Consciousness and the Brain
No neuroscientist has been able to find consciousness in the brain or explain how a brain could create consciousness. The reason is that consciousness is not in the brain and is not dependent on the brain.
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No neuroscientist has been able to find consciousness in the brain or explain how a brain could create consciousness. The reason is that consciousness is not in the brain and is not dependent on the brain.
We know how to be happy in this life. It is through being kind and compassionate with all people. The key to happiness is kindness.
We know what happens after we die. We know there is life after death. This article describes what happens in the moments after a person makes the transition.
No neuroscientist has been able to find consciousness in the brain or explain how a brain could create consciousness. The reason is that consciousness is not in the brain and is not dependent on the brain.
We know how to be happy in this life. It is through being kind and compassionate with all people. The key to happiness is kindness.
We know what happens after we die. We know there is life after death. This article describes what happens in the moments after a person makes the transition.
How you can have an afterlife communication. To connect with a loved one in the afterlife, you just have to learn to relax into the communication. We know there is life after death and you can communicate with your loved one.
We know the universe is more than senseless matter and energy. It is Our Universal Intelligence that teaches us how to have a happy life. We just have to learn to listen.
We know medium readings are valid. One reason is that some readings have events in them that could not happen unless the medium was communicating with people in the afterlife. This article explains one such event.
People are increasingly lonely and unhappy. That will change when people realize we are eternal beings who never die. Humanity will be reborn.
The Earth was created for us to learn lessons, grow in love and compassion, and enjoy the experiences. Since it was created, it may be much younger than believed.
Is reincarnation true? Research through contacts with people living in the afterlife show us the truth about how reincarnation affects us.
In this article we,’ll delve into the intriguing topic of life after death, a subject that has fascinated people for ages. By presenting proof and stories, we aim to explore whether there is existence of life after death, sparking curiosity about what might await us beyond death. So lets discuss. Mediumship and Messages: Gladys Osborne […]
What Happens When You Die? When the body dies, body experiences stop. The person hasn’t changed. Leaving the body behind is always painless. Those who have made the transition all remark how easy the transition is. When your body dies, you will have any one or more of afterlife these experiences: Those who experience a […]
What Is Life in Heaven Like? Humankind has long pondered the mysteries of the afterlife, asking “Where do we go after death?” These questions have fueled philosophical debates and religious doctrines for centuries. Fortunately, if you’re envisioning an eternity of idleness or monotony, think again! If you wonder about whether your afterlife is going to […]
Recorded Phone Calls from the Afterlife Are Proof of Life After Death Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a Latvian writer, psychologist, and philosopher, studied psychotherapy under Carl Jung. Raudive read a book written by a researcher into electronic voice phenomena (EVP), Friedrich Jürgenson, which was recognized as a clear book about souls communicating from the afterlife. The […]
Losing a child before oneself is one of the most emotionally devastating experiences a person can go through. The anguish and grief caused by this premature loss can be all-consuming and long-lasting, never truly fading away with the passage of time. We Are Never Separate from Children Who Die It is important for all of […]
The question of whether ghosts exist is often approached with either too much willingness or too much skepticism regarding the survival of personal consciousness after death. While some fail to recognize the impressive evidence for life after death, others dismiss alternative explanations too quickly. Interestingly, some non-survivalist explanations, such as hidden talents or psychic abilities, […]
Evidence of Life After Death We have the audio recording of a young man named David Cattanach, whose body died at age eighteen, speaking through direct-voice medium Leslie Flint with his mother. Mrs. Cattanach had frequent conversations over a period of 10 years. Mrs. Cattanach Gordon Smith, the well-known British psychic medium who knew David’s […]
Once a skeptic of near-death experiences (NDEs) despite countless reports from people, Dr. Eben Alexander was a highly skilled neurosurgeon. He believed that these experiences were merely illusions created by the brain during moments of extreme stress. However, his perspective changed drastically when he fell ill with a rare disease that caused his brain’s thought […]
We have so much evidence of what happens after death that it’s tragic that so few people know much about the afterlife. Let’s talk now about what is the best news anyone ever has received in all of human history! Religions tell made-up and sometimes frightening stories about the afterlife, and scientists refuse to consider even the possibility that we might survive our deaths, but none of that can keep the truth from being generally known for much longer. It is time to make the truth available to everyone on the face of the earth!
Join Annie Kagan as she unveils the profound messages from her brother in the afterlife. Delve into their transcendent conversations, explore realms beyond our understanding, and discover the profound insights that transcend life and death. A heartwarming journey of love and connection.
Proof of life after death in wax hands created by people from the afterlife who materialized in Franek Kluski's seances.
Descriptions of what happens in a near-death experience (NDE) show proof that the person lives after death of the body.
In his writings, James van Praagh shares that he has gained a wealth of knowledge about how to live life in the afterlife.
Is there an afterlife? We know without a doubt that there is an afterlife because we have proof of the afterlife and evidence of life after death.
The answer to "Is talking to the dead a sin?" is "No." Our loved ones in the afterlife want us to communicate with them and religions accept it.
We bring up memory experiences by intending to have them come, cueing them into our awareness, and interpreting the memories that come.
The true teachings of Jesus are wonderful and uplifting. The tyrant who fathered modern Christianity and the resulting church lost the teachings.
Our days are filled with activities we perform automatically without bringing them into awareness. We walk, talk, drive a car, or play a piano without using our conscious awareness at all. For a skill such as playing the piano, the experiences that come to mind that activate the arms and legs have been acquired through […]
We come to earth to grow spiritually. That is the reason why this universe exists. So we ought to be clear about what spiritual growth is! Consciousness is all that exists. And Consciousness exists in a range of emotion-based vibrations, from fear at the lowest and slowest vibration to perfect love at the highest and […]
The part of our minds that registers experiences is no large than a pea! Experiences come and go, but our awareness is always present. Our awareness is like a movie screen. A great variety of movies play on it. The experiences in the movies change from second to second. But the screen always remains the […]
About one hundred years ago, the father of quantum mechanics, Max Planck, made an amazing discovery. As he said in 1931, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness! Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” In fact, Dr. Planck […]
The most amazing book that you ever are likely to read is The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. Now fifty years old, this book makes the startling case that plants are conscious, they communicate with one another, and they mentally communicate with people. We now know that what we experience […]
57 scholars have contributed their personal accounts of spiritual awakening to a new book, edited by Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D., and David Lorimer. Professor Woollacott, who had a life-changing spiritual experience during a meditation retreat, shares in the book how she struggled to reconcile her scientific and spiritual pursuits, a dilemma shared by many of her […]
This Realm Is Perfectly Suited for the Purpose of Life William Buhlman, a respected expert on out-of-body experiences, posits that our world is ideally suited for fulfilling the purpose of our existence. After over forty years of intensive research into the realm beyond the physical body, Buhlman has gained a distinctive and fascinating viewpoint on […]
Do mediums really talk to the dead or not? This article presents four proofs mediums are communicating with people living in the afterlife.
The perennial questions humanity has asked are “What is the meaning of life” and “What is life’s purpose?” Until now, those asking the question have answered from the perspective of their belief system, primarily religious, humanistic, or Darwinian. None of those perspectives will provide the answer. Today we know the answers to these questions from […]
People who have made the transition to the next life are anxious to tell us about what their lives are like there. They communicate through mediums and directly to loved ones on this side of life about their transition to the next life, where the are living, who they are living with, what conditions are […]
In this article we are going to discuss is suicide a sin? and if some one commits suicide how it affects their spiritual journey. So lets explore. Is suicide a sin? The Divine Judgement Many people worry about loved ones who kill themselves. Jesus has told us that God never judges us, so suicide is not […]
The planning of our life experiences is a collaborative effort between our Souls and other beings in the afterlife who have varying levels of maturity. These beings make up our planning team and are responsible for facilitating our learning of important lessons. The composition of this team may change over time, as new members are […]
Overall, life in the afterlife is believed to be a rich and fulfilling experience, where people can continue to learn, grow, and explore in a loving and supportive environment. It is a place of peace, harmony, and unity, where all souls are interconnected and working towards a common goal of spiritual evolution. People in the […]
In the Afterlife world, there are many environments, but each is gloriously pleasant, with surroundings reminiscent of the environment of Earth School, only more beautiful than the residents are able to describe. To learn more about what does the afterlife look like, lets delve deeper into the article. The environment depends on the person’s state […]
In you article we are going to explain do people have bodies in the afterlife? So, Let’s delve into how those who’ve passed describe being youthful, free from ailments, and even growing up if they transitioned as children. What Is Life in Heaven Like? Do People Have Bodies in the Afterlife?
According to people who reside in the afterlife, there exist “thought regions” where individuals with a low moral compass and a tendency toward cruelty on Earth gather. These individuals are still determined to obstruct humanity’s progression toward love and compassion. Though these regions may be referred to as “hell,” those in the afterlife do not […]
Exploring Past-Life Regressions: Can We? Past-life regressions provide people with the opportunity to experience events from their previous lives in vivid detail. In some cases, these experiences can be validated when descriptions match the experiences of a person who has since passed away. Dr. Damian Bertrand conducted a past-life regression with a woman who accessed […]
Heaven is a wonderful realm that resembles the homes we knew on earth, but with indescribably beauty. Individuals who pass away in their sleep may awaken in a house that looks remarkably similar to the one in which they passed away. It may be so alike that they are not immediately aware that they have […]
Why Is There Evil in the World? Evil is not IN the world. People are exercising their free will by performing actions we call “evil” because they harm other people. When all of humankind matures to live with love and compassion, we will find that we called evil disappears. What Is Evil? We regard some act or […]
What Is the Meaning of Life? Our lives have meaning and purpose. We just have to realize what they are. We came into Earth School to Learn life lessons Become more loving and compassionate Enjoy life Technology has opened up a new realm of possibilities by allowing us to record and widely distribute messages from […]
A man named Rich Kelley was rafting in the ocean when a set of massive and unexpected waves threw him from the raft into the turbulent water. He lost consciousness and had a near-death experience. In his near-death experience, he was given the insight that we create the world. Watch the Video
Precipitated art is a work of art, usually a portrait, that appears on canvas without the use of human hands or brushes. It also includes images that appear on cards. For most spirit paintings, a new, clean canvas or paper is stretched over a 24-inch by 36-inch or a 24-inch by 30-inch wood frame. “Pots” […]
José Medrado is a medium with many abilities, some he had from childhood, others developed in adolescence. He started to paint mediumistically when he was 27 years old. An orphanage in Brazil called the Cidade da Luz (City of Light) was in need of funding to stay open. Medrado had a visit from the spirit […]
The act of speaking a language comes from recalled experiences with the words, syntax, intonations, and pronunciations. These complex, extensive experiences are coming from the subconscious, which is gathering them from the greater reality, outside of the person. They are not coming from the brain. One of the demonstrations that they are coming from outside […]
A man named Malcolm Nair had a remarkable near-death experience. What is important about his experience is that during the time when he was on the verge of death, he was able to experience things his body could not physically experience. In this video produced by Anthony Chene, Malcom describes what happened during his experience. […]
The gifted medium and teacher Teal Swan explains how to use automatic writing to communicate with people living in the afterlife, guides, your higher self, and others. Automatic writing is a wonderful way to communicate because it helps you get your mind out of the way as you write as quickly as things come to […]
Joseph Campbell was a devoted his life to studying and teaching about human spirit and mythology. The mythology wasn’t just from ages and cultures past that induced religious beliefs. Campbell spoke about the myths in our own lives today. The myth archetypes are in the arts, journalism, and philosophy. The living mythology makes itself known […]
From 1993 to 1998, a physical mediumship circle comprising four individuals conducted over 500 sittings, yielding remarkable evidence across various international locations such as Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain (Ibiza), Switzerland, and the USA. Their investigations attracted a diverse array of experts including electrical engineers, astrophysicists, criminologists, psychologists, mathematicians, and seasoned investigators from the Society […]
Media producer Dan Drasin’s created an excellent video about electronic voice recording (EVP) and and instrumental transcommunication (ITC) titled Calling Earth first in 2014. He has added sections to it twice. He has an insightful closing to the film explaining what the fact that we’re recording these voices today means. Dan is a media producer, […]
Mike TymnAuthor Mike Tymn describes what the collection of luminaries known as “Silver Birch” have said about whether they people in the life after this life celebrate holidays such as Christmas. Mike writes, As per the teachings of Silver Birch, the spiritual entity who conveyed messages for almost half a century via the trance mediumship […]
Medium John Edward Talks about People’s Pets in the Afterlife John Edward is a well-known, respected medium who has had a successful television program and author of several New York Times best sellers, including Crossing Over: The Stories Behind the Stories, After Life: Answers from the Other Side, and his most recent book Infinite Quest. In this video, he describes […]
Dr. Amit Goswami ~ “There is nothing but God.” Dr. Amit Goswami Amit Goswami, Ph.D., formerly a professor of physics at the University of Oregon, is renowned for unraveling the enigma of the quantum measurement problem and pioneering a framework known as the science of experience, elucidating the division of consciousness into subject and object. […]
Another demonstration that all experiences are accessible is an ability called hyperthymesia. Some people, like actress, producer, and author Marilu Henner, have highly superior autobiographical memories. Marilu and at least 10 other identified people can bring into conscious Awareness most of the memories of every day of her life. It isn’t that they’re stored in […]
Psychic Michelle Whitedove, in a televised demonstration, located a stuntman buried alive (with an oxygen tank) somewhere in a 10-acre area in the California desert. She had no clues about where the person was buried and the surface offered no signs of the burial. She walked into the empty area and within 30 minutes stood […]
Many people have no inner voice that results in an inner monologue. They have thoughts as “sketches.” If you have little inner monologue, when someone says “imagine this,” substitute references to voicing words in conscious Awareness with the lists and visual imagery of concepts and things you have in your conscious Awareness. You can view […]
In this insightful article, we delve into the intriguing realms of aphantasia and the absence of inner monologue and mental images in individuals. Join us as we explore the fascinating spectrum of cognitive styles and experiences related to inner thought processes Having No Inner Monologue or Images The video on this page was made by […]
The selection of experiences is determined by what cognitive psychologist Donald Hoffman calls “fitness” to our lives: Snakes and trains, like the particles of physics, have no objective, observer-independent features. The snake I see is a description created by my sensory system to inform me of the fitness consequences of my actions. Evolution shapes acceptable […]
We must abandon the models and teaching from our childhood that taught us we can be happy and fulfilled only if we acquire and hold onto things, activities, and affiliations that will give us the feeling we are secure, loved, and successful. To lead healthy, happy lives and grow in our ability to love and show compassion, we must engage in the scary, painful activity of giving up on the need for things, activities, and affiliations so we can establish our own unique, new identity that will remain, strong, vibrant, and full of self-assurance as each of the things we had been investing our identity in inevitably pass away.
What children are being taught in Earth School is failing humankind. We must realize that we are creating the world that is bringing us hopelessness and misery. Society, our families of origin, and organizations such as schools and religions teach children to believe they are flotsam and jetsam, bobbing about in an unsympathetic sea that flings them onto the rocks of suffering and misery. They are taught to see themselves as victims in a cold, mindless world they cannot control or appeal to.
Self-Guided Afterlife Connections Craig Hogan with the Afterlife Research and Education Institute has developed an online training program that enables anyone to connect with loved ones living on the next plane of life. It uses a form of self-relaxation to bring the experiencer into a state in which the connections may occur. It then teaches […]
Dr. Allan Botkin’s groundbreaking discovery in 1995 unraveled a powerful therapeutic method known as Induced After-Death Communication (IADC). Through the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), he unlocked profound healing potentials for grief-stricken individuals, leading to transformative breakthroughs in understanding and connection with departed loved ones Dr. Botkin’s Innovation: Transforming Grief with EMDR […]
Transcript of Mary Ann Ross Speaking in a Leslie Flint Session Then there was a dog jumped on ma bed and this really gave me a fright, in a way. Not that I was afraid of dogs, I was fond of animals, but this was a dog that we’d had many years ago, that ma […]
Aphantasia Aphantasia is a phenomenon in which people are unable to visualize imagery. While most people are able to conjure an image of a scene or face in their minds, people with aphantasia cannot. If you were to ask a person with aphantasia to imagine something, they could likely describe the object, explain the concept, […]
Aphantasia is a phenomenon in which people are unable to visualize imagery. While most people are able to conjure an image of a scene or face in their minds, people with aphantasia cannot. If you were to ask a person with aphantasia to imagine something, they could likely describe the object, explain the concept, and […]
The Hadza Tribe or Hadzabe is a remote African Tribe in Tanzania that is one of the last hunter-gatherers tribes in the world. They have been almost abandoned from modern contact until recently. They have no livestock and do not grow or store their food. The survive by hunting with hand-made bows and arrows and […]
Sharon – With severe hydrocephalus A patient named Sharon had severe hydrocephalus, with virtually no brain tissue. However, in spite of that, she graduated from school, passing every examination she took, had more than average intelligence and was the only girl in the school to receive a graduate certificate in chemistry and only one of […]
Brian Bushway lost his sight when his optic nerves deteriorated. He now is completely blind, but he is able to ride a bicycle without running into objects and identify objects in his surroundings that are far beyond what a person might identify using clicks in a sonar-like fashion. He can ride a bike while avoid obstacles, distinguish a bush from a tree, and tell a footpath’s direction.
A woman in the UK named Nicola Farmer has established the Inspiring Children University (ICU) that teaches children how to see, read, and play without using their eyes—fully blindfolded. She explains that children between the ages of 6 and 12 are still in the stage when they are able to access their psychic abilities. The results have been verified. In other words, children can be taught to use their Minds to access the experiences of sight when their eyes are not functioning.
Suzanne Giesemann, the talented mental medium and channeler, received messages from a man in the process of transition, still in hospice. He said to her, “My physical body may appear to be suffering, but I’m fine,” meaning the eternal being or Soul was not participating in the suffering. You can view the video of Suzanne’s […]
Anabela Cardoso, a career Portuguese diplomat, has been recording voices directly from radios since 1997. She authored Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension, and Electronic Contact with the Dead: What Do the Voices Tell Us? She is the founder of the ITC Journal. In the YouTube videos that follow, Dr. Cardoso explains how to record voices of people living in the life after this life.
In this article, we are going to share an interesting conversation between Dr. Dinshaw Nanji and his late wife from the spirit world. She shares that she found her miscarriged babies in the afterlife. So, do babies who die go to heaven? Let’s delve into this fascinating conversation and discover more. Do babies who die […]
The book and video by Suzanne Giesemann describe the events that occurred before the passing of a young man named Wolf Pasakarnis. Like Wolf, Suzanne’s step-daughter Susan had been struck and killed by a bolt of lightning out of the blue. Dr. Barbara E. Fields, Executive Director, Association for Global New Thought wrote, Until meeting […]
This is the voice of Alfred Higgins, who spoke to George Woods and Betty Greene at this Leslie Flint seance in 1963. Alf was a painter and decorator who died in a hospital after a fall from a ladder, and he explains how he first tried to communicate with his grieving wife from the afterlife.
Reverand Charles Drayton Thomas, speaking through direct-voice medium Leslie Flint, describes going to those living in ignorance in the lower levels to help them rise out of their circumstances. He spoke in a Leslie Flint session January 29, 1970. A transcript of her speaking follows the audio controls below. You will hear George Woods and […]
Frédéric Chopin Explains that the Spirit Is Not in the Body We do not enroll in Earth School or inhabit a physical body. Rather, we commence experiencing the events of Earth School and embodying a physical form provided by Universal Intelligence. Frédéric Chopin, speaking through a Leslie Flint séance on December 17, 1962, elaborates on […]
This activity is part of the training in how to have afterlife communication at We recommend you go through the entire training program, but this will help you learn how to allow free unfoldment so you can have an afterlife communication at any time.
Speaking a language also results from access by the subconscious Awareness to a language’s words, pronunciations, and syntax to adeptly speak or write a language. Strings of individual experiences with the language are accessed to form complex streams of recalled experiences with language that enable the person to perform the motor activities of speaking or […]
A company called Vibravision® trains people how to identify objects and navigate around obstacles while fully blindfolded. Participants hold their hands out to register “vibrations” from obstacles to avoid them. They are actually using their natural psychic abilities. When they are freed from the assumption they cannot see if their eyes are blindfolded, their natural psychic ability sees the environment and they act based on what they see.
Vicki Noratuk had a near-death experience after a car accident. She had been blind since birth, but had clear sight of the emergency room and rose out of the hospital into a heavenly environment where she had vivid sight of her friends who had passed. They also had been blind but were now able to see. We are minds limited by the physical body on earth, but our minds have perfect sensory experiences.
Brian Bushway lost his sight when his optic nerves deteriorated. He now is completely blind, but he is able to ride a bicycle without running into objects and identify objects in his surroundings that are far beyond what a person might identify using clicks in a sonar-like fashion. He can ride a bike while avoid obstacles, distinguish a bush from a tree, and tell a footpath’s direction. His abilities go far beyond being able to use clicking as a sort of sonar. As he said, “It was more than just hearing. I was actually imaging the world around me.”
The video on this page was made by a young woman who has neither an inner monologue nor inner images. It will give you a perspective on what that means. Being able to visualize images in the Mind’s eye is a common ability, but not common to all people. People have a cognitive style of mental processing on a continuum from being a visualizer to being a verbalizer.
Twins separated at birth finally meet. They find they have the most incredible similarities in their lives that cannot be explained by chance. What this proves is that the basis of our lives come from planning. Our lives with each other are intertwined, but even more so with twins. Add Your Heading Text Here
The environment around us may sometimes foster challenges that make it difficult to cultivate love, peace, and joy. While we retain control over our own happiness, navigating through circumstances involving unkind or insensitive individuals, undesirable situations, or groups that undermine us can present significant obstacles to maintaining contentment. Even though we entered Earth School aware […]
From Answers to Life’s Enduring Questions, by R. Craig Hogan. We have been blessed with all we need to grow into the person we enrolled in Earth School to become. These are the conditions for developing into the person we enrolled in Earth School to become: Be open to examining our beliefs and assumptions about […]
Dr. Amit Goswami, Physicist An approach to reality called the dualist approach suggests that Mind is separate from matter and influences our brains and the world of matter that is outside of us. However, Dr. Amit Goswami, the quantum physicist, explains that mind apart from matter cannot influence matter because that would add energy from […]
Martha Jo Atkins, PhD, LPC-S People in the field of end-of-life care often encounter instances where patients report seeing departed loved ones, encountering angelic figures, or hearing soothing music and voices as they approach death. These occurrences, known as deathbed phenomena, have been recorded as far back as the 1500s, appearing in the days, weeks, […]
Dr. Diane Komp, a Yale pediatric oncologist, described a 7-year-old girl who sat up in bed just before her death from leukemia and told her parents that beautiful angels were singing to her. A boy dying of leukemia said that God spoke to him and that he asked God to live another year so he […]
In the life beyond this life, you will possess a tangible body, akin to the one experienced during your time in Earth School. This spiritual realm encompasses bodily experiences, extending into the next phase of existence. Your celestial form will reflect your physical prime, typically in your twenties or thirties during Earth School, or as […]
From Jurgen’s webpage. “Trying to convey what it is like to enter a state of consciousness which is clearly beyond ego identification and the astral level is a challenge as we are dealing with an expanded state of consciousness for which our left brain hemisphere dominated awareness has no language. We are limited to metaphors. […]
Through a series of synchronicities connected to this group I became associated with a medium at a gathering just a few weeks ago. I became instantly interested in her description of what she described as a form of energetic physical mediumship utilizing sound wave technology to produce audible real-time communication between the physical and spirit […]
A woman going through the self-guided afterlife connections training described this in her Stage 3 experience. Both experiences were incredibly vivid in every detail ! In the first exercise, the little girl had very pale skin and carrot red hair … she had a fringe and her hair was tied in pigtails. She had freckles […]
As a being, you are a Soul that has assumed a temporary Earth School mind. Your Soul constitutes an essential component of your Higher Self, and this Higher Self encompasses several Souls that have had encounters with Earth School minds, some of which are experiencing similar situations as you currently are. All of these, including […]
Our loved ones who have passed on have a strong desire to communicate with us and let us know that they are alive and well. They don’t want us to grieve and are saddened when they can’t get through to us with their messages. Despite the passage of time since their transition, our loved ones […]
Tagging Session by Glenn Wheaton by Dick Allgire From On Target: The Remove Viewing News, Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild, January-February, 2002. Glenn B. Wheaton, Sergeant First Class, US Army (ret.), is the co-founder and president of the non-profit Hawaii Remote Viewer’s Guild dedicated to the research and training of remote viewing and a director of the […]
George Meek William O’Neil Dr. George Jeffries Mueller The Spiricom Equipment William O’Neil Speaks to Dr. George Jeffries Mueller 20 Years after Dr. Mueller’s Body Had Died George W. Meek, the former director of the Research Metascience Foundation, had previously enjoyed a successful career as an industrialist, particularly in revolutionizing the air-conditioning industry and amassing […]
By survey, it is estimated that more than eighty percent of the people on earth are still afraid to die. What an appalling statistic. Eighty percent! And the most important reason why that statistic is so devastating may not be readily apparent to you: Consciousness is the base creative force, and objectively it is all that exists. Since consciousness […]
We know the truth about life after death. We know the answer to the question, “Is there an afterlife?” When people know the truth, they will live their lives differently. This video explains how. A transcript of the video follows the video controls.
One of the fruits of our learning that all human minds are part of one eternal Mind is a developing craving to know and understand what actually is going on. Where did all of this come from? Is there a God, and what is God like? How extensive is the non-material reality? How does it work? […]
Today medical science is able to revive people whose bodies show little or no brain function. When they come back from the brink of death, many share remarkable accounts of feelings of calm and peace, moving upwards through a tunnel, meeting deceased loved ones, encountering a being of light, experiencing a life review, feeling unconditionally […]
Why Does a Person Die at a Specific Time? In your transition to the afterlife, your soul, spirit guides, and perhaps higher-order beings have planned exit points to the life after death, perhaps two or three, that the planners of your life can choose from when you have gained enough spiritual growth from the […]
In this article we’ll explore how to communicate with the afterlife? Is it really possible or not? How to communicate with the afterlife? Is it Possible? It is possible to communicate with loved ones who have passed on and are now living in the afterlife. It is similar to communicating with someone who has moved […]
In this article, we are going to discuss where people go after death, based on an experience recounted by Elizabeth Fry. We have divided the entire conversation, as relayed by Elizabeth Fry, into different parts that explore various ideas discussed during the Leslie Flint session. Let’s begin our exploration. Elizabeth Fry’s Insights on Prison Reform […]
Begin your journey at Seek Reality, where concrete proof of the afterlife awaits. Explore compelling evidence and personal accounts supporting proof that there is an afterlife. Discover scientific research and firsthand experiences shedding light on life beyond death. Delve into the depths of afterlife evidence, guiding you toward a new understanding of existence. Thanks to […]
Your loved ones whose bodies have died are doing just fine in the life after death. They are filled with love, peace, and joy as they experience conditions that are more beautiful and wondrous than they ever could have imagined. Everyone communicating from the afterlife shares stories of happiness, free from worries, with a healthy […]
Where Does a Child Go after Death? Does the Child Go to the Afterlife? In the ethereal tapestry of existence, the realm where children frolic and learn embodies the essence of what death is all about. It’s a sanctuary, a haven crafted by the inspired, where the youthful inhabitants have all the amenities necessary for […]
Our society has conditioned us to believe that individuals should be judged, censured, and punished for their actions that are considered unacceptable by societal norms. However, in the afterlife, there is no place for condemnation or punishment. The following video provides insight into this reality, and you can find the transcript of the video below […]
Advancements in humankind’s knowledge about consciousness and the nature of reality have now provided evidence that while consciousness has a relationship to the brain, it is not produced by the brain and lives on after the brain dies. It is evidence of the fact that you will never die and will always have a life […]
We’ve learned a tremendous amount about reality based on what we’ve received in correspondence from people living in other realities, people who have gone on to what we call the afterlife. It isn’t really an afterlife, it’s all one life. We’re on a spiritual plane right now, and the life that people are living on […]
Pre-death and Deathbed Visions Everything we know about the life after this life tells us that the Universal Intelligence has set up life so the transition into the next plane of eternal life is as easy as possible; the universe is filled with love and compassion. Pre-death visions are an example of the preparation for […]
Introduction Experiencing the presence of loved ones living in the life after this life is very common. In a study reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry, two-thirds of those surveyed in the U.S. reported having sensed the presence of the person who had transitioned to the next life, providing compelling evidence as proof of […]
People commonly have experiences of visitations by loved ones when they are in a dream state. The reason is that when the body and conscious mind are relaxed, people living in the life after this life can project images and conversations into the person’s open, receptive mind. The experiencer’s preoccupied, guarded conscious awareness is asleep, […]
Consciousness is Fundamental The materialists’ stance on consciousness paints a grim picture: they argue that it is merely an epiphenomenon of brain processes, suggesting that when the brain ceases to function, consciousness ceases as well. According to their worldview, reality consists of objects existing independently of consciousness, shaped solely by the mechanisms of physical laws […]
Most religions lead us to believe in an afterlife that is heavenly, with clouds and God’s Throne Room and Saint Peter’s Gates, but in fact the genuine afterlife is amazingly solid and earthlike. The image at the beginning of this article could be a scene from the afterlife. Nearly everyone arrives after death in what the […]
If there’s one question that resonates deeply, it’s: “Do animals go to heaven?” Many express a firm stance: “If my dogs aren’t there, count me out!” We empathize because a heaven devoid of our beloved pets wouldn’t feel like paradise at all. Rest assured, every cherished animal companion awaits us in an eternal realm where […]
~~~ Who Experiences Life after Death? ~~~ In the realm of Summerland, what happens after death is a matter of tranquility and contentment for all. There’s no segregation based on beliefs or deeds; rather, it’s a harmonious existence where individuals find solace and joy beyond earthly bounds. The question is, what is it like for […]
~~~ Four People Living in the Afterlife Describe What Happens When We Die ~~~ The transition from Earth School is quite smooth and painless, without trauma or fear. People who have made the transition describe suddenly feeling calm and comfortable, in spite of what might have been happening to them. They then are aware, often […]
Today we have many thousands of records of communication with people living in the afterlife describing what happens after you die. We know where do we go after death. What we know for certain about what happens when we die is in the following pages. The facts come from descriptions by people now living in […]
Grief Counselor Allan Botkin, PsyD Grief Counselor Rochelle Wright, MS ~~~~ We ought to expect that since people live on after their bodies die, people who specialize in working with the mind such as psychotherapists would have had some contact with people living in the next life. That is in fact what has happened. Today, […]
Ohio State-licensed grief counselor Dr. Jane Bissler has pioneered an innovative approach to afterlife communication known as Loving Heart Connections. Through this method, individuals engage with a psychotherapist online in sessions that are both private and conducted via free online video-conferencing platforms, lasting approximately 90 minutes each. Following these sessions, Dr. Bissler employs techniques such […]
If you’re wondering, “how can I find a good medium,” there are several avenues to explore. Begin your search by asking for recommendations from friends or family who have had positive experiences with the best mediums. Additionally, you can consult online directories or spiritual communities to locate a qualified medium near you. Remember to thoroughly […]
We enter these earth lives in order to grow spiritually. So it is important that you understand how spiritual growth works in order for you to make the most of the wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth that surround you every day of your life! Very simply put, the only thing that exists is consciousness. Consciousness […]
Numerous studies on consciousness have provided evidence that the mind cannot be confined to the brain alone. As a result, when the physical body stops functioning, our consciousness lives on. This video contains the evidence that support the fact that the mind exists outside of the brain and that we continue to exist beyond the […]
Our interpretations of experiences result in either lives filled with love, peace, and joy or people lives filled with loneliness, discord, and unhappiness leading them to wonder, ‘How can I enjoy life? The video that follows explains how you can live a life filled with love, peace, and joy. A transcript follows the video. Interpretation […]
Explore an intriguing conversation between Annie and Dr. Dinshaw Nanji, where Annie meets her miscarried children, providing compelling afterlife evidence. Miscarried children’s afterlife evidence in Annie & Dr. Dinshaw Nanji’s talk Annie Nanji, speaking to her husband Dr. Dinshaw Nanji from spirit in Leslie Flint sessions, describes her two children, Peter and Sybil, whom she […]
When it comes to the afterlife, there’s a question that arises in the minds of many people: will I see my loved ones after I die? At Seek Reality, you’ll explore the answer to this question by hearing about the experiences of Sam Woods. After his passing, he spoke during a Leslie Flint session and […]
In this article we are going to explore what happens to stillborn from Helen Duncan’s perspectives and insights. So let’s explore. Introducing Helen Duncan: Mediumship and Legal Struggles Helen Duncan was a twentieth-century British materialization medium. During one of her séances in 1941 a sailor came through, explaining he had perished when the HMS Barham […]
Knowing the Evidence of Life after Death Will Result in a Heaven on Earth A decline in religions practice matches a decrease in average age of death, mostly among middle-aged individuals. This fact came from a January 2023 article in MarketWatch that confirms what we have suspected to be true. The number of unhappy, lonely, […]
Douglas and Eira Conacher had a publishing business in Central London. Their marriage was normal in every way except one: they promised each other that whoever died first would communicate with the other from the afterlife. Douglas died first on June 6, 1958. A few months later, Eira sat with medium Leslie Flint and Douglas […]
Research Director George W. Meek Research DirectorGeorge W. Meek Medium and researcher Bill O’Neil Dr. George Jeffries Mueller We yearn to know what lies beyond and reconnect with loved ones who have passed on. The concept of capturing voices from the spirit world has captivated researchers and the general public alike. This article delves into […]
Séance Conversations: Compelling Proof of Life After Death Sitters in séances with materialization mediums experience having people known to them materialize and address them directly. It is further evidence of life after death. The sitters verify that the people materializing are the individuals they knew when they were in bodies on the Earth plane. The […]
We know the following truths about what happens after death. The information comes from people living in the afterlife, not religions, gurus, or popular culture. These are the truths we know in detail with certainty from descriptions by people living in the afterlife. The information is taken from books by Seek Reality authors that have […]
Slate with Writing Unguided by a Human Hand People living in the life after death communicate to people living on this side of life through writing. The video below explains how they communicate through writing using five methods: Automatic writing Direct Writing Precipitated writing Slate writing Independent typewriter writing The afterlife communication through writing demonstrates […]
Painting that Appeared on Canvas in Front of a Large Audience People living in the afterlife are able to create portraits of themselves as they are now in the presence of a medium with the ability to facilitate the artwork. When the portrait appears by itself, with no assistance from the medium, it is called […]
We receive our understanding of what happens in the moments and days after a full transition from Earth School from descriptions conveyed through mediums by people who have made the transition. Today we have a great many descriptions. We know what happens. When each person comes to the appropriate pre-planned exit point in their […]
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