but God. There is only Our Universal Intelligence. We are manifestations of that Source of all being. We’re just taking on different roles to have our Earth School experiences. Our minds are still wholly the Mind of God. So God is more than within us. All we are is God.

Having said that, we have individual experiences in the roles we play in Earth School so we can learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy life. We experience ourselves as separate from others, even though we are all one. We are taking on different roles. I am the individual, Craig, and I will remain that individual throughout my eternal life. But I am just Our Universal Intelligence accepting the role of an individual. If people could realize that, humankind would have more love and compassion for one another. We are more than just brothers and sisters; we are one mind taking on different roles.

As a result, when in a near-death experience, we experience God’s love without the limiting filter of our Earth-School personalities, it is overwhelming; we are experiencing the pure love we don’t feel from others in our limited Earth-School roles. People in NDEs who experience the love of God have the shroud of their Earth-School role removed so they can experience the depths of the unconditional love that is at the core of our being as individuated members of the Mind of God.

So it isn’t that God is outside of us as we experience the love of God in a near-death experience. It’s that the limitations of our role as Earth School minds are removed and our oneness with the Source of all being that is entirely loving and compassionate overwhelms us. We feel our own nature as members of Our Universal Intelligence that is pure love.

That also shows us the magnitude of love we all could have for one another if humankind learned to relax the part of our roles that tells us we’re separate from one another. We would then feel the genuine Divine love for others and from others that would naturally envelop us. Our nature is to love. Only the mindset we learned as children that we are separate from one another keeps us from feeling that love from others and expressing the love to others all the time. In a near-death experience, that mindset is temporarily removed so we feel the unconditional love of God that is at the basis of our nature that we all could feel for one another if we lived knowing we are all one in Our Universal Intelligence.


If We Are One with God, Why Do People in Near-Death Experiences See God?
Article Name
If We Are One with God, Why Do People in Near-Death Experiences See God?
People having near-death experiences have the profound experience of being in the presence of the Divine, feeling unconditional love. How can we then say we are one with God?

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