There Is No Veil between This Life and the Afterlife

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There is no veil between this life and the afterlife

There is no veil between this life and the afterlife. We have been taught since childhood that we cannot know what happens in the afterlife. That is not true. We know what the afterlife is like and that there is life after death. This video explains why that is true. A transcript follows the video controls.

Humankind has been endeavoring to lift the veil between this world and the next, believing the veil now is impenetrable. However, today as we learn more than humanity has ever known about who we are in eternity and the nature of the life after . . .

There is no veil between this life and the afterlife

There is no veil between this life and the afterlife. We have been taught since childhood that we cannot know what happens in the afterlife. That is not true. We know what the afterlife is like and that there is life after death. This video explains why that is true. A transcript follows the video controls.

Humankind has been endeavoring to lift the veil between this world and the next, believing the veil now is impenetrable. However, today as we learn more than humanity has ever known about who we are in eternity and the nature of the life after . . .

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