The Most Current Evidence Proving the Reality YOU WILL NEVER DIE!

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Proof of life after death

How Consciousness Is the Basis of Reality

Materialist science still doesn’t get consciousness at all. The father of quantum mechanics, Dr. Max Planck, discovered a full century ago. What…

How to have afterlife communication

9 Proven Ways You Can Connect with Loved Ones in the Afterlife

You can connect with your loved ones living in the afterlife. Over the last 50 years, researchers have perfected nine methods of…

Douglas Grunther on humankind's Renaissance

Nature’s Intelligence is Creating a New Renaissance in Humankind

Douglas Grunther’s deep spiritual seeking has been sparked with humor and informed by his love of philosophy and his deep study of…

What happens when you die?

What Happens In the Moments After the Body Dies?

You will come to the end of this life, but you will never die. You will make a smooth, painless transition into…

3 hours in heaven Regan Forston

A Man Describes His 3 and a Half Hours in Heaven

Back in the early 1990s, Michael Newton published two remarkable books called Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls which were about…

A Video Portraying What Afterlife Communications Are Like

This video was produced by MKW Productions. We had nothing to do with it. But it is very much in line with…

Joe McMoneagle remote viewing shows the mind doesn't need a brain

Remote Viewing Demonstration by Joe McMoneagle

A remote viewer named Joe McMoneagle sat quietly in his office with his eyes closed to remote view a far distant location.…

Visions before death

Video Portrayal of a Loved One Coming to Take Her Wife Way to the Afterlife

This well-done short is an accurate portrayal of what happens when people close to the death of the body experience seeing loved…

Jesus teachings on life

What the Church Has Hidden about the Man Jesus

“The real question isn’t whether the church got it wrong or right. It’s whether we’re willing to step outside the boundaries of…

Healing from the death of a child

Helping Parents Heal from the Death of a Child

Brian Smith grew up in the Pentecostal religious tradition, later became part of an evangelical community, became a Christian Universalist, and went…

Proof of life after death

Your Memories Are Not Coming from Your Brain

The widespread misconception is that memories arise from specific patterns of neurons firing in the brain, as if each memory has its…

Edison and Tesla Develop Phones to the Afterlife

Thomas Alva Edison is well known for introducing the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the first incandescent light bulb. But his…