Seek Reality Online

The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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Real Cases of People Having Deathbed Visions of Dead Relatives

In this video from KDKA News in Pittsburgh, Dr. Christopher Kerr, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Medical Officer of Hospice Buffalo, describes…

How to communicate with dead people

A Man in the Afterlife Describes How They Communicate with Us

Why don’t our loved ones living in the afterlife just come through and speak to us? We know it’s very difficult for…

Dream visitations from the afterlife

How We Know Dream Visitations Are from the Afterlife

People commonly have experiences of visitations by loved ones when they are in a dream state. The reason is that when the…

Dream visitations

Virginia Hummel, the Orb Whisperer, Talks About Orbs

Virginia Hummel is a writer and speaker on healing grief through Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). She is a lifelong student of metaphysical,…

People can have afterlife communication

Amazing Images of People in the Afterlife Recorded on Video

Researcher Sonia Rinaldi has the ability to have faces of people in the afterlife and extraterrestrials appear in video as she holds…

Deathbed visions

Hospice Workers Describe Deathbed Visions Patients Have

Family members or hospital personnel commonly report that a dying person stares at a corner of the room and points or calls…

A Woman Meets with Her Husband, Sister, and Niece in the Afterlife

The Self-Guided Afterlife Connections training is a free, online series of stages that teach anyone how to relax into having an afterlife…

Proof of life after death

Verified Recordings of People Living in the Afterlife

The most convincing evidence that we live on after our bodies die is in recordings of people living in the life after…

Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science

A group of internationally known scientists from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), participated in an international summit…

What Are Spiritually Transformative Experiences?

John R. Audette is a longtime scholar of spiritually transformative experiences (STEs). He is the principal founder of the International Association for…

proof we don't die

We Will Never Die: Susanne Wilson Interviews Seek Reality Online President Craig Hogan

Medium Susanne Wilson interviews Seek Reality Online and Afterlife Research and Education president Craig Hogan about his work, the afterlife, and proof…

People Awakening from Distressing Events Report NDEs That Changed Their Lives

This video by Australian channel SBS Insight contains interviews with people who met with deceased loved ones while in a coma.  Examples come…