Self-Guided Afterlife Communication 1
My Husband Robert came walking out of the forest to me. He was Handsome and young again. He had his baseball cap on, a flannel shirt. And had his saunter, I always loved the way he walked. He wrapped his arms around me and said “ oh my crazy girl”. We stood there hugging. I was crying feeling so wonderful wrapped in his arms again.
He asked me why I didn’t go fly fishing last weekend. I said all the things we loved doing together are just too hard for me with you no longer beside me physically. He said “ Baby doll we spent 43 years beside each other, we are so connected even now that I am part of you. Everything you do, I am doing it to. Your experiences are mine now, as are mine with you. Picture us as one”. I am there just as we were there at 11 year olds – today”.
Crazy Girl most times you are trying so hard for connection that you actually block. Relax, feel and just be( rubbed his nose on mine). I know he stated the truth on that! Then he said remember our words sense teenagers “ Forever Robert and Shar” well this is still forever….. when does forever end?
And I came to with tears streaming down my face. Not from sadness, but overwhelmed with being in his arms, seeing his face, and feeling that confidence that “WE” always innately gave me!
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Self-Guided Afterlife Communication 2
Stage 5
Jane, I’m sure you know my thoughts, but I’ll say it all again. Since your passing I have lost all aspirations for this life I just go through the motions nothing inspires me anymore. I realized that all my business endeavors in the past were there because you were there by my side. You always encouraged me and gave me strength and purpose. It’s all sadly missing now, and the truth is I have become extremely introverted now very much a loner with no desire to “get out there”. Plus I feel I’m too damn old now to do anything meaningful.
I miss you, I love you, and I often just have daydream memories, particularly of our younger years. I also have memories that I try to bury deeply of your last days and how that ghastly disease took your life. With all this said I’m standing strong for our daughter Nikki, and I believe you know this. She does struggle with your passing even though it’s been over 3 years. I just hope that you can help her in spirit as you did whilst you were with her. She loves you deeply and was very dependent on you. I can only do so much for her and often times shuts me down when I try to open up conversation.
I’m sure you know all this. I need to stop!! I’m being so selfish just blabbing away when I should be asking HOW ARE YOU? Have you found peace and joy. Is the spiritual plane as beautiful as we are told it is? Have you caught up with our parents, how is my brother Paul and your brother Kon. Are you happy? Are they puppies with you?
In reply Elleni said that Peter I know that there will be changes in your life. I will never tell to get out there …You have always been a bit of lone wolf. I cannot tell you too much as I cannot interfere with your karma but I do want to say that both you and Nikki need to find peace, I gave certain messages via John Henderson (Medium) ….Try to understand and believe those messages…. And I will always look in on Nikki but she needs to grow stronger…It is part of her life plan.