The Gospel Teachings of Jesus

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The Gospel teachings of Jesus about love

The rabbi who taught common people in the hills of the Galilee in the first century CE was named Yeshua or Yahooshua. His name came down to us as Jesus. He taught people that they must love one another unconditionally, without anger or hostility. He did not intend to form a religion, and certainly not an organization of immensely wealthy church bodies who build opulent churches while there are people starving and ill in the community. 

Today, we are rediscovering Yeshua's teachings for the first time, separated from the churches that hid his true teachings of . . .

The Gospel teachings of Jesus about love

The rabbi who taught common people in the hills of the Galilee in the first century CE was named Yeshua or Yahooshua. His name came down to us as Jesus. He taught people that they must love one another unconditionally, without anger or hostility. He did not intend to form a religion, and certainly not an organization of immensely wealthy church bodies who build opulent churches while there are people starving and ill in the community. 

Today, we are rediscovering Yeshua's teachings for the first time, separated from the churches that hid his true teachings of . . .

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