A Man in the Afterlife Describes a Cat Speaking to Him

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Proof of life after death

Today, we have a great number of recordings of people in the afterlife speaking through various types of mediums. Their communication is evidence we continue to live after the body dies. This series presents descriptions by people in the afterlife coming through in Leslie Flint direct-voice medium sessions describing what happened to them when their bodies died. In this video, you will hear a man named Terry Smith describing what happened to him after he died and entered the remarkable realm of the afterlife. A transcript follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Over 2,000 recordings were made of Leslie Flint’s sessions in which people came from the afterlife into the room and spoke through an ectoplasmic voice box that formed on Flint’s shoulder. The first video in this series had voiceovers of recordings of four people speaking from the afterlife about what happened after their bodies died. This video contains another voiceover of a man speaking from the afterlife.

The speaker is a man named Terry Smith. Smith describes leaving Earth and finding himself on a pleasant street in a little town. It had all the features you would expect for a street on Earth, and much more. Smith had no relatives to greet him on the other side. His closest family, his mother, father, and siblings, were still on Earth. But no one makes the transition to the next life alone. He is greeted by a woman who tells him she is going to look after him. Smith goes with the woman into a beautiful house where he will live. This is the voiceover of the communication by Terry Smith from the afterlife.

Transcript of Terry Smith in the Afterlife

Well, it’s not impossible, but, um… Oh, I think that the first thing I remember was going up a street.

It was a street I’d never seen before and, uh, as a matter of fact, I couldn’t realise at first that it wasn’t a real street. Although it was a real street, in a sense, but not the kind of street that, you know, that I’d been used to, but…

Oh it was all very attractive. Lovely trees on either side of the road and lovely houses, ever such nice houses. There were little bungalows dotted about here and there and there were bigger houses and, yeah it was ever so attractive.

And I just couldn’t make this out at all. I thought, well…I didn’t recognise the place and yet it seemed as if it could have been somewhere, perhaps in California or something, because it was like I’d seen pictures of, you know?

A wide, sort of, boulevard with trees and sloping lawns and pretty little village…houses and things. It was like a sort of well made up village really, but I couldn’t make head or tail of it. But, uh, I’d found that, uh, there was nobody else about. It was just as if I was all there on me own. I thought, ‘this is odd’.

I didn’t even realise fully I was dead, I suppose. I thought I was probably dreaming. I don’t know, it was odd. But the road was not a bit familiar, yet there was something about it that gave me some sort of a peculiar inner confidence I suppose.

But anyway, I just walked along and there were all these very pretty houses and it seemed as dead as a dodo. Not a sound. Then I come further along I saw a very sweet lady, a very pretty woman she was. I thought anyway. She couldn’t have looked more than about twenty-eight / thirty, standing at a little gate. It was the first house that I’d seen with a gate, by the way. All the others seemed to have no entrances, no gates, you just walked up the little path to the front door, sort of thing.

There was this, sort of, fence round it and I thought, ‘well, it seems a bit odd’, after all the other houses being free of fences and that.

Anyway, this little old lady…this little woman, she was standing there – funny thing about her was she looked young and yet, I felt she was old. It sounds stupid I know, but there you are. But, um, she was leaning over this gate and as I came to her she sort of smiled.

I stopped and she said, “You looking for something, sonny?”

I thought, ‘blimey’.

I said, “Yes. Well, sort of,”…I don’t know quite what’s happening or where I am.”

“Oh,” she says, “that’s all right sonny, I’ve been waiting for you. Come in.”

So I thought, ‘well, I’ve got nothing to lose,” so I thought, ‘I’ll go in. So at least it’s someone to talk to.’

And she took me into the front – well, I suppose you’d call it a parlor. Nice little room it was, very nice, with chintzy curtains and chairs and it all looked very homely. And there was a cat sitting in one chair – a beautiful black cat – and, I don’t know, I thought, ‘well I don’t know – cats?

She says, “Come on sonny, sit down.”

So I sat down in the other chair with no cat in it, you see.

So she said, “Would you like a drink?”

I thought, ‘well, this is something like’. Would I like a drink? I thought she was going to offer me a cup of tea or something.

So I said, “Yes, I would, if you…please,”

So she said, “What would you like?”

So I thought, ‘well, I must go cagey here, you know. I don’t want to look as if I drink’, you know. So I said, “Oh, I’d like a lemon please.”

She says, “All right.”

So she goes out and comes back with a glass of lemon and I thought, ‘well I don’t know’.

So she says, “You know, you’ve nothing to worry about sonny. I’ve been waiting for you.”

So I says, “Waiting for me?”

So she says, “Yes.”

So, I didn’t know what to say. I sort of sat there, and, uh, she says, “you know you’re dead.”

So I says, “What?”

So she says, “You’re dead.”

I says, “Come off it. I, um…I can’t be dead sitting in a room here, with a cat over there and drinking a glass of lemonade. And you’re solid and real enough. How can I be dead?” I said, “I admit it’s all a bit strange.” I says, “At first I thought I was, sort of, having a dream or something.

So she says, “Well, it’s no dream, Sonny,” she says. “You’re dead.”

So I says, “Well, if you say I’m dead, how did I get here?”

So she says, “Oh that’s all right,” she says. “I was thinking and praying for you, and I’ve been given charge of you.”

After this introduction to the woman and his new living arrangements, Smith remembers that he had been on a ship in World War 1 that was torpedoed. The woman tells him he drowned. She then explains that everyone has someone meet them in the afterlife. For most, it is relatives who have gone into the afterlife before. If a person has no one, some loving person is assigned to take care of them as they become accustomed to the afterlife. This woman was assigned to take care of Smith, like his mother would. This is the narration of her explanation that he had drowned and she would take care of him. This is a voiceover narration of the communication between Terry Smith and the woman who will take care of him.


So she says, “Well, when your ship went down…”

And it suddenly came to me. When the ship went down. Last thing I remember, you know, was in the water holding on to a part of wood. I don’t know what part of the ship it was. Anyway, it was a part of wood I was clinging to, sort of thought it might hold me up, you know, but of course I realise it was hopeless now.

Anyway, she says, “You was drowned.”

So I says, “Oh.”

And she says, “There’s hundreds and hundreds of lads,” she says, “have come over.”

So I says, “Oh.”

So she says, “Yes and everyone of those lads has got someone, somewhere to look after them. Some have got their own people; relations or friends. Some have got other souls and I’m one [who’s] in charge of you.” She says, “You didn’t realise,” she says, “but you were directed. You thought you were walking on your own up the road.” she says. “But you wasn’t.” She says, “You were being helped by inspiration from a soul whose job it is to help people when they come over suddenly, like you did.”

So I says, “Oh yeah?” You know, sort of listening, like, not quite taking it all in, you know. So I says, “Well I don’t understand this at all.”

So she says, “Well don’t you worry,” she says. “You stay with me. I’ll look after you. I’ll be like your Mum.”

So I thought, ‘well that’s something,’ you know.

And, uh…then she started talking about my people – and it rather shook me, because she seemed to know all about my people – about my Mum and Dad and how they, sort of, separated and about my sister who was in the Women’s Royal Navy Service you know, and all that.

And I thought, ‘well, I don’t know, she seems to know everything about us.’

So I says, “Well are you in any way related to us?”

So she says, “Well, not really. But, um, it was part of my job to know something about your people, being as how I’ve to look after you.” And so I says, “Well, that’s funny. Since you say I’ve only just come over, how do you know about my lot?” You know.

So she says, “Oh well, that’s not difficult. It’s only a matter of tuning in,” she says. “Tuning in?” I says. “Sounds like the WIRELESS.”

So she says, “Oh well we can. If we have any special reason for wanting to know about a particular person or persons, and it’s a special work that we have to do, and we’ve got some sort of connection there that’s necessary for us to know things, then we tune in.” She says, “a little later on, not yet, we’ll go to see your people.” So I says, “Oh that’ll be nice.” So she says, “Of course, you know they won’t know you’re dead.

They won’t know you’re there. They’ll know you’re dead, but they won’t know that you’re still alive. You can watch them or go and see them. You mustn’t be too upset if no one takes any notice of you.”

So I says, “Oh. Well,” I says, “I did have an Aunt who was a Spiritualist.”

So she says, “Well that’s good,” she says. “Perhaps we can get something through in that direction. You never know. We’ll have to try her.” She says, “Well, um, for the time being, you must try and be content to be here.”

She says, “I’ve got a son on Earth, and I’m hoping one day when he comes over here that we shall be together again. I expect we shall,” she says. “But, um, in the meantime, I’m going to look upon you as if you’re my own son.”

And she says, “I’m going to do all I can for you and try and make you happy. And you’re not to worry and you’re not to feel alone or anything like that.” She says, “I think you should rest. This has all been a bit of a shock for you. I’ll take you out and you’ll be introduced to all sorts of interesting people in our community.”

So I says, “Oh yes, that’s very interesting.”

Smith then notices a cat in the room. The cat comes to him and much to his surprise speaks to him. This voiceover contains Smith’s reaction to having a cat speak to him.


Then all of a sudden, during the middle of the conversation this cat did the most funny thing, I thought. It may sound silly, but it jumped off this chair and it came up to me and it sat on it’s hind legs and it looked up at me. And it sort of cocked its ears up and – it didn’t miaow, it didn’t make that noise like a cat – but it was just as if the thing spoke! Do you know I nearly dropped…I was so shaken.

She says, “Oh, hmm,” she says, “don’t worry,” she says, “you’ll get used to that.” She says, “The animals,” she says, “over here have developed, to a great extent, their ability to make themselves understood. Of course, on Earth in a way they can do that, but we don’t hear them speak because they haven’t language as we understand it. But over here their thoughts are such that they can, sort of, vibrate the atmosphere and you can hear the sounds. And it’s merely their thoughts being transmitted to you so that you can hear them.”

This cat says, “How are you?” You know, and I thought, ‘by cripes, this is quite mad,’ you know. Cats don’t say ‘how are you?’ and, hah, I didn’t know what to do, what to say.

She says, “Don’t worry, “you’ll get used to that.” She says, “Animals are much more sensitive than people realise and they have their own knowledge of things. They can transmit thoughts and they pick up thoughts and you’ll get used to the fact that animals can convey a great deal more from this side than they can on Earth.”

Anyway I got, sort of, adjusted to the idea and I said, “Very well thanks.” And then the cat…it seemed as if the cat said – I don’t say the cat said this, but it seemed as if it said, “Well, I hope you’ll be happy here.”

And I thought, ‘well this is most peculiar.’ Then the cat went back and sat on the chair and curled up and as far as I was concerned it went to sleep.’

Of course I still couldn’t get this at all. She says, “Don’t worry, you’ll understand, that animals have a great capacity of understanding and over here they can transmit their thoughts, the same as I can transmit mine to yours, without even the effort of speaking if I want to. You can read my thoughts and I can read yours. Thought is a real thing to us and it’s very tangible and that’s why animals can communicate by thought-force,” she said.

And all this was very good, you know…sort of got me…oh, well I don’t know…this is something this is, you know.

Terry Smith learned that no one makes the transition to the next life alone. Everyone is given help, even when they have no close relatives there to greet them. And the realm we enter is as real as the Earth realm, with houses, streets, people, animals, and all the things we’re accustomed to on Earth. Terry Smith’s experience is further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

A Man in the Afterlife Describes a Cat Speaking to Him
Article Name
A Man in the Afterlife Describes a Cat Speaking to Him
A man named Terry Smith came through in a Leslie Flint session describing what he experienced when he entered the afterlife. He describes a cat in a house he entered that talked to him.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
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Proof of life after death

Today, we have a great number of recordings of people in the afterlife speaking through various types of mediums. Their communication is evidence we continue to live after the body dies. This series presents descriptions by people in the afterlife coming through in Leslie Flint direct-voice medium sessions describing what happened to them when their bodies died. In this video, you will hear a man named Terry Smith describing what happened to him after he died and entered the remarkable realm of the afterlife. A transcript follows the video controls.

Support this effort to give people the truth about the reality of the afterlife by contributing $6 for a membership.

Over 2,000 recordings were made of Leslie Flint’s sessions in which people came from the afterlife into the room and spoke through an ectoplasmic voice box that formed on Flint’s shoulder. The first video in this series had voiceovers of recordings of four people speaking from the afterlife about what happened after their bodies died. This video contains another voiceover of a man speaking from the afterlife.

The speaker is a man named Terry Smith. Smith describes leaving Earth and finding himself on a pleasant street in a little town. It had all the features you would expect for a street on Earth, and much more. Smith had no relatives to greet him on the other side. His closest family, his mother, father, and siblings, were still on Earth. But no one makes the transition to the next life alone. He is greeted by a woman who tells him she is going to look after him. Smith goes with the woman into a beautiful house where he will live. This is the voiceover of the communication by Terry Smith from the afterlife.

Transcript of Terry Smith in the Afterlife

Well, it’s not impossible, but, um… Oh, I think that the first thing I remember was going up a street.

It was a street I’d never seen before and, uh, as a matter of fact, I couldn’t realise at first that it wasn’t a real street. Although it was a real street, in a sense, but not the kind of street that, you know, that I’d been used to, but…

Oh it was all very attractive. Lovely trees on either side of the road and lovely houses, ever such nice houses. There were little bungalows dotted about here and there and there were bigger houses and, yeah it was ever so attractive.

And I just couldn’t make this out at all. I thought, well…I didn’t recognise the place and yet it seemed as if it could have been somewhere, perhaps in California or something, because it was like I’d seen pictures of, you know?

A wide, sort of, boulevard with trees and sloping lawns and pretty little village…houses and things. It was like a sort of well made up village really, but I couldn’t make head or tail of it. But, uh, I’d found that, uh, there was nobody else about. It was just as if I was all there on me own. I thought, ‘this is odd’.

I didn’t even realise fully I was dead, I suppose. I thought I was probably dreaming. I don’t know, it was odd. But the road was not a bit familiar, yet there was something about it that gave me some sort of a peculiar inner confidence I suppose.

But anyway, I just walked along and there were all these very pretty houses and it seemed as dead as a dodo. Not a sound. Then I come further along I saw a very sweet lady, a very pretty woman she was. I thought anyway. She couldn’t have looked more than about twenty-eight / thirty, standing at a little gate. It was the first house that I’d seen with a gate, by the way. All the others seemed to have no entrances, no gates, you just walked up the little path to the front door, sort of thing.

There was this, sort of, fence round it and I thought, ‘well, it seems a bit odd’, after all the other houses being free of fences and that.

Anyway, this little old lady…this little woman, she was standing there – funny thing about her was she looked young and yet, I felt she was old. It sounds stupid I know, but there you are. But, um, she was leaning over this gate and as I came to her she sort of smiled.

I stopped and she said, “You looking for something, sonny?”

I thought, ‘blimey’.

I said, “Yes. Well, sort of,”…I don’t know quite what’s happening or where I am.”

“Oh,” she says, “that’s all right sonny, I’ve been waiting for you. Come in.”

So I thought, ‘well, I’ve got nothing to lose,” so I thought, ‘I’ll go in. So at least it’s someone to talk to.’

And she took me into the front – well, I suppose you’d call it a parlor. Nice little room it was, very nice, with chintzy curtains and chairs and it all looked very homely. And there was a cat sitting in one chair – a beautiful black cat – and, I don’t know, I thought, ‘well I don’t know – cats?

She says, “Come on sonny, sit down.”

So I sat down in the other chair with no cat in it, you see.

So she said, “Would you like a drink?”

I thought, ‘well, this is something like’. Would I like a drink? I thought she was going to offer me a cup of tea or something.

So I said, “Yes, I would, if you…please,”

So she said, “What would you like?”

So I thought, ‘well, I must go cagey here, you know. I don’t want to look as if I drink’, you know. So I said, “Oh, I’d like a lemon please.”

She says, “All right.”

So she goes out and comes back with a glass of lemon and I thought, ‘well I don’t know’.

So she says, “You know, you’ve nothing to worry about sonny. I’ve been waiting for you.”

So I says, “Waiting for me?”

So she says, “Yes.”

So, I didn’t know what to say. I sort of sat there, and, uh, she says, “you know you’re dead.”

So I says, “What?”

So she says, “You’re dead.”

I says, “Come off it. I, um…I can’t be dead sitting in a room here, with a cat over there and drinking a glass of lemonade. And you’re solid and real enough. How can I be dead?” I said, “I admit it’s all a bit strange.” I says, “At first I thought I was, sort of, having a dream or something.

So she says, “Well, it’s no dream, Sonny,” she says. “You’re dead.”

So I says, “Well, if you say I’m dead, how did I get here?”

So she says, “Oh that’s all right,” she says. “I was thinking and praying for you, and I’ve been given charge of you.”

After this introduction to the woman and his new living arrangements, Smith remembers that he had been on a ship in World War 1 that was torpedoed. The woman tells him he drowned. She then explains that everyone has someone meet them in the afterlife. For most, it is relatives who have gone into the afterlife before. If a person has no one, some loving person is assigned to take care of them as they become accustomed to the afterlife. This woman was assigned to take care of Smith, like his mother would. This is the narration of her explanation that he had drowned and she would take care of him. This is a voiceover narration of the communication between Terry Smith and the woman who will take care of him.


So she says, “Well, when your ship went down…”

And it suddenly came to me. When the ship went down. Last thing I remember, you know, was in the water holding on to a part of wood. I don’t know what part of the ship it was. Anyway, it was a part of wood I was clinging to, sort of thought it might hold me up, you know, but of course I realise it was hopeless now.

Anyway, she says, “You was drowned.”

So I says, “Oh.”

And she says, “There’s hundreds and hundreds of lads,” she says, “have come over.”

So I says, “Oh.”

So she says, “Yes and everyone of those lads has got someone, somewhere to look after them. Some have got their own people; relations or friends. Some have got other souls and I’m one [who’s] in charge of you.” She says, “You didn’t realise,” she says, “but you were directed. You thought you were walking on your own up the road.” she says. “But you wasn’t.” She says, “You were being helped by inspiration from a soul whose job it is to help people when they come over suddenly, like you did.”

So I says, “Oh yeah?” You know, sort of listening, like, not quite taking it all in, you know. So I says, “Well I don’t understand this at all.”

So she says, “Well don’t you worry,” she says. “You stay with me. I’ll look after you. I’ll be like your Mum.”

So I thought, ‘well that’s something,’ you know.

And, uh…then she started talking about my people – and it rather shook me, because she seemed to know all about my people – about my Mum and Dad and how they, sort of, separated and about my sister who was in the Women’s Royal Navy Service you know, and all that.

And I thought, ‘well, I don’t know, she seems to know everything about us.’

So I says, “Well are you in any way related to us?”

So she says, “Well, not really. But, um, it was part of my job to know something about your people, being as how I’ve to look after you.” And so I says, “Well, that’s funny. Since you say I’ve only just come over, how do you know about my lot?” You know.

So she says, “Oh well, that’s not difficult. It’s only a matter of tuning in,” she says. “Tuning in?” I says. “Sounds like the WIRELESS.”

So she says, “Oh well we can. If we have any special reason for wanting to know about a particular person or persons, and it’s a special work that we have to do, and we’ve got some sort of connection there that’s necessary for us to know things, then we tune in.” She says, “a little later on, not yet, we’ll go to see your people.” So I says, “Oh that’ll be nice.” So she says, “Of course, you know they won’t know you’re dead.

They won’t know you’re there. They’ll know you’re dead, but they won’t know that you’re still alive. You can watch them or go and see them. You mustn’t be too upset if no one takes any notice of you.”

So I says, “Oh. Well,” I says, “I did have an Aunt who was a Spiritualist.”

So she says, “Well that’s good,” she says. “Perhaps we can get something through in that direction. You never know. We’ll have to try her.” She says, “Well, um, for the time being, you must try and be content to be here.”

She says, “I’ve got a son on Earth, and I’m hoping one day when he comes over here that we shall be together again. I expect we shall,” she says. “But, um, in the meantime, I’m going to look upon you as if you’re my own son.”

And she says, “I’m going to do all I can for you and try and make you happy. And you’re not to worry and you’re not to feel alone or anything like that.” She says, “I think you should rest. This has all been a bit of a shock for you. I’ll take you out and you’ll be introduced to all sorts of interesting people in our community.”

So I says, “Oh yes, that’s very interesting.”

Smith then notices a cat in the room. The cat comes to him and much to his surprise speaks to him. This voiceover contains Smith’s reaction to having a cat speak to him.


Then all of a sudden, during the middle of the conversation this cat did the most funny thing, I thought. It may sound silly, but it jumped off this chair and it came up to me and it sat on it’s hind legs and it looked up at me. And it sort of cocked its ears up and – it didn’t miaow, it didn’t make that noise like a cat – but it was just as if the thing spoke! Do you know I nearly dropped…I was so shaken.

She says, “Oh, hmm,” she says, “don’t worry,” she says, “you’ll get used to that.” She says, “The animals,” she says, “over here have developed, to a great extent, their ability to make themselves understood. Of course, on Earth in a way they can do that, but we don’t hear them speak because they haven’t language as we understand it. But over here their thoughts are such that they can, sort of, vibrate the atmosphere and you can hear the sounds. And it’s merely their thoughts being transmitted to you so that you can hear them.”

This cat says, “How are you?” You know, and I thought, ‘by cripes, this is quite mad,’ you know. Cats don’t say ‘how are you?’ and, hah, I didn’t know what to do, what to say.

She says, “Don’t worry, “you’ll get used to that.” She says, “Animals are much more sensitive than people realise and they have their own knowledge of things. They can transmit thoughts and they pick up thoughts and you’ll get used to the fact that animals can convey a great deal more from this side than they can on Earth.”

Anyway I got, sort of, adjusted to the idea and I said, “Very well thanks.” And then the cat…it seemed as if the cat said – I don’t say the cat said this, but it seemed as if it said, “Well, I hope you’ll be happy here.”

And I thought, ‘well this is most peculiar.’ Then the cat went back and sat on the chair and curled up and as far as I was concerned it went to sleep.’

Of course I still couldn’t get this at all. She says, “Don’t worry, you’ll understand, that animals have a great capacity of understanding and over here they can transmit their thoughts, the same as I can transmit mine to yours, without even the effort of speaking if I want to. You can read my thoughts and I can read yours. Thought is a real thing to us and it’s very tangible and that’s why animals can communicate by thought-force,” she said.

And all this was very good, you know…sort of got me…oh, well I don’t know…this is something this is, you know.

Terry Smith learned that no one makes the transition to the next life alone. Everyone is given help, even when they have no close relatives there to greet them. And the realm we enter is as real as the Earth realm, with houses, streets, people, animals, and all the things we’re accustomed to on Earth. Terry Smith’s experience is further evidence you will come to the end of this life, but you will never die.

A Man in the Afterlife Describes a Cat Speaking to Him
Article Name
A Man in the Afterlife Describes a Cat Speaking to Him
A man named Terry Smith came through in a Leslie Flint session describing what he experienced when he entered the afterlife. He describes a cat in a house he entered that talked to him.
Publisher Name
Seek Reality Online
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