Evidence from Instrumental Transcommunication You Will Never Die

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Sonia Rinaldi ITC proof of life after death

Sonia Rinaldi, Brazilian Instrumental Transcommunication Researcher

Researchers today are able to record the voices of people living in the afterlife using standard recording devices. The results are so successful that loved ones on this side of life have the researchers record the voices of their loved ones and attest to the fact that they hear the clear, unmistakable voice of their loved ones.

This video describes successful efforts at recording the voices of people no longer on earth and provides examples . . .

Sonia Rinaldi ITC proof of life after death

Sonia Rinaldi, Brazilian Instrumental Transcommunication Researcher

Researchers today are able to record the voices of people living in the afterlife using standard recording devices. The results are so successful that loved ones on this side of life have the researchers record the voices of their loved ones and attest to the fact that they hear the clear, unmistakable voice of their loved ones.

This video describes successful efforts at recording the voices of people no longer on earth and provides examples . . .

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