Grief Counselor Guided Afterlife Communications

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Grief counselors help people have afterlife communication -Jane Bissler

Dr. Allan Botkin

Dr. Jane Bissler

Rochelle Wright, MS

State-licensed grief counselors are helping clients have afterlife communications with the people for whom they are grieving as they sit in the grief counselor's office. This form of grief counseling uses a form of psychotherapy called eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR. The procedure is as high as 98% successful in helping people have afterlife communication experiences. The experience is so dramatic that people's grief reduces from a high of 10 on a 10-point scale to 0 to 3 in a single session.
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Grief counselors help people have afterlife communication -Jane Bissler

Dr. Allan Botkin

Dr. Jane Bissler

Rochelle Wright, MS

State-licensed grief counselors are helping clients have afterlife communications with the people for whom they are grieving as they sit in the grief counselor's office. This form of grief counseling uses a form of psychotherapy called eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR. The procedure is as high as 98% successful in helping people have afterlife communication experiences. The experience is so dramatic that people's grief reduces from a high of 10 on a 10-point scale to 0 to 3 in a single session.
This video explains . . .

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